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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1982

Teilhard's Vision of the Past: The Making of a Method by O'Connell, Robert J.
The Japanese Mind by Moore, Charles a.
Partitives und Distriktives Setzen by Baldus, Claus
Monade und Begriff by Horn, Joachim Ch
Deskriptive Psychologie by Brentano, Franz
Gespräch mit Burman by Descartes, René
Die Rückschritte der Poesie by Jochmann, Carl G.
Die Erkenntnis im Lichte der Ontologie by Hartmann, Nicolai
The Uncertain Phoenix: Toward a Post-Cultural Sensibility by Hall, David
Evil and a Good God by Reichenbach, Bruce
Das Problem der Abgeschlossenheit des Denkens by Kimmerle, Heinz
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 17 (1982) by
Form und Grund: Interpretation eines Kapitels der hegelschen Wissenschaft der Logik by Rohs, Peter
Nachgelassene Aufzeichnungen (Anfang 1852 - Sommer 1858) by
Strukturformen Und Funktionsleistungen Sozialer Systeme: Ein Soziologisches Paradigma by
Technikphilosophie in Der Diskussion: Ergebnisse Des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Symposiums in Bad Homburg (W. Reimers-Stiftung) 7.-11. April 1981 by
Heidegger and Aquinas by Caputo, John D.
Mathematik, Empirische Wissenschaft Und Erkenntnistheorie by Lakatos, Imre
Heidegger and Aquinas by Caputo, John D.
The Uncertain Phoenix: Adventures Toward a Post-Cultural Sensibility by Hall, David
Studien Zum Problem Der Identität by Scherer, Georg
Theorie Sozialen Wandels by Schmid, Michael
Politische Psychologie by
Philosophy in Literature: Metaphysical Darkness and Ethical Light by Kolenda, Konstantin
The Marxist Philosophy of Ernst Bloch by Hudson, Wayne
The Elusive Self by Lewis, Hywel David
Empirische Theorien: Modelle -- Strukturen -- Beispiele: Die Grundzüge Der Modernen Wissenschaftstheorie by Balzer, Wolfgang
Das älteste Systemprogramm by
A Primer in Phenomenological Psychology by Keen, Ernest
Jenaer Systementwürfe II: Logik, Metaphysik, Naturphilosophie by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Between Marx and Christ: The Dialogue in German-Speaking Europe, 1870-1970 by Bentley, James
Kölner Papyri by Römer, Cornelia, Kramer, Bärbel, Köln, P.
The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics by Aitken, Robert
Philologische Schriften: (1867 - 1873) by
The Philosophy of W.V. Quine by Gibson, Roger F., Jr.
Medieval Philosophy by Maurer, Armand A.
The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by Bakhtin, M. M.
Taking the Path of Zen by Aitken, Robert
Grundlinien Der Philosophie Des Rechts Oder Naturrecht Und Staatswissenschaft Im Grundrisse: Nach Der Ausgabe Von Eduard Gans Herausgegeben Und Mit Ei by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Denkweise Und Weltanschauung: Studien Zur Weltanschaulichen Und Methodologischen Funktion Der Materialischen Dialektik by
What Is Existence? by Williams, C. J. F.
Studies in Chinese Archaeology by Cheng, Te-K'Un
Tropical Mushrooms: Biological Nature & Cultivation Methods: Volvariella, Pleurotus, & Auricularia by Chang, Sung-Sheng Yvonne
Translation of Things Past: Chinese History and Historiography by Kao, George
Natural Rights Theories: Their Origin and Development by Tuck, Richard
Moral Luck: Philosophical Papers 1973 1980 by Williams, Bernard
Moral Luck: Philosophical Papers 1973 1980 by Williams, Bernard, Bernard, Williams
The Engineers and the Price System by
The Jews and Modern Capitalism by Sombart, Werner
A Preface to Morals by Paris, Bernard J., Lippmann, Walter
Henry E. Kyburg, Jr. & Isaac Levi by
The Structure of the World in Udayana's Realism: A Study of the Lakṣaṇāvalī And Thekiraṇāvalī by Tachikawa, M.
New Knowledge in the Biomedical Sciences: Some Moral Implications of Its Acquisition, Possession, and Use by
Henry E. Kyburg, Jr. & Isaac Levi by
Interpretation als philosophisches Prinzip by Figl, Johann
Philosophie ALS Wissenschaft by Topp, Christian
Perception by Price, H.
The White Umbrella: Indian Political Thought from Manu to Gandhi by Brown, D. MacKenzie, Brown, Donald MacKenzie, Unknown
Toward a Science of Human Nature by Robinson, Daniel N.
