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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2017

Eureka: A Prose Poem by Poe, Edgar a.
Kwantum Transactionele Analyse en de Oude Tijd: Een studie van de evolutie naar collectieve integratie en collectieve individuatie via gods-archetypen by Wuyts, Anne
Contes Philosophiques Et Moraux de Jonathan Le Visionnaire Tome 2 Partie X by Saintine, X. -B
Nouveau Système de Philosophie Établi Sur La Nature Des Choses Connues Par Elles-Mêmes. Tome 1 by Ladvocat, Louis-François
Essais de Théodicée Sur La Bonté de Dieu La Liberté de l'Homme Et l'Origine Du Mal T01 by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Equivalence: A Tract on Metaphysics by Phoenix
The Salvaging Of Civilisation by Wells, H. G.
Le Pourquoi de la Vie by Denis, Léon
The IDEAL Place to Live!: (HOW to Discover an IDEAL Place to Live!) by Revolution, Worldwide Peoples'
The Unlikely Prophet: Insights from a Modern Day Prophet on the Influence of Satan, Lucifer, and Christ by The Scribe
L'Esprit Humain Et Ses Facultés by Bautain, Louis
Sort de l'Homme Dans Toutes Les Conditions, Et Plus Particulièrement Du Sort Du Peuple Français. Pa1 by Azaïs, Hyacinthe
Sort de l'Homme Dans Toutes Les Conditions, Et Plus Particulièrement Du Sort Du Peuple Français. T03 by Azaïs, Hyacinthe
Cours d'Études À l'Usage Des Élèves de l'École Royale Militaire Usage Des Élèves by Bergier, Nicolas
Rétablissement de la Religion En France, Ou Recueil de Pièces Authentiques Et Intéressantes by Portalis
L'Immatérialité de l'Âme Démontrée Contre M. Locke Philosophe Existence & l'Immatérialité de Dieu by Gerdil, Giacinto Sigismondo
Tableau de l'Harmonie Universelle Présenté Dans Un Choix de Lectures Sur Les Faits: À Connaître Les Plus Propres À Faire Ressortir La Puissance Et La by Meissas
Histoire Critique de la Philosophie. Tome 3 by Boureau-Deslandes-A-F
Les Oeuvres de Mylord Comte de Shaftsbury T03 by Shaftesbury-A
Essai de Philosophie Morale by de Maupertuis-P-L
Le Conservateur Ou Les Fondemens de la Morale Publique T01 by Sans Auteur
Histoire de la Religion Où l'On Accorde La Philosophie Avec Le Christianisme by Yvon, Claude
Le Conservateur Ou Les Fondemens de la Morale Publique T03 by Sans Auteur
Essais de Théodicée Sur La Bonté de Dieu La Liberté de l'Homme Et l'Origine Du Mal T02 by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
La Morale Sans Bien by Jouvin-L
Examen Serieux & Comique Des Discours Sur l'Esprit. Partie 1 by Lelarge de Lignac, Joseph-Adrien
Über die Fortschritte der kritischen Metaphysik by
The Basque Moment: Egalitarianism and Traditional Basque Society by
Beyond Good and Evil: Original Edition by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
The Big Questions: A Short Introduction to Philosophy by Higgins, Kathleen, Solomon, Robert
The Minimalist Budget: A Practical Guide on Living Well, Spending Less, How to Save Money And Living Your Life With a Minimalist Lifestyle by Kancel, C.
An Introduction To Metaphysics by Bergson, Henri
The Prince by Machiavelli, Niccolo
La Thréicie, Ou La Seule Voie Des Sciences Divines Et Humaines, Du Culte Vrai Et de la Morale by Aucler
View from Here: On Affirmation, Attachment, and the Limits of Regret by Wallace, R. Jay
Eureka: A Prose Poem by Poe, Edgar a.
Self-Knowledge for Humans by Cassam, Quassim
Nietzsche and the Ancient Skeptical Tradition by Berry, Jessica N.
The Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
The Techne of Giving: Cinema and the Generous Form of Life by Campbell, Timothy C.
(French) La révolution de Dieu: La communauté, la justice, et le Royaume à venir by Arnold, Eberhard
Epistemology by Pritchard, D.
