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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1980

Das Allgemeine im Aufbau der geisteswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis by Litt, Theodor
Vom Dasein Gottes by Brentano, Franz
Ein Brief über den Enthusiasmus. Die Moralisten by Shaftesbury, Anthony a. of
Aristoteles Lehre vom Ursprung des menschlichen Geistes by Brentano, Franz
Schriften in deutscher Übersetzung / Die mathematischen Schriften by Nikolaus Von Kues
Abhandlung über den Intellekt und den Erkenntnisinhalt by Dietrich Von Freiberg
Karl Marx: Ökonomische Manuskripte Und Schriften, 1858-1861 by
Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Philosophie im christlichen Abendland by Brentano, Franz
Zeit Und Kultur: Geschichte Des Zeitbewußtseins in Europa by Wendorff, Rudolf
Gesammelte Schriften, Band VI, Grundlagen der Geisteswissenschaften by Spranger, Eduard
Heidegger und die Tradition by Marx, Werner
Deutschlands kulturelle Entfaltung 1763-1789 by
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien by
Leibniz Und Die Neuhumanistische Theorie Der Bildung Des Menschen: 247. Sitzung Am 19. März 1980 in Düsseldorf by Menze, Clemens
Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe, BAND 3, Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe (1672-1676) by
Studies in the Scientific and Mathematical Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce by Carolyn, Eisele
Hegel in Jena. Die Entwicklung des Systems und die Zusammenarbeit mit Schelling by
The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz by Craig, William Lane
Moral and Legal Reasoning by Stoljar, Samuel J.
Die juridische Rationalität: 248. Sitzung am 23.April 1980 in Düsseldorf by Schelsky, Helmut
Vedantic Approaches to God by Lott, Eric
Logic as a Positive Science by Della Volpe, Galvano
The Structures of the Life World by Schutz, Alfred
Thinking about Morality by Frankena, William K.
Basis und Deduktion by Wolters, Gereon
Geschmacksurteil Und Ästhetische Erfahrung: Beiträge Zur Auslegung Von Kants "Kritik Der Ästhetischen Urteilskraft" by Kohler, Georg
Timeless Seeds of Wisdom and Advice: Refinement of Character (Book #1) by Ibn Kathir
WhasWasa: The Whispering of the Shaytan (Devil) by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Juziyyah
Weltanschauung, Methodologie, Sprache by Albrecht, Erhard
Meteorologie Über Die Welt by
Wissenschaft ALS Allgemeine Arbeit by Laitko, H.
The Symposium and the Phaedo by Plato
The Mind of the Middle Ages: An Historical Survey by Artz, Frederick B.
Reason and Morality by Gewirth, Alan
Possible and the Actual: Gays and Lesbians in Politics by
Arguments Within English Marxism by Anderson, Perry
T'An Ssu-t'Ung: An Annotated Bibliography by Chan, Sin-Wai
The Language of Thought by Fodor, Jerry a.
Soziale Ordnungen Im Selbstverstandnis Des Mittelalters. 2. Halbbd by
Juli 1877 - Dezember 1879 by
Currents in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Sol Tax by
What is Science?: An Introduction to the Structure and Methodology of Science by Mannoia, James V.
Lectura Ordinaria Super Sacram Scripturam Henrici de Gandavo Adscripta by
Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority by Levinas, E.
Can Planning Replace Politics?: The Israeli Experience by
Homo Faber: Technology and Culture in India, China and the West from 1500 to the Preent Day by Alvares, C. a.
Doubt and Dogmatism: Studies in Hellenistic Epistemology by
Speech ACT Theory and Pragmatics by
Speech ACT Theory and Pragmatics by
Musings on the Meno by Thomas, J. E.
Philosophical Papers: Volume II: (1925-1936) by Schlick, Moritz
Philosophical Papers: Volume II: (1925-1936) by Schlick, Moritz
Plato: Symposium by Plato
Philosophy by Flew, Antony G.