Hobbes and Locke: The Politics of Freedom and Obligation by Leyden, W. Von
Hobbes and Locke: The Politics of Freedom and Obligation by Leyden, W. Von
What? Where? When? Why?: Essays on Induction, Space and Time, Explanation by
The Philosophical Reflection of Man in Literature: Selected Papers from Several Conferences Held by the International Society for Phenomenology and Li by
Existenzphilosophie by Janke, Wolfgang
Johann Gottlieb Fichte by Widmann, Joachim
To Serve with Honor: A Treatise on Military Ethics and the Way of the Soldier by Gabriel, Richard A., Unknown
Saint Thomas Aquinas by McInerny, Ralph
The Intelligible Universe: A Cosmological Argument by Meynell, Hugo A.
Immortality or Extinction? by Badham, Paul
On the Threshold of Exact Science: Selected Writings of Anneliese Meier on Late Medieval Natural Philosophy by Maier, Annelise
Discourse of Modernism by Reiss, Timothy J.
The Metaphysics of G. E. Moore by O'Connor, David
Myth, Symbol, and Reality by Olson, Alan
Vico: Selected Writings by Vico, Giambattista
A Glimpse Into Reality by Jay, Steve, Jay, Lynn
Die Aristotelische Modaltheorie by Seel, Gerhard
Aufnahme und Auseinandersetzung by
Racial Myth in English History: Trojans, Teutons, and Anglo-Saxons by Macdougall, Hugh A.
Philosophy and the Young Child by Matthews, Gareth
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Eranos 1: Spirit and Nature by
Understanding: A Phenomenological-Pragmatic Analysis by Unknown, Madison, Gary Brent, Madison, G. B.
The Origins of Greek Thought by Vernant, Jean-Pierre
Polish Essays in the Philosophy of the Natural Sciences by Krajewski, W.
Polish Essays in the Philosophy of the Natural Sciences by Krajewski, W.
Who Speaks for the Child?: The Problems of Proxy Consent by
Die Sprachphilosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts by Hennigfeld, Jochem
Glossae in Martianum by Lutz, Cora E., Dunchad
Grundlagen der Ethik by Kutschera, Franz Von
Nietzsche Lesen by Montinari, Mazzino
The Limits of Utilitarianism by
The Discovery of Time by Toulmin, Stephen, Goodfield, June
Aristotle's Poetics by Aristotle
Toward Reunion in Philosophy by Unknown
The Logic of Culture: Advances in Structural Theory and Methods by Rossi, Ino
The Origins of Pragmatism: Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce and William James by Ayer, A. J.
Beneficence and Health Care by
Political Equilibrium: A Delicate Balance by Ordeshook, Peter C., Shepsle, K. a.
Zen in the Martial Arts by Hyams, Joe
Quality and Concept by Bealer, George
Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice by Lawlor, Robert
Contemporary European Philosophy by Unknown, Bochenski, Joseph M., Bochenski, Innocentius M.
English Philosophy Since 1900 by Warnock, G. J., Warnock, Geoffrey James
Passive Synthesis Und Intersubjektivität Bei Edmund Husserl by Yamaguchi, I.
Papers in Game Theory by Harsanyi, J. C.
Studies of Mind and Brain: Neural Principles of Learning, Perception, Development, Cognition, and Motor Control by Grossberg, S. T.
Studies of Mind and Brain: Neural Principles of Learning, Perception, Development, Cognition, and Motor Control by Grossberg, S. T.
Conceptual Issues in Ecology by
Les Fondements de la Phénoménologie Husserlienne by Valdinoci, S.
Technology and Reality by Feibleman, J. K.
Proximity Levinas, Blanchot, Bataille and Communication by Libertson, Joseph
The Man Versus the State: With Six Essays on Government, Society, and Freedom by Spencer, Herbert
Passage and Possibility: A Study of Aristotle's Modal Concepts by Waterlow, Sarah
Foundations of Religious Tolerance by Newman, Jay
Handlung und Interpretation by
Furcht Und Freiheit: Leviathan -- Diskussion 300 Jahre Nach Thomas Hobbes by
Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy by Hayek, F. a.
Marx and Marxisms by Parkinson, G. H. R.
Rechtsphilosophie der Aufklärung by
Contemporary Political Philosophy: Radical Studies by
Utilitarianism and Beyond by
Charles Bonnet and the Order of the Known by Anderson, L.
Time: A Philosophical Analysis by
Pfänder-Studien by
Nāgārjuna's Twelve Gate Treatise: Translated with Introductory Essays, Comments, and Notes by Hsueh-Li Cheng
The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam
Toward a New Sensibility: Essays of O. K. Bouwsma by Bouwsma, O. K.
Collected Works of Erasmus: Adages: I I 1 to I V 100, Volume 31 by Erasmus, Desiderius
Philosophische Anthropologie by Landmann, Michael
Role Playing and Identity: The Limits of Theatre as Metaphor by Wilshire, Bruce
Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt: Eine Studie Über Die Ökonomie Der Forschung by Rescher, Nicholas
Essays on Philosophical Subjects by Smith, Adam
A History of Anglican Liturgy by Cuming, Geoffrey
La Philosophie Contemporaine / Contemporary Philosophy: Chroniques Nouvelles / A New Survey by
The Anatomy of Idealism: Passivity and Activity in Kant, Hegel and Marx by Hoffman, P.
