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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1978

The Triumph of Subjectivity: An Introduction to Transcendental Phenomenology by Lauer, Quentin
Grundzüge einer neuen Theorie des Denkens in Hegels Logik by Günther, Gotthard
Grundlegung und Aufbau der Ethik by Brentano, Franz
Die Grundzüge des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters (1806) by Fichte, Johann G.
Grundlegung der Logik by Bolzano, Bernard
Über das Fundament des philosophischen Wissens (1791). Über die Möglichkeit der Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft (1790) by Reinhold, Karl L.
Preisschrift über die Freiheit des Willens by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe, März Bis November 1871 by
Gesammelte Schriften, Band VII, Briefe 1901-1963 by
Die Wissenschaft der Logik und die Logik der Reflexion by Henrich, Dieter
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien by
Die Scheinwelt Des Paradoxons: Eine Kommentierte Anthologie in Wort Und Bild by Hughes, Patrick, Brecht, Georges
Der Wissenschaftstheoretische Realismus Und Die Autorität Der Wissenschaften by Feyerabend, Paul
Offensives Denken: Philosophie Und Politik by Willms, Bernard
Chrysippi fragmenta moralia by
Indices by
Envy and the Greeks: A Study of Human Behaviour by Walcot, Peter
Socialist Construction and Marxist Theory: Bolshevism and Its Critique by Corrigan, Philip
The Language of Modern Politics by Hudson, Kenneth
Sinn und Funktion des Mythos in der griechischen und der römischen Dichtung: 230. Sitzung am 19. April 1978 in Düsseldorf by Dörrie, Heinrich
Sozialistische Und Kommunistische Parteien in Westeuropa: Band I: Südländer by Oberndörfer, Dieter
Persons and Life After Death by Lewis, Hywel D.
America's Ascent by Dobson, John
Truth and Other Enigmas by Dummett, Michael
Poverty of Theory by Thompson, E. P. P.
Science in a Free Society by Feyerabend, Paul
Textbuch Zur Mystik Des Deutschen Mittelalters: Meister Eckhart - Johannes Tauler - Heinrich Seuse by Quint, Josef
Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873-1963 by
The Study of Religion and Its Meaning: New Explorations in Light of Karl Popper and Emile Durkheim by Barnhart, J. E.
Konsequenzen kritischer Wissenschaftstheorie by
Komplexes Prognostizieren Des Wissenschaftlich Technischen Fortschritts by Nikolajew, Vadim
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Grundzüge Seiner Philosophie by Narskij, I. S.
Philosophische Probleme Der Entwicklung by
Studien Zur Metaphysischen Und Dialektisch-Materialistischen Denkweise by Horstmann, Hubert
Vernunft, Mensch, Geschichte: Studien Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte Der Klassischen Bürgerlichen Philosophie by Buhr, Manfred
Materialistische Dialektik ALS Methode by Segeth, Wolfgang
Denken Und Bedenken: Hegel-Aufsätze. Zum 75. Geburtstag Von Wilhelm Raimund Beyer by Beyer, Wilhelm Raimund
Gesetzmäßigkeiten Und Planung Der Forschung: Beiträge Zur Methologie Der Planung Der Grundlagenforschung by
Zum Verhältnis Von Abbild Und Bedeutung: Überlegungen Im Grenzfeld Zwischen Erkenntnistheorie Und Semantik by Lorenz, Wolfgang, Wotjak, Gerd
The Writings of William James: A Comprehensive Edition by James, William
Dokumente Und Materialien Zur Biographie by
The Posthumous Life of Plato by Novotny, F.
Kant's Second Critique and the Problem of Transcendental Arguments by Benton, R. J.
Règles Utiles Et Claires Pour La Direction de l'Esprit En La Recherche de la Vérité: Traduction Selon Le Lexique Cartésien, Et Annotation Conceptuelle by Descartes, René
Alt 9 Africa, America & the Caribbean: African Literature Today: A Review by
Language in Indian Philosophy and Religion by
Dialektik und Wissenschaftslogik by Hubig, Christoph
Ideology & Superstructure in Historical Materialism by Jakubowski, Franz
Human Nature in Politics: The Dynamics of Political Behavior by Unknown, Davies, James Chowning, Davis, James C.
Repertorium Commentariorum Medii Aevi in Aristotelem Latinorum Quae in Bibliothecis Belgicis Asservantur by
Reason and God: Encounters of Philosophy with Religion by Smith, John Edwin, Unknown
Le Regard Et l'Excédent by Taminiaux, J.
Hegel: A Reinterpretation by
New Perspectives on Galileo: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on Galileo Held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 19 by
Francis Bacon: His Career and His Thought. by Bacon, Francis, Unknown, Anderson, Fulton Henry
Hegel on Tragedy by Spivey, Donald
Early Christian Doctrine: Revised Edition by Kelly, J. N. D.
