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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2020

A Contribution To The Critique Of The Political Economy: Translated From The Second German Edition By N. I. Stone With An Appendix by Marx, Karl
Non-Cinema: Global Digital Film-Making and the Multitude by Brown, William
A Political Philosophy of Conservatism: Prudence, Moderation and Tradition by Hörcher, Ferenc
The Pornographic Age by Badiou, Alain
The Moral Person of the State by Holland, Ben
On Faith, Works, Eternity and the Creatures We Are by Barbera, André
How to Be a Failure and Still Live Well: A Philosophy by Clack, Beverley
Søren Kierkegaard's and Jean-Paul Sartre's conception towards meaning of life: A critical reflection by Getahun, Eden Abate
Read Me in a Day: Ruminate for a Lifetime (A Collection of Philosophical Quotes) by Rajadurai Kalaichelvan
At the Risk of Thinking: An Intellectual Biography of Julia Kristeva by Jardine, Alice
The Attentional Shaping of Perceptual Experience: An Investigation Into Attention and Cognitive Penetrability by Marchi, Francesco
The Unedited: A Novel about Genome and Identity by Rørth, Pernille
Guide to Deep Learning Basics: Logical, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives by
When Kingdoms Clash by Shenk, Calvin E.
The Elements of Heaven by Widry, Richard J.
The Elements of Heaven by Widry, Richard J.
When Kingdoms Clash by Shenk, Calvin E.
What can be revealed from the other side of fear? by Nizovtsev, Yury
What Happens to People in a Competitive Society: An Anthropological Investigation of Competition by Thorbjørnsen, Svein Olaf
Baukunst Und Andere Künste: Sympathische Annäherungen by Meisenheimer, Wolfgang
Estética y política del ritmo by Lopes Coelho, Salomé, Zorrilla, Aníbal
Consciousness awaken: Consciousnesses are not equal by Arkansas, Greg
The future of humanity by Di Corpo, Ulisse
Roads to Reference: An Essay on Reference Fixing in Natural Language by Gomez-Torrente, Mario
Camus' Literary Ethics: Between Form and Content by Whistler, Grace
A.C. Pigou and the 'Marshallian' Thought Style: A Study in the Philosophy and Mathematics Underlying Cambridge Economics by Lovejoy Knight, Karen
Pluralisms in Truth and Logic by
Examining Schellenberg's Hiddenness Argument by Weidner, Veronika
The Poet of The Characters' Short Living Story by Raganato, Facundo
Decoding Treachery by Tunnell, Dale L.
ФИТлософия 1 by Kieser, Julius, Kieser, Sharny
Coincidenze fra Cielo e Terra: Punti di contatto fra Scienza e Fede: sono davvero agli antipodi? by Medici, Alberto
Decoding Treachery: With Shield Analysis by Tunnell, Dale L.
Proverbs for Today: Words of Faith and Fate to Contemplate by Levine, Steven
Hume's Epistemological Evolution by Qu, Hsueh M.
Graphic Novels as Philosophy by
El Estoicismo en la Filosofía, la Vida y la Cultura Popular by Gerhardt, James
Anatomía de la teoría mimética: Aportaciones a la filosofía política by Palacios Soto, Andrea Montserrat, Cárdenas Ureña, Arturo
El Dragon Interior by Anra, Araya
Grounds of Natural Philosophy by Cavendish, Margaret
Die Bedeutung der Moral in der ethnologischen Feldforschung by Claus, Cristian
Master of Your Universe and the P.H.I.L. Philosophy by Femorlov, Shale'
Master of Your Universe and the P.H.I.L. Philosophy by Femorlov, Shale'
Atlantis Rising: National Geographic y la búsqueda científica de la Atlántida. by Díaz-Montexano, Georgeos
Raising Expectations: A Fantasy about Future Developments by Zanardi, William J.
Humanity, Uploaded by Allen, R. E.
Searching by Windolf, Herbert
God Is Dead: An Odyssey Through Faith by Ash, Michael
Yo en la sociedad by López Araujo, Germán de Jesús
Mood and Trope: The Rhetoric and Poetics of Affect by Brenkman, John
Moral Neuroeducation for a Democratic and Pluralistic Society by
Articulating a Thought by Alshanetsky, Eli
Human and Animal Minds: The Consciousness Questions Laid to Rest by Carruthers, Peter
Deleuze and the Humanities: East and West by
Ethical Futures and Global Science Fiction by
William of Ockham, Dialogus: Part 3, Tract 2 by
Friedrich Engels and the Dialectics of Nature by Kangal, Kaan
Death, Time and the Other: Ethics at the Limit of Metaphysics by Das, Saitya Brata
Nature and Value by
Nature and Value by
Not Born Yesterday: The Science of Who We Trust and What We Believe by Mercier, Hugo
Think Kindly - Speak Kindly - Act Kindly: 366 Easy and Free Ideas You Can Use to Create a Kinder World...Starting Today! BW Edition by Ross, Karyn
Philosophy in Word and Name: Myth, Wisdom, Apocalypse by Hackett, William C.