Information Und Ihre Bedeutung in Der Natur: Das Leben Erfindet Die Welt by Johannsen, Wolfgang
Rasas in Bharatanatyam: First in a Series on Indian Aesthetics and Bharatanatyam by Prativadi, Prakruti
Mad Handles: 11th Anniversary Edition: Illustrated and With an Introduction By the Author by Mackey, Jon
Are the humans as vermin? ¿Somos alimañas, los humanos?: Are we different from animals? Are we important to someone? Are we the center of something? A by Sala, Modest
Cuentos Por La Resistencia by Sanesi, Giacomo
The Perceptual Structure of Three-Dimensional Art by Hackett, Paul M. W.
Schema Re-Schematized: A Space for Prospective Thought by Fisher, Harwood
Habermas and Giddens on PRAXIS and Modernity: A Constructive Comparison by Browne, Craig
The Limits of Fabrication: Materials Science, Materialist Poetics by Brown, Nathan
Symptoms of the Planetary Condition: A Critical Vocabulary by
Between Faith and Belief: Toward a Contemporary Phenomenology of Religious Life by Schrijvers, Joeri
Scientific Integrity and Research Ethics: An Approach from the Ethos of Science by Koepsell, David
Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race by
Thinking with Kant's Critique of Judgment by Chaouli, Michel
Wisdom Won from Illness: Essays in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis by Lear, Jonathan
Epistemology by Pritchard, D.
Neues Organon by Bacon, Francis
Rechte und Pflichte der Kritik, philosophische Laien-Predigten für das Volk der Denker by Rasius, C. E.
Restored by Grace by Chak, Vitus
Restored by Grace by Chak, Vitus
The Impact of Reason on Faith, Ethics and Belief by Dodson, Geran F.
Self, History and Future: A Work on the Modality of History by Iwamoto, Tetsuaki
Seraphina's Catalogue -1 by Singh, Yashodhara
System of Economical contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery by Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
El Dialogo con el Inconsciente by Schellhammer, Eduard
A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike by Rainolde, Richard
Deutschland zwischen Schuld, Scham und Stolz: Eine ethische Betrachtung der Gefühle Schuld, Scham und Stolz im Hinblick auf die Staatsangehörigkeit by Brogle, Christopher
Die Pflichten des Sokrates anhand Platons "Apologie" und "Kriton". Die Pflichten gegenüber dem Staat und gegenüber Gott by Manzei, Peter
Progreso, Utopía y Totalitarismo. La crítica liberal de Isaiah Berlin a la Ilustración by Arriola, Jonathan
Continuants: Their Activity, Their Being, and Their Identity by Wiggins, David
Geschichte der Ethik in der neueren Philosophie: I. Band.: Bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhundert by Jodl, Friedrich
La Capacidad Politica de la Clase Obrera (Spanish Edition) by Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Untersuchungen zu Cicero's philosophischen Schriften: I. Teil. by Hirzel, Rudolf
Immanuel Kant - Sein Leben und seine Lehre by Paulsen, Friedrich
Mittlerer Weg modern: Die Zaubertüte der alternativen Philosophie und Konfliktlösung by Unsoeld, Hans J.
Self and Other: Exploring Subjectivity, Empathy, and Shame by Zahavi, Dan
Where We Belong: Journeys That Show Us the Way by Kotb, Hoda
Der Grundgedanke der Ethik des Spinoza by Wrzecionko, R.
Adam Ferguson and Ethical Integrity: The Man and His Prescriptions for the Moral Life by Hill, Jack A.
The Illusion of Doubt by Schonbaumsfeld, Genia
¿Que es la propiedad? (Spanish Edition) by Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Ordinary Goodness: The Surprisingly Effortless Path to Creating a Life of Meaning and Beauty by Viljoen, Edward
Das Recht der Tiere auf Leben im Kontext des Präferenzutilitarismus von Peter Singer by Schlemmer, Jessica
Kantian Nonconceptualism by
Scientism: Philosophy and the Infatuation with Science by Sorell, Tom
Georg Simmel and the Disciplinary Imaginary by Goodstein, Elizabeth S.
Georg Simmel and the Disciplinary Imaginary by Goodstein, Elizabeth S.
Subjectivation in Political Theory and Contemporary Practices by
Leibniz on Compossibility and Possible Worlds by
Academic Scepticism in the Development of Early Modern Philosophy by
Los Pontificados del Pulpo 2016: Articulos del Nativo de Tejupilco by Kaczmarczyk, Robin
Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2016 by Wetzel, Kramer
The Escapade: Pandora's Box Unfolded by Jalali, Nageen C.