The Complete Poems by Blake, William
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for None and All by Nietzsche, Friedrich
The Philosophy of John Dewey: A Critical Exposition of His Method, Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge by Dewey, R. E.
Brain and Learning by
Boethius's "De Topicis Differentiis" by Boethius
Existence Et Existents by Levinas, E.
Jenseits Von Sein Und Zeit: Eine Einführung in Emmanuel Levinas' Philosophie by Strasser, Stephan
Descriptive Psychology and Historical Understanding by Dilthey, W.
Das Dritte Reich und seine Denker by
Welt, Geschichte, Mythos und Politik by Brand, Gerd
Blaise Pascal: Das Heil Im Widerspruch; Studien Zu Den Pensées Im Aspekt Philosophisch-Theologischer Anschauungen, Sprachlicher Gestaltung Und Reflexi by Kummer, Irène Elisabeth
Das Dritte Reich und seine Diener by Wulf, Josef, Poliakov, Léon
Foundations and Applications of Decision Theory: Volume I Theoretical Foundations by
Foundations of Logico-Linguistics: A Unified Theory of Information, Language, and Logic by Cooper, W. S.
Wahrheit als Freiheit by Simon, Josef
Geisteswissenschaft als Aufgabe by
The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism. by Bergmann, Gustav, Unknown
The Phenomenology of Moods in Kierkegaard by McCarthy, Vincent A.
A History of Greek Philosophy: Volume 5, the Later Plato and the Academy by Guthrie, W. K. C., Guthrie, William Keith Chambers
From Stalinism to Eurocommunism: The Bitter Fruits of 'Socialism in One Country' by Mandel, Ernest
Einführung in Die Modallogik by Hughes, G. E., Cresswell, Max J.
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 4: The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and Nations by Unamuno, Miguel de
Persons and Life After Death by Lewis, Hywel D.
Elementary Treatise on Human Physiology: On the Hypothesis That Animals Are Automata, and Its History: The Mind and Brain: Series E Physiological PS by Binet, Alfred, Magendie, Francois, Huxley, Thomas Henry
Forms of Intuition: An Historical Introduction to the Transcendental Aesthetic by Smythe, Nancy
Kant: An Introduction by Broad, Broad, O. D., Broad, Charlie Dunbar
Das Prinzip Handlung in der Philosophie Kants by Kaulbach, Friedrich
Crosscurrents in Phenomenology by
The Principles of Ethics Vol 1 PB by Spencer, Herbert
The Principles of Ethics 2 Volume Set by Spencer, Herbert
Briefe Von Friedrich Nietzsche Mai 1872 - Dezember 1874 by
Soren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, Volume 7: Index and Composite Collation by Kierkegaard, Soren
Scientia rerum natura occultarum by Detel, Wolfgang
The Oracles of the Law by Dawson, John P.
Alienation: From the Past to the Future by Unknown, Feuerlicht, Ignace
Søren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, Volume 6: Autobiographical, Part Two, 1848-1855 by Kierkegaard, Søren
Essays in Philosophy by James, William
The Infinite in Mathematics: Logico-Mathematical Writings by Kaufmann, Felix
The Infinite in Mathematics: Logico-Mathematical Writings by Kaufmann, Felix
A Sense of the Future: Essays in Natural Philosophy by Bronowski, Jacob
The Triumph of Subjectivity: An Introduction to Transcendental Phenomenology by Lauer, Quentin
Kants Theorie des geometrischen Gegenstandes by Enskat, Rainer
Behind the Mirror by Lorenz, Konrad, Lorenz
Logical Positivism by
Schutz's Theory of Relevance: A Phenomenological Critique by Cox, Ronald R.
Linguistic Representation by Rosenberg, J. F.
'Eurocommunism': Implications for East and West by Godson, Roy, Haseler, Stephen
The Way of All the Earth: Experiments in Truth and Religion by Dunne, John S.
Way of All the Earth by Dunne, John S.
Wozu Philosophie? by Bubner, Rüdiger, Kambartel, Friedrich, Lenk, Hans
Existenziale Themen bei Max Frisch by Kiernan, Doris
Imagination by Warnock, Mary
Divine Commands and Moral Requirements by Quinn, Philip L.
The Critique of Judgement: (Containing Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgement and Critique of Teleological Judgement) by Kant, Immanuel
A Nietzsche Reader by Nietzsche, Friedrich
The Foundations of Aesthetics by Ossowski, S.