The Muntakhab Siwan Al-Hikmah of Abu Sulaiman As-Sijistani: Arabic Text, Introduction and Indices by
Philosophie Der Natur: Grundriß Der Speziellen Kategorienlehre by Hartmann, Nicolai
Education and the Social Order by Russell, Bertrand
Leopoldo Zea: From Mexicanidad to a Philosophy of History by Lipp, Solomon
Vedantic Approaches to God by Lott, Eric
Essays on Philosophical Subjects, with Dugald Stewart's Account of Adam Smith by Smith, Adam
Hume's Moral Theory by MacKie, J. L.
Skepticism, Justification, and Explanation by Cornman, E.
Time and Cause: Essays Presented to Richard Taylor by
Phantasie, Bildbewusstsein, Erinnerung: Zur Phänomenologie Der Anschaulichen Vergegenwärtigungen Texte Aus Dem Nachlass (1898-1925) by Husserl, Edmund, Marbach, E.
Logic and Philosophy / Logique Et Philosophie by
Experiment, Theory, Practice: Articles and Addresses by Kapitza, P. L.
Experiment, Theory, Practice: Articles and Addresses by Kapitza, P. L.
Logic Matters by Geach, P. T.
Objects and Identity: An Examination of the Relative Identity Thesis and Its Consequences by Noonan, Harold W.
Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living by Maturana, H. R., Varela, F. J.
An Essay on Anaxagoras by Schofield, Malcolm
Philosophy and an African Culture by Wiredu, Kwasi, Wiredu
The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity by Steiner, Rudolf
Die Ontotheologie des vorkritischen Kant by Schmucker, Josef
Rights and Persons by Melden, A. I.
Explaining Emotions: Volume 5 by
Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Lapointe, Francois, Lapointe, F.
Empiricism, Logic and Mathematics: Philosophical Papers by Hahn, Hans
Peano: Life and Works of Giuseppe Peano by
Scientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality by
Scientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality by
Peano: Life and Works of Giuseppe Peano by
Marx's Social Ontology: Individuality and Community in Marx's Theory of Social Reality by Gould, Carol C.
Positive Liberty: An Essay in Normative Political Philosophy by Crocker, L. H.
The Nicomachean Ethics: Translation with Commentaries and Glossary by
Hegel--From Foundation to System: From Foundations to System by Lamb, D.
Empiricism, Logic and Mathematics: Philosophical Papers by Hahn, Hans
Concept Formation in the Humanities and the Social Sciences by Pawlowski, T.
Mill on Bentham and Coleridge by Leavis, F. R., Mill, Mill, John Stuart
Heraklit, Parmenides Und Der Anfang Von Philosophie Und Wissenschaft: Eine Phänomenologische Besinnung by Held, Klaus
The Keynesian Episode: A Reassessment by Hutt, W. H.
From Shakespeare to Existentialism: Essays on Shakespeare and Goethe; Hegel and Kierkegaard; Nietzsche, Rilke, and Freud; Jaspers, Heidegger, and Toyn by Kaufmann, Walter A.
Hume and Husserl: Towards Radical Subjectivism by Murphy, R. T.
Mental Illness: Law and Public Policy by
The Idea of Phenomenology by Husserl, Edmund
Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy: Third Book: Phenomenology and the Foundation of the Sciences by Husserl, Edmund
Freedom, Justice and the State by Nash, Ronald H.
Creation and Recreation by Frye, Northrop
Why War? Ideology, Theory, and History by Nelson, Keith L., Olin, Spencer C.
Science, Pseudo-Science and Society by Weyant, Robert, Hanen, Marsha, Osler, Margaret
Reminiscences of Los Alamos 1943-1945 by
Wilhelm Dilthey: A Hermeneutic Approach to the Study of History and Culture by Bulhof, I. N.
Reminiscences of Los Alamos 1943-1945 by
Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews by Foucault, Michel
The Critical Way in Religion by Howlett, Duncan
Kants Tugenden: Neue Beiträge Zur Geschichte Und Interpretation Der Philosophie Kants by Lehmann, Gerhard
The Radical Empiricism of William James by James, William, Wild, John Daniel
Scientific Discovery: Case Studies by
The Metaphysics of Gottlob Frege: An Essay in Ontological Reconstruction by Kluge, E. H. W.
