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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 1999

Grow Rich While You Sleep by Sweetland, Ben
Modernities: A Geohistorical Interpretation by Taylor, Peter J.
Abstand von der Rhetorik: Strukturen und Funktionen ästhetischer Distanznahme von der >ars rhetorica by Semsch, Klaus
Die belehrte Unwissenheit (De docta ignorantia) / Die belehrte Unwissenheit by Nikolaus Von Kues
Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.14-22 by Mueller, Ian
Velvet Philosophers by Day, Barbara
Philosophie und Universität by Schneider, Ulrich J.
Kants Philosophie der Mathematik by Koriako, Darius
Die belehrte Unwissenheit (De docta ignorantia) / Die belehrte Unwissenheit / De docta ignorantia by Nikolaus Von Kues
The Poverty of Christ and the Apostles by
Summe der Logik / Summa logica: Teil 1: Über die Termini (Kap. 1-4, 63-67) by Wilhelm Von Ockham
From Unity to Pluralism by McCool, Gerald A.
An Introduction to Metaphysics of Knowledge by Simon, Yves R.
Circulating Being: From Embodiment to Incorportation by Busch, Thomas
Circulating Being: From Embodiment to Incorportation by Busch, Thomas
Both/And: Reading Kierkegaard- From Irony to Edification by Strawser, Michael
Ethical Hermeneutics: Rationalist Enrique Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation by Barber, Michael D.
Ethical Hermeneutics: Rationalist Enrique Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation by Barber, Michael D.
Scheler's Ethical Personalism: Its Logic, Development, and Promise by Spader, Peter H.
The Question of Christian Philosophy Today by Ambrosio, Francis J.
Reflection Revisited: Jurgen Habermas' Discursive Theory of Truth by Swindal, James C.
Reflection Revisited: Jurgen Habermas's Discursive Theory of Truth by Swindal, James C.
Radical Pragmatism: An Alternative by Roth, Robert J.
Radical Pragmatism: An Alternative by Roth, Robert J.
Freedom of Choice by Simon, Yves R.
Foresight and Knowledge by Simon, Yves R.
The Definition of Moral Virtue by Simon, Yves R.
A Critique of Moral Knowledge by Simon, Yves R.
Der Gleichheitsdiskurs in der Tierrechtsdebatte. Eine kritische Analyse von Peter Singers Forderung nach Menschenrechten für Grosse Menschenaffen by Heinzelmann, Claudia
Aufklärung und Esoterik by Neugebauer-Wölk, Monika
Finding Hope in the Age of Melancholy by Awbrey, David S.
Erfahrung und Urteil: Untersuchungen zur Genealogie der Logik by Husserl, Edmund
Selbst und Welt: Zur Metaphysik des Selbst bei Heidegger und Cassirer by Hackenesch, Christa
Reflexion und Widerspruch by Kang, Soon J.
Work, Society, and Culture by Simon, Yves R.
Lavrentivs Bonincontrivs Miniatensis: de Rebvs Natvralibvs Et Divinis by Miniatensis, Laurentius Bonincontrius
Challenges of Christian Communication and Broadcasting: Monologue or Dialogue? by Emmanuel, Dominic
Reconstituting Social Criticism: Political Morality in an Age of Scepticism by O'Neill, Shane, MacKenzie, Iain
Killing and Letting Die by Steinbock, Bonnie, Norcross, Alastair
Humanism: Beliefs & Practices by Fowler, Jeaneane D.
Kritischer Kommentar zu Kants Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (1798) by Brandt, Reinhard
Conscience and Its Problems by Kirk, Kenneth E.
Practical Knowledge by Simon, Yves R.
Ayn Rand Reader by Rand, Ayn
The Green Booka by Gathafi, Muammar Al
The Immortal Man: A Treasury of Inspiration and Spiritual Comfort by One of America's Great New Thought Teachers by Neville, Goddard, Neville
The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Rand, Ayn
The Spiritual Universe: One Physicist's Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter and Self by Wolf Phd, Fred Alan
Der fragende Sokrates by
Dianoemata by Baltes, Matthias
Xenophons Symposion by Huss, Bernhard
The Roots of Praxiology: French Action Theory from Bourdeau and Espinas to Present Days by Alexandre, Victor
Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Religion by Pojman, Louis P.
Selected Writings of Thomas Aquinas by Aquinas, Thomas
Who Cares?! The Unique Teaching of Ramesh S. Balsekar by Balsekar, Ramesh S.
A Barfield Reader: Selections from the Writings of Owen Barfield by Barfield, Owen, Barfield, Owen A.
