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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2012

Recognition Theory & Contemp French CB: Reopening the Dialogue by
Una rosa bianca sopra nuvole color panna by Barragan, Mario Albano
Millennium Dawn. the Philosophy of Planetary Crisis and Human Liberation by Martin, Glen T.
Philosophie der Kultur - Kultur des Philosophierens by
Zur Genese autonomer Moral by Glinka, Holger
The Weight of Feeling by Ellis, Rhett
Essays... by Montaigne, Michel
Johann Gottfried Von Herder's Sammtliche Werke ...... by Herder, Johann Gottfried
Johann Gottfried Von Herder's Sammtliche Werke ...... by Herder, Johann Gottfried
Johann Gottfried Von Herder's Sammtliche Werke: Zur Schonen Literatur Und Kunst, Volumes 7-8... by Herder, Johann Gottfried, Henne
La Mente Di Giambattista Vico: Aggiuntovi Il Primo Scritto Istorico Di Vico... by Ferrari, Giuseppe
Outlines of Metaphysic: Dictated Portions of the Lectures of Hermann Lotze, Volume 1... by Lotze, Hermann
Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy: Based on the Doctrine of Evolution, with Criticisms on the Positive Philosophy, Volume 13... by Fiske, John
Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy: Based on the Doctrine of Evolution, with Criticisms on the Positive Philosophy, Volume 14... by Fiske, John
Kant's Inaugural Dissertation of 1770: Translated Into English, with an Introduction and Discussion, Volume 1... by Kant, Immanuel
Il Tesoro, Volgarizzato Da B. Giamboni. Nuovamente Pubbl. [By L.A. Carrer].... by Latini, Brunetto
Kleine Philosophische Schriften... by Mendelssohn, Moses
Laocoon... by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, L?vy, B., Levy, B.
Griechische Denker: Bd. Die Anfange. Von Der Metaphysik Zur Positiven Wissenschaft. Das Zeitalter Der Aufklarung... by Gomperz, Theodor
Philosophie Der Freiheit: Dargestellt Fur Deutsche Laien. ...... by Claassen, Johannes
Die Philosophie Unserer Zeit: Zur Apologie Und Erlauterung Des Hegelschen Systems... by Schaller, Julius
Kant's Lehre Vom Idealen Christus: Ein Vergleich Mit Der Christologie Der Kirche... by Paul, Ludwig
Nietzsche Und Die Schweiz... by Bernoulli, Carl Albrecht
Die Entwicklung Des Religionsbegriffs Bei Schleiermacher... by Huber, Eugen
Moses Mendelssohn: Lichtstrahlens Aus Seinen Philosophischen Schriften Und Briefen... by Mendelssohn, Moses
Homerische Vorschule: Eine Einleitung in Das Studium Der Ilias Und Odyssee... by Muller, Wilhelm
Die Welt ALS Vorstellung: Academischer Vortrag... by Fick, Adolf
Living a Life Larger Than Yourself by Ramjattan, Subesh
The Epistemological Argument Against Atheism: Why a Knowledge of God Is Implied in Everything We Know by Meynell, Hugo
The Problems of Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
The New Physics And Its Evolution by Poincare, Lucien
Faith & Frenzy by Chowdhury, Kundan Lal
Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion by
Kant, Schopenhauer and Morality: Recovering the Categorical Imperative by Walker, M.
Contentment in Contention: Acceptance Versus Aspiration by Southgate, B.
From Psychology to Phenomenology: Franz Brentano's 'psychology from an Empirical Standpoint' and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind by Tassone, B.
Victor Dudman's Grammar and Semantics by Curthoys, J., Dudman, V.
Alfred Tarski: Philosophy of Language and Logic by Beaney, Michael, Patterson, Douglas
Mill on Justice by
Embodied Selves by
Tragedy and International Relations by
The Things We Do and Why We Do Them by Sandis, C.
Fool's Gold?: Utopianism in the Twenty-First Century by Sargisson, L.
Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture by Aaltola, E.