Aristóteles en el siglo XV: una ética para príncipes: Liberalidad, magnificencia y magnanimidad by Díez Yáñez, María
REFLEXÕES EPISTEMOLÓGICAS NA ÁREA DA SAÚDE - Volume 1 by de Barros Vilela Junior, Guanis, Passos, Ricardo Pablo
Philosophy in Word and Name: Myth, Wisdom, Apocalypse by Hackett, William C.
Vermögen Und Möglichkeit: Die Lehre Des Aristoteles Und Die Debatte in Der Analytischen Philosophie by Wolf, Ursula
The 2019 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab by
Viewpoint Relativism: A New Approach to Epistemological Relativism Based on the Concept of Points of View by Hautamäki, Antti
The Problem of Religious Experience: Case Studies in Phenomenology, with Reflections and Commentaries by
Universal Consciousness: The bridges between science and spirituality by Karpouzos, Alexis
Die Bestimmung des Menschen (Großdruck) by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Die Bestimmung des Menschen (Großdruck) by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Freddie Gray by Alejandro, Roberto E.
Scientific Breakthrough. Breaking Science by Valiollahpur, Morteza
Taivaallista luonnontiedettä: Uskomanton pakinakokoelma kristinuskon ja luonnontieteitten suhteesta ajanlaskun alusta nykyaikaan by Olavi, Tauno
Suizid: Argumentation und Anleitung für einen selbstbestimmten Tod by Niculescu, Victor
Sources of Holocaust Insight: Learning and Teaching about the Genocide by Roth, John K.
Sources of Holocaust Insight: Learning and Teaching about the Genocide by Roth, John K.
Das Büchlein vom Leben nach dem Tode by Fechner, Gustav Theodor
Kant's philosophy as rectified by Schopenhauer by Kelly, M.
The Quantum Nature of Soul by Dijanic, Angela a.
Die Landtagswahl 2016 in Sachsen-Anhalt. Was sind die Ursachen für den Erfolg der AfD? by Dremel, Marc
Fictionalism in Philosophy by
Ciencia Para Filósofos (1): La influencia de Einstein en la ciencia by Villalba, Juan
Handbook of African Philosophy of Difference by
Feminist Philosophy of Technology by
Actor-Network Theory at the Movies: Reassembling the Contemporary American Teen Film with LaTour by Sonnenberg-Schrank, Björn
Jesus in the Trinity: A Beginner's Guide to the Theology of Robert Jenson by Harvey, Lincoln
Cross-Cultural Reflections on Chinese Aesthetics, Gender, Embodiment and Learning by Man, Eva Kit Wah
Philosophical Foundations of the Religious Axis: Religion, Politics, and American Political Architecture by Pottenger, John R.
Wie Wissenschaft Länder, Gesellschaften, Religionen Vereint: Ein Überblick Für Wissenschaftler Und Politiker by Herwald, Heiko
Filosofía de la elocuencia by Y. de Montpalau, Antonio de Campmany
Stratagem of the Corpse: Dying with Baudrillard, a Study of Sickness and Simulacra by Shipley, Gary J.
Swift The River Hoosie by West, James N.
Ethics of Tragedy: Dwelling, Thinking, Measuring by Hirvonen, Ari
Tetsugaku Companion to Phenomenology and Japanese Philosophy by
Principles of Animal Research Ethics by DeGrazia, David, Beauchamp, Tom L.
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Science by
"Soziale Pathologie". Die kritische Dimension von Axel Honneths Gesellschaftstheorie by Hermert, Alexander
Die Frage nach einem zeitgemäßen Mysterien-Kultus by Gerges, Christiane
Singulær realisme: Part 2 by Gørtz, Kim
Ethics for Everyone: A Skills-Based Approach by Churchill
What Is a Person?: Realities, Constructs, Illusions by Rist, John M.
