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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1985

Semeia 34: Biblical Hermeneutics in Jewish Moral Discourse by
Neues System der Logik by Freytag Gen Löringhoff, Bruno Von
Weder - Noch by Hergemöller, Bernd U.
Formale Dialektik by Hegselmann, Rainer
Kategorienlehre by Brentano, Franz
Geographische und andere naturwissenschaftliche Schriften by Kant, Immanuel
Der Sinn der Liebe by Solowjew, Wladimir
Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe Bis August 1844 by
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe, Mai 1875 Bis Mai 1883 by
Text by
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe Juli 1851 Bis Dezember 1852 by
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe Januar Bis Dezember 1854 by
Friedrich Engels: Dialektik Der Natur (1873-1882) by
Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen by Wolff, Christian
Reading Voltaire's Contes: A Semiotics of Philosophical Narration by Sherman, Carol
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 20 (1985) by
Atomphysik Und Menschliche Erkenntnis: Aufsätze Und Vorträge Aus Den Jahren 1930 Bis 1961 by Bohr, Niels
Mehrsprachigkeit in der deutschen Aufklärung by
Konstruktive Argumentation Und Interpretative Erfahrung: Bausteine Zur Neuorientierung Der Soziologie by Wehrspaun, Michael
Zeit Und Kultur: Geschichte Des Zeitbewußtseins in Europa by
Die Analyse Sozialer Ungleichheit: Kontinuität, Erneuerung, Innovation by
Die Lehre vom Noetischen und Dianoetischen Denken bei Platon und Aristoteles by Oehler, Klaus
Philosophie und Religion beim jungen Hegel by Fujita, Masakatsu
Apokalyptische Reiter Sind in Der Luft: Zum Irrationalismus Und Pessimismus in Literatur Und Philosophie Zwischen Nachmärz Und Jahrhundertwende by Schömel, Wolfgang
Georges Sorel: The Character and Development of His Thought by Jennings, J. R.
Aristotle on Equality and Justice: His Political Argument by Leyden, W. Von
Justice, Morality and Education: A New Focus in Ethics in Education by Brown, Les
Plato: Meno by
Zen and Western Thought by Abe, Masao
Erkennen: Die Organisation Und Verkörperung Von Wirklichkeit: Ausgewählte Arbeiten Zur Biologischen Epistemologie by Maturana, Humberto R.
Gesellschaft, Natur, Technik: Zur Lebensphilosophischen Und Ökologischen Kritik Von Technik Und Gesellschaft by Kluge, Thomas
Sicht Und Einsicht by Foerster, Heinz
Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra: Un Livre Qui Est Pour Fous Et Qui n'Est Pour Personne by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Preserving the Person: A Look at the Human Sciences by Evans, C. Stephen
Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect by Whitehead, Alfred N.
An Elementary Christian Metaphysics by Owens, Joseph
From Socrates to Sartre: The Philosophic Quest by Lavine, T. Z.
Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice: A Critical Edition by Newsom, Carol
Philosophy of the Human Person by Reichmann, James B., Reichmann, S. J.
Angst and the Abyss: The Hermeneutics of Nothingness by Coe, David K.
Voting Procedures by Dummett, Michael
Romanticism and Evolution: The Nineteenth Century: An Anthology by Wilshire, Bruce
Die Illuminaten. Quellen Und Texte Zur Aufklärungsideologie Des Illuminatenordens (1776-1785) by
"Technikphilosophie" in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart by
Kategorien by
Wissenschaftliche Literatur Für Die Weitere Gestaltung Der Entwickelten Sozialistischen Gesellschaft: Symposium Anläßlich Des 35. Jahrestages Des Akad by
The Scope of State Power in China by
On the Truth of Being: Reflections on Heidegger's Later Philosophy by Kockelmans, Joseph J.
Ulysses and the Sirens: Studies in Rationality and Irrationality by Elster, Jon
Bachelard: Science and Objectivity by Tiles, Mary
The Structure of Biological Science by Rosenburg, Rosenberg, Alexander
Authority and the Individual by Russell, Bertrand
On Education by Russell, Bertrand
Through Other Eyes: Essays in Understanding 'Conscious Models'--Mostly in Hong Kong by Ward, Barbara E.
Epistemology, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science: Essays in Honour of Carl G. Hempel on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, January 8th 1985 by
Einleitung in Die Logik Und Erkenntnistheorie Vorlesungen 1906/07: Vorlesungen 1906/07 by Husserl, Edmund, Melle, Ullrich
The Priestly Kingdom: Social Ethics as Gospel by Yoder, John Howard
Priestly Kingdom by Yoder, John Howard
Value, Language and Life by Goldthwait, John T.
Zeichen und Bezeichnetes by Runggaldier, Edmund
Esoterism and Symbol by Schwaller De Lubicz, R. A.
