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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2021

India's Agony with Religion Revisited by Larson, Gerald
Media and Public Life by Dennis, Everette E., Snyder, Robert W.
Moral Intuitions by Wilson, James
Penal Philosophy by Beirne, Piers, Tarde, Gabriel
The Computational Mind: A Philosophical Introduction by Sprevak, Mark
Lovism: A Humanist Alternative to Feminism by Blair, Henry
50 Shades of Landscapers Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For Landscapers: Funny gag gift for Landscapers w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayings Landsc by Stationery, Black Feather
50 Shades of lexicographers Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For lexicographers: Funny gag gift for lexicographers w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayin by Stationery, Black Feather
50 Shades of Logisticians Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For Logisticians: Funny gag gift for Logisticians w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayings Log by Stationery, Black Feather
O Ínfimo e o Incomensurável by Rocha, Samuel
Random-Thoughts by Schuler, Carl
Apologia do Realismo Recursivo by Rocha, Samuel
50 Shades of jugglers Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For jugglers: Funny gag gift for jugglers w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayings jugglers want t by Juggler Gift Books, Funny Swear
50 Shades of lecturers Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For lecturers: Funny gag gift for lecturers w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayings lecturers wa by Lecturer Gift Books, Funny Swear
50 Shades of magicians Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For magicians: Funny gag gift for magicians w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayings magicians wa by Magician Gift Books, Funny Swear
Mystical Inclinations: The Ascension Of Mind by Dube, Tevin C. R.
La Nouvelle Cité de Dieu. Tome 1 by Draghicescu, Dimitrie, Thomas, Albert
La Cité de Pascal by Droulers, Charles
Le Positivisme d'Auguste Comte by Dupuy, Paul
La Mort d'Après Camille Flammarion by Flammarion, Camille, Meyer, Jean Préfacier
Oeuvres. Tome 7 by Machiavel, Nicolas, Frédéric II
Oeuvres. Tome 6 by Machiavel, Nicolas, Frédéric II
Oeuvres. Tome 5 by Frédéric II, Machiavel, Nicolas
La Jeunesse de Joseph Joubert by Beaunier, Andre
Ocellus Lucanus, En Grec Et En François by Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Ocellus Lucanus
How to Live: A Work in Progress by Parker, Scott F.
Éloge de la Folie by Nisard, Désiré, Barrett, Jean-Jacques, Erasmus, Desiderius
Stag and Stone: Religion, Archaeology and Esoteric Aesthetics by Johnston, Jay
Solving the Big Questions As If Thinking Matters Third Edition by Wysong, Randy L.
Nuclear Power in India: A Comparative Analysis by Hart, David
What is Deep Philosophy?: Philosophy from our inner depth by Lahav, Ran
Die Philosophie im letzten Drittel des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts by
Eternity by the Stars: An Astronomical Hypothesis by Blanqui, Louis-Auguste
Making Our Own History: A User's Guide to Marx's Historical Materialism by White, Jonathan
Black and White Balance by Petryga, Matt
Moralkapital: Das Kernthema der ethischen Ökonomie by Xiaoxi, Wang
The World as Will and Idea: Complete One Volume Edition by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Quest by Churchouse, Amy
Love's Shadow by Bové, Paul A.
Songs of Being by Rahimi, Nader
The Erosion of the American Sporting Ethos ... Reconsidered by Rosen, Joel Nathan
Finding Truth, Finding Health: Toroids and Hara Lines - A Master Class for Healers and Lightworkers by Marr, Rita
Psychological Lectures 1934-1940 by Ouspensky, P. D.