Feuerbach by Wartofsky, Marx W.
The Semantics of John Stuart Mill by
Contemporary Newtonian Research by
The Science of Knowledge: With the First and Second Introductions by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, Fichte, J. G.
The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic ACT by Jameson, Fredric
Humes Verborgener Rationalismus by Kreimendahl, Lothar
Studien Zur Mittelalterlichen Geistesgeschichte Und Ihren Quellen by
de Generatione Et Corruptione by Aristotle, Williams, C. J. F.
The Archaeology of Knowledge: And the Discourse on Language by Foucault, Michel
Leibniz: Critical and Interpretive Essays by
What Is Taoism?: and Other Studies in Chinese Cultural History by Creel, Herrlee Glessner
The Presocratic Philosophers by Barnes, Jonathan
Axioms and Principles of Plant Construction: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the International Botanical Congress, Sydney, Australia, August 1981 by
Forms, Matter and Mind: Three Strands in Plato's Metaphysics by Ostenfeld, E. N.
Die kategoriale Systematik in den "metaphysischen Anfangsgründen der Rechtslehre" by Sänger, Monika
Sublanguage by
On Revolution by Arendt, Hannah
The Ghost in the Machine by Koestler, Arthur
The Genesis of Georges Sorel: An Account of His Formative Period Followed by a Study of His Influence by Meisel, James Hans, Unknown
Introducing Semiotics: Its History and Doctrine by Deely, John
New Essays on Human Understanding Abridged Edition by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Leibniz, G. W.
Responsibility in Health Care by Agich, G. J.
Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy: First Book: General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology by Husserl, Edmund
Symbolism & Interpretation CB by Todorov, Tzvetan
Descartes by Dauler Wilson, Margaret
Kierkegaard: Resources and Results by
Rationality and Relativism by
Positions by Derrida, Jacques
Climb Your Own Ladder by Lieberoff, Allen
History and Human Existence: From Marx to Merleau-Ponty by Miller, James
The Meaning of Suffering: An Interpretation of Human Existence from the Viewpoint of Time by Moulyn, Adrian C.
Hume, Hegel and Human Nature by Berry, C. J.
Imagination and Reflection: Intersubjectivity: Fichte's Grundlage of 1794 by Hohler, Thomas P.
Husserl's "introductions to Phenomenology": Interpretation and Critique by McKenna, W.
Numbers in Presence and Absence: A Study of Husserl's Philosophy of Mathematics by Miller, J. P.
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy by
Briefe an Friedrich Nietzsche Januar 1885 - Dezember 1886 by
Kausalitätsprobleme, Determinismus Und Indeterminismus Ursachen Und Inus-Bedingungen Probabilistische Theorie Und Kausalität by
Januar - Oktober 1695 by
Man's Eternal Quest by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Kritische Theorie versus Kritizismus by Braun, Carl
Immanuel Kant by Kaulbach, Friedrich
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion by Neilson, K.
Essays on England, Ireland, and Empire: Volume VI by Mill, John Stuart
The Narcissistic Text: A Reading of Camus' Fiction by Fitch, Brian
Bibliography of Works on John Stuart Mill by Laine, Michael
Historische, Psychologische Und Rationale Erklärung Verstehendes Erklären by
Toward a Science of Human Nature by Robinson, Daniel N.
The Greeks on Pleasure by Taylor, C. C. W., Gosling, J. C. B.
The Varieties of Reference by Evans, Gareth
Space, Time, and Mechanics: Basic Structures of a Physical Theory by
The Phenomenology of Man and of the Human Condition: Individualisation of Nature and the Human Being Part I. Plotting the Territory for Interdisciplin by
Measurement: Its Concepts, Theories and Problems by Berka, Karel
The Structure and Growth of Scientific Knowledge: A Study in the Methodology of Epistemic Appraisal by Pandit, G. L.
Nature Animated: Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Greek Medicine, Nineteenth-Century and Recent Biology, Psychiatry, and Ps by
Space, Time and Causality: Royal Institute of Philosophy Conferences Volume 1981 by Swinburne, Richard
René Descartes: Principles of Philosophy: Translated, with Explanatory Notes by
Nuclear Power and Public Policy: The Social and Ethical Problems of Fission Technology by Shrader-Frechette, Kristin
Language, Logic and Method by
Kleinere Schriften III (1846-1850) by
Crisis Consciousness in Contemporary Philosophy by Gedő, András
Januar-Oktober 1695 by
Politische Ökonomie Der Linksradikalen: Eine Kritische Analyse Aus Marxistisch-Leninistischer Sicht by Müller, Klaus O. W.
Philosophisch-Methodologische Probleme Der Gesellschaftswıssenschaften: (Beiträge) by
Philosophie, Wissenschaft, Politik by
Zur Philosophie in Deutschland Von Der Reformation Bis Zur Aufklärung by Wollgast, Siegfried
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