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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1994

Wordworks: Poems Selected and New by Kostelanetz, Richard
Beings and Things on Their Own by Anghelaki-Rooke, Katerina
Simplicius: On Aristotle Physics 7 by Hagen, C.
Philoponus: On Aristotle Physics 5-8 with Simplicius: On Aristotle on the Void by Lettinck, Paul, Urmson, J. O.
Philoponus: On Aristotle Physics 3 by Edwards, Mark
Bridge of Change by Logan, John
Religionsphilosophie und spekulative Theologie / Religionsphilosophie und spekulative Theologie by
Religionsphilosophie und spekulative Theologie / Religionsphilosophie und spekulative Theologie by
Late Medieval Liturgical Offices - Texts by Hughes, Andrew
Preromanticism by Brown, Marshall
Apperception, Knowledge, and Experience by Bossart, W. H.
The Mind and Its Depths by Wollheim, Richard
Edmund Husserl Briefwechsel: Die Brentanoschule by Schuhmann, Karl, Husserl, Edmund
Abhandlung über die Akzidenzien by Dietrich Von Freiberg
Subjekt und Unsterblichkeit bei Pietro Pomponazzi by Wonde, Jürgen
Untersuchungen Zu Giannozzo Manetti, de Dignitate Et Excellentia Hominis: Ein Renaissance-Humanist Und Sein Menschenbild by Glaap, Oliver
Peirce and Contemporary Thought: Philosophical Inquiries by Ketner, Kenneth L.
Locality and Practical Judgment: Charity and Sacrifice by Ross, Stephen David
The Political Economy of Edmund Burke: The Role of Property in His Thought by Canavan, Francis
Seeing It Was So by Piccione, Anthony
Aristotelica Helvetica by
Departures: Selected Writings by Eberhardt, Isabelle
Platos Ideenlehre by Natorp, Paul
Hegel-Studien / Hegel-Studien, Band 29 by
Political Economy of Edmund Burke: The Role of Property in His Thought by Canavan, Francis
Truth and Objectivity by Wright, Crispin
The Unity of Reason: Essays on Kant's Philosophy by Henrich, Dieter
Language, Metaphysics, and Death by Donnelly, John
Epitome Divinarum Institutionum by Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus
Dissertationes by Maximus Tyrius
Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte by Hegel, Georg W. F.
Autographen, Dokumente und Berichte: Zu Edition, Amtsgeschäften und Werk Immanuel Kants by
Sensualistischer Idealismus by Heinz, Marion
Erasmus, Utopia, and the Jesuits: Essays on the Outreach of Humanism by Olin, John C.
Rede über den Geist des Positivismus by Comte, Auguste
The Unity of the Mind by Brooks, D. H. M.
The Language of Politics in Seventeenth-Century England by Condren, Conal
Beyond Legitimation: Essays on the Problem of Religious Knowledge by Wiebe, Donald
Briefwechsel: Institutionelle Schreiben by Husserl, Edmund, Schuhmann, Karl, Schuhmann, Elisabeth
Beings and Things on Their Own by Anghelaki-Rooke, Katerina
Borders by Crow, Mary
Philosophische Entwürfe und Tagebücher 1809-1813: Philosophie der Freiheit und der Weltalter by Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
Suggestions for Thought by Florence Nightingale: Selections and Commentaries by
Killing and Letting Die by Steinbock, Bonnie, Norcross, Alastair
Catholicism in a Protestant Kingdom: A Study of the Irish Ancien Régime by Leighton, C. D. a.
Geist - Gehirn - künstliche Intelligenz by
Senecas Trostschrift an Polybius. Dialog 11: Ein Kommentar by Kurth, Thomas
Analyomen / Analyomen: Proceedings of the 1st Conference Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy by
In Platonis Cratylum Commentaria by Proclus Diadochus
Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo: Kollegnachschrift 1798/99 by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Friedrich Schlegels Kritik am Ding by Elsässer, Michael
The One Possible Basis for a Demonstration of the Existence of God by Kant, Immanuel
Dialektik und Reflexion by Arndt, Andreas
Die Dialektik des Mythos by Losev, Aleksej F.
The Birth of Tragedy: Out of the Spirit of Music by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Vorlesungen über die Philosophie des Geistes: Berlin 1827/1828. Nachgeschrieben von Johann Eduard Erdmann und Ferdinand Walter by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
The Foundations of Morality (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Hazlitt, Henry
Durkheim on Religion by Durkheim, Mile, Durkheim, Emile
Critica de la Modernidad by Touraine, Alain
Wittgenstein by Malcolm, Norman
Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedr
The Merleau-Ponty Aesthetics Reader: Philosophy and Painting by
Real People 'Personal Identity Without Thought Experiments' by Wilkes, Kathleen V.
