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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

Ethik und Photoshop. Zur Problematik digital veränderter Mode- und Werbefotos by Borda Aquino, Johannes
Kunst & Evolution in Winfried Menninghaus "Wozu Kunst?" by Virnich, Lotte
Der Partisan von heute. Eine Betrachtung nach Carl Schmitt by Leupold, Ulrike
Das Intelligenzwahlrecht nach John Stuart Mill. Zum Verhältnis von Freiheit und Gleichheit by Leupold, Ulrike
Kierkegaard and the Problem of Self-Love by Lippitt, John
Ancient Self-Refutation by Castagnoli, Luca
Qualia and Mental Causation in a Physical World by
Kant and the Foundations of Morality by Kim, Halla
Sokrates Oder Das Schicksal Des Lebens by Bidian, Augustin Alexandru
Eros Und Thanatos: Philosophie Und Wiener Melancholie in Arthur Schnitzler´s Werk by Oei, Bernd
Indirekte Sterbehilfe: Medizinische, Rechtliche Und Ethische Perspektiven by Roggendorf, Sophie
Individualized Medicine: Ethical, Economical and Historical Perspectives by
Santayana the Philosopher: Philosophy as a Form of Life by Moreno, Daniel
Rethinking Evolutionary Psychology by Goldfinch, A.
Psicopoesia by Giuliodori, Lucio
Lamb and Anti-Lion by O'Loughlin, John
AAA libertà cercasi: Amalgame multiforme di pensieri liberi e discutibili sedimentati negli anni by Cavazzini, Umberto
Tracking Down the True Church of Christ: A Modern Day Revelation of True Christianity as Manifested Through New Testament Scripture by Abegglen, Shell
Thinking Radical Democracy: The Return to Politics in Post-War France by
Movement and the Ordering of Freedom: On Liberal Governances of Mobility by Kotef, Hagar
Movement and the Ordering of Freedom: On Liberal Governances of Mobility by Kotef, Hagar
The Metaphysics of Kindness: Comparative Studies in Religious Meta-Ethics by Walden, Asher
Rationality and Epistemic Sophistication by Griesmaier, Franz-Peter
Functions: Selection and Mechanisms by
Leadership Through the Classics: Learning Management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy by
The Background of Social Reality: Selected Contributions from the Inaugural Meeting of Enso by
Aristotle and the Philosophy of Law: Theory, Practice and Justice by
The Metaphysical Nature of the Non-Adequacy Claim: An Epistemological Analysis of the Debate on Probability in Artificial Intelligence by Piscopo, Carlotta
Human Being @ Risk: Enhancement, Technology, and the Evaluation of Vulnerability Transformations by Coeckelbergh, Mark
LIFEoverTIME: Everyday Human Survival by Farnol, Kenneth Jeffery
Mentally Defective Children by Alfred, Binet
The Mind and the Brain by Alfred, Binet
Passions and Projections: Themes from the Philosophy of Simon Blackburn by
Doing and Allowing Harm by Woollard, Fiona
Christian Discourses, Etc: The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of the Air and Three Discourses at the Communion on Fridays by Kierkegaard, Søren
An Essay on Criticism by Pope, Alexander
Monopolies and the People by Baker, Charles Whiting
Moral Science: A Compendium of Ethics by Bain, Alexander
The Aesthetics of Gyeorgy Lukaacs by Kiralyfalvi, Bela
Diderot's Chaotic Order: Approach to Synthesis by Crocker, Lester G.
Theory of Perception by Pitcher, George
D'Holbach's Coterie: An Enlightenment in Paris by Kors, Alan Charles
An American Philosophy of Social Security: Evolution and Issues by Brown, James Douglas
The Cognitivity Paradox: An Inquiry Concerning the Claims of Philosophy by Lange, John
Toward a New Historicism by Morris, Wesley
The Structure and Form of the French Enlightenment, Volume 2: Esprit Revolutionnaire by Wade, Ira O.
Hegel's Retreat from Eleusis: Studies in Political Thought by Kelly, George Armstrong
The Intellectual Origins of the French Enlightenment by Wade, Ira O.
Determinism: Bernard Berofsky by Berofsky, Bernard
Being and Existence in Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Works by Elrod, John W.
The Structure and Form of the French Enlightenment, Volume 1: Esprit Philosophique by Wade, Ira O.
Thought by Harman, Gilbert H.
John Stuart Mill and Representative Government by Thompson, Dennis F.
Myth and Science in the Twelfth Century: A Study of Bernard Silvester by Stock, Brian
Knowledge and Justification by Pollock, John L.
