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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1984

Representational Mind: A Study of Kants Theory of Knowledge by Aquila, Richard E.
Ästhetik (1819/25). Über den Begriff der Kunst (1831/32) by Schleiermacher, Friedrich
From Philo to Origen: Middle Platonism in Transition by Berchman, Robert M.
Versuch einer neuen Darstellung der Wissenschaftslehre by Fichte, Johann G.
Die transzendentale Naturlehre Fichtes nach den Prinzipien der Wissenschaftslehre by Lauth, Reinhard
Das Wesen der Philosophie by Dilthey, Wilhelm
Wissenschaftslehre (1805) by Fichte, Johann G.
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel, Januar Bis Dezember 1851 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe, Oktober 1859 Bis Dezember 1860 by
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe, Dezember 1872 Bis Mai 1875 by
Metaphoric Process: The Creation of Scientific and Religious Understanding by Russell, Allan M., Gerhart, Mary
Paul Tillich's Philosophy of Art by Palmer, Michael
Mensura. 2. Halbband by
Beiträge zum Verständnis und zur Kritik Hegels sowie zur Umgestaltung seiner Geisteswelt by Glockner, Hermann
Legislation and Exposition by Rotenstreich, Nathan
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 19 (1984) by
Ethik und Anthropologie in der englischen Aufklärung by Schrader, Wolfgang H.
The Age of Reason by Paine, Thomas
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe Januar Bis Dezember 1853 by
Heidelberger Hegel-Tage 1962 by
Hegel-Tage Royaumont 1964 by
Hegel-Tage Urbino 1965 by
Kritik und absolute Methode in Hegels Dialektik by Maluschke, Günther
Die Funktion der Kunst in der Geschichte by Gethmann-Siefert, Annemarie
Historical Reason by Gasset, Jose Ortegay Y., Ortega y. Gasset, Jose
Die Idee des Transzendentalismus bei Fichte und Kant by Siemek, Marek J.
The Effectiveness of Causes by Emmet, Dorothy
The Sa'dan Toradja Chant for the Deceased by Van Der Veen, H.
Nicolai de Cusa Opera omnia by Nikolaus Von Kues
Inochi: The Book of Life by Nakazono, Mikoto Masahilo
Treatise on Happiness by Aquinas, Thomas
Driftworks by Lyotard, Jean-Francois
Types of Thinking by Dewey, John
Mind and Language: Essays on Descartes and Chomsky by Bracken, Harry M.
Truth, Interpretation and Information: Selected Papers from the Third Amsterdam Colloquium by
The Vindication of Absolute Idealism by Sprigge, Timothy
Journey from Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit by Barnes, Catherine
Sense and Content by Peacocke, Christopher
Evolution from Space: A Theory of Cosmic Creationism by Hoyle, Fred, Wickramasinghe, Chandra
Die Rechte Des Menschen by Paine, Thomas
Materie, Bewegung, Kosmische Entwicklung by Hollitscher, Walter
Verborgene Quellen Des Hegelschen Denkens by Wilke, Joachim, D'Hondt, Jacques
Philosophie Und Sozialer Fortschritt by Mitin, M. B.
Physikvorlesung by
Notebooks, 1914-1916 by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Studies in Chinese Ceramics by Cheng, Te-K'Un
Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings by Benacerraf, Paul, Putnam, Hilary
Ethics and the Rule of Law by Lyons, David
The Slumber of Apollo: Reflections on Recent Art, Literature, Language and the Individual Consciousness by Holloway, John
Contemporary Marxism: Essays in Honor of J. M. Boche?ski by
Der Mensch Und Sein Werk 1.Band Jehuda Halevi Fünfundneunzig Hymnen Und Gedichte Deutsch Und Hebräisch: Der Sechzig Hymnen Und Gedichte Dritte Ausgabe by Rosenzweig, Franz
Hegel and the Sciences by
Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie: -- Ein Plädoyer Für Ein Forschungsprogramm -- by Mohr, H.
Schleiermachers Denken: Die Bewußtseinslehre in Schleiermachers Philosophischer Ethik ALS Schlüssel Zu Seinem Denken by Keller-Wentorf, Christel
Probleme Der Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft: Kant-Tagung Marburg 1981 by
Wittgenstein Rules and Private by Kripke
The Analysis of Power: A Realist Approach by Debnam, Geoffrey
Classical Modern Philosophers: Descartes to Kant by Schacht, Richard
The Dance of Life: The Other Dimension of Time by Hall, Edward T.
A Dictionary of Philosophy by Flew, Antony
Margins of Philosophy by Derrida, Jacques
A Realist Philosophy of Science by Aronson, J.
The Presocratic Philosophers by Kirk, G. S., Raven, J. E., Schofield, M.
Critical Hermeneutics: A Study in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur and Jurgen Habermas by Thompson, John B., Thompson, J. B.
