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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1976

Holistic Thought in Social Science by Phillips, Denis Charles
Beiträge zur Grundlegung einer operationsfähigen Dialektik / Beiträge zur Grundlegung einer operationsfähigen Dialektik by Günther, Gotthard
Nachgelassene Schriften und Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel / Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel by Frege, Gottlob
Über die Individualität und das Individuationsprinzip. 5. methaphysische Disputation by Suarez, Francisco
Über die Individualität und das Individuationsprinzip. 5. methaphysische Disputation / Über die Individualität und das Individuationsprinzip. 5. metha by Suarez, Francisco
Philosophische Untersuchungen zu Raum, Zeit und Kontinuum by Brentano, Franz
Essays in Radical Empiricism by James, William
Die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Poesie by Bölsche, Wilhelm
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 11 (1976) by
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Exzerpte Und Notizen Bis 1842 by Engels, Friedrich, Marx, Karl
Die Welt Des Menschen -- Die Welt Der Philosophie: Festschrift Für Jan Patočka by Biemel, Walter
The Ways of Paradox and Other Essays: Revised and Enlarged Edition by Quine, Willard Van Orman
Von Platon Zum Platonismus Ein Bruch in Der Überlieferung Und Seine Überwindung: 208. Sitzung Am 17. Dezember 1975 in Düsseldorf by Dörrie, Heinrich
Die Vereinten Nationen ALS Faktor Der Internationalen Politik: 191. Sitzung Am 23. Januar 1974 in Düsseldorf by Scheuner, Ulrich
Ethik Der Neuzeit by Litt, Theodor
Language and Politics by
G. H. Mead's Concept of Rationality: A Study of Use of Symbols and Other Implements by Kang, W.
Adaptive Knowing: Epistemology from a Realistic Standpoint by Feibleman, James K.
The Philosophy of John Dewey: A Critical Exposition of His Method, Metaphysics, and Theory of Knowledge by Dewey, Na
The Availability of Religious Ideas by Gandhi, Ramchandra
Christian Beliefs about Life After Death by Badham, Paul
Philosophy of the Kalam by Wolfson, Harry Austryn
Life and Death in Psychoanalysis by LaPlanche, Jean
The Relevance of Natural Science to Theology by Austin, W. H.
Archaic Logic: Symbol and Structure in Heraclitus, Parmenides and Empedocles by Prier, Raymond A.
Natural and Conventional Meaning: An Examination of the Distinction by Rollin, Bernard E.
1965-1969 by
Perspectives on the Emergence of Scientific Disciplines by
Philosophical Theories by Lazerowitz, Morris, Ambrose, Alice
Biology and Politics. Recent Explorations: Papers Presented at the Conference Held in Paris, January 6-8, 1975 by
Gegenstand und Aufgaben der Literaturwissenschaft by Ingarden, Roman
Gesammelte Schriften, Bd 1 (I/1), Vorkritische Schriften I: 1747-1756 by Kant, Immanuel
Die Struktur des Verhaltens by Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Psycho-Kinesis: Moving Matter With the Mind by Clark, Adrian V.
Meister Kung Zur Geschichte Der Wirkungen Des Konfuzius: 185. Sitzung Am 11. April 1973 in Düsseldorf by Grimm, Tilemann
Knowing and the Known by Dewey, John
Intuition Im Wissenschaftlichen Schöpfertum: Psychologische Und Philosophische Probleme Der Intuitiven Erkenntnis by Nalčadzjan, A. A.
Italian Humanism by Munz, Peter
Vignettes from the Late Ch'ing: Bizarre Happenings Eyewitnessed Over Two Decades by Wu, Wo-Yao
Vignettes from the Late Ch'ing: Bizarre Happenings Eyewitnessed Over Two Decades by Wu, Wo-Yao
Ssu-K'Ung Tu: A Poet-Critic of the t'Ang by Wong, Yoon Wah
Die Münchener Phänomenologie: Vorträge Des Internationalen Kongresses in München 13.-18. April 1971 by
Naturalism and Criticism by Mall, R. a.
About Behaviorism by Skinner, B. F.
Wittgenstein's Doctrine of the Tyranny of Language: An Historical and Critical Examination of His Blue Book: Photomechanical Reprint by Engel, M.
Die Krisis Der Europäischen Wissenschaften Und Die Transzendentale Phänomenologie: Ein Einleitung in Die Phänomenologische Philosophie by Biemel, W., Husserl, Edmund
Studies in Process Philosophy II by
The Place of Value in a World of Facts by Kohler, Wolfgang
Die Frage nach Gott im skeptischen Denken by Weischedel, Wilhelm
What Is Called Thinking? by Heidegger, Martin
The Mycenaean World by Chadwick, John, Cuddwick, John
Philosophy, History and Politics: Studies in Contemporary English Philosophy of History by Rotenstreich, Nathan
Philosophical Dimensions of the Neuro-Medical Sciences: Proceedings of the Second Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine Held at Farm by
Summa Contra Gentiles: Book Two: Creation by Aquinas, Thomas
Ästhetik und Freiheit by Strack, Friedrich
Paul Natorps Ästhetik by Krebs, Inge
Grundzüge der Rechtsphilosophie by Coing, Helmut
Conversations with Husserl and Fink by Cairns, Dorion
Problems of the Self: Philosophical Papers 1956 1972 by Williams, Bernard
Myth and Metaphysics by Luijpen, W. a.
