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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

Über die Liebe by Stendhal
Max Stirner's Kleinere Schriften und Entgegnungen by Stirner, Max
Recensenten Stirners by Stirner, Max
Die Pflicht zum Ungehorsam: gegen den Staat by Thoreau, H. D., Potten, Detlef
Rapports du physique et du moral de l'homme by Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges
Meaning of Life: For a Common Man by Asr Prasad
The Ultimate Piece of the Universe: Metaphysics through modern physics by Galan Machio, Agustin
OCR Philosophy of Religion for AS and A2 by Oliphant, Jill, Taylor, Matthew
Más allá de la vida y de la historia by Alcalde Linares, Luis
En busca de una ética universal: Análisis del documento sobre la ley natural de la Comisión Teológica Internacional y comparación con las contribucion by Durazo, Marco a.
On Freedom, Love, and Power: Expanded Edition by Ellul, Jacques
Maximes et Pensées by Chamfort, Sebastien-Roch Nicolas De
Jackboot This: Essays on Freedom and The Militia by Miracle, Lee
Kandide by Voltaire
Ending White Slavery by Hale, Matthew
Contre Pison by Ciceron
Discours de Cicéron pour sa maison by Ciceron
An Untold World: When Our Great National Leaders Naively Believe In Economics and Read Statistics by Chen, Z. X.
Bases de la politique positive by Considerant, Victor
Profundity One by Franklin, David C.
Reality. La realtà tra filosofia e scienze by
From Field to Fork: Food Ethics for Everyone by Thompson, Paul B.
The Philosophy of Poverty (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Les Dieux antiques by Cox, George William
Les maîtres de la philosophie universitaire en France by Bouglé, Célestin
Discours de la méthode by Descartes, Rene
Les Passions de l'âme by Descartes, Rene
Recherche de la vérité par les lumières naturelles by Descartes, Rene
Reservations in Orange and Green by O'Loughlin, John
Rec Iskona: Filozofija Slobodnih Zidara, Zakoni Koji Ima Vladaju I Masonske Legende by Ivankovic, Goran
Reasoning and Formal Logic by Epstein, Richard L.
Gurudev Ke Bhajan: Book-02 by Gulyani, Meena
Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Explore Your Destiny: Since Your Life's Path Is (Mostly) Predetermined by Foster, Brian
The Prophet by Gibran, Kahlil
Modern Honor: A Philosophical Defense by Cunningham, Anthony
Knowledge, Virtue, and Action: Putting Epistemic Virtues to Work by
The Politics of Expertise by Turner, Stephen P.
Grundzüge Schopenhauers Mitleidsethik und ihre metaphysischen Einflüsse. Beurteilung der Kritik an Kant by Schmidt, Jana
Zusammenhang von Eigentumsverhältnissen und politischer Autonomie bei Laski und Dahl by Ivers, Martin
Haben Tiere Rechte? Eine ethische Auseinandersetzung mit dem moralischen Status der Tiere auf der Grundlage von Schopenhauers Mitleidsethik by Exner, Meike
Understanding the Tacit by Turner, Stephen P.
Eudaimonia und der Kampf um Anerkennung: Eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit by Kupfer, Daniel R.
Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Text "Meaning and Reference" von Hilary Putnam by Springub, Liza
Tragic Modernities by Leonard, Miriam
Der Begriff "Politik" bei Carl Schmitt und Hannah Arendt by Hauser, Nicole
The Apology by Xenophon
Deleuze and Design by
Deleuze and Design by
Lettres à Falconet by Diderot, Denis
Pensées Philosophiques by Diderot, Denis
Pensées sur l'interprétation de la nature by Diderot, Denis
Supplément au voyage de Bougainville by Diderot, Denis
Traité du beau by Diderot, Denis
Vies et doctrines des philosophes de l'Antiquité by Diogene Laerce
Vies, Doctrines Et Sentences Des Philosophes Illustres by Diogene Laerce
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals by Kant, Immanuel
Essai sur le mérite et la vertu by Diderot, Denis
Res Judicatae Papers and Essays by Birrell, Augustine
Zindagi (Life) by Khan, Arif (Art)
Willful Evolution: The Path to Advanced Cognitive Awareness and a Personal Shift in Consciousness by Beall, Endall
La Religieuse by Diderot, Denis
Le Neveu de Rameau by Diderot, Denis
Le Père de famille by Diderot, Denis
Le Rêve de d'Alembert by Diderot, Denis
Lettre adressée à un magistrat sur le commerce de la librairie by Diderot, Denis
Lettre sur les aveugles à l'usage de ceux qui voient by Diderot, Denis
Der werdende Mensch.: Durch Wissen und Bewusstsein zum Erfolg. by Falkenberg, Max
Ethik und Politik bei Aristoteles und Platon. Ein Vergleich by Kleber, Bettina
Moralisches Versagen. Psychologische Ursachen und ihre Implikationen für die moralische Praxis by Ahlers, Sven
Four Quartets - T S Eliot and Spirituality by Brock, Richard
The Nature of True Virtue by Edwards, Jonathan
Twisted Nature of Man by Fodje, John Taiti
Musical Concerns: Essays in Philosophy of Music by Levinson, Jerrold
Sounds: The Ambient Humanities by Mowitt, John
Critically Impaired Infants and End of Life Decision Making: Resource Allocation and Difficult Decisions by Bhatia, Neera
Happiness and Goodness: Philosophical Reflections on Living Well by Cahn, Steven, Vitrano, Christine
Human Governance Beyond Earth: Implications for Freedom by
Medicine and Society, New Perspectives in Continental Philosophy by
International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume 1 by
Mythenweber: Soziales Handeln Und Mythos by Kuehs, Wilhelm
Happiness and Goodness: Philosophical Reflections on Living Well by Vitrano, Christine, Cahn, Steven
Sounds: The Ambient Humanities by Mowitt, John
Asclepias: The Milkweeds by Nathanaël
Corporeality, Medical Technologies and Contemporary Culture by Ortega, Francisco
Art's Philosophical Work by Benjamin, Andrew
Why Democracy Is Oppositional by Medearis, John
Politics in Commercial Society: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith by Hont, Istvan
"Denk nicht, sondern schau". Eine Analyse der Philosophiekonzeption Wittgensteins by Fitz, Fabian
Hermann Lotze by Woodward, William R.