Across Black Spaces: Essays and Interviews from an American Philosopher by Yancy, George
The Theory and Practice of Ontology by
Phenomenology and the Arts: Logos and Aisthesis by
The Epistemology of Non-Visual Perception by
A Few Moments in Life: Reflections of Life in Pictures and Poems: Second Edition by Ramsay, Janice
JustMeQi: Just Words for a Just Spirit (New Edition) by Henderson, Warren L., Jr.
La Anarquía by Malatesta, Antonio
Ansiedade: Ataques de pânico, fobias e depressão (Guia de auto-desenvolvimento para se livrar da ansiedade) by Dye, Frank
Ansiedade: Formas inteligentes de vencer a ansiedade e depressão (Ultrapasse hoje a ansiedade e melhore a sua saúde num mês) by Lucas, Philip
Mother of Change: Strategies to Raise Godly Kids & Protect Them in a Dangerous World by McMillion, Emmasara
William Shakespeare's Sonnet Philosophy, Volume 3: An analysis of individual plays and poems to show that the Sonnet philosophy is the basis for their by Peters, Roger
William Shakespeare's Sonnet Philosophy, Volume 3: An analysis of individual plays and poems to show that the Sonnet philosophy is the basis for their by Peters, Roger
Critical Neuroscience and Philosophy: A Scientific Re-Examination of the Mind-Body Problem by Tomasi, David Låg
Tears And Laughter by Gibran, Kahlil
Our American Lives, Volumes 1-4: A Collection of Commentaries in Rhyme by Harris, Keith S.
Tres Sistemas: Filosofía para Ingenieros by González Vallvé, José Luís
Ansiedade: Guia de alívio da ansiedade para superar a depressão (Guia de auto-desenvolvimento para vencer a ansiedade, depressão, ataques de pânico) by Clem, Tom
Ansiedade: Pare completamente sua ansiedade, fobias e ataques de pânico (Pcabe com a ansiedade social, estresse e depressão, e liberte-se hoje) by Ned, Brock
Ansiedade: Liberte-se da ansiedade e da depressão (Eliminar o estresse e a ansiedade através da meditação e iniciar uma vida saudável) by Pullen, Jim
I Think Vs I Am: Western (Descartes) Vs Indian (Vedanta) Philosophical View by Iyengar, Sudarshan R.
108: The Story of Discovering Earth's Consciousness by Leo, Eric
Sand and Foam - A Book of Aphorisms by Gibran, Kahlil
Jenseitsforschung: Gespräche mit einer Großnichte by Lutz, Peter
Transcendence by Evanoff, Matthew
A Few Moments in Life: Reflections of Life in Pictures and Poems: Second Edition by Ramsay, Janice
The Delphic Maxims: 147 Ancient Rules for a Happy Life by
En anden forståelse af forståelse: Bevidstheden, verden og virkeligheden - Selvreference og komplementaritet by
Manuel de la Volonté by Polti, Georges
Cours Complet de Philosophie. Partie 1: Élémens de Logique À l'Usage Des Gens Du Monde by Saury, Jean
Caractères de Théophraste, Et Pensées Morales de Ménandre by Levesque, Pierre-Charles, Théophraste, Ménandre
Les Principes de la Saine Philosophie Conciliés Avec Ceux de la Religion. Tome 2: Ou La Philosophie de la Religion by Para Du Phanjas, François
Le Discernement de la Vraye Et de la Fausse Morale, Où l'On Fait Voir Le Faux Des Offices de Cicéron: Et Des Livres de l'Amitié, de la Vieillesse Et D by Lelevel, Henri
Mes Routes. Littérature, Questions Germaniques, Questions d'Enseignement, Philosophie. 8e Édition by Lasserre, Pierre
Éléments de Philosophie Morale: À l'Usage Des Classes de Philosophie Et Des Écoles Normales Primaires by Pécaut, Pierre-Félix
Essais Physiques by de Launay, Gilles
Les Sources de la Paix Intellectuelle by Ollé-Laprune, Léon
Le Neveu de Rameau by Milius, F. a., Diderot, Denis, Tourneux, Maurice
Rappel À l'Intelligent, Avis À l'Indifférent: Considérations Philosophiques, Religieuses, Historiques by Dugat, Gustave, Abd Al-Qdir Ibn Muhy Al-Dn Al-Az'ir
Psychoanalysis, Politics and the Postmodern University by Burston, Daniel
Nouveau Traité de la Civilité Qui Se Pratique En France Parmi Les Honnestes Gens by de Courtin, Antoine
Global Justice by Christensen, James
Myth, Meaning, and Antifragile Individualism: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson: On the Ideas of Jordan Peterson by Champagne, Marc
Arab Political Thought: Past and Present by Corm, Georges
Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican II and its Impact by
Analytic Philosophy and the Later Wittgensteinian Tradition by Tripodi, Paolo
The Stargazers by McKee, James
Orthodoxy by Chesterton, G. K.
