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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1971

Antonio Caso: Philosopher of Mexico by Haddox, John H.
Gesammelte Werke / Jenaer Systementwürfe II by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt by Brentano, Franz
Sprachphilosophische Versuche by Tetens, Johann N.
Wittgenstein's Doctrine of the Tyranny of Language: An Historical and Critical Examination of His Blue Book by Engel, S. Morris
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 6 (1971) by
The Formative Years of R. G. Collingwood by Johnston, William M.
Logos and Eidos: The Concept in Phenomenology by Bruzina, Ronald
Markov Models and Linguistic Theory by Damerau, Friederick J.
Der Untergang Der Klassischen Demokratie by Stier, Hans Erich
Wittgensteins Philosophische Grammatik: Entstehung Und Perspektiven Der Strategie Eines Radikalen Aufklärers by Lang, Martin
Erscheinung Bei Kant: Ein Problem Der Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft by Prauss, Gerold
With Charity Toward None by O'Neill, William F.
Logic and System: A Study of the Transition from "Vorstellung" to Thought in the Philosophy of Hegel by Clark, Malcolm
Henry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish Enlightenment: A Study in National Character and in the History of Ideas by Lehmann, William C.
Mythic-Symbolic Language and Philosophical Anthropology: A Constructive Interpretation of the Thought of Paul Ricoeur by Rasmussen, David M.
Die Phänomenologie Und Das Problem Der Grundlegung Der Ethik: An Hand Des Versuchs Von Max Scheler by Shimomissé, Eiichi
Concepts of Deity by Owen, Huw Parri
Die Begriffsgeschichte und die Sprache der Philosophie by Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Essays in Phenomenology by Natanson, Maurice
The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction by Spiegelberg, Herbert
Plato and the Individual by Hall, Robert William
Metaphysik Des Mittelalters by Dempf, Alois
Metaphysik Des Altertums by Stenzel, Julius
Geschichtsphilosophie by Rothacker, Erich
Moralia: Volume IV by Plutarchus
Philosophy of Existence by Jaspers, Karl
Medieval Aesthetics by
Language in the Philosophy of Aristotle by Larkin, Miriam T.
Aristotle and Information Theory: A Comparison of the Influence of Causal Assumptions on Two Theories of Communication by Rosenfield, Lawrence William
Spinoza's Philosophy of Law by Belaief, Gail
Standpunt by Groot, A. D. de
Language Learning in Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy by Hardwick, Charles Sidney
Von Den Sokratikern Bis Zur Hellenistischen Philosophie by
Die Lebenswelt: Eine Philosophie Des Konkreten Apriori by Brand, Gerd
1803-1807 by Dilthey, Wilhelm
Philosophische Theologie im Schatten des Nihilismus by
Methoden in Wissenschaft Und Kunst Des Mittelalters by
Von Thales Bis Zum Tode Platons by
The Significance of Diderot's Essai Sur Le Mérite Et La Vertu by Walters, Gordon B.
The Great Legal Philosophers: Selected Readings in Jurisprudence by
1692 by
1687-1690 by
Politische Schriften by Hegel, G. W. F.
Ethos Und Affekt: Geschichte Der Philosophischen Musikästhetik Von Den Anfängen Bis Zu Hegel by Zoltai, Dénes
Der Idealismus Von Kant Bis Hegel: Darstellung Und Kritik by Stiehler, Gottfried
Hegel in Berichten Seiner Zeitgenossen by
Isonomia: Studien Zur Gleichheitsvorstellung Im Griechischen Denken by
The Four Faces of Man: A Philosophical Study of Practice, Reason, Art, and Religion by Lieb, Irwin C.
Studies in Whitehead's Philosophy by Brinkley, Alan B., Cormier, Ramona T., Ballard, Edward G.
The Downfall of Cartesianism 1673-1712: A Study of Epistemological Issues in Late 17th Century Cartesianism by Watson, R. a.
Werke by Fichte, Johann G.
Nachgelassenes Zur Theoretischen Philosophie I by Fichte, Johann G.
Vermischte Schriften Und Aufsätze by Fichte, Johann G.
Vermischte Schriften Aus Dem Nachlaß by Fichte, Johann G.
Werke, Bd 10, Nachgelassenes Zur Theoretischen Philosophie II by Fichte, Johann G.
Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Kritik der Urteilskraft by Kant, Immanuel
Some Lessons in Metaphysics by Orteag Y. Gasset, Jose, Ortega y. Gasset, Jose, Ortega Y Gasset Jose
Fallgesetz und Massebegriff by Wolff, Michael
Untersuchungen Zur Eudemischen Ethik: Akten Des 5. Symposium Aristotelicum (Oosterbeek, Niederlande, 21.-29. August 1969) by
Zur Theoretischen Philosophie I by Fichte, Johann G.
Zur Theoretischen Philosophie II by Fichte, Johann G.
Zur Rechts- Und Sittenlehre I by Fichte, Johann G.
Zur Rechts- Und Sittenlehre II by Fichte, Johann G.
Zur Religionsphilosophie by Fichte, Johann G.
Zur Politik Und Moral by Fichte, Johann G.
Zur Politik, Moral Und Philosophie Der Geschichte by Fichte, Johann G.
I and Thou by Buber, Martin
The Fourth Way by Ouspensky, P. D.
Open Society and Its Enemies, Volume 2: The High Tide of Prophecy: Hegel, Marx, and the Aftermath by Popper, Karl R.
Open Society and Its Enemies, Volume 1: The Spell of Plato by Popper, Karl R.
Hegel: Philosophy of Mind by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. by King, Martin Luther, Jr., Walton, Hanes, Jr.
Hyle: Studien Zum Aristotelischen Materie-Begriff by Happ, Heinz
Concepts of Science: A Philosophical Analysis by Achinstein, Peter
Liste Mondiale Des Périodiques Spécialisés Linguistique / World List of Specialized Periodicals Linguistics by
Category Formation and the History of Religions by Baird, Robert D.
Beiträge Zur Sozialen Struktur Des Alten Vorderasien by
Die Geistige Situation Der Zeit by Jaspers, Karl
Neuzeit und Aufklärung by Mittelstraß, Jürgen
Hegelsche Dialektik by Sarlemijn, Andries
Platons Weg zum Mythos by Hirsch, Walter
Die mittelalterlichen griechisch-lateinischen Übersetzungen der aristotelischen Rhetorik by Schneider, Bernd
Metaphysische und transzendentale Dynamik in Kants opus postumum by Tuschling, Burkhard
Objects of Thought by Prior, A. N.
Locke, Berkeley, Hume: Central Themes by Bennett, Jonathan
Wittgenstein's Conception of Philosophy by Fann, K. T.
Confucian Analects, the Great Learning & the Doctrine of the Mean by Confucius
Morgenröthe. Nachgelassene Fragmente Anfang 1880 - Frühjahr 1881 by
Reconstruction in Philosophy by Dewey, John
Myth and Ritual in Christianity by Watts, Alan
Nietzsche: Seine Philosophie Der Gegensätze Und Die Gegensätze Seiner Philosophie by Müller-Lauter, Wolfgang
Grundprobleme Der Geschichte Der Antiken Wissenschaft by Fritz, Kurt Von
Totemism by Levi-Strauss, Claude
Solzhenitsyn by Lukacs, Georg
Morality and Religion by Bartley
The Greeks and Their Gods by Guthrie, William
Phenomenology and Intersubjectivity: Contemporary Interpretations of the Interpersonal Situation by Owens, T. S.
Antike Und Orient Im Mittelalter: Vorträge Der Kölner Mediaevistentagungen 1956-1959 by
Protophysik: Entwurf Einer Philosophie Des Schöpferischen. 1. Teilspezielle Relativitätstheorie by Müller-Markus, S.
Die Phänomenologie Und Das Problem Der Grundlegung Der Ethik: An Hand Des Versuchs Von Max Scheler by Shimomissé, Eiichi
Vers Une Nouvelle Philosophie Transcendantale: La Genèse de la Philosophie de Maurice Merleau-Ponty Jusqu' À La Phénoménologie de la Perception by Geraets, T. F.
Contemporary Philosophical Alternatives and the Crisis of Truth: A Critical Study of Positivism, Existentialism and Marxism by Rauche, G. a.
Reason and World: Between Tradition and Another Beginning by Marx, W.
Chinese Political Thought: Mao Tse-Tung and Liu Shao-CHI by Chen, Y. P.
