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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

Aristoteles Und Die Geburt Der Biologischen Wissenschaft by Meyer, Martin F.
Action, Word and Afterthought by ØFsti Audun
Frederick Schiller: The Secession of the Netherlands from Spanish Ruling Part 2 by Schiller, Friedrich
The Photographer's Choice by Cassinelli, Luigi
Drowning in the Lake while Embracing the Reflection of the Moon: Seeking the Source of Underlying Reality while Clinging to Delusional Convictions by Howard, Robert Gray
Pantheon: Adventures In History, Biography, And The Mind by Curtius, Quintus
Taking Issue: The Practices and State of Freemasonry in North America: An Anthology of Commentaries and Observations about the Pract by Bizzack, John
In The Flickering Light: A Medley Of Thoughts And Short Verses From My Writings by Maharaj, Baldath
Walter Benjamins "Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit" by Runge, Sabrina
Ästhetisches Wissen by
Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality, and Metamorphosis in the Work of Catherine Malabou by
Overview by Jones, Bill
Common Grounds without Foundations: A Pragmatic Approach to Ethical Disagreements Across Cultural, Philosophical, and Religious Traditions by Mathies, David Kratz
From the Socratics to the Socratic Schools: Classical Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology by Zilioli, Ugo
Ethical Engineering for International Development and Environmental Sustainability by
What is a Rune? and Other Essays by Cleary, Collin
Evolutionary Philosophy: Discovery and Election in the Human Experience by Goikoetxea, Ambrose --
A Handbook of Ethical Theory by Fullerton, George Stuart
Love's Playbook: The Real Story of Cosmic Love and War by Caraboolad, Arla
Libertarian Papers, Vol. 6 (2014) by Kinsella, Stephan
Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Hints Towards the Formation of a more Comprehensive Theory of Life by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Philosophical Ruminations & Theosophical Illuminations by O'Loughlin, John
Are These Things So? 1740 The Great Man's Answer to Are These Things So? (1740) by Unknown
Free Will and Constraint: The Solution to the Problem of Free Will by Farshidi, Jamshid
SINS of Human Rights Abuse and Corruption by Starkka, Raymen
The Encyclopedia of your Observations: A Creed for Living Life by Welch, Jerry
The Book of Waking Dreams: Stories of the Dream Man by Gerald L. Kovacich
Tabu oder Normalität? Elternschaft von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung: Pädagogisches Interventionsdilemma an einem praktischen Beispiel by Cornelius, Stefan
Das Inzestverbot in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Verbotsgründen by Richter, Kai
The Body and Shame: Phenomenology, Feminism, and the Socially Shaped Body by Dolezal, Luna
Etica e/o efficacia. Le competenze comunicative in prospettiva relazionale by Scarafile, Giovanni
Nietzsche Versus Paul: A Reading of Dionysus Under the Guise of Christianity by Azzam, Abed
Nietzsche Versus Paul: A Reading of Dionysus Under the Guise of Christianity by Azzam, Abed
A Copy of the Prophet by Planner, Samuel
Subway Life: An Underground Guide to Balanced Living by Pasquale, Jeff
Why We Make Things and Why It Matters: The Education of a Craftsman by Korn, Peter
The Theory of Everything Rubaiyat by Torney, Austin P.
Levan Humanities Review, Volume 3, Issue 1 by Hernandez, Jack
Kant's Theory of Emotion: Emotional Universalism by Williamson, D.
The Nyãya Theory of Knowledge by Chatterjee, Satischandra
Death and Other Penalties: Philosophy in a Time of Mass Incarceration by Guenther, Lisa, Zeman, Scott
Kant's Theory of Emotion: Emotional Universalism by Williamson, D.
Cinema and Counter-History by Landy, Marcia
What Fanon Said: A Philosophical Introduction to His Life and Thought by Gordon, Lewis R.
Categories of the Impolitical by Esposito, Roberto
The Life of Things, the Love of Things by Bodei, Remo
Lectures on the True, the Beautiful and the Good by Cousin, Victor
Christianity Unveiled by Baron D'Holbach
Good Sense by Baron D'Holbach
Letters to Eugenia by Baron D'Holbach
Superstition In All Ages by Baron D'Holbach
The System of Nature - Volume II by Baron D'Holbach
The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings by Abercrombie, John
The System of Nature- Volume I by Baron D'Holbach
Geo Poesie by Muths, Christa
Geo Poesie by Muths, Christa
HAPPY Wanders and Wonders by Rohrbach, Christian N.
The Great Purge: The Deformation of the Conservative Movement by
The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy by
The Life of Things, the Love of Things by Bodei, Remo
Freud's Other Theory of Psychoanalysis: The Replacement for the Indelible Theory of Catharsis by Fayek, Ahmed
What Fanon Said: A Philosophical Introduction to His Life and Thought by Gordon, Lewis R.
