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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2011

India of my Dreams by Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Truth is the Way by Simpson, Christopher Ben
Le Corps by Roux, Jeanne-Marie
Hegel-Studien Band 45: (2010) by
System und Systemkritik um 1800 by
Maß nehmen - Maß geben: Leistungsbewertung im Philosophieunterricht und Ethikunterricht by
Philosophie und Weltanschauung by
Walking by Thoreau, Henry David
Theism: Being the Baird Lecture For 1876 by Flint, Robert
Anthropology for the People: A Refutation of the Theory of the Adamic Origin of All Races. by Caucasian. by Anonymous
Pantheon Of Political Philosophers by Lazarashvili, Zviad Kliment, Ihejirika, Chieke E., Chafidze, Gari T.
Warcraft and the Fragility of Virtue by Davis, G. Scott
Typische Denkfehler in der Philosophie by Nelson, Leonard
Musical Beauty by Stone-Davis, Férdia J.
The Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age by Berry, D.
Philosophy and the Modern Mind by Adams, E. Maynard
Constructing Leisure: Historical and Philosophical Debates by Spracklen, K.
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Thoreau, Henry David
Kant and Sartre: Re-Discovering Critical Ethics by Baiasu, S.
Crime, Governance and Existential Predicaments by Hardie-Bick, James
Max Stirner by Newman, Saul
Longevity and the Good Life by Farrant, A.
Embodiment, Emotion, and Cognition by Maiese, Michelle
Towards a New Literary Humanism by
Marx and Alienation: Essays on Hegelian Themes by Sayers, Sean
What Is a Picture?: Depiction, Realism, Abstraction by Newall, M.
Sidgwick and Contemporary Utilitarianism by Nakano-Okuno, M.
Whole New World by Lizée, P.
Moral Emotions and Intuitions by Roeser, S.
Popular Media and Animals by Molloy, Claire
Challenges in the Social Life of Language by Edwards, John
Fascists and Honourable Men: Contingency and Choice in French Politics, 1918-45 by Amzalak, N.
The Concept of Truth by Campbell, R.
Dramatizing the Political: Deleuze and Guattari by Porter, R., MacKenzie, I.
The Secret History of Democracy by Stockwell, Stephen, Isakhan, Benjamin
The Triple Helix: The Soul of Bioethics by Bellantoni, L.
Existentialism and Social Engagement in the Films of Michael Mann by Gaine, Vincent M.
International Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches by
The Three Stigmata of Friedrich Nietzsche: Political Physiology in the Age of Nihilism by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Particularism and the Space of Moral Reasons by Smith, Benedict
Realizing Freedom: Hegel, Sartre and the Alienation of Human Being by Rae, G.
Kant and Spinozism: Transcendental Idealism and Immanence from Jacobi to Deleuze by Lord, B.
Über die Freiheit by Mill, John Stuart
Lacanian Ethics and the Assumption of Subjectivity by Neill, C.
Don't Tread On Me: An American Patriot's Book of Quotes by Wilson, R. Blake
The Theory of Descriptions: Russell and the Philosophy of Language by Stevens, G.
Bolzano's Theoretical Philosophy: An Introduction by Lapointe, S.
At the Nexus of Philosophy and History by
What Does That Mean?: Exploring Mind, Meaning, and Mysteries by Taylor, Eldon
The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould by York, Richard, Clark, Brett
A Macrotheory of Justice by Msoka, Gabriel Andrew
Dialogically Speaking by
Systems Theory and Theology by Locker, Markus
Wednesday's Child by Schulz, Gregory P.
Ateísmo & Niilismo: Reflexões sobre a morte de deus by Cancian, André
Musical Beauty by Stone-Davis, Férdia J.
Life, the Universe, and Everything by Machuga, Ric
Innocence: A Novel of Innocence, Naivety and Love by Moring, Marcel
Innocence: A Novel of Innocence, Naivety and Love by Moring, Marcel
Cengage Advantage Books: Bioethics in a Cultural Context: Philosophy, Religion, History, Politics by Barry, Vincent
Lifenotes by Snyder, Paul
Love - In Search of a Reason for Living by Snyder, Paul
Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal by Diagne, Souleymane Bachir
Selected Writings by Bentham, Jeremy
The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments by Knight, Andrew
Animals and Social Work: A Moral Introduction by Ryan, T.
The Moral Dimensions of Empathy: Limits and Applications in Ethical Theory and Practice by Oxley, J.
The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould by Clark, Brett, York, Richard
Cognitive Ecologies and the History of Remembering: Religion, Education and Memory in Early Modern England by Keene, N., Tribble, E.
Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love by Nicolacopoulos, Toula, Vassilacopoulos, George
A Beginner's Guide to Scientific Method by Carey, Stephen
What I Did In My Holidays: - essays on black magic, Satanism, devil worship and other niceties by Dukes, Ramsey
Life, the Universe, and Everything by Machuga, Ric
Dialogically Speaking by
Wednesday's Child by Schulz, Gregory P.