Aroha: Maori Wisdom for a Contented Life Lived in Harmony with Our Planet by Elder, Hinemoa
Meditations on the Isa Upanisad: Tracing the Philosophical Vision of Sri Aurobindo by Banerji, Debashish
Filosofía de la Cultura y Transmodernidad: Obras selectas 13 by Dussel, Enrique
"Warmth"-of-winter by Schuler, Carl
Praxis Latinoamericana y Filosofía de la Liberación: Obras Selectas 12. by Dussel, Enrique
La producción Teórica de Marx: Un comentario a los Grundrisse by Dussel, Enrique
The Elemental Spirits of Nature by Rizzi
A Dialectical Journey Through Fashion and Philosophy by Kang, Eun Jung
The Political Psychology of the Veil: The Impossible Body by Ghumkhor, Sahar
Historia de la Filosofía y la Filosofía de la Liberación: Obras selectas 14 by Dussel, Enrique
Leo Strauss and the Theopolitics of Culture by Von Wussow, Philipp
The Voice of Misery: A Continental Philosophy of Testimony by Van Der Heiden, Gert-Jan
Does Your Brain Need You?: An Introduction to Neuroscience and Consciousness by Lode, Clemens
Cosmopolitan Civility: Global-Local Reflections with Fred Dallmayr by
Capital in the Mirror: Critical Social Theory and the Aesthetic Dimension by
Thinking Life with Luce Irigaray: Language, Origin, Art, Love by
Time in Exile: In Conversation with Heidegger, Blanchot, and Lispector by Sá Cavalcante Schuback, Marcia
The Historical Mind: Humanistic Renewal in a Post-Constitutional Age by
American Aesthetics: Theory and Practice by
Thinking Difference with Heidegger and Levinas: Truth and Justice by Uljée, Rozemund
On Metaphysical Necessity: Essays on God, the World, Morality, and Democracy by Gamwell, Franklin I.
Adult Life: Aging, Responsibility, and the Pursuit of Happiness by Russon, John
Ethical Approaches to Human Remains: A Global Challenge in Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology by
Carl Schmitt between Technological Rationality and Theology: The Position and Meaning of His Legal Thought by Herrera, Hugo E.
Image and Argument in Plato's Republic by McCoy, Marina Berzins
Trigrams of the Yijing: A Universal System of Meaning by McDonald, Michael
Walter Benjamin's Antifascist Education: From Riddles to Radio by Lewis, Tyson E.
Announcements: On Novelty by Mendicino, Kristina
Merleau-Ponty at the Gallery: Questioning Art beyond His Reach by Fóti, Véronique M.
The World after the End of the World: A Spectro-Poetics by Saghafi, Kas
Thinking Faith after Christianity: A Theological Reading of Jan Patočka's Phenomenological Philosophy by Koci, Martin
Filosofía de la liberación: Obras selectas 11 by Dussel, Enrique
Hobbes's Kingdom of Light: A Study of the Foundations of Modern Political Philosophy by Stauffer, Devin
Jouissance: A Lacanian Concept by Braunstein, Néstor a.
E-Co-Affectivity: Exploring Pathos at Life's Material Interfaces by Oele, Marjolein
Anotações Filosóficas by Rocha, Samuel
Lessons for Leaders and Governing Board by McGiboney, Garry
O Ínfimo e o Incomensurável by Rocha, Samuel
espresso: Be Truly Informed by Kimber, Orlando
The Right Way to Live: Plato's Republic for Catholic Students by Geraghty, Richard
El último Marx (1863-1882): Y la Liberación Latinoamericana by Dussel, Enrique
Wahrheit und Wissenschaft, Wahrheit, Wert und Wirklichkeit by Bauch, Bruno
Austin's Rubaiyat of Eternal Secrets by Torney, Austin
The Antichrist by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Der Suizid aus anthroposophischer Sicht: 1. Auflage by Heinen-Anders, Michael
The Antichrist by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Blank by Stukan, Fedja
Hacia un Marx desconocido: Un comentario a los Manuscritos del 61 - 63 by Dussel, Enrique
Instant Pot Ultra Cookbook: Healthy Instant Pot Ultra Recipe Book for Beginners and Advanced Users by Green, Elizabeth
Conversing With Various Entities by Wall, Mary E.
Sermons of Saint Augustine by Stones, Douglas
O Ínfimo e o Incomensurável by Rocha, Samuel
A Rite of Passage Ii by Bell, W.