Phenomenology of Life in a Dialogue Between Chinese and Occidental Philosophy by
Ethics and Mental Retardation by
Briefe an Friedrich Nietzsche Januar 1887 - Januar 1889 by
Theology and Philosophical Inquiry: An Introduction by Brummer, Vincent
Death as a Fact of Life by Hendin, David
The Invented Reality: How Do We Know What We Believe We Know? by
Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire
Hippocratic Writings by
Spreading the Word: Groundings in the Philosophy of Language by Blackburn, Simon
The Search for Certainty by Porterfield, P. B., Spradlin, W. W.
The New Story of Science: Mind and the Universe by Augros, Robert M., Stanciu, George N.
Marxism and Christianity by MacIntyre, Alasdair
Mathematics in Philosophy by Parsons, Charles D.
Laocoon: An Essay on the Limits of Painting and Poetry by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Meaning and Myth in the Study of Lives by Charmé, Stuart L.
Physics: Books I and II by Aristotle
Husserl and Realism in Logic and Mathematics by Tragesser, Robert S.
D.M. Armstrong by
Rationality in Science and Politics by
Ausgewählte Philologische Schriften by Schmid, Wolfgang P.
Der Zusammenhang der Dinge by Gebhard, Walter
Uruk Zur Seleukidenzeit: Eine Untersuchung Zu Den Spätbabylonischen Pfründentexten ALS Quelle Für Die Erforschung Der Sozialökonomischen Entwic by Funck, Bernd
Untersuchung Zur Genesis Des Feudalismus in Indien by Njammasch, Marlene
Das Problem des moralischen Sollens by Wolf, Ursula
Der Aristotelismus im I. und II. Jh. n.Chr by Moraux, Paul
Philosophy and Science Fiction by
The New Science of Giambattista Vico: Unabridged Translation of the Third Edition (1744) with the Addition of Practic of the New Science by Vico, Giambattista
Thirteen Thinkers-Plus: A Sampler of Great Philosophers by Kreyche, Gerald F.
Emerson in His Journals by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
de Cive: The English Version by Hobbes, Thomas
The Status of Morality by Carson, Thomas L.
Kant and the Double Government Methodology: Supersensibility and Method in Kant's Philosophy of Science by Butts, Robert E.
René Descartes: Principles of Philosophy: Translated, with Explanatory Notes by
Theism by Dore, Clement
An Den Grenzen Der Mehrheitsdemokratie: Politik Und Soziologie Der Mehrheitsregel by
The Discourses by Machiavel, Nicolas
Perceptual Acquaintance: From Descartes to Reid by Yolton, John W.
The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion by Eliade, Mircea
Culture and Value by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
The Theory of Political Coalitions by Riker, William H.
Permanence and Change: An Anatomy of Purpose, Third Edition by Burke, Kenneth
Ludwig Wittgenstein and The Vienna Circle by Von Wright, Georg Henrik
Becoming William James: Lesbian Representation and the Logic of Sexual Sequence by Feinstein, Howard
Die Hauptinstruktionen Clemens' VIII. Für Die Nuntien Und Legaten an Den Europäischen Fürstenhöfen (1592-1605) by
The Transcendent Science: Kant's Conception of Biological Methodology by Zumbach, C.
Philosophical Analysis in Latin America by
Logische Untersuchungen: Zweiter Band Untersuchungen Zur Phänomenologie Und Theorie Der Erkenntnis by Husserl, Edmund, Panzer, U.
Totalité Et Infini: Essai Sur l'Extériorité by Levinas, E.
Reductionism and Cultural Being: A Philosophical Critique of Sociobiological Reductionism and Physicalist Scientific Unificationism by Smith, J. W.
Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine by
Tao & Longevity: Mind-Body Transformation by Nan, Huai-Chin
Utopics: The Semiological Play of Textual Spaces by Marin, Louis
Yin: New Poems by Kizer, Carolyn
Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 2: 1867-1871 by Peirce, Charles S.
Treatise on the Virtues by Aquinas, Thomas
Attitudes Toward History, Third Edition by Burke, Kenneth
The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge Volume 10 by Lyotard, Jean-Francois
Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics: Volume 8 by Bakhtin, Mikhail
German Aesthetic Literary Criticism by Simpson, Simpson, David, Simpson, Greg
Intentionality, Sense and the Mind by Harney, M. J.
History and System: Hegel's Philosophy of History by
Dialectical Theory of Meaning by Markovic, Mihailo
Experience as Art: Aesthetics in Everyday Life by Kupfer, Joseph H.
William James: The Essential Writings by
Faith and Rationality: Theology by
"Märtyrer" und "Prophet" by Krause, Jürgen
Communication and Reference by Martinich, A. P.