Liberal Equality by Gutmann, Amy, Gutman, Bill
Metacritique: The Philosophical Argument of J Rgen Habermas by Garbis, Kortian, Kortian, Garbis, Kortian
Fugitive Essays: Selected Writings of Frank Chodorov by Chodorov, Frank
Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas by Held, David
Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas by Held, David
Philosophical Remarks by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Soren Kierkegaard and His Critics: An International Bibliography of Criticism by Kierkegaard, Soren, Lapointe, Francois, Lapointe, F.
Mechanism, Mentalism and Metamathematics: An Essay on Finitism by Webb, J.
Rationality in Science: Studies in the Foundations of Science and Ethics by
Perceptual Knowledge: An Analytical and Historical Study by Dicker, Georges
The Evolution of the Euclidean Elements: A Study of the Theory of Incommensurable Magnitudes and Its Significance for Early Greek Geometry by Knorr, W. R.
Sense and Contradiction: A Study in Aristotle by Dancy, R. M.
John Locke: Symposium Wolfenbüttel 1979 by
Michel Foucault: The Will to Truth by Sheridan, Alan
Controversial Kierkegaard by Malantschuk, Gregor
Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977 by Foucault, Michel
Introduction to the Reading of Hegel: Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit by Kojeve, Alexandre
The Wisdom of the Taoists by
The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes by Lakatos, Imre
Mathematics, Science and Epistemology: Volume 2, Philosophical Papers by Lakatos, Imre
A Theory of Universals: Volume 2: Universals and Scientific Realism by Armstrong, David Malet, Armstrong, D. M.
Nominalism and Realism: Volume 1: Universals and Scientific Realism by Armstrong, D. M.
Philosophy and Grammar: Papers on the Occasion of the Quincentennial of Uppsala University by
Time, Causality, and the Quantum Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 1: Essay on the Causal Theory of Time by Mehlberg, S.
On Scientific Discovery: The Erice Lectures 1977 by
One World and Our Knowledge of It: The Problematic of Realism in Post-Kantian Perspective by Rosenberg, J. F.
Time, Causality, and the Quantum Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 1: Essay on the Causal Theory of Time by Mehlberg, S.
Time, Causality, and the Quantum Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume Two Time in a Quantized Universe by Mehlberg, S.
Reforging the Great Chain of Being: Studies of the History of Modal Theories by
Time, Causality, and the Quantum Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume Two Time in a Quantized Universe by Mehlberg, S.
On Scientific Discovery: The Erice Lectures 1977 by
Advaita Vedānta: A Philosophical Reconstruction by Deutsch, Eliot
Sprache Und Erkenntnis Im Mittelalter. 1. Halbbd by
From a Logical Point of View: Nine Logico-Philosophical Essays, Second Revised Edition (Revised) by Quine, W. V.
Historical Understanding in the Thought of Wilhelm Dilthey by Plantinga, Theodore
The Rights of Reason: A study of Kant's philosophy and politics by Shell, Susan
Renaissance Thought and the Arts: Collected Essays by Kristeller, Paul Oskar
Works and Worlds of Art by Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Handbook of World Philosophy: Contemporary Developments Since 1945 by Burr, John Roy
Keith Lehrer by
Introduction to Montague Semantics by Wall, R., Dowty, D. R., Peters, S.
Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Science by
Ifs: Conditionals, Belief, Decision, Chance and Time by
Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Science by
Introduction to Montague Semantics by Wall, R., Peters, S., Dowty, D. R.
Ambiguities in Intensional Contexts by
Ifs: Conditionals, Belief, Decision, Chance and Time by
Ambiguities in Intensional Contexts by
Inquiries and Provocations: Selected Writings 1929-1974 by Feigl, Herbert
Keith Lehrer by
An Outline of the Logical Theory of Questions by Kubiński, Tadeusz
Bürgerliche Philosophie Und Revisionismus Im Imperialistischen Deutschland by Steigerwald, Robert
Galeni de Placitis Hippocratis Et Platonis / On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato: Second Part: Books VI-IX by
1980 by
Zufall - Eine Philosophische Untersuchung by Hörz, Herbert
An Outline of the Logical Theory of Questions by Kubinski, Tadeusz
Opuscula, Teil 1: Über Die Tugend by