The Complex Mind: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Stenning, Keith, McGonigle, Maggie, McFarland, David
Theatres of Immanence: Deleuze and the Ethics of Performance by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Frege's Notations: What They Are and How They Mean by Beaney, Michael, Landini, Gregory
Terrorism: A Philosophical Enquiry by Schwenkenbecher, A.
Measuring Global Poverty: Toward a Pro-Poor Approach by Wisor, S.
Reason, Will and Emotion: Defending the Greek Tradition Against Triune Consciousness by Crittenden, P.
Dialogues with Contemporary Political Theorists by
Biopolitical Experience: Foucault, Power and Positive Critique by Blencowe, C.
Children, Morality and Society by Frankel, S.
Radicalism: A Philosophical Study by McLaughlin, P.
Screening the Unwatchable: Spaces of Negation in Post-Millennial Art Cinema by Grønstad, A.
Action and Existence: A Case for Agent Causation by Swindal, J.
Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology: Contemporary Readings by
Ageing, Gender, Embodiment and Dance: Finding a Balance by Schwaiger, E.
Religious Pluralism and the Modern World: An Ongoing Engagement with John Hick by
Red Racisms: Racism in Communist and Post-Communist Contexts by Law, I.
Reshaping Natural Theology: Seeing Nature as Creation by Wahlberg, M.
Animal Cruelty, Antisocial Behaviour, and Aggression: More Than a Link by Gullone, Eleonora
On the Production of Subjectivity: Five Diagrams of the Finite-Infinite Relation by O'Sullivan, S.
Cave Art, Perception and Knowledge by Rosengren, M.
Repression, Integrity and Practical Reasoning by Jaeger, G.
The Philosophical Foundations of Modern Medicine by Lee, K.
Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics: New Essays on Space and Time by
New Forms of Governing: A Foucauldian Inspired Analysis by Triantafillou, P.
The Genesis and Ethos of the Market by Bruni, L.
Post-War Modernist Cinema and Philosophy: Confronting Negativity and Time by Ford, H.
After Postmodernism: A Naturalistic Reconstruction of the Humanities by Faye, Jan
Spinoza's Revolutions in Natural Law by Campos, A.
Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy by
Television and the Moral Imaginary: Society Through the Small Screen by Dant, T.
Social Injustice: Essays in Political Philosophy by Bufacchi, V.
Knowing What Is Good for You: A Theory of Prudential Value and Well-Being by Taylor, T.
Wittgenstein's Ethical Thought by Iczkovits, Y.
Lacan and the Concept of the 'Real' by Eyers, T.
Theory and Practice in the Philosophy of David Hume by Wiley, James
Beyond Humanism: The Flourishing of Life, Self and Other by Nooteboom, B.
Knowing Without Thinking: Mind, Action, Cognition and the Phenomenon of the Background by
Scientific Enquiry and Natural Kinds: From Planets to Mallards by Magnus, P.
North American Critical Theory After Postmodernism: Contemporary Dialogues by
Early Modern Drama and the Bible: Contexts and Readings, 1570-1625 by
Community Without Community in Digital Culture by Gere, C.
Counterfactuals and Scientific Realism by Shaffer, Michael J.
Models as Make-Believe: Imagination, Fiction and Scientific Representation by Toon, Adam
Reclaiming Liberty: From Crisis to Empowerment by Bentwich, M.
Nature and Experience in the Culture of Delusion: How Industrial Society Lost Touch with Reality by Kidner, D.
Memory, History, Justice in Hegel by Nuzzo, Angelica
Fictions of Knowledge: Fact, Evidence, Doubt by
Morality Politics in Western Europe: Parties, Agendas and Policy Choices by Engeli, Isabelle, Green-Pedersen, Christoffer
Frege on Absolute and Relative Truth: An Introduction to the Practice of Interpreting Philosophical Texts by Pardey, U.
Power, Knowledge, Animals by Johnson, L.
Reunification in West German Party Politics from Westbindung to Ostpolitik by Kleuters, Joost
Performance in the Blockades of Neoliberalism: Thinking the Political Anew by Wickstrom, M.
Phenomenology and the Future of Film: Rethinking Subjectivity Beyond French Cinema by Chamarette, J.