Golden Ages of Philosophy: Contributions to Classical and Neo-Classical Philosophy by Coppedge, Nathan
El Principe by Maquiavelo, Nicolas
Falling in Love: With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science by Allen, Grant
The Known Unkown by Diaz Jr, Miguel Angel
Aforismos y Sentencias by Hipócrates
The Unification of Self & Liberty: The Second Amendment Time to Shelve It by Dayton, Karry Lynn
The Absolute and Star Trek by Gonzalez, George A.
Communication and Expression: Adorno's Philosophy of Language by Hogh, Philip
Wittgenstein: A Religious Point Of View? by Malcolm, Norman
The Stoic Origins of Erasmus' Philosophy of Christ by Dealy, Ross
Ist es nicht erstaunlich, dass es Gefühle, Gedanken, Sprache, Moral und Kunst gibt, wo doch die Welt ursprünglich nur aus Raum, Zeit und Materie besta by Hauger, Wolfgang
Für eine autonome Moral. Abaelards "Nosce te ipsum": Der Universalienstreit in der Frühscholastik by Stubbemann, Dieter
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius by Machiavelli, Niccolo
Die Rechte der Tiere?: Das deutsche Tierschutzgesetz vor dem Hintergrund der neueren tierethischen Diskussion by Niess, Linda
Das sittliche Leben, ethische Studien by Frauenstädt, Julius
Risen from the Ashes: Broken Shackles, Part 2: Isn't it time to break free from Slavery? by Simonds, Bobby R.
Meleth Mystikistikhs Istorias: Meros 2o: Mystikismos by Kizakis, Fotis
Platón Tomo I: Proceso y muerte de Sócrates by Galvez S., Javier
Platón Tomo IV: La Virtud by Galvez S., Javier
Platón Tomo V: La Retórica by Galvez S., Javier
Platón Opera Omnia Tomo II: El Conocimiento by Galvez S., Javier
Die Philosophie Arthur Schopenhauers by Koeber, R.
Kritik des modernen Zeitbewusstseins by Menzel, Wolfgang
Nur Pinari: Sahibini Arayan Gezgin by Zorbulut, Zeynel Abidin
Paranjothi Mahan: The Journey Through Truth- A compilation of selected aphorisms by Schuebel, Kalawathi
Menschenwürde und Sexualität. Haben Menschen mit Behinderung ein Recht auf Sexualassistenz?: Ethisch-hermeneutische Aspekte und rechtliche Realisierba by Zapf, Tamara
Karl-Otto Apel Und Die Diskursethik: Eine Einführung by Reese-Schäfer, Walter
Kraft und Stoff: Empirisch-naturphilosophische Studien in allgemein-verständlicher Darstellung by Büchner, Ludwig
The methodology of concomitant variations by Vannini, Antonella, Di Corpo, Ulisse
Jiddu Krishnamurti: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Avicenna, Milo
Risen From the Ashes: Broken Shackles, Two-Fer!: Save money, Purchase Me! by Simonds, Bobby Ray
Kochtopus: War on the lower class by Collins, Nigel O.
La Gaya Ciencia by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Hat Aristoteles die Schrift vom Staate der Athener geschrieben: Ihr Ursprung und ihr Wert für die ältere athenische Geschichte by Cauer, Friedrich
Group Privacy: New Challenges of Data Technologies by
Farewell to Modernism: On Human Devolution in the Twenty-First Century by Kanth, Rajani
Composing the World: Harmony in the Medieval Platonic Cosmos by Hicks, Andrew
Uso e funzione delle regole sociali by Corino, Bruno
The Sickness Unto Death by Kierkegaard, Soren
Darkening Places: Essays on Excess by Horvath, Mark
Religionsphilosophie im Umriss: Mit historisch-kritischer Einleitung über die Religionsphilosophie seit Kant by Schmiedel, Paul Wilhelm, Seydel, Rudolf
Ecce Homo by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Mushrooms on the Moor by Boreham, Frank W.
Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche, Friedrich
The light above crown by Roy, Sayan Sebastian
Life Choices: Important Tips From Socrates, Plato and Aristotle by Head, James
Kants philosophische Anschauungen in den Jahren 1762-1766 by Martin, Rudi
What You Think...You Are!: A Study of the Human Mind and the Law of Attraction by Welliver Phd, Carl
Erzählungen by Krajina, Anto
Der Heilige Verbrecher by Krajina, Anto
Das Dogma von der Menschwerdung Gottes: Im Geiste des hl. Thomas by Schaezler, Constantin Von
Utilitarianism by Mill, John Stuart
Marxism and Psychoanalysis: In or against Psychology? by Pavon-Cuellar, David
Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt by
Essays by Hume, David
Zum ewigen Frieden by Kant, Immanuel
Ethik by Spinoza, Benedictus de
Das Licht, die Quelle des Lebens - Band 4 by Baumgartner, Alois a.
