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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1973

Art and Society: Essays in Marxist Aesthetics by Vazquez, Adolfo S.
Nicolai de Cusa Opera omnia / Nicolai de Cusa Opera omnia by Nikolaus Von Kues
Beitrag zur Berichtigung der Urteile des Publikums über die französische Revolution (1793): Beigefügt ist die Rezension von Friedrich von Gentz (1794) by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Martin Heidegger: In Europe and America by Ballard, Edward G.
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 8 (1973) by
Parlamentarismus Ohne Transparenz by Steffani, Prof Dr Winfried
Language in the Philosophy of Hegel by Cook, Daniel J.
Persons: Theories and Perceptions by Park, désirée
The Literary Travelogue: A Comparative Study with Special Relevance to Russian Literature from Fonvizin to Pushkin by Wilson, Reuel K.
Das Mehrheitsprinzip in Der Demokratie: 175. Sitzung Am 15. März 1972 in Düsseldorf by Scheuner, Ulrich
Punishment and Desert by Kleinig, John
Hume: Precursor of Modern Empiricism by Zabeeh, Farhang
Sacrum Imperium: Geschichts- Und Staatsphilosophie Des Mittelalters Und Der Politischen Renaissance by Dempf, Alois
Critique of the Psycho-Physical Identity Theory: A Refutation of Scientific Materialism and an Establishment of Mind-Matter Dualism by Means of Philos by Polten, Eric P.
Language and Being in Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations" by Price, Jeffrey Thomas
Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Direkten Demokratie: Texte Und Materialien Zur Räte-Diskussion by
The Justification of Religious Belief by Mitchell, Basil
Scepticism by Nielsen, Kai
Zur Theorie Der Religion / Sociological Theories of Religion: Religion Und Sprache / Religion and Language by Matthes, Joachim, Luckmann, Thomas, Dux, Günter
The Logical Status of 'God': The Function of Theological Sentences by Durrant, Michael
Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt / Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt by Brentano, Franz
The Crossing Point: Poems by Richards, Mary Caroline
Utilitarianism: For and Against by Smart, John Jamieson Carswe, Williams, Bernard, Smart, J. J.
Sprache und Wirklichkeit in Wittgensteins Tractatus by Dietrich, Rolf-Albert
Die Revolution unseres Weltbildes by Ponschab, August
Themes in Linguistics: The 1970s by
Toward the World and Wisdom of Wittgenstein's Tractatus by Moran, John
Renaissance Philosophy: New Translations: Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457), Paul Cortese (1456-1510), Cajetan (1469-1534), Tiberio Baccilieri (Ca. 1470-1511) by
Die logischen Fragmente des Theophrast by Theophrast
Cartesian Meditations: An Introduction to Phenomenology by Husserl, Edmund
Theological Tractates. the Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
Life Never Dies by Addington, Jack Ensign
Opuscula, Teil II, III: Mirabilia. de Audibilibus by
Jenaer Schriften by Hegel, G. W. F.
Die Persönlichkeit Im Sozialismus by
Philosophische Und Ethische Probleme Der Modernen Genetik by
Johann Christoph Gottsched: Eine Kritische Würdigung Seines Werkes by Rieck, Werner
Von Der Unbefleckten Empfängnis Des Ästhetischen by Girnus, Wilhelm
Die Philosophische Aktualität Des Leninismus. Zur Aktualität Der Leninschen Positivismus-Kritik. Positivistische "Philosophie Der Wissenschaft" Im Lic by Gedö, András, Buhr, Manfred, Ruml, Vladimir
Wissenschaft: Studien Zu Ihrer Geschichte, Theorie Und Organisation by
Individualisiertes Sprechen by Gockel, Heinz
Neutrality and Impartiality: The University and Political Commitment by Kolakowski, Leszek, Montefiore, Graham, Andrew
Darwin and the Modern World View by Greene, John C.
Secret Mental Powers: Miracle of Mind Magic by Young, Frank Rudolph
Science, Decision and Value by
The Meaning of Immortality in Human Experience: Including Thoughts on Death and Life Revised by Unknown, Hocking, William Ernest
Untersuchungen Zur Osmanischen Verwaltungsgeschichte by Röhrborn, Klaus
The Romantic Enlightenment by Clive, Geoffrey, Unknown
Self, Society, Existence: Human Nature and Dialogue in the Thought of George Herbert Mead and Martin Buber by Pfuetze, Paul E.
Carnap II: Normative Theorie Des Induktiven Räsonierens by Stegmüller, Wolfgang
Accent on Form: An Anticipation of the Science of Tomorrow by Whyte, Lancelot Law
Belief, Truth and Knowledge by Armstrong, D. M.
Kohelet Und Die Frühhellenistische Popularphilosophie by Braun, Rainer
Beiträge Zur Phänomenologischen Begründung Der Geometrie Und Ihrer Physikalischen Anwendung by Becker, Oskar
Mathematische Existenz: Untersuchungen Zur Logik Und Ontologie Mathematischer Phänomene by Becker, Oskar
Concepts and Language: An Essay in Generative Semantics and the Philosophy of Language by Peterson, Philipp L.