Plato on Art and Beauty by Denham, Alison
Studies in the Philosophy of Herbert Hochberg by
Wittgenstein and Aesthetics: Perspectives and Debates by
The Jews, Instructions for Use: Four Eighteenth-Century Projects for the Emancipation of European Jews by Bernardini, Paolo L., Lucci, Diego
Carnap's Ideal of Explication and Naturalism by
Rethinking Political Obligation: Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship by Mokrosinska, D.
Russell's Unknown Logicism: A Study in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics by Gandon, S.
Time Enough: Essays in Autobiography by Mott, Frank Luther
This Troubled Century: Selected Addresses of Henry Louis Smith by Smith, Henry Louis
Portrait of a Seeker by Weimer, David W.
Rhetoric by Aristotle
Dummett on Abstract Objects by Duke, G.
Enquêtes sur le sens de la vie: La vie a t'elle un sens ? by Bourgogne, Jacky
Action, Perception and the Brain: Adaptation and Cephalic Expression by
Neurofeminism: Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science by Maibom, Heidi Lene, Bluhm, Robyn
Marx's Discourse with Hegel by Levine, N.
A Frightening Love: Recasting the Problem of Evil by Gleeson, Andrew
Growing Moral Relations: Critique of Moral Status Ascription by Coeckelbergh, M.
An Evolutionary Perspective on the Relationship Between Humans and Their Surroundings: Geoengineering, the Purpose of Life & the Nature of the Univer by Cummins, Neil Paul
John Addington Symonds (1840-1893) and Homosexuality: A Critical Edition of Sources by Brady, S.
Ways of Knowing: God's Existence and His Will by Edwards, John C.
Die Philosophie im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts by Drews, Arthur
Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Einstein, Albert
Equality and Tradition: Questions of Value in Moral and Political Theory by Scheffler, Samuel
Beyond Reduction: Philosophy of Mind and Post-Reductionist Philosophy of Science by Horst, Steven
The World as Will and Representation (The World as Will and Idea), Volume II of III by Schopenhauer, Arthur
The Essence of Christianity by Feuerbach, Ludwig
The Agency of Bliss by Baum Trucks, Emilee L.
The Socratic Paradoxes and the Greek Mind by O'Brien, Michael J.
Der Materialismus-Streit: Texte von L. Büchner, H. Czolbe, L. Feuerbach, I. H. Fichte, J. Frauenstädt, J. Froschammer, J. Henle, J. Moleschott, by
Reification: A New Look at an Old Idea by Honneth, Axel
Principia Ethica by Moore, George
Monadology and Sociology by Tarde, Gabriel
Thomist Realism and the Critique of Knowledge by Gilson, Etienne
The World as Will and Representation (The World as Will and Idea), Volume III of III by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Lenin Revisited. His Entire Thinking Process on Marxist Philosophy. a Post-Textological Reading of Philosophical Notes by Yibing, Zhang
The World as Will and Representation (the World as Will and Idea), Volume I of III by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Walden Today by Thomas, Wayne M.
The Three Character Classic: (2nd Edition) a Bilingual Reader of China's ABCs by Wang, Yinling, Wang, Yinglin
The Anti-Christ by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Nature and Logos: A Whiteheadian Key to Merleau-Ponty's Fundamental Thought by Hamrick, William S., Van Der Veken, Jan
Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future by Macy, Gary, Ditewig, William T., Zagano, Phyllis
Poetry, Short Stories, and Other Nonsensical Trivialities by Persky, Jason
Philosophical Faith and the Future of Humanity by
The Myth of the Closed Mind: Understanding Why and How People Are Rational by Percival, Ray Scott
Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics: The Philosophy and Theory of Language of Anton Marty by
Le Vivant Et Sa Naturalisation: Le Problème Du Naturalisme En Biologie Chez Husserl Et Le Jeune Merleau-Ponty by Moinat, Frédéric
Open Minds: The Basic Ideas of Philosophy by Grcic, J.
Das Böse in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" - Roman, Drama, Film by Friedrich, Toni
Blues - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking Deep about Feeling Low by
Examined Lives by Miller, James
Ideas That Matter: The Concepts That Shape the 21st Century by Grayling, A. C.
