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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

The Flow of Ideas: Russian Thought from the Enlightenment to the Religious-Philosophical Renaissance by Walicki, Andrzej
Observations on Insanity by Haslam, John
Observations on Madness and Melancholy by Haslam, John
Sound Mind by Haslam, John
Practical Ethics by Hyde, William DeWitt
The Five Great Philosophies of Life by Hyde, William DeWitt
An Essay on Satire by Harte, Walter
The Centre of Truth by O'Loughlin, John
Ethics in Economics: An Introduction to Moral Frameworks by Wight, Jonathan B.
Ethics in Economics: An Introduction to Moral Frameworks by Wight, Jonathan B.
Who Designed the Designer?: A Rediscovered Path to God's Existence by Augros, Michael
Das Gen und seine Geschichte: Naturwissenschaftliche und philosophische Hintergruende der modernen Genetik- Lebewesen im Spiegel der Wissenschaftshist by Plischke, Kurt Otto
God's Answer to the Question of Evil by Kern, Stephen Douglas
Un Hombre De Fe: El Que Lea, Que Entienda by Ortiz, Carlos D', Ortiz, Carlos Daniel, Ortiz, Carlos D.
Theism and Explanation by Dawes, Gregory W.
Divine Intervention: Metaphysical and Epistemological Puzzles by Fales, Evan
Locating Transnational Ideals by
The Politics and Pedagogy of Mourning: On Responsibility in Eulogy by Secret, Timothy
American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present by Pratt, Scott L., McKenna, Erin
Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Literature by
The Rights of Woman as Chimera: The Political Philosophy of Mary Wollstonecraft by Taylor, Natalie
Freedom of the Will: A Conditional Analysis by Huoranszki, Ferenc
From Truth to Reality: New Essays in Logic and Metaphysics by
Metaphysics and God: Essays in Honor of Eleonore Stump by
Tao-Zen Ways: Techno-Logos Antidote? by Killingsworth, Jerry
Vladimir Jankélévitch: The Time of Forgiveness by Looney, Aaron T.
The Origins of Ancient Greek Science: Blood--A Philosophical Study by Boylan, Michael
Contemporary Cosmopolitanism by Taraborrelli, Angela
Language and Communication: Comparative Perspectives by
The Laughter of the Thracian Woman: A Protohistory of Theory by Blumenberg, Hans
The Antichrist by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
La morale dei positivisti: Il positivismo salva la morale by Ardigò, Roberto
The Redwoods of Gaia: A Metaphysical Primer by Chan, Kathleen
The Redwoods of Gaia: A Metaphysical Primer by Chan, Kathleen
Das Wesen des Christentums by Feuerbach, Ludwig
Über die Natur der Dinge by Lukrez
Philosophical Thinking and the Religious Context by
The Presocratics and the Supernatural: Magic, Philosophy and Science in Early Greece by Gregory, Andrew
Marx and Engels' 'Communist Manifesto': A Reader's Guide by Lamb, Peter
American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present by Pratt, Scott L., McKenna, Erin
Nature, History, State: 1933-1934 by Heidegger, Martin
The Laughter of the Thracian Woman: A Protohistory of Theory by Blumenberg, Hans
The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating by
The Bloomsbury Companion to Political Philosophy by
White Privilege and Black Rights: The Injustice of U.S. Police Racial Profiling and Homicide by Zack, Naomi
On Resistance by Caygill, Howard
Women in Philosophical Counseling: The Anima of Thought in Action by
Der freie Wille: Eine Entwicklung in Gesprächen by Joël, Karl
Art as Abstract Machine: Ontology and Aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari by Zepke, Stephen
Phenomenology and Virtue Ethics by
Hidden History, Secret Truth by Tortorich, Tom
From Hegel to Windelband: Historiography of Philosophy in the 19th Century by
Angles et Grandeur by Rashed, Roshdi
Submission and Subjection in Leviathan: Good Subjects in the Hobbesian Commonwealth by Byron, M.
The Metaphysics of Emergence by Campbell, R.