A Macrotheory of Justice by Msoka, Gabriel Andrew
El Gran Salto a Tu Libertad by Otano, Anibal Adrian
The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism by
From Faith to Doubt...and Life as a Failed Believer by Murphree, Wallace
Lo! by Fort, Charles
Plato's the Republic: Special Collector's Edition by Plato
Issues in Ethics and Animal Rights by Vyas, Manish A.
Truth is the Way by Simpson, Christopher Ben
Echoes of Mind: Thinking Deeply About Humanship by Levy, David A., Parco, James E.
Positive Living by Gerhardt, Lou
Plato's The Republic: Special Collector's Edition by Plato
Creative Evolution by Bergson, Henri
The Way I Act by Metzger, Steve
The Transgenerational Policy by Thompson, Janna
Times Magic Arrow by Dover, Anthony
Die Wiederentdeckung des Karnevalesken in der politischen Philosophie by Schaumann, Florian
Knowing Full Well by Sosa, Ernest
The Ethics of Authorship: Communication, Seduction, and Death in Hegel and Kierkegaard by Berthold, Daniel
The Philosophy of Steven Soderbergh by
Waking To The Light by Ferris, Henriette
Where Do Ideas Come From?: The Hidden Dimension of Creative Thinking by Bar Yona, Itzhak
The Legacy of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin by
Crediting God: Sovereignty and Religion in the Age of Global Capitalism by
Crediting God: Sovereignty and Religion in the Age of Global Capitalism by
The Ethics of Authorship: Communication, Seduction, and Death in Hegel and Kierkegaard by Berthold, Daniel
Can Catholics and Evangelicals Agree about Purgatory and the Last Judgment? by Salkeld, Brett
Dramatic Theories of Voice in the Twentieth Century by Kimbrough, Andrew
Breaking Open the Creeds: What Can They Mean for Christians Today? by Kropf, Richard W.
Confessions of Love: The Ambiguities of Greek "Eros" and Latin "Caritas" by
Real Leadership: How Spiritual Values Give Leadership Meaning by Fairholm, Gilbert
Clairvoyance by Leadbeater, Charles Webster
Animals in Greek and Roman Thought: A Sourcebook by Newmyer, Stephen T.
Duncan's Ritual and Monitor of Freemasonry by Duncan, Malcolm C.
Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error by Schulz, Kathryn
Madness: The Invention of an Idea by Foucault, Michel
Cosmopolitanism Reader by Brown, Garrett W., Held, David
Will-of-the-Land by Vest, Jay Hansford C.
Yeh Rishtey Kya Hai by Krishnamurti, J.
The Philosophy of Aristotle by Aristotle
Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Marx, Karl
International Political Theory After Hobbes: Analysis, Interpretation and Orientation by
The Problems of Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
21st Century Natural Philosophy of Ultimate Physical Reality by Blaha, Stephen
Baron Grimbosh, Doctor of Philosophy and Sometime Governor of Barataria. a Record of His Experience, Written by Himself in Exile, and Published by Aut by MacKay, Charles, Anonymous
The Problems of Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
Knowing The Path: The case for a better humanity through science, spirituality, and personal observation by a young Haitian by Joachim, Tanael
Phenomenology: An Introduction by Lewis, Michael, Staehler, Tanja
The Hegel Dictionary by Magee, Glenn Alexander
Just Warriors, Inc.: The Ethics of Privatized Force by Baker, Deane-Peter
Just Warriors, Inc.: The Ethics of Privatized Force by Baker, Deane-Peter
Phenomenology by Staehler, Tanja, Lewis, Michael
Bergson and American Culture: The Worlds of Willa Cather and Wallace Stevens by Quirk, Tom
Plato and Aristotle on Poetry by Else, Gerald F.
Universo E Homo Sapiens by Zamboni, Febo
The Poetics of Belief: Studies in Coleridge, Arnold, Pater, Santayana, Stevens, and Heidegger by Scott, Nathan A.
Rudolf Otto: An Introduction to His Philosophical Theology by Almond, Philip C.
Lacan and Klein, Creation and Discovery: An Essay of Reintroduction by Rosen-Carole, Adam
Rawls's 'a Theory of Justice': A Reader's Guide by Lovett, Frank
Open in dichten by Zwartjes, Tommy
Tales of War: Great Stories from Military History for Every Day of the Year by Marsh, W. B., Carrick, Bruce
The Hegel Dictionary by Magee, Glenn Alexander
Key Terms in Ethics by Kuusela, Oskari
Key Terms in Ethics by Kuusela, Oskari
Neurocultures: Glimpses into an Expanding Universe by
Fractal Time: Why a Watched Kettle Never Boils by Vrobel, Susie
Cycles of Time: From Infinity to Eternity by Komzsik, Louis
Occasionalism: Causation Among the Cartesians by Nadler, Steven
Emergent Holistic Consciousness: The Postmodern Mystic by Heywood, Stuart P.