Human Evolution: A Philosophical Anthropology by Maxwell, Mary
The Best Things in Life: A Contemporary Socrates Looks at Power, Pleasure, Truth the Good Life by Kreeft, Peter
The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic by Heidegger, Martin
Philosophy in Germany 1831 1933 by Schnadelbach, Herbert, Schnadelbach, Herbert, Schnadelbach
Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling by Langer, Susanne K.
Der Wahrheitsbegriff bei Husserl und Heidegger by Tugendhat, Ernst
Wahrheit Und Wahrheitsgrund by Fleischer, Margot
The Postmodern Condition: A report on knowledge by Lyotard, Jean-François
The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism by Stroud, Barry
Begotten or Made by O'Donovan, Oliver
The Structural Allegory: Reconstructive Encounters with the New French Thought Volume 11 by
Freedom and Morality and Other Essays by Ayer, A. J.
Scientific Rationality: The Sociological Turn by
Reason and the Search for Knowledge: Investigations in the Philosophy of Science by Shapere, D.
Analysis and Dialectic: Studies in the Logic of Foundation Problems by Russell, Joseph
Philosophy and Life: Essays on John Wisdom by
Reduction in Science: Structure, Examples, Philosophical Problems by
Hegel's Critique of the Enlightenment by Hinchman, Lewis P.
Justice, Equal Opportunity and the Family by Fishkin, James S.
The Origins of Greek Thought by Vernant, Jean-Pierre
A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras: Selections from the Mahāratnakūta Sūtra by
Alexander of Aphrodisias on Fate by Aphrodisias, Alexander Of
Analyzing Marx: Morality, Power and History by Miller, Richard W.
The Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume One: The Revised Oxford Translation by Aristotle
The Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume Two: The Revised Oxford Translation by Aristotle
Aristotle on Comedy: Towards a Reconstruction Of"poetics" II by Janko, Richard
Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality by Walzer, Michael
Metaphysics by Hamlyn, D. W.
Methodology, Metaphysics and the History of Science: In Memory of Benjamin Nelson by
Is Science Progressive? by Niiniluoto, I.
The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic -- Epic -- Tragic: The Literary Genre by
Faraday to Einstein: Constructing Meaning in Scientific Theories by Nersessian, N. J.
A Theory of Social Action by Tuomela, R.
Epistemic Analysis: A Coherence Theory of Knowledge by Ziff, Paul
Nietzsche by Abel, Günter
The Athenian Constitution by Aristotle
Conditions of Music by Durant, Alan
Understanding Our World: An Integral Ontology by Hart, Hendrik
Husserl, Intentionality, and Cognitive Science by Hall, Harrison, Dreyfus, Hubert L.
Resolving Development Disputes Through Negotiations by Sullivan, Timothy J.
Body and Mind: Second Edition by Campbell, Keith
Philosophy and Science in Phenomenological Perspective by
Zweistromland: Kleinere Schriften Zu Glauben Und Denken by Mayer, Annemarie, Rosenzweig, U., Mayer, Reinhold
Body and Mind: Second Edition by Campbell, Keith
Philosophy: Philosophy: Who Needs It by Rand, Ayn
Kant on Causality, Freedom, and Objectivity by
The Meaning of Conservatism by Scruton, Roger
The Foucault Reader by Foucault, Michel
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1984 by
The Search for an Alternative by Farber, Marvin
A Selected Bibliography of Significant Works about Adam Smith by Lightwood, Martha Bolar
Theories of Rights by
On Maxima and Minima: Chapter 5 of Rules for Solving Sophismata, with an Anonymous Fourteenth-Century Discussion by Heytesbury, William
Antiaesthetics: An Appreciation of the Cow with the Subtile Nose by Ziff, Paul
The Theory and Practice of Virtue by Meilaender, Gilbert C.
Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy: Islamic, Jewish and Christian Perspectives by
The State and Civil Society: Studies in Hegel's Political Philosophy by Pelczynski
Justifying Historical Descriptions by McCullagh, Christopher Behan, McCullagh, C. Behan
Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy: An Anthology by
Utility and Rights by
Derrida on the Mend by Magliola, Robert
Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
George Grant and the Twilight of Justice by O'Donovan, Joan
Medizinische Ethik: Ein Arbeitsbuch by Illhardt, F. J.
1677-1687 by
Geschichte Der Neuern Philosophie Von Bacon Von Verulam Bis Benedikt Spinoza by Feuerbach, Ludwig
Geschichte Der Neuern Philosophie/Darstellung by Feuerbach, Ludwig
Ludwig Feuerbach. Gesammelte Werke, BAND 6, Vorlesungen über das Wesen der Religion. Nebst Zusätzen und Anmerkungen by Feuerbach, Ludwig
Ludwig Feuerbach. Gesammelte Werke, BAND 17, Briefwechsel I (1817-1839) by Feuerbach, Ludwig
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