Freedom of Mind: And Other Essays by Hampshire, Stuart
Freedom of the Individual: Expanded Edition by Hampshire, Stuart
Intellectual Experiments of the Greek Enlightenment by Solmsen, Friedrich
Mind and Art: An Essay on the Varieties of Expression by Sircello, Guy
The Illustrated Walden: With Photographs. from the Gleason Collection by Thoreau, Henry David
Rational Legitimacy: A Theory of Political Support by Rogowski, Ronald
The Science of Religion and the Sociology of Knowledge: Some Methodological Questions by Smart, Ninian
Kierkegaard & Consciousness by Shmueli, Adi
Kierkegaard's Thought /Cby Gregor Malantaschuk; Edited and Translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong by Malantschuk, Gregor
Music of the Spheres and the Dance of Death: Studies in Musical Iconology by Meyer-Baer, Kathi
Plato. by Friedlander, Paul
Substance, Body and Soul: Aristotelian Investigations by Hartman, Edwin
Aristotle's Rhetoric: Philosophical Essays by
The Political Philosophy of Rousseau by Masters, Roger D.
Kant's Theory of Science by Brittan, Gordon G.
Libro de Buen Amor by Ruiz, Juan
A New Theory of Beauty by Sircello, Guy
Interpreting Modern Philosophy, by Collins, James Daniel
Karl Jaspers: An Introduction to His Philosophy by Wallraff, Charles Frederic
Bound: Essays on Free Will and Responsibility by Nichols, Shaun
La filosofia de Edmund Husserl: Introduccion by Rosario-Barbosa, Pedro M.
Mantissa: Essays in Ancient Philosophy IV by Barnes, Jonathan
Das geistige und materielle Weltbild: Wie sich das ganzheitliche spirituelle Weltbild vom Weltbild des Materialismus unterscheidet by Von Nahodyl Neményi, Baron Árpád
Der Begriff der Aufklärung. Vom Erhellen zum Betrug der Massen by März, Käthe
Pivot of Civilization or Rivet of Life? Conflicting Worldviews and Same-Sex Marriage by Bradley, Carman
Les secrets d'un couple heureux: Principes et methodes pour l'evolution harmonieuse de l'Homme by Surin, Roger Alexandre
The God Science: Contemplating the All by Gray, Daniel Philip, Jr.
Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: Csr, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance by
The Invention of a People: Heidegger and Deleuze on Art and the Political by Sholtz, Janae
Utopia, Limited: Romanticism and Adjustment by Nersessian, Anahid
The Lost Second Book of Aristotle's Poetics by Watson, Walter
La perversión del legado griego: Kalokagathía y mutilación en la Ilíada y "300" by Siabra Fraile, Joaquín Antonio
Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity and Chinese Culture by Tang, Yijie
Degrees of Affinity: Studies in Comparative Literature and Translation by Wang, Zuoliang
Language Policy and Political Theory: Building Bridges, Assessing Breaches by
A Feminist Perspective on Virtue Ethics by Berges, S.
Gramsci and Languages: Unification, Diversity, Hegemony by Carlucci, Allessandro
Celestial City and Anti-Vanity Fair by O'Loughlin, John
Caliphate: Rise of the Islamic Nation and the Temple Mount by Smith, Joseph
Prisoners of Space and Time: Our Bondage to a Counterfeit Reality by Bello, J.
The Beauty of Divine Solitude: Purpose Birthed by McCray, Jamal
The Ethics of Energy Sustainability: An Energy Ethics Workbook by Heckel, Pamela E.
Dialectics of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism by
The Antinomies of Realism by Jameson, Fredric
Empire of Chance: The Napoleonic Wars and the Disorder of Things by Engberg-Pedersen, Anders
The National Park to Come by Grebowicz, Margret
Aquinas on Being, Goodness, and God by Hughes, Christopher
Dialogues on Miracle by Larmer, Robert A.
The Warfare of the Soul Practical Studies in the Life of Temptation by Hughson, Shirley C.
The War of Independence by Fiske, John
Murder-Historical Review: Tug of War by Paitian, Anna Anahit
What is Love? by Ross, David Allen
Politics - A Treatise on Government by Aristotle
Inwiefern eignet sich Lockes Eigentumstheorie zur Legitimation von Reichtum? by Brandis, Frederik
Zizek and Law by
Science and the End of Ethics by Morris, S.
Science and the End of Ethics by Morris, S.
Verlust der Seele: Eine kulturkritische Studie zum Menschenbild der Gegenwart by Jain, Elenor
Der Mensch ist Freiheit - Der Existentialismus Jean-Paul Sartres: Das präreflexive Bewusstsein als Ausgangspunkt der Freiheit by Uken, Agnes
A Review of Edward's "Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will" by Philliptappan, Henry
The Billion Year Old Snowflake: The Incredible Journey by Saint, Ruth W.