Read My Desire: Lacan Against the Historicists by Copjec, Joan
The Rhetorical Invention of Man: A History of Distinguishing Humans from Other Animals by Goodale, Greg
The Faith of a Heretic: Updated Edition by Kaufmann, Walter A.
Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity by Rosa, Hartmut
The Dialectics of Liberation by Cooper, David
The Praise of Folly: Updated Edition by Erasmus, Desiderius
Coercive Care: Ethics of Choice in Health & Medicine by Tannsjo, Torbjorn
Divine Command Ethics: Jewish and Christian Perspectives by Harris, Michael J.
Awake for Freedom's Sake (Large Print Edition) by Read, Leonard E.
Castles in the Air (Large Print Edition) by Read, Leonard E.
Discover the Quran (1) Chapter 50;: Man's Inevitable Journey from Birth to Death by Aly, Ibrahim Khalil
Comes the Dawn (Large Print Edition) by Read, Leonard E.
Time Pieces by Sharratt, Bernard
Zhong Guo Fo Jiao Wen Hua Lun Gao by Wei, Chengsi
The Illuminated Word: Cosmogenesis and the Symbolic Keys to Universal Understanding by Gautier, Daniel M.
Learning to Die by Airaudi, Oberto Falco
Jian Xin Jian Nian You Fo De Zhi Hui Ren Sheng by Wei, Chengsi
Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Major Prose by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Law, Psychoanalysis, Society: Taking the Unconscious Seriously by Aristodemou, Maria
Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science by
Philosophy and Cognitive Science II: Western & Eastern Studies by
Cognitive Autonomy and Methodological Individualism: The Interpretative Foundations of Social Life by Di Iorio, Francesco
Contemporary Bioethics: Islamic Perspective by Al-Bar, Mohammed Ali, Chamsi-Pasha, Hassan
Vernunft und Erfahrung im Eigentumsrecht nach Kant, dargestellt am Problem der Apprehension by Fetik, Michael
Die Relativität des Normalen. Eine Debatte auf Grundlage des Films "King George. Ein Königreich für mehr Verstand" by Fitz, Fabian
A Hypothetical Theoretical View on Genesis by Space, James
The 6th Day--Exiled from the Garden: Volume 2 by Houck, Elton
Political Ethics and European Constitution by Ferreira Da Cunha, Paulo
New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism by
Kommunikationsmechanismen des ADAC zum Tempolimit auf deutschen Autobahnen zwischen 1989 und 2013 by Kempen, Johannes
Galen: On Problematical Movements by
"Verantwortung" in Aristoteles "Nikomachischer Ethik" by Stuhlmann, Tatjana
Autonomy Platonism and the Indispensability Argument by Marcus, Russell
Divine Wisdom and Warning: Decoded Messages from God by Gura, Nicholas
Maieutik in Platons "Theaitetos". Sokrates' didaktisches Vorgehen by Kühlcke, David
Wege der Dialektik zwischen Selbstbehauptung und Selbstentfremdung in Adornos "Dialektik der Aufklärung" by Fitz, Fabian
Mann Kya Hai by Krishnamurti, J.
Aapko Apne Jeevan Mein Kya Karna Hai by Aapko Apne Jeevan Mein Kya Karna Hai
Theory and Practice in Aristotle's Natural Science by
Urbanizing Carescapes of Hong Kong: Two Systems, One City by Huang, Shu-Mei
Retrieving Realism by Dreyfus, Hubert, Taylor, Charles
The Golden Threshold by Naidu, Sarojini
Islamisch-politische Denker: Eine Einfuehrung in die islamisch-politische Ideengeschichte by Hafez, Farid
Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design: Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains by
Cours de Philosophie fait au Lycée de Sens en 1883-1884 - I by Durkheim, Emile
Cours de Philosophie fait au Lycée de Sens en 1883-1884 - II by Durkheim, Emile
Cours sur les origines de la vie religieuse by Durkheim, Emile
Education et sociologie by Durkheim, Emile
L'éducation morale by Durkheim, Emile
Having My Way (Large Print Edition) by Read, Leonard E.