The Watchers by Streat, Velita
Lonely Nights 1: Das Handbuch der besten und schönsten Zitate zum Nachdenken. by Bears, Se7enth
Lecciones de Filosofía de la Liberación: Obras selectas 9 by Dussel, Enrique
Enneagram Secrets Revealed: The Ultimate Guide to Your Psychological and Spiritual Growth: The Spiritual Journey to Unlock Your Emotional Intellig by D, Danny
Spätlese, trocken.: Die Evangelien, der Römerbrief des Paulus sowie das ökologische Erbe der Israeliten als Quellen der Ethik by Stephan, Siegfried
Rhetoric by Aristotle
Siddhartha: An Indian Tale by Hesse, Herman
Rational Powers in Action: Instrumental Rationality and Extended Agency by Tenenbaum, Sergio
Tao, Nature and Man by Jin, Yuelin
Kritische Theorie Des Hörens: Untersuchungen Zur Philosophie Ulrich Sonnemanns by Mettin, Martin
Phenomenological Approaches to Religion and Spirituality, 1 volume by
Método para una filosofía de la liberación: Obras selectas 7 by Dussel, Enrique
Las Metáforas Teológicas de Marx: Obras Selectas 18 by Dussel, Enrique
Dialogues and Essays by Seneca
Breve og andre skrifter til Lucilius by Seneca, Lucius Annæus
The Biopolitics of Gender in Science Fiction: Feminism and Female Machines by Cox-Palmer-White, Emily
Spirit in Nature by Von Essen, Carl François
Scatter 2: Politics in Deconstruction by Bennington, Geoffrey
Rationalist Empiricism: A Theory of Speculative Critique by Brown, Nathan
Kingdom Confidence: Demonstrating The Power, Authority, and Influence of God In Your Life & Business. by Cole, Jesse A., Jr.
Esclarecer Espiritual: Gestaciòn en la Tierra Aportaciòn de la Civilizaciòn de los Faraones Piel Azul by Avila Sànchez, José Gerardo
Proverbs In Communication: A Conflict Management Approache by Obisakin, Lawrence Olufemi
50 Things to Know about Earning a Masters Degree in Theology: Lamp for Your Feet and Light for Your Path by Devalue, Jennifer, Know, 50 Things to
Richard Rorty über Menschenrechte. Sind Menschenrechte "nur" ein Ausdruck unserer Kultur? by Anonymous
Clairvoyance and Occult Powers by Atkinson, William Walker
, Fragmente Eines Willens Zum Wissen: Michel Foucaults Vorlesungen 1970 - 1984 by
Clairvoyance and Occult Powers by Atkinson, William Walker
Andean Truths: Transitional Justice, Ethnicity, and Cultural Production in Post-Shining Path Peru by Lambright, Anne
Vishwadarshan, a Glimpse of the Universe by Thapaliyal, Mahatma Ramratna
Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue Between Philosophy and Law by
Jainism for a New World Order by Bhatt, Siddheshwar Rameshwar
Cora Diamond on Ethics by
Pathways to Alternative Epistemologies in Africa by
Reflexive Pronouns: A Theoretical and Experimental Synthesis by Sperlich, Darcy
Emerging Powers, Global Justice and International Economic Law: Reformers of an Unjust Order? by Buser, Andreas
In Defense of Secrets by Dufourmantelle, Anne
Scatter 2: Politics in Deconstruction by Bennington, Geoffrey
Rationalist Empiricism: A Theory of Speculative Critique by Brown, Nathan
Die Philosophie des Absurden: Skeptischer Ursprung und depressive Wirkung by Malkus, Jan-Lukas
Spinoza and the Politics of Freedom by Taylor, Dan
We Ourselves: The Politics of Us, Letting Be II by Garcia, Tristan
In Defense of Secrets by Dufourmantelle, Anne
Solving Life by Harper, Dennis L.
Covid-19 Diaries: The Substance of Morality (Large Print Edition) by Noel, Lizzy
Natural Law Today: The Present State of the Perennial Philosophy by
The Power of Ethics: How to Make Good Choices in a Complicated World by Liautaud, Susan
The Truth of Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide to Yoga's History, Texts, Philosophy, and Practices by Simpson, Daniel
Der Irrtum des David Foster Wallace: Ein Kommentar zu der Rede "This Is Water" by Hinz, Olaf G.