The Anti-Christ by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Freethinkers of Medieval Islam: Ibn Al-Rāwandī, Abū Bakr Al-Rāzī, and Their Impact on Islamic Thought by Stroumsa, Sarah
Imag(in)Ing Otherness by
Language, Truth, and Religious Belief: Studies in Twentieth-Century Theory and Method in Religion by
Reason and Emotion: Essays on Ancient Moral Psychology and Ethical Theory by Cooper, John M.
The Philosophy of G. E. Moore, Volume 4 by
This Complicated Form of Life: Essays on Wittgenstein by Garver, Newton
Nietzschean Defense of Democracy: An Experiment in Postmodern Politics by Hatab, Lawrence
The Play of Reason by Nicholson, Linda
Political Philosophers of the Twentieth Century: An Introduction by Lessnoff, Michael
The Shape of Actions: What Humans and Machines Can Do by Collins, Harry, Kusch, Martin
Blackwell Guide Epistemology by
The Play of Reason by Nicholson, Linda
European Political Thought 1600-1700 by Spellman, W. M.
Time-Fetishes: The Secret History of Eternal Recurrence by Lukacher, Ned
Thus Spake Zarathustra by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Autobiographical Notes by Einstein, Albert
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by Hume, David
On Cultivating Liberty: Reflections on Moral Ecology by Novak, Michael, Anderson, Brian C.
Contemporary Ethics by Shaw, William
Modeling Rationality, Morality, and Evolution by Danielson, Peter
Recovering Benjamin Franklin by Campbell, James
Ethical Vegetarianism: From Pythagoras to Peter Singer by
Introduction to the Philosophy of Law: Readings and Cases by White, Jefferson, Patterson, Dennis
The Philosophy of Georg Henrik Von Wright, Volume 19 by Von Wright, Georg Henrik
Realism Rescued: How Scientific Progress Is Possible by Aronson, Jerrold
Contemporary Continental Philosophy by D'Amico, Robert
Aspasius: The Earliest Extant Commentary on Aristotle's Ethics by
The Rational and the Moral Order by Baier, Kurt
Harmless Naturalism: The Limits of Science and the Nature of Philosophy by Almeder, Robert
Belief and Make-Believe: Critical Reflections on the Sources of Credulity by Wells, George Albert
Dawn of Religious Pluralism: Voices from the World's Parliament of Religions, 1893 by Seager, Richard
Novum Organum by Bacon, Francis
The Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhadkrishnan, Volume 8 by Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, Schilpp, Paul Arthur
Prolegomena: To Any Future Metaphysics That Can Qualify as a Science by Kant, Immanuel
Myth and Philosophy: A Contest of Truths by Hatab, Lawrence J.
Envisioning Power: Ideologies of Dominance and Crisis by Wolf, Eric R.
The Experience and Nature by Dewey, John
Love: Its Forms, Dimensions and Paradoxes by Dilman, I.
Wittgenstein, Frazer and Religion by Clack, Brian R.
Metaphysics in Ordinary Language by Rosen, Stanley
Against Relativism: A Philosophical Defense of Method by Harris, James
The Discourse on Metaphysics: Correspondence with Arnauld/Monadology by Leibniz, Gottfried W.
The Philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Volume 24 by
Body, Community, Language, World by Patocka, Jan
The Masters of Truth in Archaic Greece by Detienne, Marcel
Westorientierung im deutschen Protestantismus? by Sauer, Thomas
Alchemies of the Mind: Rationality and the Emotions by Elster, Jon
Morality, Culture, and History: Essays on German Philosophy by Geuss, Raymond
Writings on Religion by Hume, David
Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology: Volume 2 by Lewis, David, David, Lewis Ma
Community, Liberalism and Christian Ethics by Fergusson, David
Heidegger's Temporal Idealism by Blattner, William D.
Faces of Intention: Selected Essays on Intention and Agency by Bratman, Michael, Michael E., Bratman
Morality, Culture, and History: Essays on German Philosophy by Geuss, Raymond, Raymond, Geuss
Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology: Volume 2 by Lewis, David
Faces of Intention: Selected Essays on Intention and Agency by Bratman, Michael
Analyzing Law by
Willing and Nothingness: Schopenhauer as Nietzsche's Educator by
Ruling Passions by Blackburn, Simon
Embodying Bioethics: Recent Feminist Advances by
Lyric Quotation in Plato by Demos, Marian
Heidegger's Philosophy of Being: A Critical Interpretation by Philipse, Herman
Research in Biopolitics by
The Persistence of Visions: Reflections on Living from the Classroom and Elsewhere by Kellogg, Nelson R.