A Discourse on Inequality by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Ethical Relativism by Ladd, John
A World Beyond: The First Eyewitness Account of the Hereafter from the World-Famous Psychic Arthur Ford by Montgomery, Ruth
Adieux: A Farewell to Sartre by de Beauvoir, Simone
Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet XIII by
Developing Contemporary Marxism by Short, J.
Popper Selections by Popper, Karl R.
Hume's Philosophical Politics by Duncan, Forbes, Forbes, Duncan
Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century by Pocock, J. G. a.
The Relativistic Deduction: Epistemological Implications of the Theory of Relativity with a Review by Albert Einstein and an Introduction by Mili? by Meyerson, Émile
Popper and the Human Sciences by
Popper and the Human Sciences by
Texts in Context: Revisionist Methods for Studying the History of Ideas by Boucher, David
Elbow Room by Dennett
Nietzsche und die Metaphysik by Djuric, Mihailo
Escape from Evil by Becker, Ernest
Nietzsche by Schacht, Richard
Without Foundations by Herzog, Donald J.
Wittgenstein and Justice: The Significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein for Social and Political Thought by Pitkin, Hanna F.
Averroës' Doctrine of Immortality: A Matter of Controversy by Mohammed, Ovey N.
Mudra: A Study of Symbolic Gestures in Japanese Buddhist Sculpture by Saunders, Ernest Dale
The Further Prophecies of Nostradamus: Into the Millennium by Cheetham, Erika
Hegel's Dialectic and Its Criticism by Rosen, Michael
Alvin Plantinga by
Medical Ethics in Antiquity: Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion and Euthanasia by Carrick, P.
God in Process Thought: A Study in Charles Hartshorne's Concept of God by Sia, S.
Virtue and Medicine: Explorations in the Character of Medicine by
Rationality in Science and Politics by
Medical Ethics in Antiquity: Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion and Euthanasia by Carrick, P.
God in Process Thought: A Study in Charles Hartshorne's Concept of God by Sia, S.
Foundations of Objective Knowledge: The Relations of Popper's Theory of Knowledge to That of Kant by Fernandes, Sergio L. De C.
Power Influence & Authority by Bell, David V.
Naturalistic Inquiry by Lincoln, Yvonna S., Guba, Egon G.
The Politics of Production by Burawoy, Michael
The Unitarians and Universalists by Robinson, David
Politics and Statesmanship: Essays on the American Whig Party by Brown, Thomas
Hegelianism: The Path Toward Dialectical Humanism, 1805 1841 by John Edward, Toews, Toews, John E.
Cognitive Constraints on Communication: Representations and Processes by
Heidegger on Art and Art Works by Kockelmans, J. J.
Heidegger on Art and Art Works by Kockelmans, J. J.
Cosmosophy: Cosmic Influences on the Human Being (Cw 207) by Steiner, Rudolf
Iamblichus and the Theory of the Vehicle of the Soul by Finamore, John F.
Platon Und Die Schriftlichkeit Der Philosophie: Interpretationen Zu Den Frühen Und Mittleren Dialogen by Szlezák, Thomas a.
Postures of the Mind: Essays on Mind and Morals by Baier, Annette
Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy by Strauss, Leo
The Strife of Systems: An Essay on the Grounds and Implications of Philosophical Diversity by Rescher, Nicholas
Nietzsche and Philosophy by Deleuze, Gilles
Philosophy Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Ruben, Douglas H.
The Value of Life: An Introduction to Medical Ethics by Harris, John
Advances in Animal Welfare Science 1984 by
Religion, Rationality and Community: Sacred and Secular in the Thought of Hegel and His Critics by Gascoigne, Robert
Making Sense of Marx by Elster, Jon
Habermas and Modernity by Bernstein, Richard J.
Concilium 179 Suicide and the Right to Die by Pohier, Jacques
The Light Within Us by Schweitzer, Albert
The Light Within Us by Schweitzer, Albert
Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History by Brown, Norman O.
The Body's Recollection of Being: Phenomenological Psychology and the Deconstruction of Nihilism by Levin, David Michael
Metaphor Reexamined: A Non-Aristotelian Perspective by Gumpel, Liselotte
de Universalibus by Wyclif, John
de Universalibus: Volume 2: On Universals (English Translation) by Wyclif, John, Kenny, Antony
Plurality and Continuity: An Essay in G.F. Stout's Theory of Universals by Seargent, David A. J.
Realism, Rationalism and Scientific Method: Volume 1: Philosophical Papers by Feyerabend, Paul K.
The Modes of Scepticism: Ancient Texts and Modern Interpretations by Julia, Annas, Annas, Julia, Barnes, Jonathan
Emotion by Lyons, Williams
Problems of Empiricism: Volume 2: Philosophical Papers by Feyerabend, Paul K.
American Philosophy: A Historical Anthology by MacKinnon, Barbara
Franz Werfel: The Faith of an Exile: From Prague to Beverly Hills by Steiman, Lionel
Aristoteles: Eine Einführung in Sein Philosophieren by Ackrill, John L.
James Madison on Religious Liberty by Alley, Robert S.
Ordinary Vices by Shklar, Judith N.
Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary by Hume, David
Marx and Human Nature: Refutation of a Legend by Geras, Norman
On Materialism by Timpanaro, Sebastiano
Grammar of Assent by Newman, John Henry
The Russian Mind Since Stalin's Death by Glazov, Yuri
Epistemology & Methodology III: Philosophy of Science and Technology Part I: Formal and Physical Sciences by Bunge, M.
Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Part II Life Science, Social Science and Technology by Bunge, M.
The Possibility of Transcendental Philosophy by Mohanty, J. N.
The Russian Mind Since Stalin's Death by Glazov, Yuri
A Portrait of Twenty-Five Years: Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1960-1985 by
Treatise on Basic Philosophy: Volume 7: Epistemology and Methodology III: Philosophy of Science and Technology Part I: Formal and Physical Sciences Pa by Bunge, M.
The Possibility of Transcendental Philosophy by Mohanty, J. N.
Kant's Critical Philosophy: The Doctrine of the Faculties by Deleuze, Gilles
A Critical History of Western Philosophy by
Aristotle Equality Justice by Leyden, W. Von
Notes on Humanity: Faith, Reason, Certainty by Carstens, R. W.
The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 12: Contemplation and Action, 1902-14 by Russell, Bertrand
Realism and the Aim of Science: From the PostScript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery by Popper, Karl
The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 2 by Descartes, Rene
The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 1 by Descartes, Rene
Giving Desert Its Due: Social Justice and Legal Theory by Sadurski, Wojciech
Sociobiology and Epistemology by
Justice, Law and Culture by Feibleman, J. K.
Sociobiology and Epistemology by
Pierre Bayle: Tome 1 Du Pays de Foix a la Cite d'Erasme by Labrousse, Elisabeth
Anaphora and Definite Descriptions: Two Applications of Game-Theoretical Semantics by Hintikka, Jaakko, Kulas, J.
The Star of Redemption by Rosenzweig, Franz
Applying the Humanities by
Anaphora and Definite Descriptions: Two Applications of Game-Theoretical Semantics by Kulas, J., Hintikka, Jaakko
Star of Redemption by Rosenzweig, Franz
Religion and the Unconscious by Ulanov, Barry, Ulanov, Ann Belford
Geschichte Und Identität by Angehrn, Emil
Sprachspiel und Methode by
The Golden Peaches of Samarkand: A Study of t'Ang Exotics by Schafer, Edward H.
Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary by Hume, David
Plato's Thought in the Making: A Study of the Development of His Metaphysics by Lsi, Raven, John E., Raven, J. E.
The Mind and the Eye by Bell, P. R., Arber, Agnes Robertson
A Commentary on Jean-Paul Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume 1, Theory of Practical Ensembles by Catalano, Joseph S.
Zen and Western Thought by Abe, Masao
A Commentary on Jean-Paul Sartre's Being and Nothingness by Catalano, Joseph S.
Introduction to Philosophical Inquiiries by Machan, Tibor R.
The Collected Works of Spinoza, Volume I by Spinoza, Benedictus de
Just Health Care by Daniels, Norman
Religion in the Age of Romanticism: Studies in Early Nineteenth Century Thought by Reardon, Bernard M. G.
Agency and Integrality: Philosophical Themes in the Ancient Discussions of Determinism and Responsibility by White, Michael J.
Poetics of the Elements in the Human Condition: The Sea: From Elemental Stirrings to Symbolic Inspiration, Language, and Life-Significance in Literary by
Alvin Plantinga by
Morality and Universality: Essays on Ethical Universalizability by
Science, Action, and Reality by Tuomela, R.
Theology and Bioethics: Exploring the Foundations and Frontiers by
The Nature of Irreversibility: A Study of Its Dynamics and Physical Origins by Hollinger, H. B., Zenzen, M.
The Social Relations of Physics, Mysticism, and Mathematics: Studies in Social Structure, Interests, and Ideas by Restivo, S.
Ethics by Broad, C. D.
Ethical Issues in Preventive Medicine by
Philosophy, Its History and Historiography by
The Game of Language: Studies in Game-Theoretical Semantics and Its Applications by Hintikka, Jaakko
Moritz Schlick by
Aristoteles - Werk und Wirkung, Band I, Aristoteles und seine Schule by
J. S. Mill: The Evolution of a Genius by Glassman, Peter
The Critical Theory of Religion. the Frankfurt School: From Universal Pragmatic to Political Theology by Siebert, Rudolf J.
Subversion und Substruktion by Adamzik, Sylvelie
Orientalische Kultur Und Europäisches Mittelalter by
Philosophie, Wissenschaft, Aufklärung: Beiträge Zur Geschichte Und Wirkung Des Wiener Kreises by
Die Zukunft der Katastrophe by Hinz, Manfred
Immanuel Kant by Ritzel, Wolfgang
The Meaning of Love by Solovyov, Vladimir
Reason and Morality by
Persons and Values: Selected Papersvolume II by MacKie, J. L.
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