Cognitive Practices by Nolan, Rita
Routledge History of Philosophy Volume VIII: Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy by Kearney, Richard
Heidegger: A Philosophical Reader by Fynsk, Christopher
Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology: The Inner and the Outer, 1949 - 1951, Volume 2 by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
An Environmental Proposal for Ethics: The Principle of Integrity by Westra, Laura
Naturalizing Epistemology, second edition by
The Other Nietzsche by Stambaugh, Joan
Ideen Zu Einer Reinen Phänomenologie Und Phänomenologischen Philosophie: Allgemeine Einführung in Die Reine Phänomenologie by
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy by
Confrontations with the Reaper: A Philosophical Study of the Nature and Value of Death by Feldman, Fred
On Aristotle's "physics 7" by Simplicius
The Spirit of Zen: A Way of Life, Work, and Art in the Far East by Watts, Alan
Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science: Reflecting Science on the Ground of Art and Life by Babich, Babette
Essays in Zen Buddhism by Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro
The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po: On the Transmission of Mind by
Delphic Maxims in Literature by Wilkins, Eliza Gregory
Perspectives on Moral Responsibility by
The Way and Its Power: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and Its Place in Chinese Thought by Tzu, Lao
A Preface to Pope by Gordon, Ian Robert Fraser
Substance and Essence in Aristotle: An Interpretation of "metaphysics" VII-IX by Witt, Charlotte
Franklin Merrell-Wolff's Experience and Philosophy: A Personal Record of Transformation and a Discussion of Transcendental Consciousness: Containing H by Merrell-Wolff, Franklin
Heidegger's Ways by Gadamer, Hans-Georg
A Journey Into the Philosophy of Alain Locke by Washington, Johnny
Wittgenstein's Metaphysics by Cook, John W.
Moral Perception and Particularity by Blum, Lawrence A.
The Limits of Hobbesian Contractarianism by Kraus, Jody S.
Nietzsche's Philosophy of Art by Julian, Young, Young, Julian
Morality and Action by Quinn, Warren
Socratic Studies by Vlastos, Gregory, Gregory, Vlastos
Morality and Action by Quinn, Warren, Warren, Quinn
Moral Perception and Particularity by Blum, Lawrence A., Lawrence a., Blum
Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy by D'Entreves, Alexander Passerin
Belief and Unbelief: A Philosophy of Self-knowledge by Novak, Michael
The Decline of the Intellectual by
Radio - The Forgotten Medium by Pease, Edward
Politisches Denken. Jahrbuch 1993 by
On Criminalization: An Essay in the Philosophy of Criminal Law by Schonsheck, J.
Trends in the Historiography of Science by
Symposium and Phaedrus by Plato
Discours de La Methode/Discourse on the Method: A Bilingual Edition with an Interpretive Essay by Descartes, Rene
History of Philosophy, Volume 7 by Copleston, Freder
Sein und Schein - Traum und Wirklichkeit: Zur Poetik oesterreichischer Schriftsteller/innen im 20. Jahrhundert by Diersch, Manfred, Arlt, Herbert
The Authentic Self by Ehman, Robert R.
Smoke and Mirrors: How Science Reflects Reality by Brown, James Robert
Smoke and Mirrors: How Science Reflects Reality by Brown, James Robert
Moore and Wittgenstein on Certainty by Stroll, Avrum
The Naturalness of Religious Ideas: A Cognitive Theory of Religion by Boyer, Pascal
Self as Person in Asian Theory and Practice by
Catholicism in a Protestant Kingdom: A Study of the Irish Ancien Régime by Leighton, C. D. a.
Masses, Classes, Ideas: Studies on Politics and Philosophy Before and After Marx by Balibar, Etienne
Ars memorativa by
Henrici de Gandavo Summa (Quaestiones Ordinariae), Art. XXXI-XXXIV by
Speculum Divinorum Et Quorundam Naturalium: On Platonic Philosophy by Bate, Henricus
Plato's Penal Code by Saunders, Trevor J.
Critical Architecture and Contemporary Culture by
Between Universalism and Skepticism: Ethics as Social Artifact by Philips, Michael
The Least Worst Death by Pabst Battin, Margaret, Battin, Margaret Pabst
The Revolt of the Masses by Ortega Y. Gasset, José
Origen and the Life of the Stars: A History of an Idea by Scott, Alan
The Inner Ocean: Sex and the Search for Modernity in Fin-de-Siecle Russia by Kateb, George
Letters from Prison by Gramsci, Antonio
Letters from Prison by Gramsci, Antonio
Shaftesbury and the Culture of Politeness: Moral Discourse and Cultural Politics in Early Eighteenth-Century England by Klein, Lawrence E.
Metaphysical Myths, Mathematical Practice by Azzouni, Jody
The Mind of John Locke by Harris, Ian
Complementarity: Anti-Epistemology after Bohr and Derrida by Plotnitsky, Arkady
Laws of Nature by Carroll, John W.
