• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1991

Nietzsche, the Body and Culture: Philosophy as a Philological Genealogy by Blondel, Eric
Confrontations: Derrida/Heidegger/Nietzsche by Behler, Ernst
Marxian and Christian Utopianism by Marsden, John Joseph
Frontiers of Consciousness: Interdiscilipinary Studies in American Philosophy and Poetry by Scott, Stanley
Schriften in deutscher Übersetzung / Dreiergespräch über das Können-Ist (Trialogus de possest) by Nikolaus Von Kues
Bewusstseinsstellung und Geschichte by Yorck Von Wartenburg, Paul
Die Urteilstafel by Brandt, Reinhard
Ammonius: On Aristotle Categories by Cohen, S. Marc, Matthews, Garethb
Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.1-7 by Barnes, Jonathan, Bobzien, Susanne
Bemerkungen in den Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (1764) by Kant, Immanuel
Idee und Grundriss einer nicht-Aristotelischen Logik by Günther, Gotthard
Transcendentalphilosophie by Schlegel, Friedrich Von
Über die Monas, die Zahl und die Figur by Bruno, Giordano
Karl Marx: Das Kapital. Kritik Der Politischen Ökonomie. Erster Band, Hamburg 1890 by
Conversations on Communication Ethics by Greenberg, Karen Joy
Truth and Meaning by Taylor, Kenneth
Last Writings on the Phiosophy of Psychology: Preliminary Studies for Part II of Philosophical Investigations, Volume 1 by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Life and Meaning: A Philosophical Reader by
Frontiers of Consciousness: Interdiscilipinary Studies in American Philosophy and Poetry by Scott, Stanley
Government Ethics Reform for the 1990's: The Collected Reports of the New York State Commission on Government Integrity by Green, Bruce
Kants Ethik ALS System Der Zwecke: Perspektiven Einer Modifizierten Idee Der Moralischen Teleologie Und Ethikotheologie by Langthaler, Rudolf
Rousseau, Kant, Goethe by Cassirer, Ernst
Re-reading Levinas by
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien Band 26 (1991) by
Notebooks, 1914 - 1916 by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Ethics, Trust, and the Professions: Philosophical and Cultural Aspects by Pellegrino, Edmund D., Veatch, Robert M., Langan, John P.
Marxian and Christian Utopianism by Marsden, John Joseph
Abrasax: Ausgewählte Papyri Religiösen Und Magischen Inhalts. Band 2: Gebete (Fortsetzung) by
Karl Marx: Exzerpte Und Notizen, Juli Bis September 1851 by Engels, Friedrich, Marx, Karl
Ferdinand Tönnies: Soziologie ALS Skeptische Aufklärung Zwischen Historismus Und Rationalismus by Bickel, Cornelius
Medien-Ethik: Beschreibungen, Analysen, Konzepte Für Den Deutschsprachigen Journalismus by
Reliquiae by Euhemerus
Abschied Von Der Autorität: Die Manager Der Postmoderne by Gebhardt, Eike
Die Schlucht: Ivan Gontscharov Und Der "Realismus" Nach Turgenev Und VOR Dostojevskij (1849-1869) by Rothe, Hans
Hegels Übergang zum System by Zhang, Shen
Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus by Peirce, Charles Sanders
Logical Foundations: Essays in Honor of D. J. O'Connor by Carr, Brian, Mahalingam, Indira
The Moral Limits of Modernity: Love, Inequality and Oppression by Seidler, Victor J.
Moral Scepticism by Dore, Clement
Max Scheler's Concept of the Person: An Ethics of Humanism by Perrin, Ron
Joyce Upon the Void: The Genesis of Doubt by Rabate, Jean-Michel
Socialism Today?: The Changing Meaning of Socialism by Sik, Ota
Literatur Und Politik Bei Peter Weiss: Die "Ästhetik Des Widerstands" Und Die Krise Des Marxismus by Müller, Jost
Hegelian Reflections on the Idea of Nuclear War: Dialectical Thinking and the Dialectic of Mankind by Krombach, Hayo B. E. D.
Identität Und Rolle: Kontext, Konzept Und Wirkungsgeschichte Der Genieästhetik Bei Novalis by Grosser, Thomas
Aelfric's Colloquy by
Lucretius: de Rerum Natura VI by Godwin, John
Ethical Dimensions of Marxist Thought by West, Cornel
The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the Greater Philosophers by Durant, Will
On Becoming Responsible by Pritchard, Michael S.
Heidegger S Confrontation with Modernity: Technology, Politics, and Art by Zimmerman, Michael E., Zimmerman, Mark E.
The Theory of Communicative Action: Lifeworld and Systems, a Critique of Functionalist Reason, Volume 2 by Habermas, Jürgen
The Impossible by Bataille, Georges
Change, Cause and Contradiction: A Defence of the Tenseless Theory of Time by Le, Robin
Grundlage des Naturrechts nach Prinzipien der Wissenschaftslehre (1796) by Fichte, Johann G.
