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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1989

Kant's Transcendental Deductions: The Three Critiques and the Opus Postumum by
Thomas Reid's Inquiry: The Geometry of Visibles and the Case for Realism by Daniels, Norman
Thomas Reid's Inquiry: The Geometry of Visibles and the Case for Realism by Daniels, Norman
Christian Thomasius (1655-1728) by
Logik. Erstes Buch. Vom Denken: Reine Logik by Lotze, Rudolph Hermann
Simplicius: On Aristotle Physics 6 by Konstan, David
Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Metaphysics 1 by Dooley, E. W.
Transzendentalphilosophie als System. Die Auseinandersetzung zwischen 1794 und 1806 by
Die Rechtsphilosophie des deutschen Idealismus by
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel, September 1853 Bis März 1856 by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Karl Marx: Le Capital, Paris 1872-1875 by
Karl Marx: Das Kapital. Kritik Der Politischen Ökonomie. Erster Band, Hamburg 1883 by
Indices by
Text by
Indices by
Ritual, History and Power: Selected Papers in Anthropology by Bloch, Maurice
Ritual, History and Power: Selected Papers in Anthropology by Bloch, Maurice
Inexhaustibility and Human Being: An Essay on Locality by Ross, Stephen David
Das älteste Systemprogramm des deutschen Idealismus by Hansen, Frank-Peter
Von Luther Zu Kant -- Der Deutsche Sonderweg in Die Moderne: Eine Soziologische Betrachtung by Eiben, Jürgen
Der Staat by Platon
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien by
Morenos Therapeutische Philosophie: Zu Den Grundideen Von Psychodrama Und Soziometrie by
Opuscula Psychologica, Theologica, Daemonologica by Michael Psellus
Oratorum Et Rhetorum Sententiae, Divisiones, Colores by Seneca
Heideggers Kritik am Nationalsozialismus und an der Technik by Vietta, Silvio
The Way of Suffering: A Geography of Crisis by Miller, Jerome
Three Faiths -- One God: A Jewish, Christian, Muslim Encounter by Meltzerd
Death and Afterlife by Davis, Stephen T.
God, Suffering and Solipsism by Dore, Clement
Hannah Arendt's Philosophy of Natality by Bowen-Moore, Patricia
Ethics in Paediatric Nursing by Brykczyńska, Gosia
The Seven Deadly Sins: Society and Evil by Lyman, Stanford M.
Xenophon: Hellenika I-II.3.10 by Krentz, Peter
The Eternal Quest for God by Savi, Julio
Gandhi's Political Philosophy: A Critical Examination by Parekh, B. C.
Long Live the Republic ! / Que vive la République by Debray, Régis
Logik. Drittes Buch. Vom Erkennen: Methodologie by Lotze, Rudolph Hermann
Private Lies: Infidelity and the Betrayal of Intimacy by Pittman, Frank
Terminal Choices: Euthanasia, Suicide, and the Right to Die by Wennberg, Robert N.
The Gnostics by Lacarrière, Jacques
On the Problem of Empathy by
Moral Exhortation: A Greco-Roman Sourcebook by Malherbe, Abraham J.
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy by
Sense and Certainty PT by McGinn
Mental Content by McGinn
Philosophie in Deutschland Zwischen Reformation Und Aufklärung 1550-1650 by Wollgast, Siegfried
Vom Gen Zum Verhalten: Der Mensch ALS Biopsychosoziale Einheit by
Komplementäre Studien Zur Marxistisch-Leninistischen Wissenschaftstheorie by
Grundlagen Der Wissenschaftsforschung by
Deconstruction and Philosophy: The Texts of Jacques Derrida by
Mehrwertige Logik: Eine Einführung in Theorie Und Anwendungen by Gottwald, Siegfried
Ethics of Coercion and Authority: A Philosophical Study of Social Life by Airaksinen, Timo
A Gradual Awakening by Levine, Stephen
Philosophies of Love by
Essays on Moral Realism by
Space-Perception and the Philosophy of Science by Heelan, Patrick A.
Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and His Critics by
The Other Hong Kong Report by
Stories by Gao Yang: "Rekindled Love" and "Purple Jade Hairpin" by
The Chance of a Lifetime: The Birth of a New Medical School in Hong Kong by Starling, A. E.
Harmony and Strife: Contemporary Perspectives, East and West by Liu, Shu-Hsien, Allinson, Robert
The Dialogic and Difference: "An/Other Woman" in Virginia Woolf and Christa Wolf by Herrmann, Anne
Rethinking Democracy: Freedom and Social Cooperation in Politics, Economy, and Society by Gould, Carol C.
Counterrevolution and Revolt by Marcuse, Herbert
Analytical Foundations of Marxian Economic Theory by Roemer, John E.
The Standard of Living by Sen, Amartya K.