The Nietzsche Legacy in Germany: 1890 - 1990 Volume 2 by Aschheim, Steven E.
A Spinoza Reader: The Ethics and Other Works by Spinoza, Benedictus de
A Defense of Galileo, the Mathematician from Florence by Campanella, Thomas
Theological Analyses of the Clinical Encounter by
Contingency and Freedom: Lectura I 39 by
Über Existenz: Die Ontologie Roman Ingardens by Haefliger, G.
Consciousness and Transcendence: Theology by Morrissey, Michael P.
Defense of Galileo: The Mathematician from Florence by Campanella, Thomas
Birth, Suffering, and Death: Catholic Perspectives at the Edges of Life by
Modernity And Religion by McInerny, Ralph
What Is Music?: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Music by
Schleiermachers Hermeneutik Und Ihre Vorgeschichte Im 18. Jahrhundert: Studien Zur Bibelauslegung, Zu Hamann, Herder Und F. Schlegel by Schnur, Harald
Mentales Leben und materielle Welt by Heckmann, Heinz-Dieter
Fundamental Research in Moral Development by
Caring Voices and Women's Moral Frames: Gilligan's View by
Signifying Woman by Zerilli, Linda M. G.
Fathers of International Thought: The Legacy of Political Theory by Thompson, Kenneth W.
Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime by Lyotard, Jean-François
Oedipus, Philosopher by Goux, Jean-Joseph
New Research in Moral Development by
Homer by King, Katherine Callen
Social Philosophy by Gaus, Gerald F.
The Experience of Freedom by Nancy, Jean-Luc
Signifying Woman by Zerilli, Linda M. G.
The Noble Philosopher by Goodell, Edward
The Birth to Presence by Nancy, Jean-Luc
Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals by Murdoch, Iris
The Passion of Michel Foucault by Miller, James
Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime by Lyotard, Jean-François
Schellings Abhandlung Über Das Wesen Der Menschlichen Freiheit (1809) by Heidegger, Martin
For a Critique of Bio-Ethical Thinking / Pour une critique de la raison bioéthique by Sève, Lucien
The Politics of Liberation: Paths from Freire by
The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, Macintyre, Kuhn by Borradori, Giovanna
The Political Writings of Samuel Pufendorf by Pufendorf, Samuel, Seidler, Michael J.
Select Works of Plotinus by
Micro-Politics: Agency in a Postfeminist Era by Mann, Patricia S.
Physicalism: The Philosophical Foundations by Poland, Jeffrey
Doctor Illuminatus: A Ramon Llull Reader by Llull, Ramón
Philosophical Essays by Russell, Bertrand
Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption Volume 7 by Wolin, Richard
Advancement of Learning by Bacon, Francis
Absolutism and Its Consequentialist Critics by Haber, Joram Graf
Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800 by Grafton, Anthony
Leo Strauss: Political Philosopher and Jewish Thinker by
Falling in Love with Wisdom: American Philosophers Talk about Their Calling by
The Taoist Body by Schipper, Kristofer
The Social Theory of Practices: Tradition, Tacit Knowledge and Prepositions by Turner, Stephen P.
Posterior Analytics by Aristotle
Human Situation: Philosophy by Haeffner, Gerd
Language in the World: A Philosophical Enquiry by Cresswell, M. J., M. J., Cresswell
Medicine and Moral Reasoning by Soskice, Janet Martin
Hume's Ethical Writings: Selections from David Hume by
Civil Society and Political Theory by Cohen, Jean L., Arato, Andrew
Game Theory and the Social Contract, Volume 1: Playing Fair by Binmore, Ken
The Birth of the Clinic: The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception by Foucault, Michel
The Order of Things: An Archaeology of Human Sciences by Foucault, Michel
The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas by Gilson, Etienne
Allegory Old and New: In Literature, the Fine Arts, Music and Theatre, and Its Continuity in Culture by
Kant's Theory of Natural Science by Plaass, Peter
By the Grace of Guile: The Role of Deception in Natural History and Human Affairs by Rue, Loyal
Essay on Liberalism: Looking Left and Right by Tucker, D. F. B., Tucker, David F. B.
Mind, Meaning and Mathematics: Essays on the Philosophical Views of Husserl and Frege by
Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas by Gilson, Etienne
Baroque Reason: The Aesthetics of Modernity by Buci-Glucksmann, Christine
Computer - Neue Flügel des Geistes? by Mainzer, Klaus
Moral Demands and Personal Obligations by Fuchs, Josef
Judaism and Other Faiths by Cohn-Sherbok, Daniel C.
The Unmaking of God by Nietmann, William F.
Kierkegaard and Modern Continental Philosophy: An Introduction by Weston, Michael
Spiritual Light: New Scripture by Many Authors and Translations from Ancient Manuscripts, Previously Unpublished by Pryse, John M.
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