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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1974

Vorträge über Philosophie und Gesellschaft by DuBois-Reymond, Emil
Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt / Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt by Brentano, Franz
Wahrheit und Evidenz by Brentano, Franz
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 9 (1974) by
Whitehead's Categoreal Scheme and Other Papers by Martin, R. M.
Erfahrene Und Erfundene Landschaft: Aurelio De' Giorgi Bertòlas Deutschlandbild Und Die Begründung Der Rheinromantik by Fechner, Jörg-Ulrich
Geschichte Des Selbstbewusstseins: Der Ursprung Des Spekulativen Problems in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre Von 1794-95 by Claesges, Ulrich
Moral Rightness by Haslett, D. W.
The Idea of God: A Whiteheadian Critique of St. Thomas Aquinas' Concept of God by Cooper, Burton Z.
Kritik Und Erkenntnisfortschritt: Abhandlungen Des Internationalen Kolloquiums Über Die Philosophie Der Wissenschaft, London 1965, Band 4 by
Kritik Der Grundlagen Des Zeitalters by Boehm, Rudolf
God and Evil by Maccloskey, Henry John
Nomic Inference: An Introduction to the Logic of Scientific Inquiry by Cannavo, Salvator
The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the de Ente Et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas: Introduction and Comments by Conradus De Prussia
The Abdication of Philosophy -- The Abdication of Man: A Critical Study of the Interdependence of Philosophy as Critical Theory and Man as a Free Indi by Rauche, G. a.
Imaginative Participation: The Career of an Organizing Concept in a Multidisciplinary Context by Baumann, Na
Church and State After the Dreyfus Affair: The Separation Issue in France by Larkin, Maurice
The Political Uses of Ideology by Drucker, H. M.
Philosophy of Psychology by
Biene und Honig als Symbol des Dichters und der Dichtung in der griechisch-römischen Antike: 186. Sitzung am 20. Juni 1973 in Düsseldorf by Waszink, Jan Hendrik
Studies in Process Philosophy I by Whittemore, Robert C.
Sachlichkeit by
Averroes on Plato's Republic by Averroes
Thomas Campanella by Bock, Gisela
The Language Game of Confessing One's Belief: A Wittgensteinian-Augustinian Approach to the Linguistic Analysis of Creedal Statements by Mananzan, Mary-John
Über die kausale Struktur der realen Welt by Ingarden, Roman
Modern Aesthetics by
Language, Thought and Perception: A Proposed Theory of Meaning by Slagle, Uhlan Von
La Philosophie de l'Amour Chez Raymond Lulle by Sala-Molins, Louis
Fascism and Dictatorship: The Third International and the Problem of Fascism by Poulantzas, Nicos
Positivism in Mexico by Zea, Leopoldo
Kant's Metaphysics and Theory of Science by Martin, Gottfried, Unknown
The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Wissenschaft Heute Und Morgen: Geschrieben Unter Dem Kreuzfeuer Der Kritik Von Robert Rompe Und Kurt Werner by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Wissenschaft, Philosophie, Ideologie: Beiträge Bulgarischen Philosophen by
»Aufklärung« ALS Periodenbegriff Der Ideologiegeschichte by Bahner, Werner
Die Begegnung Deutscher Aufklärer Mit Der Revolution by Scheel, Heinrich
Bürgerliche Wissenschaftstheorie Und Ideologischer Klassenkampf: Eine Auseinandersetzung Mit Bürgerlichen Wissenschaftsauffassungen by Lanfermann, H. -H, Mocek, R., Domin, G.
Abbild Und Leitbild: Biokybernetisch-Philosophische Vorlesungen Über Wahrheit, Moral Und Kunst by Pfeiffer, Alfred
Optimale Versuchsplanung by Jung, Wolfhart, Bandemer, Hans, Bellmann, Andreas
Hegel in Seiner Zeit: Berlin, 1818-1831 by D'Hondt, Jacques
Sitting Up at Night and Other Chinese Poems by
Travel Diaries of Hsu Hsia-Ko by Li, Chi
Gilbert Sheldon: Architect of Anglican Survival, 1640-1675 by Sutch, V. D.
Punishment and Desert by Kleinig, J.
Explorations in Phenomenology: Papers of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy by Casey, E. S., Carr, David
Meinung Und Wissen in Der Philosophie Platons: Untersuchungen Zum Charmides, Menon Und Staat by Ebert, Theodor
Hegel's Theory of the Modern State by Avineri, Shlomo
Cross and Crucible Johann Valentin Andreae (1586-1654) Phoenix of the Theologians: Volume I Andreae's Life, World-View, and Relations with Rosicrucian by Montgomery, J. W.