The Inhuman: Reflections on Time by Lyotard, Jean-Francois
Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World's Greatest Philosophers by Durant, Will
Self-Completion: Keys to the Meaningful Life by de Ropp, Robert S.
Theurgie und Philosophie in Jamblichs De mysteriis by Nasemann, Beate
Albins PROLOG Und Die Dialogtheorie Des Platonismus by Nüsser, Olaf
Ricerche sulla cronologia dei filosofi ellenistici by Dorandi, Tiziano
The Transcendence of the Ego: An Existentialist Theory of Consciousness by Sartre, Jean-Paul
Iamblichus: On the Pythagorean Way of Life by Iamblichus, Dillon, John, Hershbell, Jackson
Gadamer and Practical Philosophy: The Hermeneutics of Moral Confidence by Foster, Matthew
Lifelines 1: Writings About the Psychoanalytic Self / Lignes de vie 1: les écritures du moi by Gusdorf, Georges
Lifelines 2: Auto-bio-graphy / Lignes de vie 2: Auto-Bio-Graphie by Gusdorf, Georges
The Languages of Psyche: Mind and Body in Enlightenment Thought by
Quine by Hookway, Christopher
Can Modernity Survive by Heller, Agnes
The Philosophy of Action: A Study of Prime Time Soaps by Moya, Carlos J.
Theories of Discourse: An Introduction by Macdonell, Diane
Philosophical Remarks by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
From Parmenides to Wittgenstein, Volume 1: Collected Philosophical Papers by Anscombe, G. E. M.
Donald Davidson's Philosophy of Language: An Introduction by Ramberg, Bjorn
The Representational Theory of Mind by Sterelny, Kim
Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, Volume 1 by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Personal Identity by Shoemaker, Nancy, Swinburne, Richard
Genius: The History of an Idea by Murray, Penelope
Plato and Freud: Two Theories of Love by Gerasimos, Santas
Posthumous Writings by Frege, Gottlob
Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind: Collected Philosophical Papers, Volume 2 by Anscombe, G. E. M.
Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology by Dancy, Jonathan
Moral Vision: An Introduction to Ethics by McNaughton, David
Aristotle's Ethics by Urmson, James O.
Ethics, Religion and Politics: Collected Philosophical Papers, Volume 3 by
Foucault: An Introduction by
Collected Papers on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy by Frege, Gottlob
Realism and Imagination in Ethics by Lovibond, Sabina
Reading Habermas: Social Crisis and Historical Change by
Lyotard Reader by
Introducing Lyotard: Art and Politics by Readings, Bill
The Problem of Evil by
Philosophische Masken: Literarische Formen Der Philosophie Bei Platon, Descartes, Wolff Und Lichtenberg by Schildknecht, Christiane
Staat Der Athener by
Zur Architektonik Der Vernunft by
Aristoteles Metaphysik by
Über Die Sittlichkeit Der Handlung: Summa Theologiae I-II, Q. 18-21 by Aquin, Thomas Von
Moderne, Nietzsche, Postmoderne by
Republic by Plato
Discourse on Method by Descartes, Rene
Introducing Contemporary Feminist Thought by Evans, Mary
Conditions Handsome and Unhandsome: The Constitution of Emersonian Perfectionism: The Carus Lectures, 1988 by Cavell, Stanley
A Companion to the Enlightenment by
Derrida: A Critical Reader by Wood, David
A Companion to Environmental Philosophy by
Companion to Philosophers P by Arrington, Robert L.
A Companion to World Philosophies by
Pathologies of Belief by
The Blackwell Guide to the Modern Philosopher by
Connectionism: Debates on Psychological Explanation, Volume 2 by
Epistemology: The Big Questions by
Deleuze by Patton, Paul
Descartes by Cottingham, John G.
Securities Against Misrule and Other Constitutional Writings for Tripoli and Greece by Bentham, Jeremy
The Other Hong Kong Report 1991 by
China Review 1991 by
Zeitgeist in Babel: The Postmodernist Controversy by
Sages and Filial Sons: Mythology and Archaeology in Ancient China by
China and Europe: Images and Influences in Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries by Lee, Thomas
The Limits of Interpretation by Eco, Umberto
Philosophical Hermeneutics and Literary Theory by Weinsheimer, Joel
Socrates on Trial by Smith, Nicholas D., Brickhouse, Thomas C. (Professor of Phil
Contractarianism and Rational Choice: Essays on David Gauthier's Morals by Agreement by
Leibniz's Philosophy of Logic and Language by Ishiguro, Hide
The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: An Interactive Interpretation by Healey, Richard a.