Categories of the Impolitical by Esposito, Roberto
Death and Other Penalties: Philosophy in a Time of Mass Incarceration by Guenther, Lisa, Zeman, Scott
Best Things in Life: A Guide to What Really Matters by Hurka, Thomas
Maps for a Fiesta: A Latina/O Perspective on Knowledge and the Global Crisis by Maduro, Otto
Maps for a Fiesta: A Latina/O Perspective on Knowledge and the Global Crisis by Maduro, Otto
Sulla degenerazione dell'occulto e del suo potere by Migoni, Manuele
church ggoingk, going gone! by Horan, Michael
Pope Francis: The Last Pope?: Money, Masons and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic Church by Zagami, Leo Lyon
Logically Fallacious: The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies (Academic Edition) by Bennett, Bo
El maravilloso libro de las frases célebres: Frases para reflexionar, meditar, alcanzar la motivación y lograr la superación personal by A, Samuel C.
Questa è l'Italia by Migoni, Manuele
In reality, ourselves, we are God: Refections of a human experience by Garcia, Antonio Miguel Muñoz
Scientists' Expertise as Performance: Between State and Society, 1860-1960 by
The Order of the Ages: The Hidden Laws of World History by Bolton, Robert
Hayek on Mill: The Mill-Taylor Friendship and Related Writings by
Os servidores funerários do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro by Gama-Rolland Cintia a.
On the Natural Faculties by Galen
Abstracts of Papers Read at the First International Eugenics Congress by Various
Der philosophische Sinn by Schmidt, Ferdinand Jakob
Der Gesellschaftsvertrag: Die Grundsätze des Staatsrechtes by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
The Brain Automatically Externalize and Dictate All Subject for Reason by Lawson, Ernest
The Brain Automatically Externalize and Dictate All Subject for Reason by Lawson, Ernest
Two Essays on the Philosophy of Mental Health: Reflections on the Hermeneutics of Psychopathology and Psychotherapy by Della Zazzera, Claude a., Crowe, David J.
J. McTaggart E. McTaggart by Lowes Dickinson, G.
Orphism by Watmough, J. R.
M. Tulli Ciceronis Tusculanarum Disputationum Libri Quinque by
Moral Development in a Global World by
Plato's Anti-hedonism and the Protagoras by Shaw, J. Clerk
The Ethics and Mores of Race: Equality after the History of Philosophy, with a New Preface by Zack, Naomi
Renewing Moral Theology: Christian Ethics as Action, Character and Grace by Westberg, Daniel A.
Mass Moralizing: Marketing and Moral Storytelling by Hopkins, Phil
Philosophy's Role in Counseling and Psychotherapy by Raabe, Peter
The Order of the Ages: The Hidden Laws of World History by Bolton, Robert
Der Gesellschaftsvertrag (Großdruck): Die Grundsätze des Staatsrechtes by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Y Philosophy by Kelso, Sebastien H.
The Deepest Human Life: An Introduction to Philosophy for Everyone by Samuelson, Scott
The Ethics and Economics of Agrifood Competition by
Twelve Resolutions for a Happy Life: A Manual for Happiness by Taha, Abir
Beyond Truth and Illusion by O'Loughlin, John
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
Morgenröthe by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Der Wanderer und sein Schatten by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Beyond Mechanism: Putting Life Back Into Biology by Scarfe, Adam, Henning, Brian G.
Filosofia de la religion.: Nueva edicion by Zarraga, Carlos
The National Being Some Thoughts on an Irish Polity by [george William Russell], a E. .
Un voyage a Sparte by Barres, Maurice
A Teenage Philosophy of Awareness and Existence: Analysis of the Columbine Shooters' Worldview by Koenraadt, Mathijs
Beyond nihilism: Imperfection on the move by Nooteboom, Bart
Johann Kaspar Lavater by Muncker, Franz
Positive Humanism: A Primer by Bennett, Bo
Textures of Consciousness by
Il Risveglio by Giuliodori, Lucio
Grundlinien einer Erkenntnistheorie der Goetheschen Weltanschauung by Steiner, Rudolf
Homeless Person Adventures: Real Tales From the Street by Teapot, Tony
Das Substanzproblem in der griechischen Philosophie bis zur Blütezeit by Bauch, Bruno
Luther und Kant by Bauch, Bruno
Forms of Freedom by Cudenec, Paul
Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism by Douglas, Alexander X.
The Lehi Key by Child, Kelly
Ecce homo (1911) by Adrian, Iacob
Walk Me Down the Street: A Compilation of Short Stories, Thoughts, Poems, Monologues and Wise Words by Shuman, Sonya Sherrell, Shuman, Sonya
La princesse de Babylone by Voltaire
L'homme aux quarante écus by Voltaire
Lettre d'un Turc - Petite digression - Aventure indienne - Pot-pourri by Voltaire
Studien zur Philosophie der exakten Wissenschaften by Bauch, Bruno
The Tree of Innocence by Scott, Michael
Threat: A Study Of Six Prominent Threats To Christian Thought And Practice. by Smith, Wayne P.
