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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

Reason and Goodness by Blanshard, Brand
Moral Sense by Bonar, James
Ethics: Volume III by Hartmann, Nicolai
Ethical Knowledge by Kupperman, Joel J.
The Modern Predicament: A Study in the Philosophy of Religion by Paton, H. J.
Natural Rights: A Criticism of Some Political and Ethical Conceptions by Ritchie, David G.
Ethics and Christianity by Ward, Keith
The Phenomenology of Mind: Volume II by Hegel, G. W. F.
Kant's First Critique: An Appraisal of the Permanent Significance of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason by Cassirer, H. W.
Kant's Metaphysic of Experience: Volume II by Paton, H. J.
The Development of Rational Theology in Germany since Kant: And its Progress in Great Britain since 1825 by Pfleiderer, Otto
Confucius and Confucianism by Wilhelm, Richard
Introducing Philosophy: God, Mind, World, and Logic by Tennant, Neil
A Study in Moral Theory (Routledge Revivals) by Laird, John
Introducing Philosophy: God, Mind, World, and Logic by Tennant, Neil
A History of Psychology: Ancient and Patristic Volume I by Brett, George Sidney
Archetypes by Barlascini Jr, Cornelius O.
A Certain Lack of Faith by Buzzard, Alex
Korean Buddhism by Starr, Frederick
The Creation Mechanism (Mekanisme Afarinesh): Philasophie by Dolatshahie, Heshmat Allah
Border Dialogues (Routledge Revivals): Journeys in Postmodernity by Chambers, Iain
Somos Veganos by
Rhetoric by Aristotle
Bernard Bosanquet and His Friends: Letters Illustrating the Sources and the Development of His Philosophical Opinions by Muirhead, J. H.
Ethics: Volume II by Hartmann, Nicholai
Theism or Atheism by Cohen, Chapman
The Ways of Reason: A Critical Study of the Ideas of Emile Meyerson by Lalumia, Joseph
Reason and Scepticism by Slote, Michael A.
The Nature of Physical Existence by Leclerc, Ivor
The Act of Faith by Springsted, Eric O.
Contemporary American Philosophy: Personal Statements Volume I by Adams, George P. and Montague
Hegel's Philosophy of Nature: Volume I Edited by M J Petry by Hegel, G. W. F.
Hegel's Philosophy of Nature: Volume II Edited by M J Petry by Hegel, G. W. F.
Who's Afraid of Academic Freedom? by
Culture, Politics and Governing: The Contemporary Ascetics of Knowledge Production by Nickel, P.
Arendt Contra Sociology: Theory, Society and its Science by Walsh, Philip
Father Omega's Last Testament by O'Loughlin, John J.
Sobre Durmientes y Jugadores by Vera, Alejandro Gonzalo
Le Coran, la quintessence de l'ignorance by Golam
O Pessimismo Nacional: "à la mode brésilienne" by Branco, Luis Alexandre Ribeiro
Rhetorik in Platons "Gorgias". Zum Verhältnis von Theorie und Praxis in der Antike by Gießmann, Marcus
The Divine Diaries by Tadros, Charbel M.
Mirrors of the Mind: Reflecting on Philosophers' Autobiographies by Manheimer, Ronald J.
The Submerged Reality: Sophiology and the Turn to a Poetic Metaphysics by Martin, Michael
Words: The way feelings control our mind by Margoczi, Gyozo
Toyin Falola and African Epistemologies by Bangura, A.
Filosofía del suicidio: El suicidio no es malo y es parte del señorío de cada ser humano sobre su efímera existencia by Leandry-Vega, Ismael
The Secret Doctrine - The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy - Volume I. Cosmogenesis, Section II. by Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
Freedom as Marronage by Roberts, Neil
Mapping Apologetics: Comparing Contemporary Approaches by Morley, Brian K.
Libertarian Philosophy in the Real World: The Politics of Natural Rights by Friedman, Mark D.
Heidegger and the Emergence of the Question of Being by Escudero, Jesús Adrián
The Conversion by Phillips, John Michael
The Bloomsbury Companion to Epistemology by
Money and Justice: A critique of modern money and banking systems from the perspective of Aristotelian and Scholastic thoughts by Niewdana, Leszek
Post-Rationalism: Psychoanalysis, Epistemology, and Marxism in Post-War France by Eyers, Tom
Plotinus' Mystical Teaching of Henosis: An Interpretation in the Light of the Metaphysics of the One by Ho, Pao-Shen
Why We Are at War by Wilson, Woodrow
The Universe a Vast Electric Organism by Woodward Warder, George
Narek- A Path of Salvation: The Teaching Of The Armenian Church by Paitian, Anna Anahit
Writers on... Atheism (A Book of Quotations, Poems and Literary Reflections): (A Book of Quotations, Poems and Literary Reflections) by Carruthers, Amelia
Hengen lentoa lehmän liitelyä: Pakinoita henkisyydestä ja sen puutteesta by Olavi, Tauno
Filosofia Da Etica by Da Costa, Cleberson Eduardo
Essentials of Philosophy: Volume I by
Essentials of Philosophy: Volume II by
Essentials of Philosophy: Volume III by
Essentials of Philosophy: Volume IV by
Staatsgründung aus dem Geist der Aufklärung by Özbay, Fatih
Journalismus-Ethik. Ein internationaler Vergleich von rechtlichen Regulierungen und regulativen Institutionen der Ehrenkodizes by Anonym
Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity by Bowman, Brady
The Ethics of the Global Environment by Attfield, Robin
The Ethics of the Global Environment by Attfield, Robin
Philoponus: On Aristotle Categories 1-5 with Philoponus: A Treatise Concerning the Whole and the Parts by
Introduction to New Realism by Ferraris, Maurizio
Spinoza, Right and Absolute Freedom by Connelly, Stephen
Zeno of Elea by Lee, H. D. P.