The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy by
The Political Responsibility of Intellectuals by
Moral Legislation: A Legal-Political Model for Indirect Consequentialist Reasoning by Johnson, Conrad D.
Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism by Hill, Christopher S.
Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism by Hill, Christopher S.
American Philosophy and the Romantic Tradition by Goodman, Russell B.
Kant: Political Writings by Kant, Immanuel
Augustine's Conversion: A Guide to the Argument of Confessions I-IX by Starnes, Colin
Being and Becoming: A Critique of Post-Modernism by Centore, F. F.
Edmund Burke: The Enlightenment and Revolution by
Character and Opinion in the United States by Santayana, George
Toward a New Enlightenment: Philosophy of Paul Kurtz by
Theophrastus: His Psychological, Doxographical, and Scientific Writings by
War Crimes and Laws of War by Wells, David a.
Cheating and Deception by Bell, J. Bowyer
Essays on the Theory of Scientific Cognition by Kmita, Jerzy
Computation, Logic, Philosophy: A Collection of Essays by Wang Hao
Pythagoras Revived: Mathematics and Philosophy in Late Antiquity by O'Meara, Dominic J.
Market, State, and Community: Theoretical Foundations of Market Socialism by Miller, David
The New Aspects of Time: Its Continuity and Novelties by Capek, M.
Presence and Coincidence: The Transformation of Transcendental Into Ontological Phenomenology by Macann, Chr, Macann, Christopher
Recent Philosophers by Passmore, John Arthur
The Betweenness of Place: Towards a Geography of Modernity by Entrikin, J. Nicholas
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan by Meynell, Hugo A.
Time, Narrative, and History by Carr, David
Why Kids Lie: How Parents Can Encourage Truthfulness by Ekman, Paul
Meaning and Mental Representation by Cummins, Robert
Plato's Parmenides by Meinwald, Constance C.
Meetings by Buber, Martin, Friedman, Maurice
Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet VII by
Henrici de Gandavo Summa (Quaestiones Ordinariae), Art. XLI-XLVI by
In Search of the Sacred: Contributions to an Answer by Pieper, Josef
Political Romanticism by Schmitt, Carl
On Walter Benjamin: Critical Essays and Recollections by
Cicero's Social and Political Thought by Wood, Neal
Hume's System: An Examination of the First Book of His Treatise by Pears, David
Hume's System: An Examination of the First Book of His Treatise by Pears, David
Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes by
Science and Necessity by Bigelow, John, Pargetter, Robert
Contractarianism and Rational Choice: Essays on David Gauthier's Morals by Agreement by
Morals, Motivation, and Convention: Hume's Influential Doctrines by Snare, Francis
Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy by Clark, Maudemarie
Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy by Clark, Maudemarie
Cicero: On Duties by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Essays on Heidegger and Others: Philosophical Papers by Rorty, Richard
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition by Yates, Frances A.
Peter Geach: Philosophical Encounters by
Image Ethics: The Moral Rights of Subjects in Photographs, Film, and Television by Gross, Katz
Philosophy of the Ancients by Ricken, Friedo
Philosophy of the Ancients by Ricken, Friedo
The Moral Order of a Suburb by Baumgartner, M. P.
Apprenticeship in Thinking: Cognitive Development in Social Context by Rogoff, Barbara
On Human Conduct by Oakeshott, Michael
Knowledge and the State of Nature: An Essay in Conceptual Synthesis by Craig, Edward
The Philosophy of Right and Left: Incongruent Counterparts and the Nature of Space by
A General Theory of Authority by Simon, Yves R.
"Dionysos-Dithyramben": Band 1: Textgenetische Edition Der Vorstufen Und Reinschriften. Band 2: Die "Dionysos-Dithyramben". Bedeutung Und Ents by Groddeck, Wolfram
The Southern Writer in the Postmodern World by Hobson, Fred
The Transcendental Temptation by Kurtz, Paul
The State of the Union: Essays in Social Criticism by Nock, Albert Jay
Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline: And Critical Writings by
Kant Und Das Problem Der Gesetzmäßigkeit Der Natur by Thöle, Bernhard
The Science of the Mind, second edition by Flanagan, Owen
The Republic: The Complete and Unabridged Jowett Translation by Plato
Liberty and Nature: An Aristotelian Defense of Liberal Order by Den Uyl, Douglas J., Rasmussen, Douglas
Cartesian Method and the Problem of Reduction by Grosholz, Emily R.
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume VIII: 1990 by
Philoponus: Corollaries on Place and Void with Simplicius: Against Philoponus on the Eternity of the World by Philoponus
Pragmatics: A Reader by Davis, Steven
The Nature of Mind by
The Republic by Plato
Poetics by Aristotle
The Communist Manifasto by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Knowledge in Perspective: Selected Essays in Epistemology by Sosa, Ernest
Liability and Responsibility: Essays in Law and Morals by
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