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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1981

Prolegomena zur Historiosophie by Cieszkowski, August Von
Der transzendentale Gedanke by
Die Konstitution der Zeit im Bewusstsein by Lauth, Reinhard
Brouillon zur Ethik (1805/06) by Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel, Januar 1849 Bis Dezember 1850 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Exzerpte Und Notizen, 1843 Bis Januar 1845 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Der spekulative Satz by Wohlfart, Günter
Darstellungen des erscheinenden Wissens by Claesges, Ulrich
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 16 (1981) by
Einführung in Die Idealistische Dialektik Hegels: Lehr-/Lerntext by Naeher, Jürgen
Probleme Des Empirismus: Schriften Zur Theorie Der Erklärung, Der Quantentheorie Und Der Wissenschaftsgeschichte Ausgewählte Schriften by Feyerabend, Paul K.
Darstellung, Methode und Struktur by Puntel, Lorenz B.
From Natural History to the History of Nature: Readings from Buffon and His Critics by
Das Amerikanische Regierungssystem: Eine Politologische Analyse by Fraenkel, Ernst
Hannah Arendt and the Search for a New Political Philosophy by Parekh, B. C.
Death and the Creative Life: Conversations with Prominent Artists and Scientists by Goodman, Lisl Marburg
Overcoming Jealousy and Possessiveness by Hauck, Paul a., Hauck, Paula
From Natural History to the History of Nature: Readings from Buffon and His Critics by
Ontologische Aspekte Der Nominalsemantik by Mayer, Rolf
The Cloud of Unknowing by
Negative Dialectics by Adorno, Theodor W.
Socrates and Legal Obligation by Allen, R. E.
Pluralism and Truth in Religion: Karl Jaspers on Existential Truth by Kane, John F.
Conceptions of Inquiry by Brown, Stuart
Hume-Arg Philosophers by Stroud, Barry
The World of the Chinese: A Struggle for Human Unity by Cheng, Te-K'Un
V. K. Wellington Koo: A Case Study of China's Diplomat and Diplomacy of Nationalism, 1912-1966 by Chu, Pao-Chin
The Common Welfare: Hong Kong's Social Services by
Five Seasons of a Golden Year: A Chinese Pastoral by Fan, Cheng-Ta
Fighting for Life: Pension Funds and Corporate Engagement by Ong, Walter J.
Action Theory: Proceedings of the Winnipeg Conference on Human Action, Held at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 9-11 May 1975 by
Justice and Health Care by
Creation Emanation and Salvation: A Spinozistic Study by Hallet, H. F.
Mao Tse-Tung's Theory of Dialectic by Soo, F. y. K.
Epistemological and Social Problems of the Sciences in the Early Nineteenth Century by
Justice and Health Care by
Nineteenth Century Studies: Coleridge to Matthew Arnold by Willey, Basil, Willey, B.
Lectures on the Philosophy of World History by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedri, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Hegel
Totalité Et Infini: Essai Sur l'Extériorité by Levinas, E.
Interpretive Theories of Religion by Crosby, Donald A.
The Arrogance of Humanism by Ehrenfeld, David W.
Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet X by
The Diversity of Moral Thinking by Cooper, Neil
Kierkegaard's Writings, VIII, Volume 8: Concept of Anxiety: A Simple Psychologically Orienting Deliberation on the Dogmatic Issue of Hereditary Sin by Kierkegaard, Søren
The Crisis in Sociology: Problems of Sociological Epistemology by Boudon, Raymond, Davis, Howard H.
Thoughts on Death and Immortality: From the Papers of a Thinker, Along with an Appendix of Theological-Satirical Epigrams by Feuerbach, Ludwig
Modern French Philosophy by Descombes, Vincent
Skills Outlooks and Passions by Davies, Alan Fraser, Davies, A.
The Theory of Categories by Brentano, F. C.
The Theory of Beauty in the Classical Aesthetics of Japan by Izutsu, T.
The Logic of the Articles in Traditional Philosophy: A Contribution to the Study of Conceptual Structures by Barth, E. M.
