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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2005

Woman: Her Position And Influence In Ancient Greece And Rome by Donaldson, James
The Story of the Political Philosophers by Catlin, George
Friendship by Black, Hugh B.
Modern Spiritualism A Subject Of Prophecy And A Sign Of The Times by Smith, Uriah
The Gist of Philosophy by Reitmeister, Louis Aaron
A Traveller in Little Things by Hudson, W. H.
The Spirit of Laws Part Two by Montesquieu, Baron de
F. P. Ramsey: Critical Reassessments by Frapolli, Maria
The Pageant And Ceremony Of The Coronation Of Their Majesties King Edward The Seventh And Queen Alexandra by Pascoe, Charles Eyre
The Limeratomy: A Compendium of Universal Knowledge by Euwer, Anthony
A History of Aesthetic by Bosanquet, Bernard
Our Morality And The Moral Question by Beale, Lionel
Christ and Christmas: A Poem by Eddy, Mary Baker
Evolution And Its Relation To Religious Thought by Conte, Joseph
The Spirit of Laws Part One by Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
Pearls From Many Seas: a Galaxy of Thought From Four Hundred Writers of Wide Repute by
Wolsey the Cardinal and His Times: Courtly, Political and Ecclesiastical by Howard, George
Early Responses to Hume's 'History of England': Volumes 7 and 8 by
The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce, Volume II: Logic, Loyalty, and Community by
Seeds of Liberty: The Genesis of the American Mind by Savelle, Max
The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce: Culture, Philosophy, and Religion by
Abracadabra!: Secret Methods Magicians & Others Use to Deceive Their Audience by Schiffman, Nathaniel
A Student's Guide to American Political Thought by Carey, George W.
Early Responses to Hume's Life and Reputation: Volumes 9 and 10 by
Early Responses to Hume's Metaphysical and Epistemological Writings: Volumes 3 and 4 by
Early Responses to Hume's Moral, Literary & Political Writings by
Early Responses to Hume's Writings on Religion: 2 Volumes by
Political Ideals by Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Confessio Philosophi: Papers Concerning the Problem of Evil, 1671-1678 by Leibniz, G. W.
Architecture Theory: A Reader in Philosophy and Culture by Ballantyne, Andrew
The Facts about Speculation by Gibson, Thomas
Human Life, Action and Ethics: Essays by G.E.M. Anscombe by Anscombe, G. E. M.
The Encircled Serpent a Study of Serpent Symbolism in All Countries and Ages by Howey, M. Oldfield
Begriffsgeschichte im Umbruch? by
Socrates and the Immoralists by Johnson, Curtis N.
Tell Me a Story: The Life-Shaping Power of Our Stories by Taylor, Daniel
Nietzsche as Philosopher by Danto, Arthur C.
Realistische Ethik und Sozialismus by Koenig, Martin A.
Contextualisms in Epistemology by
Nietzsche as Philosopher by Danto, Arthur C.
Liberal Internationalism and the Decline of the State: The Thought of Richard Cobden, David Mitrany, and Kenichi Ohmae by Hammarlund, P.
Feminist Interventions in Ethics and Politics: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory by
Practicing Mortality: Art, Philosophy, and Contemplative Seeing by Ziegler, J., Dustin, C.
Practicing Mortality: Art, Philosophy, and Contemplative Seeing by Ziegler, J., Dustin, C.
Duty Bound: Responsibility and American Public Life by Blitz, Mark
Aesthetics & the Philosophy of Spirit: From Plotinus to Schelling and Hegel by Hendrix, John Shannon
Natural Law, Constitutionalism, Reason of State, and War: Counter-Reformation Spanish Political Thought, Volume I by Fernandez-Santamaria, J. a.
Activity and Sign: Grounding Mathematics Education by
Secrets to a Richer Life: Illuminating Wisdom from the Human Family on the 37 Ultimate Questions by Guile, Earl Ernest
Wahrnehmung Und Aufmerksamkeit: Texte Aus Dem Nachlass (1893-1912) by Husserl, Edmund
Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior by John M., Doris, Doris, John M.
The Conscience Market by Pitts, James Christopher
Iconoclast by Friedman, Corey
Recht - Ethik - Medizin: Eine Einfuehrung ins juristische Denken - nicht nur fuer Ethiker und Mediziner by Baumann, Max
Islam Obscured: The Rhetoric of Anthropological Representation by Varisco, D.
Passionate Philosophy by Heirity, Dan O.
A Commentary on Thucydides: Volume II: Books IV-V. 24 by Hornblower, Simon
The Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences: Interdisciplinary and Philosophical Aspects by
Morality: Its Nature and Justification by Gert, Bernard
Morality: Its Nature and Justification by Gert, Bernard
Critical Cosmology: On Nations and Globalization by Raulet, Gérard
The Selfish Meme by Distin, Kate
Children & Animals: Exploring the Roots of Kindness & Cruelty by Ascione, Frank R.