The Human Show: Through the Eyes of Just One Man by Findlay, Sean S.
Machines of Nature and Corporeal Substances in Leibniz by
Reflections on Humans and their Surroundings: Awareness, Experience, Qualia, Hearing, Memory, Perception, Thought, Freedom, Sensations, Character, Per by Saint, Simon
What is Creativity?: Originality, Art & Invention by King, John
An Evolutionary Epistemological Critique of Schopenhauer's Metaphysics by Edwards, Anthony
An Introduction to Political Philosophy (Routledge Revivals) by Murray, A. R. M.
Procreation and Parenthood: The Ethics of Bearing and Rearing Children by Archard, David, Benatar, David
Divine Evil?: The Moral Character of the God of Abraham by
Truth-Conditional Pragmatics by Recanati, Francois
Human Enhancement by Savulescu, Savulescu, Julian, Bostrom, Nick
Philosophy of Love: A Partial Summing-Up by Singer, Irving
Duncan's Ritual and Monitor of Freemasonry by Duncan, Malcolm C.
Love and Arms: Violence and Justification After Levinas by Douglas, Helen
The Human Show: Through the Eyes of Just One Man by Findlay, Sean S.
Emergent Holistic Consciousness: The Postmodern Mystic by Heywood, Stuart P.
Interactive Wittgenstein: Essays in Memory of Georg Henrik Von Wright by
Cycles of Time: From Infinity to Eternity by Komzsik, Louis
Reading Graphs, Maps, and Trees: Responses to Franco Moretti by
The Nature of Colour: A consideration of the perception of colour, the location of colour and the nature of the unperceived world by Green, Thomas
Dark Matter, Dark Energy & the Quantum Wavefunction by Rose, Robert
A Critique of the Idea of Progress: Ethics, Knowledge & Evolution by Nicholls, Robert
Totalitarismus und danach?: Beiträge von H. Arendt, C.J. Friedrich und J.J. Linz im Hinblick auf die Rolle der Gewalt und das Politikverständnis i by Gerasch, Martin
Franckes Sicht der religiösen Erziehung in seinen pädagogischen Schriften by Graé, Ann-Christin
Physicalism & Feelings: An Exploration of the Nature of the Universe by Bloom, Jonathan
Damaged by the world and wounded by the church: Religious Maturity by Lee, Apostle William D.
The Arithmetic of Faith; Or the Unity of God as Revealed in the Scriptures. by Nutter, C. C.
Atlantis: the antediluvian world ... Illustrated. by Donnelly, Ignatius
Comments on the Society of the Spectacle by Debord, Guy
Junkware: Volume 13 by Bardini, Thierry
The Freudian Slip: Psychoanalysis and Textual Criticism by Timpanaro, Sebastiano
Chomsky and Deconstruction: The Politics of Unconscious Knowledge by Wise, C.
Looking Backward from 2000 to 1887 by Bellamy, Edward
Primitive Culture: researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, art, and custom. Vol. I, Third Edition, Revised by Tylor, Edward Burnett
Chomsky and Deconstruction: The Politics of Unconscious Knowledge by Wise, C.
Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory by Soja, Edward W.
Brecht and Method by Jameson, Fredric
Critique of Economic Reason by Gorz, Andre
Machiavelli and Us by Althusser, Louis
The Panopticon Writings by Bentham, Jeremy
Politics of Time: Modernity and Avant-Garde by Osborne, Peter
Passwords by Baudrillard, Jean
How We Are Our Enemy--And How to Stop by Hodge, John L.
War Rooms: Medienphilosophische Aspekte: Räumlichkeit - Zeitlichkeit - Medialität by Jungmeier, Wolfgang Karl
Dynamic Formal Epistemology by
Should I be a Vegetarian?: A personal reflection on meat-eating, vegetarianism and veganism by Cummins, Neil Paul
Christianity, Antiquity, and Enlightenment: Interpretations of Locke by Nuovo, Victor
Der Fürst: (Il Principe) by Machiavelli, Niccolò
The Hull Literary and Philosophy Miscellany. Vol. 1. No. 1-4. by Anonymous
The Art of War & The Prince by Machiavelli - Special Edition by Machiavelli, Niccolò
Public Enemies: Dueling Writers Take On Each Other and the World by L. Vy, Bernard-Henri, Houellebecq, Michel
Religion: The Failed Narrative Clashing Religious Doctrine and the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism by Johnson, Richard C.
Introduction to Philosophy--Thinking and Poetizing by Heidegger, Martin
Geschichte des Materialismus by Lange, Friedrich Albert
Geschichte der Philosophie by Vorländer, Karl
Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie by Windelband, Wilhelm
Prayer by Gandhi, Mohandas K.
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