Eric Voegelin: Philosopher of History by Webb, Eugene
Relation und Funktion by Schulthess, Peter
Meaning and Understanding by
Sprache Und Erkenntnis Im Mittelalter. 2. Halbbd by
Forms of Talk by Goffman, Erving
Symbol, Myth, and Culture: Essays and Lectures of Ernst Cassirer, 1935-1945 by Cassirer, Ernst
Life of the Mind: One/Thinking, Two/Willing by Arendt, Hannah, McCarthy, Mary
Essays on Aristotle's Ethics: Volume 2 by
The Question of Being in Husserl's Logical Investigations by Mensch, J.
Philosophy in Economics: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on Testability and Explanation in Economics Held at Virginia Polytechni by
Epistemology and Psychology of Functions by Szeminska, A., Piaget, J., Grize, J. B.
Discovering Relativity Yrse by Lilley, Sam, Lilley
Bertrand Russell: A Bibliography of His Writings / Eine Bibliographie Seine Schriften; 1895-1976 by Martin, Werner
Javanische Weisheit und Ethik by Magnis-Suseno, Franz
Changing Mind by Stuart, Vincent
The Philosophy of John Dewey: Volume 1. The Structure of Experience. Volume 2: The Lived Experience by Dewey, John
A History of Religious Ideas, Volume 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries by Eliade, Mircea
The State by
Religious Knowledge by Unknown, Schmidt, Paul Frederick, Schmidt, Paul Frederic
The Law-Medicine Relation: A Philosophical Exploration: Proceedings of the Eighth Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine Held at Farm by
Space and Incongruence: The Origin of Kant's Idealism by Buroker, J. V.
Vision and Virtue: Essays in Christian Ethical Reflection by Hauerwas, Stanley
Vision and Virtue: Essays in Christian Ethical Reflection by Hauerwas, Stanley
The American Democrat by Cooper, James Fenimore
The Great Debate: Theories of Nuclear Strategy by Pawel, Ernst, Aron, Raymond
Selected Writings by Mead, George Herbert
The Road of Inquiry: Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Realism by Skagestad, Peter
Social Life and Development in Hong Kong by
The Great Chain of Being and Italian Phenomenology by
The Berlin Phenomenology: Edited and Translated with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by
Analytical Philosophy of Technology by Rapp, F.
Vico's Science of Imagination by Verene, Donald Phillip
Analytical Philosophy of Technology by Rapp, F.
The Berlin Phenomenology: Edited and Translated with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by
Theorie und Experiment in der Psychologie by
Macht und Geist im Werk Heinrich Manns by Emrich, Elke
Einheit Und Mannigfaltigkeit: Eine Strukturanalyse Des Und. Systematische Untersuchungen Zum Einheits- Und Mannigfaltigkeitsbegriff Bei Platon, Fich by Gloy, Karen
Der Andere: Studien Zur Sozialontologie Der Gegenwart by Theunissen, Michael
Nietzsche: Einführung in Das Verständnis Seines Philosophierens by Jaspers, Karl
New World Metaphysics: Readings on the Religious Meaning of the American Experience by Gunn, Giles B.
An Introduction to Plato's Republic by Annas, Julia
Emerging Cosmology by Lovell, Bernard
Husserl-Chronik: Denk- Und Lebensweg Edmund Husserls by Schuhmann, Karl
Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics: Studies Presented to Manfred Bierwisch by
Foundations for a Scientific Analysis of Value by Kraft, V.
Leibniz's Metaphysics of Nature: A Group of Essays by Rescher, N.
Foundations for a Scientific Analysis of Value by Kraft, V.
Vom Gesichtspunkt Der Phänomenologie: Zweiter Band Studien Zur Phänomelogie Der Epoché by Boehm, Rudolf
Leibniz's Metaphysics of Nature: A Group of Essays by Rescher, N.
A Community of Character: Toward a Constructive Christian Social Ethic by Hauerwas, Stanley
The Structure of Being: A Neoplatonic Approach by
The Philosophers of Greece by Brumbaugh, Robert S.