La peau de chagrin: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
Massimilla Doni: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
L'enfant maudit, suivi de, Gambara: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
Les Marana, suivi de, Adieu: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
Sur catherine de Medicis: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
Louis Lambert, suivi de, Seraphita: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
The 10 Commandments of Satan: A Slant to Raise Awareness and Improve Ethics by Sacredfire, Robin
La conciencia by Alcalde Linares, Luis
My Wisdom Thoughts by Al Bahrani, Jawad Ibrahim
Cinema of Simulation: Hyperreal Hollywood in the Long 1990s by Laist, Randy
Aristotle De Anima by
Die arbeitsmarktpolitischen Positionen der SPD in den Jahren 1998 bis 2013: Auf dem Weg zu einer neoliberalen Arbeitsmarktpolitik? by Groys, Mihail
From Logic to Politics: A Reading of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right' by Valkanov, Dessislav
Political Theory: An Introduction by Heywood, Andrew
The Frontiers of Ancient Science: Essays in Honor of Heinrich Von Staden by
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Die Beiden Diskurse Zur Zivilisationskritik by
Emerson's Life-&-Essays: Nature as Sign-Symbol-or-Spirit? by Killingsworth, Jerry
Bewusstsein ist alles: Erfolgsüberzeugt vom erfüllten Wunsch aus denken und handeln by Goddard, Neville Lancelot
Jesus - A Summing Up! by O'Loughlin, John
Nourishment: A Sustenance Journey by Williams M. Ed, Miriam White
Critical Miscellanies Volume III Essay 4 The Life of George Eliot by Morley, John
De l'esprit by Helvétius, Claude-Adrien
Happiness is Free: 21 Principles to Experience It the Easy Way by Kami, Provin
The Reconstruction of Religion by Henriksen, Jan-Olav
Infinity and the Supermen: Meditations on Possible Worlds and Time by Berengere, Loren
Infinity and the Supermen: Meditations on Possible Worlds and Time by Berengere, Loren
An Eye for an I: Philosophies of Personal Power by Spillane, Robert
Theorien, Methoden und Praktiken des Interpretierens by
Weiter Denken - Über Philosophie, Wissenschaft Und Religion by
Mystic Christianity by Atkinson, William Walker
A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga by Atkinson, William Walker
A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga by Atkinson, William Walker
Clairvoyance and Occult Powers by Atkinson, William Walker
Dynamic Thought by Atkinson, William Walker
Genuine Mediumship by Atkinson, William Walker
How to Read Human Nature by Atkinson, William Walker
Memory by Atkinson, William Walker
Mind and Body by Atkinson, William Walker
Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing by Atkinson, William Walker
Reincarnation and the Law of Karma by Atkinson, William Walker
The Art of Logical Thinking by Atkinson, William Walker
The Hindu Yogi Science Of Breath by Atkinson, William Walker
The Human Aura by Atkinson, William Walker
Thought Culture by Atkinson, William Walker
Beneath Foundations for Eternal Life: Embracing Self-Evident Truth by Edel, Thomas G.
Maitre Cornelius, suivi de, Les proscrits: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
Une tenebreuse affaire: La comedie humaine by de Balzac, Honre
Le medecin de campagne: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
L'envers de l'histoire contemporaine, suivi de, Le depute d'Arcis: La comedie humaine by De Balzac, Honore
Culture and Anarchy by Arnold, Matthew
Hatha yoga by Atkinson, William Walker
Nuggets of the New Thought by Atkinson, William Walker
Practical Mind Reading by Atkinson, William Walker
Pagan Origin Of Partialist Doctrines by Pitrat, John Claudius
Essai sur les moeurs et l'esprit des nations by Voltaire
Reflecting Subjects: Passion, Sympathy, and Society in Hume's Philosophy by Taylor, Jacqueline
The Obstacle Is You: The Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born by Sarma, Munmi
adogma: a diversion on beauty by Nuttall, M. E.
Plastic Bodies: Rebuilding Sensation After Phenomenology by Sparrow, Tom
Candide: ou l'optimisme by Voltaire
Nature's Sublime: An Essay in Aesthetic Naturalism by Corrington, Robert S.
Human, All Too Human & Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche, Friedrich
My Soul Pages: A Companion to Writing Down Your Soul (Spiritual Awakening Journal for Practicing the Philosophy and Religion of the True Self) by Conner, Janet
A Philosophy of Healing and Spirituality: A Mind Adventure by Fulcher, Hugh Drummond
Quarterly Essay 57, Dear Life: On Caring for the Elderly by Hitchcock, Karen
L'Ingénu by Voltaire
Strictures on Nullification by Hill Everett, Alexander
Enredados by Ríos, José Vicente
Nonviolent Resistance: A Philosophical Introduction by May, Todd
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology by Weiskopf, Daniel, Adams, Fred
Kant: Critique of Practical Reason by
The Shadow of Consciousness: A Little Less Wrong by Hankins, Peter
Orgint- Introducción al paradigma integral más que humano by Ciaro, Emmanuel
The Church as Hermeneutical Community and the Place of Embodied Faith in Joseph Ratzinger and Lewis S. Mudge by McCaughey, Mary
Selbsttäuschung. Eine Hinderung des guten Lebens? by Kühlcke, David
Coherent Systems Theory: An Avant-Garde Philosopher Answers the Question of What Are the Ultimate Systems by Coppedge, Nathan
Virtual: Going Deeper by Merchant, Keisha Lanell
El # 13 Supersticiones by Valenzuela, Felipe N.
Die Sprache Calibans: Kommentare zum alltäglichen Hörensagen. Die Sprache der agonalen Überbietungskultur by Hornschuh, Manfred
Gaston Bachelard: An Elemental Reverie of the World's Stuff by Stroud, Joanne H.
Spiritual Guidance on Mount Athos by
Time in Marx: The Categories of Time in Marx's Capital by Tombazos, Stavros
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