Aristotle's Ethics and Moral Responsibility by Echeñique, Javier
Hegel on the Modern Arts by Rutter, Benjamin
Olympiodorus: Life of Plato and on Plato First Alcibiades 1-9 by
Saussure's Philosophy of Language as Phenomenology: Undoing the Doctrine of the Course in General Linguistics by Stawarska, Beata
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Basic Outline by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Fredrich
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Science of Logic by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Fredrich
Current Controversies in Virtue Theory by
Ninguna Serpiente Puede Tragarse a Si Misma: Lógica, Consciencia y Realidad by Krieger, Jorge Alberto
Revaluations and Transvaluations by O'Loughlin, John J.
An Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since Kant by Moore, Edward
Beeches...Boggles and Bastages! by Kleinschmidt, Adrienne
The Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of Ellen G. White's Prophetic Gift, 1844-1889 by Levterov, Theodore N.
Proust ou l'écriture inversive: Du temps perdu au temps retrouvé by Fladenmuller, Frédéric
Death and the Moving Image: Ideology, Iconography and I by Aaron, Michele
Essays on the powers of the human mind; to which are added, An essay on quantity, and An analysis of Aristotle's Logic. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Aristotle, Aristotle, Reid, Thomas
International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research by
Atlantis: the antediluvian world ... Illustrated. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Donnelly, Ignatius
Le Rien du Tout by Fosse, Patricia
Erinnerungen an Sokrates by Xenophon
Erinnerungen an Sokrates (Großdruck) by Xenophon
Schleiermacher's Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato. Translated from the German by W. Dobson. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Schleiermacher, Friedrich, Dobson, William
The Basis of Early Christian Theism by Thomas Cole, Lawrence
Henrici de Gandavo Summa (Quaestiones Ordinariae) Art. LIII-LV by
Artistic Experimentation in Music: An Anthology by
Minding the Modern: Human Agency, Intellectual Traditions, and Responsible Knowledge by Pfau, Thomas
Heilende Philosophie. Der Trost in "Consolatio philosophiae" des Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius by Scheckenhofer, Nicolas
Una Elegida X Dios Y Tu? by Pri, Vittoria
Free Will and Abortion Denial by Klebs, Chandler Isaac, Rose, Chastity White
Beyond Physicalism: Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality by
La Puissance de l'Intelligible: La Théorie Plotinienne Des Formes Au Miroir de l'Héritage Médioplatonicien by Michalewski, Alexandra
Social Media and Living Well by
Averroès: Le Philosophe Et La Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de l'Abrégé Du Mustasfa by
The Cambridge Companion to Seneca by
Théorie des quatre mouvements - Tome II by Fourier, Charles
L'Opposition universelle by Tarde, Gabriel
Discours de la Méthode by Descartes, René
The Classless Solution by O'Loughlin, John J.