The Evolution of the Euclidean Elements: A Study of the Theory of Incommensurable Magnitudes and Its Significance for Early Greek Geometry by Knorr, W. R.
Mind-Body: A Categorial Relation by Engelhardt Jr, H. Tristram
Martin Heidegger: In Europe and America by
The Literary Travelogue: A Comparative Study with Special Relevance to Russian Literature from Fonvizin to Pushkin by Wilson, R. K.
Berkeley's Philosophy of Science by Brook, Richard J.
Akten Des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.-10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2 by
Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling Volume 2 by Langer, Susanne K.
On the Old Saw: That May Be Right in Theory But It Won't Work in Practice by Kant, Immanuel
Hegels System der Theologie by Schmidt, Erik
Die Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus by Hartmann, Nicolai
Ways of Being: Elements of Analytic Ontology by Unknown, Schneider, Herbert Wallace
Progress and Pragmatism: James, Dewey, and Beard, and the American Idea of Progress by Marcell, David W., Unknown
Cloud-Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown: A Mountain Journal by Watts, Alan
Ancient Logic and Its Modern Interpretations: Proceedings of the Buffalo Symposium on Modernist Interpretations of Ancient Logic, 21 and 22 April, 197 by
Ontology and the Logistic Analysis of Language: An Enquiry Into the Contemporary Views on Universals by Küng, Guido
Zur Genese Des Selbstbewußtseins: Eine Studie Über Den Beitrag Des Phänomenologischen Denkens Zur Frage Der Entwicklung Des Selbstbewußtseins by Rohr-Dietschi, Ursula
The Essential Rousseau by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Gesammelte Schriften, Band IX, Philosophie und Psychologie der Religion by Spranger, Eduard
Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences by
Die Wirklichkeit Des Unverständlichen: Professor Dr. Med. Hemmo Müller-Suur Zum 60. Geburtstag Gewidmet by
God and Evil by McCloskey, H. S.
Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences by
Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View by Kant, Immanuel
The Philosophy of Anaxagoras by Cleve, F. M.
Imagination and Reason in Plato, Aristotle, Vico, Rousseau and Keats: An Essay on the Philosophy of Experience by Chambliss, J. J.
Hegel Et La Pensée Philosophique En Russie, 1830-1917 by Planty-Bonjour, Guy
The Philosophy of Language: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues by Borgmann, A.
Das Problem Des Ich in Der Phänomenologie Husserls by Marbach, E.
Semantics: An Interdisciplinary Reader in Philosophy, Linguistics and Psychology by Steinberg, Danny D., Steinberg, Daniel, Jakobovits, Leon A.
Sidney Hook by
Aristotle: A Contemporary Appreciation by Veatch, Henry B.
Kants Dialectic by Bennett, Jonathan, Jonathan, Bennett
Authority by
Being and Not-Being: An Introduction to Plato's Sophist by Seligman, P.
Metaphysics: A Critical Survey of Its Meaning by Ando, T.
Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel by Weiss, F. G.
Nachgelassene Fragmente Herbst 1885 - Herbst 1887 by
Wissenschaft und Methode by Kullmann, Wolfgang
Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind. by Unknown, Russell, Bertrand
War and Moral Responsibility: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader by
Rights and Wrongs of Abortion: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader by
Philosophical Foundations of Science: Proceedings of Section L, 1969, American Association for the Advancement of Science by
The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Bub, Jeffrey
The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Bub, Jeffrey
Philosophical Foundations of Science: Proceedings of Section L, 1969, American Association for the Advancement of Science by
The Relevance of Ancient Social and Political Philosophy for our Times by Fritz, Kurt Von
Ausbreitung Und Wirkung Des Nietzscheschen Werkes Im Deutschen Sprachraum Bis Zum Todesjahr Des Philosophen: Ein Schrifttumsverzeichnis Der Jahre 1867 by
A Thomas Merton Reader by Merton, Thomas
Kant's Theory of Knowledge: Selected Papers from the Third International Kant Congress by
Achilles of Rationalist Arguments: The Simplicity, Unity and the Identity of Thought and Soul from the Cambridge Platonists to Kant: A Study in the Hi by Mijuskovic, B. L.
The Secular Is Sacred: Platonism and Thomism in Marsilio Ficino's Platonic Theology by Collins, A. B.
Emmanuel Levinas: The Problem of Ethical Metaphysics by Wyschogrod, E.
Studies in Process Philosophy I by
James and Husserl: The Foundations of Meaning by Stevens, R.