Freedom & Federalism by Morley, Felix
Wissenschaftstheorie der Naturwissenschaft by Kanitscheider, Bernulf
Albert der Große by
Freedom & Federalism by Morley, Felix
Flight from Authority: Religion, Morality, and the Quest for Autonomy by Stout, Jeffrey
The Flight from Authority: Religion, Morality, and the Quest for Autonomy by Stout, Jeffrey
Josiah Royce's Seminar 1913-1914: As Recorded in the Notebooks of Harry T. Costello by Costello, Harry Todd, Smith, Grover, Hocking, Richard
Marxist Governments: Volume 2 by Szajkowski, Bogdan
Being and Technology: A Study in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger by Loscerbo, John
Dictionary of Logic as Applied in the Study of Language: Concepts/Methods/Theories by
Otherwise Than Being or Beyond Essence by Levinas, E.
The Justice Motive in Social Behavior: Adapting to Times of Scarcity and Change by
Is Science Sexist?: And Other Problems in the Biomedical Sciences by Ruse, M.
A Relational Metaphysic by Oliver, H. H.
Is Science Sexist?: And Other Problems in the Biomedical Sciences by Ruse, M.
Sorts, Ontology, and Metaphor by Lappin, Shalom
Values, Technology and Work by Mumford, E.
Scientific Materialism by Bunge, M.
Empedocles: The Extant Fragments by Empedocles
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: German and English by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
A Key to Whitehead's Process and Reality by Sherburne, Donald W.
Moral Principles and Political Obligations by Simmons, A. John
The City of the Sun: A Poetical Dialogue (La Città del Sole: Dialogo Poetico) Volume 2 by Campanella, Tommaso
The National Charity Company: Jeremy Bentham's Silent Revolution by Bahmueller, Charles F.
The Philosophy of Buddhism: A "Totalistic" Synthesis by Verdu, A.
The Context of the Phenomenological Movement by Spiegelberg, E.
Problems of Semantics: A Contribution to the Analysis of the Language Science by Tondl, L.
Problems of Semantics: A Contribution to the Analysis of the Language Science by Tondl, L.
Science and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Science by Agassi, J.
The Language of Philosophy by Chatterjee, Margaret
The Art and Thought of Heraclitus: A New Arrangement and Translation of the Fragments with Literary and Philosophical Commentary by Heraclitus (of Ephesus )
The Critical Theory of Jürgen Habermas by McCarthy, Thomas
The Sophistic Movement by Kerferd, George Briscoe
A History of Greek Philosophy: Volume 6, Aristotle: An Encounter by Guthrie, W. K. C.
Geschichte Der Sprachphilosophie Und Der Sprachwissenschaft by
Sprachtheorie und Sprachphilosophie by
Semantik by
Grammatik by
Aristotle the Philosopher by Ackrill, J. L.
Geschichte und Architektur der Sprachen by
Der Einzelne und sein gesellschaftliches Wissen by Gebauer, Gunter
The Poetics of Roman Ingarden by Falk, Eugene H.
Philosophical Perspectives on Metaphor by
Russell's Best by Russell, Bertrand
The Idea of a Critical Theory: Habermas and the Frankfurt School by Geuss, Raymond
John Locke and the Theory of Sovereignty: Mixed Monarchy and the Right of Resistance in the Political Thought of the English Revolution by Franklin, Julian H.
Semantics by Palmer, Frank Robert, Palmer, F. R.
Aspects of Philosophical Logic: Some Logical Forays Into Central Notions of Linguistics and Philosophy by
Apriori and World: European Contributions to Husserlian Phenomenology by
Marxism and Alternatives: Towards the Conceptual Interaction Among Soviet Philosophy, Neo-Thomism, Pragmatism, and Phenomenology by Gavin, W. J., Colbert Jr, J. G., Rockmore, I.
Satan: The Early Christian Tradition by Russell, Jeffrey Burton
Pictures, Images, and Conceptual Change: An Analysis of Wilfrid Sellars' Philosophy of Science by Pitt, Joseph C.