La contribution de Montesquieu à la constitution de la Science Sociale by Durkheim, Emile
Le contrat social de Rousseau by Durkheim, Emile
Le Suicide by Durkheim, Emile
Let Freedom Reign (Large Print Edition) by Read, Leonard E.
Représentations individuelles et représentations collectives by Durkheim, Emile
Liberty: Legacy of Truth (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Read, Leonard E.
Hello New America, Western Civilization, and This Insane Planet Earth! by Belcher, Frank
Jesus eller kyrkan?: Ett anabaptistiskt sökande efter kristen radikalitet by Lundström, Jonas
Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design: Sources, Theory, Values and Application Domains by
Wissenschaft und Kunst der Modellierung by
The Third City (Routledge Revivals): Philosophy at War with Positivism by Bebek, Borna
Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy: Nature and Norms in Thought by
Rationality, Control, and Freedom: Making Sense of Human Freedom by Douglass, Curran F.
Erkenntnis by Gabriel, Gottfried
Did God Make Us?: An investigation into the evidence for design in the human body and nature by Johnston, Iain
The Mind of Africa by Abraham, W. E.
Kant and the Interests of Reason by Raedler, Sebastian
Klimagerechtigkeit und Klimaethik by
Schöpfungstheologie Und Schöpfungsethik Im Biotechnologischen Zeitalter by Ohly, Lukas
Elements of Libertarian Leadership: Notes on the Theory, Methods, and Practice of Freedom (Large Print Edition) by Read, Leonard E.
Confronting Aristotle's Ethics: Ancient and Modern Morality by Garver, Eugene
Re-Examining Language Testing: A Philosophical and Social Inquiry by Fulcher, Glenn
Seneca (Routledge Revivals) by C. D. N., Costa
Julian (Routledge Revivals): An Intellectual Biography by Athanassiadi, Polymnia
The Origins of Civilization in Greek and Roman Thought (Routledge Revivals) by Blundell, Sue
The Challenge of Liberty (Large Print Edition) by Jones, Robert V.
Seeds of Progress (Large Print Edition) by Read, Leonard E.
A Lifestyle of Worship by Holland, William F., Jr.
Into the Open: Mentoring Mystic Aspirations by Shenkman, Michael
Lectures on Human and Animal Psychology (Psychology Revivals) by Wundt, Wilhelm
Rational Piety and Social Reform in Glasgow: The Life, Philosophy, and Political Economy of James Mylne (1757-1839) by Cowley, Stephen
Ethik, Freiheit und Liebe: Zum 70. Geburtstag von Herta Nagl-Docekal by
Understanding Imagination: The Reason of Images by Sepper, Dennis L.
Justice in Love by Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Adaptation and Autonomy: Adaptive Preferences in Enhancing and Ending Life by
The Symposium by Xenophon
Think from the heart by Afonso, Leticia Threeza
The Art of Inventing by Prindle, Edwin J.
Accept What Is: Essays on the Nature of Surrender by Pifer, Mark
With God We Prosper, without Him We Fail!!!: Be Careful What You Wish For! by Antolic, Anthony W.
Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach by Teays, Wanda
Comme Schönheit influences la paz: Arbeitsbuch by Wolters, Marion
Islamic Ethos and the Specter of Modernity by Vahdat, Farzin
Islamic Ethos and the Specter of Modernity by Vahdat, Farzin
Awakening Leadership: Embracing Mindfulness, Your Life's Purpose, and the Leader You Were Born to Be by Horner, Christine
Awakening Leadership: Embracing Mindfulness, Your Life's Purpose, and the Leader You Were Born to Be by Horner, Christine
The Great Wheel: Zero the Un-Naming by Kinnear, Cal
Re-Examining Language Testing: A Philosophical and Social Inquiry by Fulcher, Glenn
Philosophy, Suicide, and the Art of Living by Madison, Gary Brent
The Truth and Reality of Our Sixth Sense. by Sipel, Gary R.
Eloge de la folie by Erasme
Your God is Too Small: 50 Essays On Life, Love & Liberty Without Religion by Republic, Atheist
The Absurdity of Unbelief: A Worldview Apologetic of the Christian Faith by Johnson, Jeffrey
The Punitive Society: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1972-1973 by Foucault, Michel
Culture and the Death of God by Eagleton, Terry
Ethics in Public Health and Health Policy: Concepts, Methods, Case Studies by
In the Cause of Humanity: Creating Juried Democracies to New-Model the American Revolution by DeLong, Howard
Analytical Studies by De Balzac, Honore
Hurra - Ich bin: Einladung zur Selbsterkenntnis by Convent, Johann
Meditations (Translated by George Long with an Introduction by Alice Zimmern) by Aurelius, Marcus
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