Reflexion Und Determination by Kopper, Joachim
Plautus: Casina by Plautus, Plautus, Titus Maccius
Le Monde Naturel Comme Problème Philosophique: Traduit Du Tchèque Par Jaromir Danek Et Henri Declève. Postface de l'Auteur by Patocka, J.
Intentionalität ALS Verantwortung: Geschichtsteleologie Und Teleologie Der Intentionalität Bei Husserl by Vásquez, Hoyos G.
Determinism and Freewill: Anthony Collins' a Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Human Liberty by O'Higgins, James
Liebe Und Person: Max Schelers Versuch Eines "Phänomenologischen" Personalismus by Leonardy, H.
The Nation in the History of Marxian Thought: The Concept of Nations with History and Nations Without History by Herod, Charles C.
Aristotelis Ars rhetorica by Aristoteles
Philosophies of Beauty from Socrates to Robert Bridges: Being the Source of Aesthetic Theory by Carritt, E. F., Unknown
Problems from Locke by MacKie, J. L.
The Beginning and the End by Berdiaev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, Unknown
Elements of Social and Political Philosophy by Srzednicki, Jan J. T.
Edmund Husserl's Theory of Meaning by Mohanty, J. N.
Consciousness and Reality: Hegel's Philosophy of Subjectivity: Hegel's Philosophy of Subjectivity by Navickas, J. L.
Phänomenologie Der Wahrnehmung by Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Psychologie aus dem Begriff by Drüe, Hermann
Hermeneutische Anthropologie by Fleischer, Margot
Die Kantische Theorie Der Naturwissenschaft: Eine Strukturanalyse Ihrer Möglichkeit, Ihres Umfangs Und Ihrer Grenzen by Gloy, Karen
Philosophies of Art and Beauty: Selected Readings in Aesthetics from Plato to Heidegger by Kuhns, Richard, Hofstadter, Albert
Ingardeniana: A Spectrum of Specialised Studies Establishing the Field of Research by
Phenomenology and the Metaphysics of Presence: An Essay in the Philosophy of Edmund Husserl by Fuchs, W.
Language and the Phenomenological Reductions of Edmund Husserl by Cunningham, S.
Moral Values and Political Behaviour in Ancient Greece: From Homer to the End of the Fifth Century by Adkins, A. W. H.
Knowledge & Politics by Unger, Roberto Mangabeira
Considerations on Western Marxism by Anderson, Perry
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics by Klenk, V. H.
Alexandrien - London by
Die ontologische Option by
The Thirteenth Tribe by Koestler, A.
Collected Papers II: Studies in Social Theory by Schutz, A.
The Crisis of Culture: Steps to Reopen the Phenomenological Investigation of Man by
Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos by
Psa 1974: Proceedings of the 1974 Biennial Meeting Philosophy of Science Association by
Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos by
Summa Contra Gentiles: Book Two: Creation by Aquinas, Thomas
Nachgelassene Fragmente Juli 1882 - Winter 1883 - 1884 by
Selbstbewußtsein und Unbewußtes by Bartels, Martin
Theories of Ethics by
The Identities of Persons: Volume 3 by
The Making of the Modern Mind: A Survey of the Intellectual Background of the Present Age by Randall, John Herman
Subjunctive Reasoning by Pollock, J. L.
Semantik und künstliche Intelligenz by
Die Mitmenschlichen Begegnungen in Der Milieuwelt by Gurwitsch, Aron
Satanic Rituals by La Vey, Anton
The Natural Histroy of Religion & Dialoguies Concerning Natural Religion by
Science and the Human Comedy: Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis by Brown, Harcourt
James and John Stuart Mill / Papers of the Centenary Conference by
Leibniz: Perception, Apperception, and Thought by McRae, Robert
Selected Papers on Epistemology and Physics by Juhos, B.
Dialectics of the Concrete: A Study on Problems of Man and World by Kosík, K.
Paranoia: A Study in Diagnosis by Fried, A., Agassi, J.
Selected Papers on Epistemology and Physics by Juhos, B.
Russia and America: A Philosophical Comparison: Development and Change of Outlook from the 19th to the 20th Century by Blakeley, J. E., Gavin, W. J.
Studies in the Philosophy of Kierkegaard by Klemke, E. D.
Paranoia: A Study in Diagnosis by Fried, A., Agassi, J.
Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology: American University Publications in Philosophy by Durfee, H. a.
Der Materialismus Der "Kritischen Theorie" by Finger, Otto
Zum Erkenntnisproblem Bei Den Frühgriechischen Denkern by Jürss, Fritz
Marxistische Philosophie Und Naturwissenschaften by Hörz, Herbert
Materialismus - Wissenschaft Und Weltanschauung ım Fortschritt: Beiträge Zur Notwendigkeit Des Materıalismus Und Zur Kritik Des Idealismus by
Bürgerliche Wissenschaftsauffassungen in Der Krise (I) by Lanfermann, H. -H, Mocek, R., Domin, G.
Klassifizierung der Wissenschaften by Kedrow, B. M.
Monismus Und Pluralismus in Ideologie Und Politik by Kojarov, Asen
Politische Ideologie Der Russischen Gesellschaft Zu Beginn Der Regierungszeit Katharinas II.: Gesellschaftstheorien Und Staatslehren in Der Ära Des Au by Donnert, Erich
Fragments Posthumes: Automne 1887 - Mars 1888 by
1976 by
Russian Philosophy, Volume 1: The Beginnings of Russian Philosophy; The Slavophiles; The Westernizers by Edie, James M.
Russian Philosophy, Volume 2: The Nihilists; The Populists; Critics of Religion and Culture by Edie, James M.