The Waning of the Renaissance 1640-1740: Studies in the Thought and Poetry of Henry More, John Norris and Isaac Watts by Hoyles, John
Correspondance de Jacques Dupuy Et de Nicolas Heinsius (1646-1656) by Bots, J. a.
Revolution, Idealism and Human Freedom: Schelling Hölderlin and Hegel and the Crisis of Early German Idealism: Schelling, Hölderlin and Hegel and the by Nauen, Franz Gabriel
Emmery de Lyère Et Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde by Kramer, C.
Über Das Lachen: Und Studien Über Den Platonischen Sokrates by Neumann, F.
Motivation and the Moral Sense in Francis Hutcheson's Ethical Theory by Jensen, Henning
Henry Home, Lord Kames and the Scottish Enlightenment: A Study in National Character and in the History of Ideas by Lehmann, William C.
La Philosophie de Gassendi: Nominalisme, Matérialisme Et Métaphysique by Bloch, Olivier René
The Scientific Process by Ross, S. D.
Plotinus' Psychology: His Doctrines of the Embodied Soul by Blumenthal, H. J.
The Freewill Question by Davis, W. H.
The Tradition Via Heidegger: An Essay on the Meaning of Being in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger by Deely, J.
Modes of Irrationality: Preface to a Theory of Knowledge by Garelick, H. M.
The Popper-Carnap Controversy by Michalos, Alex C.
Kant as Philosophical Anthropologist by Van De Pitte, F. P.
Marx Und Die Verwirklichung Der Philosophie by Wildermuth, A.
Das Zwischenreich Des Dialogs: Sozialphilosophische Untersuchungen in Anschluss an Edmund Husserl by Waldenfels, B.
Aesthetics II by Burkholder, Peter M., Dauenhauer, Bernard P., Brinkley, Alan B.
Mythic-Symbolic Language and Philosophical Anthropology: A Constructive Interpretation of the Thought of Paul Ricoeur by Rasmussen, D. M.
Ideen Zu Einer Reinen Phänomenologie Und Phänomenologischen Philosophie: Die Phänomenologie Und Die Fundamente Der Wissenschaften by Biemel, Marly, Husserl, Edmund
Philomathes: Studies and Essays in the Humanities in Memory of Philip Merlan by
Die Methodenlehre: Mit Einem Nachwort Und Register Für Alle Vier Teile by Heimsoeth, Heinz
Toward a Rational Society: Student Protest, Science, and Politics by Habermas, Juergen
Idealismus Und Faktizität by Wolandt, Gerd
Abhandlungen nach 1781 by Kant, Immanuel
Philosophie und linguistische Theorie by Simon, Josef
The Birth and Death of Meaning by Becker, Ernest
Friedrich Schlegel's Lucinde and the Fragments by
Bergson and Modern Physics: A Reinterpretation and Re-Evaluation by Capek, M.
On the Good Life by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
PRAXIS and Action: Contemporary Philosophies of Human Activity by Bernstein, Richard J.
The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature; Revised Edition by Rand, Ayn
Categorical Imperative: A Study in Kant's Moral Philosophy by Paton, H. J.
The Justification of the Law by Morris, Clarence
Explanation and Understanding by Von Wright, Georg Henrik
The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil by Zimmer, Heinrich
The Herb: Hashish Versus Medieval Muslim Society by Rosenthal
Agent, Action, and Reason by
An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature by Culverwell, Nathaniel
The Concepts of Value: Foundations of Value Theory by Aschenbrenner, L.
Psa 1970: In Memory of Rudolf Carnap Proceedings of the 1970 Biennial Meeting Philosophy of Science Association by
Psa 1970: In Memory of Rudolf Carnap Proceedings of the 1970 Biennial Meeting Philosophy of Science Association by
Proceedings of the Third International Kant Congress: Held at the University of Rochester, March 30-April 4, 1970 by
Logik-Texte: Kommentierte Auswahl Zur Geschichte Der Modernen Logik by Berka, Karel, Kreiser, Lothar
Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra: Un Livre Qui Est Pour Tous Et Qui n'Est Pour Personne by
Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra: Un Livre Qui Est Pour Tous Et Qui n'Est Pour Personne by
Mysterienglaube Und Gnosis in Corpus Hermeticum XIII by Tröger, Karl-Wolfgang