Rinky Dink Revolution: Moving Beyond Capitalism by Withholding Consent Creative Constructions and Creative Destructions by Waitzkin, Howard
Ansiedade: Use terapia para combater ansiedade, depressão, stress, fobias e ataques de pânico (Deshacerse de las fobias, el estré by Kidd, Joe
Ansiedade: O melhor guia para redução do estresse e dos ataques de pânico (Se livre de fobias, depressão e meditação) by Scott, Dan
Understanding Scientific Understanding by de Regt, Henk W.
Paganisme versus catholicisme: Le Conflit non surmonté du nationalisme by Mérel, Joseph
L'Esprit de Droite: Analyse morale et politique by Le Carpentier, Louis
A Reconciliation Without Recollection?: An Investigation of the Foundations of Aboriginal Law in Canada by Nichols, Joshua Ben David
Recognizing Wrongs by Goldberg, John C. P., Zipursky, Benjamin C.
Scientific Ontology: integrating naturalized metaphysics and voluntarist epistemology by Chakravartty, Anjan
Yoruba Philosophical Worldview (A Critical Exposition) by Alese, Olukayode
The Logical Must: Wittgenstein on Logic by Maddy, Penelope
Our American Lives, Volume 4: A Collection of Commentaries in Rhyme by Harris, Keith S.
Cosmopolitan Civility: Global-Local Reflections with Fred Dallmayr by
Walter Benjamin's Antifascist Education: From Riddles to Radio by Lewis, Tyson E.
Candide by Voltaire
Why? by Marr, Mahlon L.
Medieval Answers to Modern Questions by Smith, Neil J.
RingoNomics: Enlightenment and Encouragement According to Ringo by Ringo, Charles V., Sr., Ringo, Charles V., Jr., Ringo, Wendy C.
A General View of Positivism by Comte, Auguste
The Mediterranean Is Yours: The Esthetic Interplays of Sentimentalism by Mahboobani, Meghna
Morality, Competition, and the Firm: The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics by Heath, Joseph
Philosophy of Biology: A Very Short Introduction by Okasha, Samir
The Unconscious Domain by Kellerman, Henry
Buddhist Ethics by Heim, Maria
The King's Curriculum: Self-Initiation for Self-Rulers by Mannaz, Johnny
Something Out of Nothing by Snyder, Paul
Life-Giving Spring: The Eternal Fountain by Thompson, Robert F.
PSICOLOGÍA COMO FILOSOFÍA FILOSOFÍA COMO PSICOLOGÍA -- Artículos y reseñas 2006-2019 by Starks, Michael
Global Warming & Human Cosmic Purpose by C.
The Nature of Inquiry: Volume IVB: Interpretation by Duncan, Steven M.
The King's Curriculum: Self-Initiation for Self-Rulers by Mannaz, Johnny
A Guide to Field Philosophy: Case Studies and Practical Strategies by
Care Ethics and the Refugee Crisis: Emotions, Contestation, and Agency by Morgan, Marcia
Across Black Spaces: Essays and Interviews from an American Philosopher by Yancy, George
Reflections on Human Nature by Lovejoy, Arthur O.
Phenomenology and Existentialism by
Understanding Whitehead by Lowe, Victor
Galen's Institutio Logica: English Translation, Introduction, and Commentary by
Experience Embodied: Early Modern Accounts of the Human Place in Nature by Waldow, Anik
L'Anarchie by Malatesta, Enrico
L'Anarchie by Malatesta, Enrico
Beyond Posthumanism: The German Humanist Tradition and the Future of the Humanities by Mathäs, Alexander
Der Zyklop in der Wissenschaft: Kant und die anthropologia transcendentalis by
Myth of Samsara I (Japanese Edition): Death and Soul; Rinne thought of Greco-Roman by Nitta, Akira
Quest: Living an Enlightened Life in the Mundane World by Stroud Nd Lac, Steve
Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Ng, Karen
Practical Stoicism: 10 Practical Steps to Embrace Ancient Stoic Philosophy in Today's Modern World & Design a Life of Wisdom, Perseverance and Joy! by Mayor, Nicholas
Psicologia como Filosofia Filosofia como Psicologia -- Artigos e Avaliações 2006-2019 by Starks, Michael
Beyond Good and Evil: The Philosophy Classic by Nietzsche, Friedrich
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