Human Nature and Other Horrors by Kuhn, Steven
Rebuilding The Village: An Opimistic View Of The Future, And How To Get There by Dahl, Ken
A Pluralistic Universe by James, William
Essays in Radical Empiricism by James, William
Memories and Studies by James, William
Pragmatism by James, William
Talks to Teachers on Psychology by James, William
The Letters of William James - Volume I by James, William
The Letters of William James - Volume II by James, William
The Meaning of Truth by James, William
The Varieties of Religious Experience by James, William
The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy by James, William
The Art of War and the 36 Stratagems by Anonymous, Tzu, Sun
The Holy Essence in Sin by Ajayi, Anthony
The Holy Essence in Sin by Ajayi, Anthony
Snapshots From My Visit To Planet Earth by Define, Deb
Melancholie und Trauer bei Sigmund Freud. Bedeutung des Begriffs der Melancholie im historischen Kontext by Wälder, Milena
Philosophische Argumentation für und gegen die aktive Sterbehilfe by Natawan, Soheil
Anthropocentrism in Philosophy: Realism, Antirealism, Semirealism by Butchvarov, Panayot
Ancient Kemet On Trial Vol. #1: A Meticulous Look at the True Orgin of Kemetic Culture & Religion by Ben Levi, Avdiel
The Game of Life and How to Play It by Shinn, Florence Scovell
Tentacles Longer Than Night: Horror of Philosophy by Thacker, Eugene
Starry Speculative Corpse: Horror of Philosophy by Thacker, Eugene
Delos by Jebb, Richard Claverhouse
My Soul on Ice: A Philosophical Autobiography by O'Loughlin, John
The Power of Why: Create Deeply Rooted Reasons for Everything Important in Life by Syvertsen, Jim
When Sam Gets Back by Peters, Lpc Brandon
Ensayos by Lopez, Hemilce Amilcar
Life, Love, Lies by Fonkeng, E. F.
Socialism Utopian and Scientific by Engels, Friedrich
A Man's Value to Society by Hillis, Newell Dwight
The Battle of Principles by Hillis, Newell Dwight
The Blot on the Kaiser's 'Scutcheon by Hillis, Newell Dwight
The Investment of Influence by Hillis, Newell Dwight
On Fractures by Hippocrates
Behemoth by Hobbes, Thomas
De Cive by Hobbes, Thomas
The Elements of Law - Natural and Politic by Hobbes, Thomas
The Communist Manifesto by Engels, Friedrich
Reason, Value, and Respect: Kantian Themes from the Philosophy of Thomas E. Hill, Jr. by
Modal Logic as Metaphysics by Williamson, Timothy
General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications by Von Bertalanffy, Ludwig
The John Michell Reader: Writings and Rants of a Radical Traditionalist by Michell, John
Naming and Reference: The Link of Word to Object by Nelson, R. J.
Liberal Utilitarianism and Applied Ethics by Hayry, Matti
Theories of Concepts: A History of the Major Philosophical Traditions by Weitz, Morris
Get The Life You Want - The Chinese Astrological Way by Yap, Alvin
Break-Out from the Crystal Palace: The Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky by Carroll, John
Experiencing the Unconventional: Science in Art by
The Ethics of Detachment in Santayana's Philosophy by Brodrick, M.
Jesús y Cristo, historia oculta de una Misión Divina by González, Jesús García Consuegra
Nietzsche, Wagner and the Philosophy of Pessimism by Hollinrake, Roger
Denkwerk: Versuch einer philosophischen Lyrik by Büsken, Dirk
The Education of Children by Erasmus
Human Nature & Jewish Thought: Judaism's Case for Why Persons Matter by Mittleman, Alan L.
Experiencing the Unconventional: Science in Art by
E3: Encouraged, Equipped & Empowered: Devotional actions for graceful living by Smith, Pamela D.
Hypnosis And Non-hypnosis by Paradise, Michael
Two Dyaloges by Erasmus
An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religion by Jevons, Frank Byron
The Idea of God in Early Religions by Jevons, Frank Byron
Consciousness by Tse, Puma
The Teaching of Epictetus by Epictetus
A Dialoge by Erasmus
A Very Pleasaunt and Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure by Erasmus
Against War by Erasmus
Colloquies of Erasmus - Volume I by Erasmus
In Praise of Folly by Erasmus
Selections from Erasmus Principally from his Epistles by Erasmus
Urban Dystrophy: The Perverse Truths about Mid-Life in the Big City by Rusovich, Jay
The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Gracian, Baltasar
Discourses of Epictetus With the Encheiridion by Epictetus
The End of Representative Politics by Tormey, Simon
Media After Kittler by
Valuation: Its Nature and Laws by Urban, Wilbur Marshall
People and Societies: ROM Harré and Designing the Social Sciences by
Kant's Lectures on Ethics by
Foucault & the Politics of Hearing by Siisiäinen, Lauri