Approaches to Natural Language: Proceedings of the 1970 Stanford Workshop on Grammar and Semantics by
The Human Being in Action: The Irreducible Element in Man Part II Investigations at the Intersection of Philosophy and Psychiatry by
The Pythia's Drunken Song: Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus and the Style Problem in German Idealist Philosophy by Dibble, J. a.
Philosophy of Logics by Haack, Susan
Lectures on Philosophy by Weil, Simone, Simone, Weil
Public and Private Morality by Hampshire, Stuart
Phenomenology and the Social Science: A Dialogue: A Dialogue by Bien, Joseph
Philosophy and the Social Sciences by Pratt, Vernon
The City and Man by Strauss, Leo
Two Ages: The Age of Revolution and the Present Age a Literary Review by Kierkegaard, Søren
Progress and Rationality in Science by
Marxist Ethical Theory in the Soviet Union by Grier, P. T.
Dismantling the Memory Machine: A Philosophical Investigation of Machine Theories of Memory by Bursen, H. a.
Beyond Marx and Mach: Aleksandr Bogdanov's Philosophy of Living Experience by Jensen, K. M.
The Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars: Queries and Extensions: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars Held at by
The Beginnings of Greek Mathematics by Szabó, A.
Philosophy of Geometry from Riemann to Poincaré by Torretti, R.
Progress and Rationality in Science by
Knowledge and Explanation in History: An Introduction to the Philosophy of History by Atkinson, Ronald F.
Substance and Attribute: A Study in Ontology by Loux, Michael J.
Substance and Attribute: A Study in Ontology by Loux, Michael J.
A Treatise of Human Nature by Hume, David
Approaches to Language: Anthropological Issues by
Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft (1. Aufl. 1781). Prolegomena. Grundlegung Zur Metaphysik Der Sitten. Metaphysische Anfangsgründe Der Naturwissenschaften by Kant, Immanuel
Philosophie Der Geisteswissenschaften ALS Kritik Ihrer Methoden by Kimmerle, Heinz
Myth and Meaning by Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Ernst Cassirer: The Dilemma of a Liberal Intellectual in Germany, 1914-33 by Lipton, David
Commitment and Change: Georges Sorel and the Idea of Revolution by Vernon, Richard
Physical Theory as Logico-Operational Structure by
Essays in Honour of Jaakko Hintikka: On the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday on January 12, 1979 by
Semiotics in Poland 1894-1969 by
Philosophy and Argument in Late Vedānta: Śrī Harṣa's Khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya by Granoff, P. E.
The Development of Husserl's Thought by de Boer, Th
Selected Writings 1909-1953: Volume One by Reichenbach, M.
Hans Reichenbach: Selected Writings 1909-1953 Volume Two by Reichenbach, M.
Reality and Experience: Four Philosophical Essays by Kaila, E.
Revolutions, Systems and Theories: Essays in Political Philosophy by
Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for Natural Languages by
Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for Natural Languages by
The Theory of Business Enterprise by Veblen, Thorstein
Reality and Experience: Four Philosophical Essays by Kaila, E.
Alexius Meinong: On Objects of Higher Order and Husserl's Phenomenology by Kalsi Schubert, Marie-Luise
Selected Papers of Léon Rosenfeld by
Selected Papers of Léon Rosenfeld by
On the Normal and the Pathological by Canguilhem, Georges
The Development of Husserl's Thought by de Boer, Th
Selected Writings 1909-1953: Volume One by Reichenbach, M.
Hans Reichenbach: Selected Writings 1909-1953 Volume Two by Reichenbach, M.
Natur, Kunst, Mythos: Beiträge Zur Philosophie F. W. J. Schellings by
Beiträge Zu Philosophischen Problemen Der Einzelwissenschaften by Klaus, Georg
Johann Gottfried Herder: Zur Herder-Rezeption in Ost- Und Südosteuropa by
Karl Marx Über Das Wechselverhältnis Von Materiell-Technischer Basis, Wissenschaftlich-Technischem Fortschritt Und Entwicklung Der Persönlichkeit by
Auf Dem Wege Zum "Kapital": Zur Entwicklung Des Kapitalbegriffs Von Marx ın Den Jahren 1857-1863 by Müller, Manfred
Philosophisch-Methodologische Probleme Der Erkenntnis Sozialer Prozesse by Gindev, Panajot
Moritz Schlick Philosophical Papers: Volume 1: (1909-1922) by Schlick, Moritz
Moritz Schlick Philosophical Papers: Volume 1: (1909-1922) by Schlick, Moritz
Modelle in der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis by Hörz, Herbert
L - Z by
Aneignung Und Umwandlung: Friedrich Nietzsche Und Das 19. Jahrhundert. Internationale Nietzsche-Tagung Berlin 1977 by
Johann Gottfried Herder: Zum 175. Todestag Am 18. Dezember 1978 by