You Don't Know Anything About a Woman Until There Are Mice: Wisdom and Advice Gone Awry by Humphrey, Earl
Axel Honneth by Zurn, Christopher
Socialism Utopian and Scientific by Engels, Frederick
Reasons, Rights, and Values by Audi, Robert
How to Do Things with Pornography by Bauer, Nancy
Marxism and Anarchism by Others, Woods, Alan, Trotsky, Leon
Unravelling Encounters: Ethics, Knowledge, and Resistance Under Neoliberalism by
Mathematics and the Image of Reason by Tiles, Mary
Relating Hegel's Science of Logic to Contemporary Philosophy: Themes and Resonances by Guzman, L.
Cognitive Phenomenology by Chudnoff, Elijah
From Aristotle's Teleology to Darwin's Genealogy: The Stamp of Inutility by Solinas, M.
Virtuous Thoughts: The Philosophy of Ernest Sosa by
The Economy of Recognition: Person, Market and Society in Antonio Rosmini by Hoevel, Carlos
Chinese Literature by Confucius
The Analects of Confucius by Confucius
Literature and the Intercardinal Axial Compass by O'Loughlin, John
An Absence of Meaning: The Deeper Reasons for Why Civilization is Unraveling by Foster, Patrick M.
Why We Dance: A Philosophy of Bodily Becoming by Lamothe, Kimerer
The Gifts we can afford to give our Children: are the very Gifts we cannot afford not to give them by Blamire, Patti
The Gifts we can afford to give our Children: are the very Gifts we cannot afford not to give them by Blamire, Patti
Why We Dance: A Philosophy of Bodily Becoming by Lamothe, Kimerer
Contemporary Studies by Baudouin, Charles
The Myth of Modernity by Baudouin, Charles
Vanishing Into Things: Knowledge in Chinese Tradition by Allen, Barry
Cognitive Phenomenology by Chudnoff, Elijah
Carl Schmitt, die Wahrheit und das Politische: Zu den erkenntnistheoretischen Vorannahmen in Carl Schmitts >Der Begriff des Politischen by Leichsenring, Jan
The Beach Beneath the Street: The Everyday Life and Glorious Times of the Situationist International by Wark, McKenzie
Reflections on Old Age: A Study in Christian Humanism by Murphy, Cornelius F.
Reflections on Old Age: A Study in Christian Humanism by Murphy, Cornelius F.
La Inmortalidad del Alma by Agust
Spinoza Beyond Philosophy by
The Science Of Conflict Resolution: 21st Century Approach to Conflict Resolution by Etta, Benard
Thoreau - Living Nature-Writing Walden: Life in the Woods by Killingsworth, Jerry
James Buchanan by Reisman, D.
The Communist Ideal in Hegel and Marx by MacGregor, David
Dios puso una sonrisa sobre su rostro by Chavarro, Winston Morales
L'Origine de la Tragédie by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Première Considération Inactuelle by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Le Voyageur et son Ombre by Nietzsche, Friedrich
The Infinite Being: Unveiling Untold Stories of the Universe by Ekon, Constance Tallaha
The Political Philosophy of Niccolò Machiavelli by del Lucchese, Filippo
The Political Philosophy of Niccolò Machiavelli by del Lucchese, Filippo
The Idea of Commercial Society in the Scottish Enlightenment by Berry, Christopher J.
Marx's Theory of Ideology by Parekh, Bhikhu
Self-Renewal: The Individual and the Innovative Society by Gardner, John W.
Śūnyatā from Madhyamaka to Early Yogācāra Philosophy by An Hanh Thich Nu
Self-Renewal: The Individual and the Innovative Society by Gardner, John W.
Marxist Ethics Within Western Political Theory: A Dialogue with Republicanism, Communitarianism, and Liberalism by Fischer, N.
Dummett on Analytical Philosophy by
Marxist Ethics Within Western Political Theory: A Dialogue with Republicanism, Communitarianism, and Liberalism by Fischer, N.
Earth Stewardship: Linking Ecology and Ethics in Theory and Practice by
New Constitutionalism and World Order by
A God Experience In the Light: A Transcendent Experience of the Spirit by Briggs, Sandy
Utilitarianism by Mill, John Stuart
The Fraud of Feminism by Belfort Bax, Ernest
The Legal Subjection of Men by Belfort Bax, Ernest
Looking Backward from 2000 to 1887 by Bellamy, Edward
Aurore: Réflexions sur les préjugés moraux by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Ecce Homo by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra: Un livre pour tous et pour personne by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Seconde Considération Inactuelle: De l'utilité et de l'inconvénient de l'histoire pour la vie by Nietzsche, Friedrich
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by Hume, David
Apology, Crito And Phaedo Of Socrates. by Socrates
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by Locke, John
Nietzsche by Lessing, Theodor
The Socratic Boogie: Creating Creativity by Bendann, Felix
Peeking at Beauty: From the Real World to the Ideal by Stewart, J. D.
Homo Sapiens to Homo 'X': Why Our Children and Youth Are Different from Us by Ochieng, Lawrence Nyaguti
Homo Sapiens to Homo 'X': Why Our Children and Youth Are Different from Us by Ochieng, Lawrence Nyaguti
C. S. Lewis's List: The Ten Books That Influenced Him Most by
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