Evolution of Darkness by Mathurin, Hyginus
Evolution of Darkness by Mathurin, Hyginus
Between One and One Another by Jackson, Michael
Between One and One Another by Jackson, Michael
Indexikalität und Fregescher Sinn: Eine Untersuchung zu den referentiellen Eigenschaften des Personalpronomen "ich" by Ulrich, Karin
Virtue Epistemology: Motivation and Knowledge by Napier, Stephen
Peirce's Philosophy of Communication: The Rhetorical Underpinnings of the Theory of Signs by Bergman, Mats
Ontology and Providence in Creation: Taking Ex Nihilo Seriously by Robson, Mark Ian Thomas
Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Before Sunrise by
Zizek and Heidegger: The Question Concerning Techno-Capitalism by Brockelman, Thomas
Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion by Scott-Baumann, Alison
The Suspension of Reason in Hegel and Schelling by Lauer, Christopher
Ricoeur, Hermeneutics, and Globalization by Kristensson Uggla, Bengt
Plato on Virtue and the Law by Berges, Sandrine
Ricoeur Across the Disciplines by
Wittgenstein and Value: The Quest for Meaning by Litwack, Eric B.
Quine's Naturalism: Language, Theory and the Knowing Subject by Gregory, Paul A.
Thinking Between Deleuze and Kant: A Strange Encounter by
Phenomenology, Institution and History: Writings After Merleau-Ponty II by Watson, Stephen H.
Psychologies of Mind: The Collected Papers of John Maze by
Reality and Its Appearance by Rescher, Nicholas
Parmenides and to Eon: Reconsidering Muthos and Logos by Wilkinson, Lisa Atwood
Wittgenstein's Form of Life by Kishik, David
Menschenwürde Und Spätabbruch by Dolderer, Anja Beatrice
Emerging Technological Risk: Underpinning the Risk of Technology Innovation by Felici, Massimo, Anderson, Stuart
Introducing Mindfulness: A Practical Guide by Watt, Tessa
Introducing Happiness: A Practical Guide by Buckingham, Will
On Privacy by Lever, Annabelle
Time and Becoming in Nietzsche's Thought by Small, Robin
Life, Subjectivity & Art: Essays in Honor of Rudolf Bernet by
Philosophy and Grammar: Papers on the Occasion of the Quincentennial of Uppsala University by
Art, Myth and Society in Hegel's Aesthetics by James, David
Pythagoras and the Doctrine of Transmigration: Wandering Souls by Luchte, James
Stoic Virtues: Chrysippus and the Religious Character of Stoic Ethics by Jedan, Christoph
Structural Realism: Structure, Object, and Causality by
The Biotechnology Debate: Democracy in the Face of Intractable Disagreement by Bovenkerk, Bernice
Difficult Freedom and Radical Evil in Kant: Deceiving Reason by Madore, Joel
Grundbegriffe Der Grünen Gentechnik: Wissenschaftstheoretische Und Naturphilosophische Grundlagen by Hiekel, Susanne
Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living by Lokos, Allan
La Revolucion Bolivariana Democratiza Los DD Hh Basicos by Gonzalez Irago, Carlos, Gonz Lez Irago, Carlos
Undoing Ethics: Rethinking Practice in Online Research by Whiteman, Natasha
The Church That Satan's Slaves Built: The Enemies of Jesus' True Church Exposed by Wright, Howard Eugene
Ok... Here's the Deal: So, What's Happening? by Patterson Esogist, James W.
On Kierkegaard and the Truth by Holmer, Paul L.
La Revolucion Bolivariana Democratiza Los DD Hh Basicos by Gonzalez Irago, Carlos, Gonz Lez Irago, Carlos
Lo bello y lo sublime: Ensayo de estética y moral by Kant, Emmanuel
On Kierkegaard and the Truth by Holmer, Paul L.
Babbitt by Lewis, Sinclair
The Synaptic Gospel: Teaching the Brain to Worship by Rodkey, Christopher D.
American Smart Cinema by Perkins, Claire
Environmental Ethics: An Introduction to Environmental Philosophy by Des Jardins, Joseph R.
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