Hui Shi Und Die Entwicklung Im Des Philosophischen Denkens Im Alten China by Moritz, Ralf
Die Entwicklung Der Austauschverhältnisse Im Alten China: (Ende 8. Jh. Bis Anfang 5. Jh. V. U. Z.) by Felber, Roland
Gesammelte Schriften, Band II, Philosophische Pädagogik by
'Jenseits Von Popper Und Carnap' Stützungslogik, Likelihood, Bayesianismus Statistische Daten Zufall Und Stichprobenauswahl Testtheorie Schätzungstheo by Stegmüller, Wolfgang
Semantics of Natural Language by
Substanz und Qualität by Wurm, Klaus
Essays and Aphorisms by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Semantics of Natural Language by
Das Sprichwörtliche Material in Den Essais Von Montaigne: Band 1: Abhandlungen. Band 2: Lexikon by Schmarje, Susanne
Utilitarian Ethics by Quinton, Anthony
Wittgenstein and Justice: On the Significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein for Social and Political by Pitkin, Hanna F.
Reason and Commitment by Trigg, Trigg, Roger
Contemporary Research in the Foundations and Philosophy of Quantum Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Western Ontario, Lond by
Contemporary Research in the Foundations and Philosophy of Quantum Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Western Ontario, Lond by
Idyllen Aus Messina. Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft. Nachgelassene Fragmente Frühjahr 1881 - Sommer 1882 by
Phänomenologie Des Naturrechts: Aus Dem Niederländischen Übertragen Von Reinhold Kühn by Luijpen, W. a.
Persons: Theories and Perceptions by Park, Désirée
Der Begriff des Empirismus by Krüger, Lorenz
Psychoanalysis and Politics: A Contribution to the Psychology of Politics and Morals by Money-Kyrle, R. E., Money-Kyrle, Roger Ernle
Holism and Evolution by Smuts, Jan
Kausalität Und Motivation: Untersuchungen Zum Verhältnis Von Perspektivität Und Objektivität in Der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls by Rang, B.
Facets of Eros: Phenomenological Essays by
Zur Phänomenologie Der Intersubjektivität: Texte Aus Dem Nachlass Dritter Teil: 1929-1935 by Kern, Husserl, Edmund
Lothar Franz Von Schönborn and the Diplomacy of the Electorate of Mainz: From the Treaty of Ryswick to the Outbreak of the War of the Spanish Successi by Thompson, R. H.
An Existential Approach to God: A Study of Gabriel Marcel by Pax, C.
Explanation: New Directions in Philosophy by Philosophy, The Faculty in
The Comedian as the Letter D: Erasmus Darwin's Comic Materialism by Hassler, D. M.
Physics at Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Leiden: Philosophy and the New Science in the University: Philosophy and the New Science in the Universi by Ruestow, E. G.
Maritain's Ontology of the Work of Art by Hanke, J. W.
Henry de Boulainviller Tome I: Oeuvres Philosophiques by
L'Empirisme de Locke by Duchesneau, François
Pantagruel Et Les Sophistes: Contribution À l'Histoire de l'Humanisme Chrétien Au Xviième Siècle by Defaux, G.
Discord in Zion: The Puritan Divines and the Puritan Revolution 1640-1660 by Tai Liu
Salvation from Despair: A Reappraisal of Spinoza's Philosophy by Harris, E. E.
Conceptual Change by
Die Dialektik Der Phänomenologie II: Reine Phänomenologie Und Phänomenologische Philosophie Historisch-Analytische Monographie Über Husserls "Ideen I" by Schuhmann, Karl
Zur Phänomenologie Der Intersubjektivität: Texte Aus Dem Nachlass Zweiter Teil: 1921-1928 by Husserl, Edmund, Kern
Inside the Great Mirror: A Critical Examination of the Philosophy of Russell, Wittgenstein, and Their Followers by Feibleman, J. K.
Speaking of Art by Kivy, P.
Conceptual Change by
The Essence of Manifestation by Henry, M.
Our Cultural Agony by Vycinas, V.
Experience and Reason: The Phenomenology of Husserl and Its Relation to Hume's Philosophy by Mall, R. a.
Zur Phänomenologie Der Intersubjektivität: Texte Aus Dem Nachlass Erster Teil: 1905-1920 by Kern, Husserl, Edmund
Ding Und Raum: Vorlesungen 1907 by Husserl, Edmund, Claesges, U.
Guevara, a Forgotten Renaissance Author by Grey, A. S.
Guide for Translating Husserl by Cairns, Dorion
A Critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's Ontology by Natanson, M. a.
Human Sciences and the Problem of Values / Les Sciences Humaines Et Le Problème Des Valeurs by
The Legacy of Hegel: Proceedings of the Marquette Hegel Symposium 1970 by
Wittgenstein's Language by Binkley, T.
Francis Hutcheson: An Inquiry Concerning Beauty, Order, Harmony, Design by Hutcheson, F.