Pictures, Images, and Conceptual Change: An Analysis of Wilfrid Sellars' Philosophy of Science by Pitt, Joseph C.
Rational Consensus in Science and Society: A Philosophical and Mathematical Study by Wagner, C., Lehrer, Keith
Rational Consensus in Science and Society: A Philosophical and Mathematical Study by Lehrer, Keith, Wagner, C.
Beiträge Zur Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft 1781-1981 by
Freedom and Karl Jasper's Philosophy by Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth
Selbstverwirklichung und Allgemeinheit by Theunissen, Michael
Symbol and the Symbolic: Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness by Schwaller De Lubicz, R. A.
Natural Law in Political Thought by Sigmund, Paul E.
The Politics by Aristotle
The Mythic Image by Campbell, Joseph
The Theory of Indistinguishables: A Search for Explanatory Principles Below the Level of Physics by Parker-Rhodes, A. F.
The Reenchantment of the World by Berman, Morris
The Unhappy Consciousness: The Poetic Plight of Samuel Beckett an Inquiry at the Intersection of Phenomenology and Literature by Kaelin, E. F.
Thinking and Doing: The Philosophical Foundations of Institutions by Castañeda, Hector-Neri
The Reenchantment of the World by Berman, Morris
Geschichte Der Ethik Vom Altertum Bis Zum Beginn Des 20. Jahrhunderts: Nachdruck Der 1931 Erschienenen Beiträge Im Handbuch Der Philosophie by Dempf, Alois, Howald, Ernst, Litt, Theodor
Religion and Truth by Wiebe, Donald
Grundfragen Der Erkenntnistheorie by Kutschera, Franz Von
The Rationality of Science by Newton-Smith, W. H.
Christening Pagan Mysteries: Erasmus in Pursuit of Wisdom by Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke
Correspondance Générale d'Helvétius: 1737-1756 / Lettres 1-249 by Helvétius, Claude Adrien
Thomas Hill Green and the Development of Liberal-Democratic Thought by Greengarten, I. M.
Pragmatism and Purpose: Essays Presented to Thomas A. Goudge by
Saint Bonaventure by Bettoni, Efrem, Unknown
Scientific Philosophy Today: Essays in Honor of Mario Bunge by
Scientific Knowledge: Causation, Explanation, and Corroboration by Fetzer, J. H.
The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction by
The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction by
Scientific Knowledge: Causation, Explanation, and Corroboration by Fetzer, J. H.
Scientific Philosophy Today: Essays in Honor of Mario Bunge by
Dialektik-Revolution-Weltprozeß by Eichhorn, Wolfgang
Zur Staatslehre Wilhelm Von Humboldts: Reflexionen Über Seine Schrift: "Ideen Zu Einem Versuche, Die Grenzen Der Wirksamkeit Des Staats Zu Bestimmen" by Lekschas, John
Materialistische Dialektik Und Wissenschaftsentwicklung by Hörz, Herbert
Frühe Schriften, Kritiken und Reflexionen (1828-1834) by
Karl Marx Und Das Recht: Vorträge by Szabó, Imre
Verzicht Auf Fortschritt, Geschichte, Erkenntnis Und Wahrheit: Zu Den Grundtendenzen Der Gegenwärtigen Bürgerlichen Philosophie by Buhr, Manfred, Steigerwald, Robert
First Part: Books I-V by
Das Aktive Und Das Passive: Zur Erkenntnistheoretischen Begründung Der Physik Durch Den Atomismus - Dargestellt an Newton Und Kant by Wahsner, Renate
Vom Mute Des Erkennens: Beiträge Zur Philosophie G. W. F. Hegels by
Philosophie, Mathematik, Physik: Eine Geschichte Der Philosophie Für Physiker Und Mathematiker by Kuznecov, B. G.
Vorlesungen Über Das Wesen Der Religion: Nebst Zusätzen Und Anmerkungen by
Reason, Truth and History by Putnam, Hilary