The Phenomenological Realism of the Possible Worlds: The 'a Priori', Activity and Passivity of Consciousness, Phenomenology and Nature Papers and Deba by
Existenzphilosophie by Jaspers, Karl
Das Absolute Und Die Wirklichkeit in Schellings Philosophie: Mit Der Erstedition Einer Handschrift Aus Dem Berliner Schelling-Nachlass by Loer, Barbara
Räumliche Umwelt: Die Phänomenologie Des Räumlichen Verhaltens ALS Beitrag Zu Einer Psychologischen Umwelttheorie by Kruse, Lenelis
Dostoevskijs Ideendialektik by Müller-Lauter, Wolfgang
Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Freud by Marcuse, Herbert
Popper Cb: Popper by Magee, Bryan
Hegel's Philosophy of Right, with Marx's Commentary: A Handbook for Students by Kainz, H. P.
Language and Logic in the Post-Medieval Period by Ashworth, E. J.
Proceedings of the 1972 Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association by
From Substance to Subject: Studies in Hegel by Rotenstreich, Nathan
The Understanding of Nature: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology by Grene, Marjorie
The Understanding of Nature: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology by Grene, Marjorie
Leibniz by Gurwitsch, Aron
Anselm and Nicholas of Cusa by Jaspers, Ralph, Jaspers, Karl
Spinoza by Jaspers, Karl
Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Plotinus, Lao-Tzu, Nagarjuna by Jaspers, Karl
Contributions to a Philosophy of Technology: Studies in the Structure of Thinking in the Technological Sciences by
For Dirk Struik: Scientific, Historical and Political Essays in Honor of Dirk J. Struik by
For Dirk Struik: Scientific, Historical and Political Essays in Honor of Dirk J. Struik by
Positivism and Christianity: A Study of Theism and Verifiability by Klein, K. H.
The Idea of God: A Whiteheadian Critique of St. Thomas Aquinas' Concept of God by Cooper, B. Z.
Das Bewußtseinsfeld by Gurwitsch, Aron
Licht und Farbe by Heimendahl, Eckart
Kritik Und PRAXIS: Zur Geschichte Des Kritikbegriffs Von Kant Bis Marx by Röttgers, Kurt
Morality, Decision and Social Organization: Toward a Logic of Ethics by Menger, Karl
The Method of Analysis: Its Geometrical Origin and Its General Significance by Remes, U., Hintikka, Jaakko
The Christian Philosophy of William Temple by Padgett, S. T.
Theoretical Physics and Philosophical Problems: Selected Writings by Boltzmann, Ludwig
The Meaning of Meaninglessness by Blocker, G.
Morality, Decision and Social Organization: Toward a Logic of Ethics by Menger, Karl
Theoretical Physics and Philosophical Problems: Selected Writings by Boltzmann, Ludwig
The Method of Analysis: Its Geometrical Origin and Its General Significance by Hintikka, Jaakko, Remes, U.
Nachgelassene Fragmente Herbst 1884 - Herbst 1885 by
Thinking About Change by
Morality and Social Class in Eighteenth-Century French Literature and Painting by Roberts, Warren
Man a Machine by De La Mettrie, Julien Jan Offray
Vérité Et Vérification / Wahrheit Und Verifikation: Actes Du Quatrième Colloque International de Phénoménologie / Akten Des Vierten Internationalen Ko by
Formale Und Transzendentale Logik: Versuch Einer Kritik Der Logischen Vernunft by Husserl, Edmund, Janssen, Petra
Structuralism: Moscow-Prague-Paris by Broekman, J. M.
Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth: Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth by Bunge, M.
Essays in Philosophy and Its History by Sellars, Wilfrid
Virtue, Happiness and Duclos' Histoire de Madame de Luz by Free, L. R.
Reason and Conduct in Hume and His Predecessors by Tweyman, S.
Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Semantics I: Sense and Reference by Bunge, M.
Genese Und Gültigkeit Von Epochenbegriffen: Theoretisch-Methodologische Prinzipien Der Periodisierung by Engelberg, E., Bahner, W., Dietze, W.
Der Mythos Vom Subjekt: Materialismus Und Dialektik Im Zerrspiegel Der Gegenwärtigen Bürgerlichen Philosophie by Richter, Wolfgang
Ideologie Im Zwielicht: Zum Einfluß Bürgerlicher Technikphilosophie Auf Die Imperialistische Bildungsideologie by Wettstädt, Günter
Marxistisch-Leninistische Philosophie Und Ideologischer Klassenkampf in Der Gegenwart: Wissenschaft Und Ideologie by Ruml, Vladimir, Jowtschuk, M. T.