Mind Hacking: Scopri Tutte le Tecniche segrete di Persuasione e Manipolazione Mentale. Impara ad Analizzare il Linguaggio non Verbal by Broke, Jonathan
The Battle against Juvenile Bullying: The Plague of Child and Teen Bullying in the Schools and How to Stop It by Leonard, Erin
Voy con mi hacha 2020 by Soto Centneo, Mario
O Ínfimo e o Incomensurável by Rocha, Samuel
Mystic Lifestyle For Everyone by Edward, J. J.
Nietzsche: crítica de la moral heroica: Colección Nietzscheana Vol. 6 by Campioni, Giuliano
An Independent Thinker Growing in Shells: An Autobiography by Lu, Solatle
An Independent Thinker Growing in Shells: An Autobiography by Lu, Solatle
The Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
Einsichten und Betrachtungen I: Handbuch des kritischen Denkens by Berger, Thorstein
Einsichten und Betrachtungen I: Handbuch des kritischen Denkens by Berger, Thorstein
Tertullian: Apology by Stones, Douglas
Empathy-Based Ethics: A Way to Practice Humane Medicine by Jeffrey, David Ian
Heidegger's Phenomenology of Perception: Learning to See and Hear Hermeneutically by Kleinberg-Levin, David
The Parable of the Three Rings and the Idea of Religious Toleration in European Culture by Shagrir, Iris
Das Menschenbild bei Max Weber by Hinz, Olaf G.
Grundgesetze und Methoden der Logik: in Aussagenlogik, Prädikatenlogik, modaler Logik, Zeitlogik und mehrwertiger Logik by Gobrecht, Reinhard
El origen de la conciencia en la ruptura de la mente bicameral by Jaynes, Julian
My Blackberry Seed Legacy by Braggs, Alphonso
Nietzsche y el evolucionismo: Dos ensayos by Fornari, Maria Cristina
An Overcoming Spirit: 21 Days by Blossom
Gramscis Plan: Kant und die Aufklärung 1500 bis 1800 by Jacobitz, Robin
Haunted by Paradise by Murphy, James Bernard
48 Rules For Raging Against The World: How To Use Unorthodox Morals To Recognize & Fight Corrupt Behavior by Zakaria, James
Gramscis Plan: Kant und die Aufklärung 1500 bis 1800 by Jacobitz, Robin
Essays by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Encyclopedia of Philosophical Cosmological Arguments for the Existence of God by Bannan, John Joseph
Haunted by Paradise by Murphy, James Bernard
Renunciation by Posnock
The Matter and Form of Maimonides' Guide by Stern
Heidegger on Being Uncanny by Withy
Anselm's Other Argument by Smith
The Place of Prejudice by Sandel
The Religion of the Future by Unger
Religious Freedom in an Egalitarian Age by Tebbe
Plato as Critical Theorist by Thakkar
Aristotle on Thought and Feeling by Gottlieb, Paula
Pragmatism as a Way of Life by Putnam
Self-Consciousness and Objectivity by Rödl
Seven Modes of Uncertainty by Serpell
Properties and Propositions by Trueman, Robert
Posthuman Transformation in Ancient Mediterranean Thought by Litwa, M. David
Hume's An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals by
An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge by Lemos, Noah
Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity by Putnam
An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge by Lemos, Noah
Reimagining Human Rights: Religion and the Common Good by O'Neill, William R.
The Collected Angers: Essays About Design for an Unwilling Audience by Monteiro, Mike
Friendship in Jewish History, Religion, and Culture by
Nietzsche y el perspectivismo: Colección Nietzscheana Vol. 3 by
Mariano Álvarez de Castro Su Locura O Su Crepúsculo: El Ensayo de Prudenci Bertrana Y Diego Ruiz Y Sus Secuelas by Ruiz Martínez, María Teresa
Nietzsche y la nueva concepción del mundo: Colección Nietzscheana Vol. 4 by Marton, Scarlett
Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos: (Band 16, Klassiker in neuer Rechtschreibung) by Scheler, Max
Substance and Structure of Language by
Dignity and Vulnerability: Strength and Quality of Character by Harris, George W.
History and Tropology: The Rise and Fall of Metaphor by Ankersmit, F. R.
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