Das Licht, die Quelle des Lebens - Band 7 by Baumgartner, Alois a.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by Hume, David
Konzeptionen der Toleranz von Achim Lohmar und Rainer Forst. Ein Vergleich by Witte, Kevin
Staatsgeheimnisse: Arkanpolitik Im Wandel Der Zeiten by
Die Repräsentation Von Non-Voice-Partys in Demokratien: Argumente Zur Vertretung Der Menschen Ohne Stimme ALS Teil Des Volkes by Köhler, Lukas
Karttikeyan Yoga Nidra: A Course Manual on Eastern Guided Imagery and Creative Visualization by Flowering Tree, Samyama
The Transformation of Property Regimes and Transitional Justice in Central Eastern Europe: In Search of a Theory by Damşa, Liviu
Apeiron: Anaximander on Generation and Destruction by Couprie, Dirk L., Kočandrle, Radim
Clinical Research Involving Pregnant Women by
Grundlinien eines Systems der Ästhetik by Horwicz, Adolf
Urban Proverbs by Burton, Jay
A Treatise of Human Nature by Hume, David
Understanding Kant's Ethics by Cholbi, Michael
Called to Freedom: Why You Can Be Christian and Libertarian by
Halakhic Morality: Essays on Ethics and Masorah by Soloveitchik, Joseph B.
Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory by Traverso, Enzo
The Goffman Lectures: Philosophical and Sociological Essays About the Writings of Erving Goffman by Hood, Thomas, Van De Vate, Dwight
The Strife: A comparative Study of Islamic And international Law by Abed, Baset Sadeq
Die Zukunft einer Illusion by Freud, Sigmund
Objective Becoming by Skow, Bradford
The Goffman Lectures: Philosophical and Sociological Essays About the Writings of Erving Goffman by Hood, Thomas, Van De Vate, Dwight
Formenanalyse des absoluten Geistes. Kunst, Religion und Philosophie bei G.W.F. Hegel by Kupfer, Daniel R.
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau by Thoreau, Henry David
From Valuing to Value: A Defense of Subjectivism by Sobel, David
Selbstbetrachtungen by Aurel, Marc
Making and Breaking Mathematical Sense: Histories and Philosophies of Mathematical Practice by Wagner, Roi
The Allegory of the Cave by Plato
Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination: Animation, Storytelling, and Digital Culture by Herhuth, Eric
Die unter Philons Werken stehende Schrift über die Unzerstörbarkeit des Weltalls by Bernays, Jacob
La Etica Protestante y el espiritu del Capitalismo by Weber, Max
The Logiphro Dilemma: An Examination of the Relationship Between God and Logic by McGlothlin, James C.
Creer y saber: O la filosofía-de-la-reflexión de la subjetividad en la plenitud de sus formas como filosofía de Kant, de Jacobi y de Fichte by Friedrich, Hegel Georg Wilhelm
Der Sinn des Lebens und die Lebensschule by Jundt, Karin
Die Rhetorik der Griechen und Römer in systematischer Übersicht by Volkmann, Richard
The Science of Philosophy by George, F.
La Política by Aristoteles
The Wanderings of a Spiritualist by Conan Doyle, Arthur
Pierdut Intr-O Lume Efemera...: Reflectii, Insemnari, Fictiuni Si Poezii Existentiale by Borcia, Constantin M. N.
Immanuel Kant und Alexander von Humboldt: Eine Rechtfertigung Kants und eine historische Richtigstellung by Lind, Paul Von
Darstellung und Beurteilung des Kantschen Pflichtbegriffs by Treutmann, Max
Ein Schluss vom Denken auf das Sein?! Hilary Putnams "Gehirn im Tank" by Atzler, Lisa
Complete Guide to Self-Healing: Self-Hypnosis, Diet and Energy Healing techniques by Solo, Masha
Moral Psychology of Confucian Shame: Shame of Shamelessness by Seok, Bongrae
Alltägliches Handeln im spirituellen Geist by Jundt, Karin
Cesta Zivotom by Tutko, Milos
Ce qui est en je: A la découverte des logiciels du vivant by Dupuy, Fabrice
By Signs and Symbols: Initiation in the Western Mystery Tradition by Clark, Paul a.
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