That Nothing Is Known by Sanchez, Francisco, Limbrick, Elaine, Thomson, Douglas F. S.
Toward a Liberalism by Flathman, Richard
Methods in Medicine: A Descriptive Study of Physicians' Behaviour by Ridderikhoff, J.
Iamblichus: On the Pythagorean Life by
The Trial of Socrates by Stone, I. F.
Healing into Life and Death by Levine, Stephen
The Philosophy of History by Hegel, G. W. F.
Well-Being: Its Meaning, Measurement, and Moral Importance by Griffin, James
Structuralism and the Logic of Dissent: Barthes, Derrida, Foucault, Lacan by Bannet, Eve Tavor
Structuralism and the Logic of Dissent: Barthes, Derrida, Foucault, Lacan by Bannet, Eve Tavor
In Defense of the Land Ethic: Essays in Environmental Philosophy by Callicott, J. Baird
The View from Nowhere by Nagel, Thomas
Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception: A Guide and Commentary by Langer, Monika M.
Gnosis Volume I: Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy by Mouravieff, Boris
Henrici de Gandavo Tractatus Super Facto Praelatorum Et Fratrum (Quodlibet XII, Quaestio 31) by
The Creative Mind: An Introduction to Metaphysics by Bergson, Henri
Can We Teach Ethics? by Radest, Howard B.
Universal Abandon: The Politics of Postmodernism Volume 1 by
Utilitarian Ethics by Quinton, Anthony
Immanuel Kant's Moral Theory by Sullivan, Roger J.
Contemporary French Philosophy by Griffiths, A. Phillips
Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics by Brink, David Owen
The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts: Volume 1, Logic and the Philosophy of Language by
Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics by Brink, David Owen, David Owen, Brink
Hegel's Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness by Robert B., Pippin, Pippin, Robert B.
Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity by Rorty, Richard
Technological Transformation: Contextual and Conceptual Implications by
The Metaphysics of Liberty by Forman, Frank
Technological Transformation: Contextual and Conceptual Implications by
Imre Lakatos and Theories of Scientific Change by
The Logic of Epistemology and the Epistemology of Logic: Selected Essays by Hintikka, Jaakko, Hintikka, Merrill B. P.
The Logic of Epistemology and the Epistemology of Logic: Selected Essays by Hintikka, Merrill B. P., Hintikka, Jaakko
Matter in Mind: A Study of Kants Transcendental Deduction by Aquila, Richard E.
Law and Semiotics: Volume 2 by
Kant's Transcendental Deductions: The Three 'Critiques' and the 'Opus Postumum' by
The Making of the Second World War by Adamthwaite, Anthony P.
Reading Rawls: Critical Studies on Rawls' 'a Theory of Justice' by
Deleuze and Guattari by Bogue, Ronald
Derrida and Deconstruction by
Substance and Essence in Aristotle: An Interpretation of "metaphysics" VII-IX by Witt, Charlotte
The Intentional Stance by Dennett, Daniel C.
The Utopian Function of Art and Literature: Selected Essays by Bloch, Ernst
The Nature of God by Wierenga, Edward R.
Harm to Self by Feinberg, Joel
Quiddities: An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary by Quine, Willard Van Orman
An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent by Hick, J.
Plato's Dialogue on Friendship: An Interpretation of the Lysis', with a New Translation by Plato
The World of Thought in Ancient China by Schwartz, Benjamin I.
Criminal Court Consultation by
The Concept of Probability: Proceedings of the Delphi Conference, October 1987, Delphi, Greece by
Space, Time, and Thought in Kant by Melnick, A.
Catholic Perspectives on Medical Morals: Foundational Issues by
The Logic of Mind by Nelson, R. J.
Philosophy of Appearances by Almási, Miklós
Philosophy of Economics by
The Current State of the Coherence Theory: Critical Essays on the Epistemic Theories of Keith Lehrer and Laurence Bonjour, with Replies by
Structures of Knowing: Psychologies of the Nineteenth Century by Arens, Katherine
The Logic of Mind by Nelson, R. J.
The Totalizing Act: Key to Husserl's Early Philosophy by Cooper-Wiele, J. K.
Aufsätze Und Vorträge (1922-1937) by Husserl, Edmund
Phenomenological Method: Theory and Practice by Kersten, F.
Philosophy and Medical Welfare by Bell, J. M., Mendus, Susan
Simone Weil: "The Just Balance" by Winch, Peter
Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value, and Action by Fisher, Walter R.
Literature and the Question of Philosophy by
Philosophical Writings / Philosophische Schriften by
Die Terminologie Der Erkenntnisvermögen: Wörterbuch Und Lexikosemantische Untersuchung Zu Kants Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft by Roelcke, Thorsten
The Open Work by Eco, Umberto
Democracy and Equality: Theories and Programs for the Modern World by Glassman, Ronald M.