Existence Et Développement de la Volonté by Fouillee, Alfred
La Liberté et le Déterminisme by Fouillee, Alfred
La Psychologie des peuples et l'Anthropologie by Fouillee, Alfred
La Religion de Nietzsche by Fouillee, Alfred
Le néokantisme en France. La morale critique by Fouillee, Alfred
Le Système du monde selon Descartes by Fouillee, Alfred
Les Fausses Conséquences morales et sociales du darwinisme by Fouillee, Alfred
Les Origines cartésiennes de l'idéalisme contemporain by Fouillee, Alfred
Les Transformations Futures de l'Idée Morale by Fouillee, Alfred
L'Individualisme et le sentiment social en Angleterre by Fouillee, Alfred
L'Origine de l'Instinct et de l'Action réflexe by Fouillee, Alfred
Nietzsche et l'immoralisme by Fouillee, Alfred
Egarement de la raison démontré par les ridicules des sciences incertaines by Fourier, Charles
Sur l'esprit irréligieux des modernes by Fourier, Charles
Théorie des quatre mouvements - Tome I by Fourier, Charles
The Cambridge Companion to Seneca by
Herrschaft und Recht bei Aristoteles by Weber, Simon
The General Will by
A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature by
Current Perspectives on Sexual Selection: What's Left After Darwin? by
Новые идеи в марксизме-л&#1077 by &#1050&#1086&#1084&#1072&#1088&#1086&#1074 &#1042&#1080&#108
My Ghetto Gospel by Greene, Damien
Off the Beaten Track - Scholar's Choice Edition by Mars, F. St
Das Spiel mit der Realität in Martin Scorseses "Shutter Island" by Demmel, Lisa
Chaos, orde en bewustzijn: Een reis door de kosmos op zoek naar bewustzijn by Dijk, Mattees Van
Going...Down by Kleinschmidt, Adrienne
Four Works On Llull: On the Compendious Architecture of Ramon Lull, Lullian Lamps, Scrutiny of the Subjects, Animadversions by Gosnell, Scott, Bruno, Giordano
Abolition of Nuclear Weapons as a Moral Imperative by Kultgen, John
Philosophy of Action: An Anthology by
Praktische Erfahrungen und philosophische Reflexionen über Schönheit: Mit Beispielen by Demmel, Lisa
Art and Truth After Plato by Rockmore, Tom
A Theory of God: Discovering the nature of God by examining the evidence of Life by Murphy, Je
What Is This Thing Called Ethics? by Bennett, Christopher
What is this thing called Ethics? by Bennett, Christopher
Der Mensch Wird Am Du Zum Ich: Eine Auseinandersetzung Mit Der Dialogphilosophie Des XX. Jahrhunderts by Wojcieszuk, Magdalena
Domination and Global Political Justice: Conceptual, Historical and Institutional Perspectives by
Freud by Lear, Jonathan
The Dialectics of Synthetic Attraction by O'Loughlin, John
Oeuvres philosophiques de Sophie Germain by Germain, Sophie
De la poésie scientifique by Ghil, Rene
Studies in Central American Picture-Writing by Holden, Edward S.
Freud by Lear, Jonathan
Me reinvento sempre que a vida pede um pouco mais de mim: Reflexões de um Brasileiro pelo mundo by Baena, Rodrigo
The Evolution of Wilde's Wit by Gantar, J.
The Cambridge Companion to Liberalism by
STOP! Navigate Your Christian Spirituality by Kannan, Kevin V. C.
A Metaphysical Guide To The Search For Bigfoot by Avery, Robert
Méditation by Rueckert, Carla L., Elkins, Don
Kant and His Philosophical Revolution - Scholar's Choice Edition by R. M. (Robert Mark), Wenley
Rise: Be True to Yourself And Inspire Others To Live by Cipriani, Roshan
Textos clásicos del derecho natural by Polanco, Moris
The Fallen Star/ A Dissertation on the Origin of Evil by Brougham, Lord, Bulwer, E. L.
Tricks of Satan by Stone, Charles Martin
Hegel's Theory of Responsibility by Alznauer, Mark
Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic by Woolf, Raphael
Human Rights Education Beyond Universalism and Relativism: A Relational Hermeneutic for Global Justice by Al-Daraweesh, F., Snauwaert, Dale T.
Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling by
La Reforme Intellectuelle et Morale by Renan, Ernest
Sobre La Libertad Y La Filosofia: Tres Ponencias by Badani, Ricardo a.
Agamben and the Politics of Human Rights: Statelessness, Images, Violence by Newman, Saul, Lechte, John
Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism by Shults, F. Leron
The New Organon and Related Writings by Bacon, Francis
Handbuch Militärische Berufsethik: Band 2: Anwendungsfelder by
Win!: A Law of Attraction Guide to Winning the Lottery by Mahoon, Zehra
Locke and Leibniz on Substance by
Wittgenstein and Perception by
Imagination and the Imaginary by Lennon, Kathleen
The Doctrine of Prophecy: An Investigative Report Using the 101 Classroom Experience by Farmer, Sherman D.
volar hacia ti: un camino a conocerte by Jordan/V, Jose/T Cheo
Imperial Thoughts Of A Lost Soul: The Book Of Warren O'Brian by Walker, Warren O.
Spiritualism: (maktabe Rohi) by Riazi, Nourzaman
The Life/Death Rythms of Capitalist Regimes - Debt before Dishonour: Timetable of World Dominance 1400-2100 by Slatyer, Will
Eudemonia Redemption by Matar, Oliver a.
Bad Lies vs. Good Lies: A guide to help us with illusions by Garcia, Marcelino Joseph
Artes - Pro und Kontra VI by Czikkely, Vilmos
Artes - Pro und Kontra VI by Czikkely, Vilmos
Skepticism and Political Thought in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by
Über sociale Differenzierung: Soziologische und psychologische Untersuchungen by Simmel, Georg
Children's Rights and Moral Parenting by Vopat, Mark C.
God Is Unconscious: Psychoanalysis and Theology by Delay, Tad
God Is Unconscious: Psychoanalysis and Theology by Delay, Tad
Über sociale Differenzierung: Soziologische und psychologische Untersuchungen by Georg Simmel
The Ghost On Lander Farm by Darmafall, Mark
Thank You Allah by Naisham
Thank You Allah by Naisham
Die Gottespest: Antireligiöse Schriften by Most, Johann
The Silence of God by Anderson, Robert
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