Family Pictures: A Philosopher Explores the Familiar by Kaplan, Laura
Politisches Denken. Jahrbuch 1999 by Deutschen Gesellschaft Zur Erforschung Des Politischen Denke
Shareholder Value Und Die Kriterien Des Unternehmenserfolgs by
Death and Philosophy by
Integrity in the Public and Private Domains by
Explaining Consciousness: The Hard Problem by
Recovering Benjamin Franklin by Campbell, James
Why Am I Afraid to Love? by Powell, John
On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Vagueness: A Reader by
The Semblance of Subjectivity: Essays in Adorno's Aesthetic Theory by
Philosophy and the Real World: An Introduction to Karl Popper by Magee, Brian
The Mind of Society by Provencal, Yvon
Leisure the Basis of Culture by Pieper, Josef
The Philosophy of P. F. Strawson: The Library of Living Philosophers Volume XXVI by Strawson, P. F., Hahn, Lewis Edwin
Epistemology by
Classical Indian Metaphysics: Refutations of Realism and the Emergence of "New Logic" by Phillips, Stephen H.
Epistemology P by
The Problems of Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History by Patocka, Jan
From Marx to Mises: Post Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Ecomic Calculation by Steele, David Ramsay
The Philosophy of P. F. Strawson: The Library of Living Philosophers Volume XXVI by Strawson, P. F.
The Physics of Duns Scotus: The Scientific Context of a Theological Vision by Cross, Richard
Contemporary Philosophy of Thought: Truth, World, Content by Luntley, Michael
Morality and Cultural Differences by Cook, John W.
The Philosophy of Roderick Chisholm, Volume 25 by
Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory by
The Epistemology of the Cyrenaic School by Tsouna, Voula
Skepticism: A Contemporary Reader by
Picture, Image and Experience by Hopkins, Robert
Surrealist Art and Writing, 1919-1939 by Spector, Jack J.
Human Flourishing: Volume 16, Part 1 by
Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History by
A Passion for Wisdom: A Very Brief History of Philosophy by Higgins, Kathleen M., Solomon, Robert C.
The Philosophy of A. J. Ayer, Volume 21 by Hahn, Lewis Edwin
Kantian Ethics Almost Without Apology by Baron, Marcia W.
The Philosophy of Paul Weiss, Volume 23 by Hahn, Lewis Edwin, Weiss, Paul
Invulnerability: On Securing Happiness by Luper, Steven
Harmless Naturalism: The Limits of Science and the Nature of Philosophy by Almeder, Robert
Being and Other Realities by Weiss, Paul
Austrian Philosophy: The Legacy of Franz Brentano by Smith, Barry
Ways of Confucianism: Investigations in Chinese Philosophy by Nivison, David S.
Solitude: A Philosophical Encounter by Koch, Philip J.
Simone de Beauvoir Writing the Self: Philosophy Becomes Autobiography by Pilardi, Jo-Ann
Simone de Beauvoir Writing the Self: Philosophy Becomes Autobiography by Pilardi, Jo-Ann
World Citizenship and Mundialism: A Guide to the Building of a World Community by de V. Roberts, John C., Roberts, John C. de V.
The Game of Humor: A Comprehensive Theory of Why We Laugh by Gruner, Charles R.
Pragmatism: From Progressivism to Postmodernism by
Morenos Therapeutische Philosophie: Zu Den Grundideen Von Psychodrama Und Soziometrie by
The Sciences in the European Periphery During the Enlightenment by
Pragmatism, Rights, and Democracy by Singer, Beth J.
Silent Film by
Das Leben aus der Schrift verstehen: Wilhelm Diltheys Hermeneutik by Rütsche, Johannes
Pragmatism, Rights, and Democracy by Singer, Beth J.
The Media & Morality by
Freedom of Conscience: A Baptist/Humanist Dialogue by
Possible Experience: Understanding Kant's Critique of Pure Reason by Collins, Arthur
Reason and Emotion by Macmurray, John
Thought-Forms by Besant, Annie, Leadbeater, C. W.
Midwest Studies Phil V 22: Philosophy of Emotions by
An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy by Scruton, Roger
The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, Volume 3 by Schilpp, Paul Arthur, Whitehead, Alfred North
Enigmas by
Enigmas by
Evolutionary Epistemology, Rationality, and the Sociology of Knowledge by
The Comprehensibility of the Universe: A New Conception of Science by Maxwell, Nicholas
The Limits of Thought: Discussions between J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm by Krishnamurti, J., Bohm, David
Machiavelli by
Sex and Social Justice by Nussbaum, Martha Craven
The Philosophy of Brand Blanshard, Volume 15 by Blanshard, Brand
Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals by Hume, David
Death: Philosophical Soundings by Fingarette, Herbert
Grundlagen Der Ethik by Kutschera, Franz Von
Wittgenstein by Bartley, III
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Hofstadter, Douglas R.
From Cognition to Being: Prolegomena for Teachers by McHenry, Henry Davis
Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History by
Ireland and French Enlightenment, 1700-1800 by Sheridan, Geraldine, Gargett, Graham
The Self After Postmodernity by Schrag, Calvin O.
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