The Just State: Rethinking Self-Government by Winfield, Richard Dien
War and Border Crossings: Ethics When Cultures Clash by
Start Your Own Religion by Leary, Timothy
Metathinking: Judge For Yourself by Hogen, Richard
Cultivating Inner Force And Reading People Like A Book by Ouch, Kosol
Call Me Rumpelstiltskin by Miller, John Douglas
Reconceiving Pregnancy and Childcare: Ethics, Experience, and Reproductive Labor by Mullin, Amy
Eternal Threads: A Journey Towards Discovery by Patton, Patty Sue
The Art of Life by Kekes, John
Reconceiving Pregnancy and Childcare by Mullin, Amy
Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion by Home Lord Kames, Henry
Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion by Home Lord Kames, Henry
A Treatise of the Laws of Nature by Cumberland, Richard
Nietzsche on Gender: Beyond Man and Woman by Oppel, Frances Nesbitt
A Treatise of the Laws of Nature by Cumberland, Richard
Adventures in the Aporetic: Anthropological Alterities by Loewen, G. V.
The Idea of the Self: Thought and Experience in Western Europe Since the Seventeenth Century by Seigel, Jerrold
Naturalistic Hermeneutics by Mantzavinos, Chris, Mantzavinos, Chrysostomos, Mantzavinos, C.
Jean-Luc Marion: A Theo-Logical Introduction by Horner, Robyn
The Star of Redemption by Rosenzweig, Franz
Doctrine of the Will. by Mahan, Asa
Gerechtigkeit by
The Nature of Evil by Koehn, D.
Making Sense of Your Freedom: Philosophy for the Perplexed by Felt, James W.
Phenomenology Wide Open: After the French Debate by Janicaud, Dominique
Making Sense of Your Freedom: Philosophy for the Perplexed by Felt, James W.
Autonomy and Sympathy: A Post-Kantian Moral Image by Peonidis, Filimon
The Nature of Evil by Koehn, D.
Der Begriff Der Logischen Form in Der Analytischen Philosophie: Russell in Auseinandersetzung Mit Frege, Meinong Und Wittgenstein by Tatievskaya, Elena
Cosmos and Logos: Studies in Greek Philosophy by Rescher, Nicholas
Truth Eternal and the Adversity of Diversity Law: A Simple Philosophy of Truth by Allen, Abram
On the Meaning of Life by Durant, Will
Happiness and Benevolence by Spaemann, Robert
Transcendental Arguments and Justified Christian Belief by Mourad, Ronney
Aristophanes' Male and Female Revolutions: A Reading of Aristophanes' Knights and Assemblywomen by de Luca, Kenneth M.
Kants System der transzendentalen Ideen by Klimmek, Nikolai
Euthanasia - Choice and Death by Tulloch, Gail
Leibniz: Nature and Freedom by
Leibniz: Nature and Freedom by
Honest Patriots: Loving a Country Enough to Remember Its Misdeeds by Shriver, Donald W., Jr.
Natural Justice by Binmore, K. G., Binmore, Ken
Against Proclus' "on the Eternity of the World 1-5" by Philoponus
On Aristotle's "on the Soul 2.1-6" by Philoponus
Euthanasia - Choice and Death by Tulloch, Gail
Mind Crash: (A poke in the third eye with a sharp stick) by Gill, Mike
Weavings of Wisdom by Herbst, Carol
Deconstruction and Democracy by Thomson, Alex
Marxism and the Call of the Future: Conversations on Ethics, History, and Politics by Avakian, Bob, Martin, Bill
Walter Benjamin and Art by Benjamin, Andrew
Rational Choice and Politics by Parsons, Stephen
Scholar by the Warsaw Fire: A Short Story Anthology by Avikaida, Akiva
Moral Philosophy on the Threshold of Modernity by
Philosophia Perennis: Historical Outlines of Western Spirituality in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Thought by Schmidt-Biggemann, Wilhelm
The Christian Religion and Biotechnology: A Search for Principled Decision-Making by Smith, George P.
Notes and Fragments by Kant, Immanuel
Philosophical and Theological Writings by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Philosophical and Theological Writings by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Versuche, in der Welt zu Hause zu sein: Hannah Arendt: Schreiben als Verstehen by Kuberka, Tina
Feminist Interventions in Ethics and Politics: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory by
The Construction of New Mathematical Knowledge in Classroom Interaction: An Epistemological Perspective by Steinbring, Heinz
Explorations of the Life-World: Continuing Dialogues with Alfred Schutz by
Current Debates in Global Justice by
Karl R. Popper Bibliographie 1925-2004: Wissenschaftstheorie, Sozialphilosophie, Logik, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Naturwissenschaften by Lube, Manfred
Practically Profound: Putting Philosophy to Work in Everyday Life by Hall, James H.