Philosophy of Psychology by Robinson, Daniel N.
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1988 by
The Seductive Reasoning: Feminine Channeling, the Occult, and Communication Technologies, 1859-1919 by Rooney, Ellen
Toleration and the Constitution by Richards, David A. J.
The Liar: An Essay on Truth and Circularity by Barwise, Jon
Migration and Residential Mobility: Macro and Micro Approaches by Cadwallader, Martin
Josef Pieper: An Anthology by Pieper, Josef
The Philosophy of Leibniz: Metaphysics and Language by Mates, Benson
The Philosophers: Their Lives and the Nature of Their Thought by Scharfstein, Ben-Ami
Glasnost in Britain - Against Censorship and in Defence of the World by
Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy by
First Principles Preparatory to Constitutional Code by Bentham, Jeremy
The Uses of Sense: Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language by Travis, Charles
Self and World in Schopenhauer's Philosophy by Janaway, Christopher
What Reason Demands by Bittner, R]diger, Bittner, Rudiger
What Reason Demands by Bittner, R]diger, Bittner, Rudiger
Phänomenologie Der Mathematik: Elemente Einer Phänomenologischen Aufklärung Der Mathematischen Erkenntnis Nach Husserl by Lohmar, Dieter
Hegel's Epistemological Realism: A Study of the Aim and Method of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit by Westphal, K. R.
E. T. Jaynes: Papers on Probability, Statistics and Statistical Physics by
Philosophy and the Liberal Arts by Ballard, E. G.
Hegel on the Ethical Life, Religion and Philosophy: Studies in Hegel's Philosophy 1793-1807 by
The Philosophy of Thomas Reid by
A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self by Anne E. Carr
Ignorance and Uncertainty: Emerging Paradigms by Smithson, Michael
Why Be Moral? by Nielsen, Kai
Martin Heidegger's Path of Thinking by Poggeler, Otto
Edmund Husserl's "Origin of Geometry": An Introduction by Derrida, Jacques
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science by O'Hear, Anthony
Vico Revisited: Orthodoxy, Naturalism and Science in the Scienza Nuova by Bedani, Gino
Conflicts of Law and Morality by Greenawalt, Kent
Berkley an Interpretation by Winkler, Kenneth P.
Post-Structuralism and the Question of History by
Alternatives to Capitalism by
Herophilus: The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria: Edition, Translation and Essays by Staden, Heinrich Von, Herophilus, Von Staden, Heinrich
Sollen Und Dürfen: Philosophische Grundlagen Der Ethischen Rechte Und Pflichten by Spiegelberg, E.
The Circle of Acquaintance: Perception, Consciousness, and Empathy by Smith, D. W.
Gender/Body/Knowledge: Feminist Reconstructions of Being and Knowing by Guinta, Kimberly
Themes from Kaplan by
Geist, Gehirn, Verhalten by Carrier, Martin, Mittelstraß, Jürgen
Sinn als Bedeutung by Stephan, Achim
Binah: Volume II; Studies in Jewish Thought by
Meaning of Meaning by Ogden, C. K.
Nietzschean Narratives by Shapiro, Gary
Rape of the Wild: Man S Violence Against Animals and the Earth by Collard, Andree, Contrucci, Joyce
The Correspondence of John Locke by Locke, John
Mathematical Intuition: Phenomenology and Mathematical Knowledge by Tieszen, R. L.
Style, Politics and the Future of Philosophy by Janik, A.
Man Within His Life-World: Contributions to Phenomenology by Scholars from East-Central Europe by
Philosophical Consequences of Quantum Theory: Reflections on Bell's Theorem by
Language as Calculus vs. Language as Universal Medium: A Study in Husserl, Heidegger and Gadamer by Kusch, Maren
The Dilemma of Context by Scharfstein, Ben-Ami
The Analysis of Ideology by Boudon, Raymond
Umwertung aller Werte? by Politycki, Matthias
Status & Function of Languages & Language Varieties by
Knowledge and the Sacred by Nasr, Seyyed Hossein
Dialogue and Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter by
Freedom and the End of Reason: On the Moral Foundation of Kant's Critical Philosophy by Velkley, Richard L.
The Morality of Terrorism: Religious and Secular Justifications by
Montesquieu's Philosophy of Liberalism: A Commentary on the Spirit of the Laws by Pangle, Thomas L.
Three Faiths -- One God: A Jewish, Christian, Muslim Encounter by Meltzerd
Rights and Goods: Justifying Social Action by Held, Virginia
Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics: From the PostScript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery by Popper, Karl
The Science of a Legislator: The Natural Jurisprudence of David Hume and Adam Smith by Haakonssen, Knud
Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences by Elster, Jon
See More