Self and Symbolism in the Poetry of Michelangelo, John Donne and Agrippa d'Aubigne by Altizer, A. B.
Aquinas' Proofs for God's Existence: St. Thomas Aquinas On: "The Per Accidens Necessarily Implies the Per Se" by Bonnette, D.
Dewey and His Influence: Essays in Honor of George Estes Barton by
The Language of the Parker Chronicle: Volume II Word-Formation and Syntax by Sprockel, C.
Thomas Reid's Lectures on the Fine Arts: Transcribed from the Original Manuscript, with an Introduction and Notes by
Cartesianische Meditationen Und Pariser Vortrage by Husserl, Edmund, Strasser, Stephan
Phenomenology: Continuation and Criticism: Essays in Memory of Dorion Cairns by
The Maxims in the Novels of Duclos by Silverblatt, B. G.
Die Idee Der Phänomenologie: Fünf Vorlesungen by Husserl, Edmund, Biemel, W.
Die Hauptprobleme Der Platonischen Philosophie: Heidelberger Vorlesungen 1969 by Theodorakopoulos, J.
Recent Perspectives in American Philosophy by Krikorian, Y. H.
The Social Philosophy of Adam Smith by Lindgren, J. R.
Les Fondements Phénoménologiques de la Sociologie Compréhensive: Alfred Schutz Et Max Weber by Williame, R.
A Bibliography of George Berkeley: With Inventory of Berkeley's Manuscript Remains by Jessop, T. E.
Die Dialektik Der Phänomenologie I: Husserl Über Pfänder by Schuhmann, Karl
The Social Dynamics of George H. Mead by Natanson, M. a.
Heidegger and Jaspers on Nietzsche: A Critical Examination of Heidegger's and Jaspers' Interpretations of Nietzsche by Howey, R. L.
Philosophie: II Existenzerhellung by Jaspers, K.
Philosophie: I Philosophische Weltorientierung by Jaspers, K.
Philosophie: III Metaphysik by Jaspers, K.
What Is Political Philosophy?: And Other Studies by Strauss, Leo
Aesthetics and Criticism. by Osborne, Harold, Unknown
A Study in Aesthetics. by Unknown, Reid, Louis Arnaud
Die ontologischen Grundlagen der Freiheitstheorie von Leibniz by Axelos, Christos
Einführung in Die Philosophie by Leisegang, Hans
Studien Zum Jüdischen Neuplatonismus: Die Religionsphilosophie Des Abraham Ibn Ezra by Greive, Hermann
Platons Ideenlehre by Martin, Gottfried
Secret Mental Powers: Miracle of Mind Magic by Young, Frank Rudolph
Validity in Interpretation by Hirsch, E. D.
Zen of Seeing: Seeing/Drawing as Meditation by Franck, Frederick
Untersuchungen Zu Gorgias' Schrift Über Das Nichtseiende by Newiger, Hans J.
Moral Education by Durkheim, Emile
Five Public Philosophies of Walter Lippmann by Wright, Benjamin F.
Sincerity and Authenticity by Trilling, Lionel
Text by Thomas Cantimpratensis
Under Pretext of Praise: Satiric Mode in Erasmus' Fiction by Thompson, Geraldine
Aquinas on Being and Essence: A Translation and Interpretation by Bobik, Joseph
The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation by Olbrechts-Tyteca, Lucie, Perelman, Chaïm
A General Theory of Authority by Simon, Yves R.
Griechische Denker by Gomperz, Theodor
Antiqui und Moderni by
The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution by Ouspensky, P. D.
Kierkegaard Anthology by
Patterns in Plato's Thought: Papers Arising Out of the 1971 West Coast Greek Philosophy Conference by
Nachgelassene Fragmente Frühjahr - Herbst 1884 by
Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen 1 by Moraux, Paul
Postures and Politics: Some observations on participatory democracy by MacKinnon, Frank
Essays After Wittgenstein by Hunter, J. F. M.
Objectivity in Social Science by Cunningham, Frank
Platonic Studies by Vlastos, Gregory
Church and State After the Dreyfus Affair: The Separation Issue in France by Larkin, Maurice
Logical and Epistemological Studies in Contemporary Physics by
Philosophical Problems of Space and Time: Second, Enlarged Edition by Grünbaum, Adolf
Space, Time, and Geometry by
The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Naturalism and the Problem of Value by Purcell, Edward A.
Logical and Epistemological Studies in Contemporary Physics by
Empiricism and Sociology by
Philosophical Problems of Space and Time: Second, Enlarged Edition by Grünbaum, Adolf
Kybernetik - Eine Neue Universalphilosophie Der Gesellschaft? by Klaus, Georg
Der Physikalismus ALS Modellfall Positivistischer Denkweise by Horstmann, Hubert
Humanistische Traditionen Der Russischen Aufklärung by Graßhoft, Helmut
Der Subjektive Faktor: Struktur Und Gesetzmäßigkeiten by Čagin, B. A.
Theodor Gomperz: Griechische Denker. Band 1 by Gomperz, Theodor