Selections from Three Works: A Treatise on Laws and God the Lawgiver; A Defence of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith; A Work on the Three Theological V by Suárez, Francisco
Treatment Without Consent: Law, Psychiatry and the Treatment of Mentally Disordered People Since 1845 by Fennell, Phil
Sicherheitsforschung im Dialog: Beitraege aus dem Forschungsforum Oeffentliche Sicherheit by
Twenty-First Century Biopolitics by Koljevic, Bogdana
The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History - Abridged Edition by Khaldûn, Ibn
Methodological Individualism and Holism. Two Views, One Purpose by Kieser, Werner
Confessions by Augustine
Falling Through Clouds by Fowler, Damian
Apples and Oranges: In Praise of Comparisons by Asscher, Maarten
Desde el Ocaso: Asomos literarios variados by Arias, Ariel
Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher by Jones, Henry
The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays by Joly, John
Apostrophe Zen: Further Zen Ramblings from the Internet by Shaw, Scott
Writing Posthumanism, Posthuman Writing by
The Book: A Humble Quest Into The Hebrew Scriptures by Koukou, Joseph Heskel
The Book: A Humble Quest Into The Hebrew Scriptures by Koukou, Joseph Heskel
Applications of Conceptual Spaces: The Case for Geometric Knowledge Representation by
Wilhelm Schmid. Das Memento Mori als Lebenskunst: Wenn du lernst, wie man stirbt, dann lernst du, wie man lebt by Wälder, Milena
Spectrum of Mind: An Inquiry into the Principles of the Mind and the Meaning of Life by Yang, J. Michael
The Nature of Things by Lucretius
Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer by Lende, Heather
Meditations by Aurelius, Marcus
Letters from a Stoic by Seneca
The Prince by Machiavel, Nicolas
The Communist Manifesto by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Untimely Affects: Gilles Deleuze and an Ethics of Cinema by Boljkovac, Nadine
Celebrity Past-Life Clues: A Closer Look Into the Past Lives of 50 Famous People by Lane Ph. D., Barbara
Bold and Eclectic: An assortment of autobiographical, philosophical, and other thoughts by O'Loughlin, John
Media After Kittler by
Immanuel Kant. Die Bedeutung von Moralität auf die Erziehung und Entwicklung eines Kindes by Wälder, Milena
The Post-Political and Its Discontents: Spaces of Depoliticisation, Spectres of Radical Politics by
Kierkegaard, Eve and Metaphors of Birth by Assiter, Alison
Look For Yourself by Harding, Douglas Edison
LA TEORIA DELLA VITA Biosofia la Scienza dell'Esistenza by Zamperlini, Vassili
A Liberation Ecclesiology?: The Quest for Authentic Freedom in Joseph Ratzinger's Theology of the Church by Corkery, Sean
Ten Steps: Critical Inquiries on Leopardi by
The Philosophy of Edith Stein: From Phenomenology to Metaphysics by Lebech, Mette
Analysis of Mr. Mill's System of Logic by Stebbing, William
Look For Yourself by Harding, Douglas Edison
A Philosophy of Christian Materialism: Entangled Fidelities and the Public Good by James, Thomas A., Reader, John, Baker, Christopher
Marxism and the Open Mind by Lewis, John
Contemporary Issues Surrounding Ethical Research Methods and Practice by
Questa è l'Italia by Migoni, Manuele
Wie die Erde entstand - die Erschaffung des Menschen by Myriama, -.
Wie die Erde entstand - die Erschaffung des Menschen by Myriama, -.
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge by Berkeley, George
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke Volume the Eleventh by Burke, Edmund
Consumed by One Another: The Black Race to Self-Destruction by Dswalker
Consumed by One Another: The Black Race to Self-Destruction by Dswalker
Your Eyes Can't See My Heart by Thomas Esq, Audrey a.
Political Illiberalism: A Defense of Freedom by Simpson, Peter L. P.
Roma Orma Amor by Migoni, Manuele
Roma Orma Amor by Migoni, Manuele
Solidarity, Justice, and Incorporation: Thinking Through the Civil Sphere by Kivisto, Peter
Wahrheitstheorien. Korrespondenztheorie der Wahrheit und Pragmatische Wahrheitstheorie by Endrizzi, Laura
Patientenverfügungen. Rechtliche und ethische Aspekte by Bergler, Sonja
Herrschaft des Begriffs und das Nichtidentische bei Adorno by Faulstich, Peter
Spinoza and the Stoics by Miller, Jon
The Natural Family Where It Belongs: New Agrarian Essays by Carlson, Allan C.
Il lato oscuro del potere by Migoni, Manuele
Sulla degenerazione dell'occulto e del suo potere by Migoni, Manuele
Il lato oscuro del potere by Migoni, Manuele
Sulla degenerazione dell'occulto e del suo potere by Migoni, Manuele
The State Its Historic Role by Kropotkin, Peter
Reflections by De La Rochefoucauld, Francois
A Logic of Facts by Holyoake, George
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