Reason and Reality: Realism and Idealism in Pragmatic Perspective by Rescher, Nicholas
On the Use and Abuse of Foucault for Politics by Pickett, Brent
Pure Immanence: Essays on a Life by Deleuze, Gilles
Star Wars and Philosophy: More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine by
Philoponus: Against Proclus On the Eternity of the World 6-8 by Philoponus
The Practice of Value by Raz, Joseph
Aspects of Reason by Grice, Paul
Deleuze and Horror Film by Powell, Anna
Receptions of Descartes: Cartesianism and Anti-Cartesianism in Early Modern Europe by
So You Think You're Human? a Brief History of Humankind by Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe, Fernndez-Armesto, Felipe
The Atrocity Paradigm: A Theory of Evil by Card, Claudia
Political Liberalism by Rawls, John
A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will by Kane, Robert
Coram Deo: Reflections on Presence by Pearson, Cfp(r) Kurtis S.
Monday Manna by Isaac, Dora
White on White/Black on Black by
Kierkegaard's Concept of Despair by Theunissen, Michael
The Politics of Human Frailty: A Theological Defense of Political Liberalism by Insole, Christopher J.
Whatever Floats Your Boat by Fareed (Warfield), Donna
Breaking with Athens: Alfarabi as Founder by Colmo, Christopher A.
The Idea of the Self: Thought and Experience in Western Europe Since the Seventeenth Century by Seigel, Jerrold
Kant and the Ethics of Humility by Grenberg, Jeanine
Movies and the Meaning of Life: Philosophers Take on Hollywood by
Critical Constructivism Primer by Kincheloe, Joe L.
Moral Vision: How Everyday Life Shapes Ethical Thinking by Cady, Duane L.
Viktor Frankl Und Die Philosophie by
Truth Is A Fire! by Michel, Fritz
Strittige Themen Im Umfeld Der Naturwissenschaften: Ein Beitrag Zur Debatte Über Wissenschaft Und Gesellschaft by Mohr, Hans
Vertrauen Und Glaubwürdigkeit: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven by
Meaning and Use by
Justice, Luck, and Knowledge by Hurley, S. L.
Augustine and Politics by
Stability and Justification in Hume's Treatise by Loeb, Louis E.
White on White/Black on Black by
A Theory of Justice: Original Edition by Rawls, John
Beyond Reason: Emotions, Culture, and the Limits of Rationality by Solomon, Robert
The Principles of Moral and Christian Philosophy Vol 1 CL by Turnbull, George
The Principles of Moral and Christian Philosophy Vol 1 PB by Turnbull, George
Plutarch's Cimon And Pericles With The Funeral Oration Of Pericles by Plutarch
Moralia by Plutarch
Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics by Kant, Immanuel
The Mystic Test Book Or The Magic Of The Cards by Richmond, Olney H.
A Son of the Middle Border by Garland, Hamlin
Shakespeare and the Founders of Liberty in America by Gayley, Charles Mills
The Psychology of Religion by Coe, George Albert
Essays on The Active Powers of the Human Mind an Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principle of Common Sense by Reid, Thomas
Historia Amoris A History of Love Ancient and Modern by Saltus, Edgar
A Compendium of Occult Laws by Clymer, R. Swinburne
The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley Part One by Riley, James Whitcomb
The Treasure of the Humble by Maeterlinck, Maurice
Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets by Kropotkin, Peter
Euphorion: Being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the Renaissance by Lee, Vernon
My Friends: Twenty Eight History Making Speeches by Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
The History of the United Daughters of the Confederacy Parts One and Two by Various Authors
Man and Superman a Comedy and a Philosophy by Shaw, George Bernard
Essays of Elia: The Works of Charles Lamb Part One by Lamb, Charles
Elements of Rhetoric Comprising an Analysis of the Laws of Moral Evidence and Persuasion with Rules for Argumentative Composition and Elocution by Whately, Richard
A Pluralistic Universe by James, William
Moralia by Plutarch
Psychology In Theory And Application by Dresser, Horatio W.
The Bible and the Quest of Life by Curry, Bruce
The Outline of Everything with a Critical Survey of the World's Knowledge by Toogood, Hector B.
Human Nature and Conduct An Introduction to Social Psychology by Dewey, John
The Early Buddhist Theory of Man Perfected by Horner, Isaline Blew
Financial Crises and Periods of Industrial and Commercial Depression by Burton, Theodore E.
Selected Essays by Ahad Ha 'Am by Ha 'am, Ahad
Human Nature and Conduct An Introduction to Social Psychology by Dewey, John
Horae Hellenicae: Essays And Discussions On Important Points Of Greek Philology And Antiquity by Blackie, John Stuart
Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics by Kant, Immanuel
The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley Part One by Riley, James Whitcomb
First Principles In Ethics by Champlin, J. T.
The Histories of Herodotus by Herodotus
The Americans by Munsterberg, Hugo
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