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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2026

Neo-Materialism: From Bio Power to Social Movements by Chesters, Graeme, Welsh, Ian
Opera and Drama by Wagner, Richard
The Sociology of Music by
The Nature of Law: A Philosophical Inquiry by Sciaraffa, Stefan
The Nature of Law: A Philosophical Inquiry by Sciaraffa, Stefan
Epistemology of Modality by Bueno, Otavio, Shalkowski, Scott
Epistemology of Modality by Bueno, Otavio, Shalkowski, Scott
Consciousness: The Basics by Frankish, Keith
Consciousness: The Basics by Frankish, Keith
Sartre by Williford, Kenneth
Die Philosophie des Mittelalters by Verweyen, Johannes Maria
Essays on Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics by
The Subject of Injustice: Political Action, Law and Empowerment by Assy, Bethania
Philosophy of Science by
Meta-Reality: A Brief Introduction by Bhaskar, Roy
Meta-Reality: A Brief Introduction by Bhaskar, Roy
Philosophy of Film: An Introduction by Smuts, Aaron
Philosophy of Film: An Introduction by Smuts, Aaron
Building an Environmental Philosophy by Godlovitch, Stan
Economics and Social Theory by Lutzker, Adam
The Evolution of Morality in Economics: Cognitive Hayek by Gick, Evelyn
The Routledge Guidebook to Rousseau's the Social Contract by Bertram, Christopher
Global Health by Venkatapuram, Sridhar
The Art of Democracy: Towards Plural Hegemony by Svetlichnaja, Julia
Thinking the Political: Ernesto Laclau and the Politics of Post-Marxism by
The Routledge Guidebook to Aristotle's Metaphysics by Politis, Vasilis
Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction by Windt, Jennifer
Global Gender: Ethical and Political Issues by Delaet, Debra
Existentialism: A Global Introduction by
Existentialism: A Global Introduction by
Realism and Social Theory: Structure and Agency Revisited by Creaven, Sean
Neuroscience, Ethics, and Criminal Punishment: An Introduction by Birks, David, Thomsen, Frej
Neuroscience, Ethics, and Criminal Punishment: An Introduction by Birks, David, Thomsen, Frej
The Routledge Guidebook to Kierkegaard's Either/Or by Kemp, Ryan
The Routledge Guidebook to Kierkegaard's Either/Or by Kemp, Ryan
Merleau-Ponty, Interworlds, and the Phenomenology of Interdependence by Daly, Anya M.
Environmental Justice as Environmental Ethics: A New Introduction by Figueroa, Robert M.
Environmental Justice as Environmental Ethics: A New Introduction by Figueroa, Robert M.
Understanding Climate Change: Science, Ethics, and Policy by Parker, Wendy
Understanding Climate Change: Science, Ethics, and Policy by Parker, Wendy
Health and Happiness by Bortolotti, Lisa, Larkin, Michael
Health and Happiness by Larkin, Michael, Bortolotti, Lisa
Philosophy, Politics and Economics by Hayek, Friedrich
Angelaki: December, Vol. 10.3 by Authors, Various
Lex Amicitia: An Anthropology of the Law of Amity by Goodrich, Peter
Between Feminism and Psychoanalysis by
Between Feminism and Psychoanalysis by
The Routledge Guidebook to Aristotle's Metaphysics by Politis, Vasilis
Crime Scenes: Forensics and Aesthetics by Scott Bray, Rebecca
Classical Philosophers on Literature: Plato, Aristotle, Longinus by Eaglestone, Robert
Friedrich Nietzsche: The Ground-Breaking Thinker Who Revolutionized Philosophy by Moral, Tony Lee
Fist by Mills, Nelle
Metronome by Birkhold, Matthew H.
Microphone by Jones, Ralph
The Trouble with Space in Visual Art: Controversies, Contradictions and Its Rise to Prominence by Hyde, James
Kripke's Wittgenstein: Meaning, Rules and Scepticism by Khani, Ali Hossein
The Foundations of Bayesian Epistemology: A Philosophical Introduction by Easwaran, Kenny
The Foundations of Bayesian Epistemology: A Philosophical Introduction by Easwaran, Kenny
The Ethics of Novel Ecosystems: An Introduction by Thompson, Allen
The Ethics of Novel Ecosystems: An Introduction by Thompson, Allen
Contemporary Moral Issues: Diversity and Consensus by Hinman, Lawrence
Contemporary Moral Issues: Diversity and Consensus by Hinman, Lawrence
Confidence Men: Peterson, Musk, Tate and the Duping of the American Mind by Fluss, Harrison, Frim, Landon
Gateway to the Social Contract: Selections from Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, John Locke's Second Treastise on Government, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau's the by Locke, John, Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Hobbes, Thomas
Patipolitics by Millar, Isabel
Patipolitics by Millar, Isabel
Deleuze and the Immanent Sublime: Idea and Individuation by Schreel, Louis
Of the Law of Nature and Nations by Pufendorf, Samuel
Of the Law of Nature and Nations by Pufendorf, Samuel
Philosophy of Education: The Fundamentals by Curren, Randall
To Kill a People: Genocide in the Twentieth Century by Cox, John
The Politics of Robots: Care, Conflict and Imaginaries by Vallès Peris, Núria
Crisis of the Two Constitutions: The Rise, Decline, and Recovery of American Greatness by Kesler, Charles R.
Who Owns the Moon?: In Defence of Humanity's Common Interests in Space by Grayling, A. C.
Sprachphilosophie: Eine Einführung by Dinges, Alexander, Viebahn, Emanuel, Zakkou, Julia
The Gift of Death: Decelerationist Politics from the Seventies Until Today by Galluzzo, Anthony
Einführung in Die Antike Philosophie by Schriefl, Anna, Brüllmann, Philipp, Weber, Simon
Handlungstheorie Und Anwendbarkeit Der Ethik: Ein Vergleich Zwischen Kant Und Baumgarten by Di Giulio, Sara
Max Weber: Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft by
Journale NB 21-25 by
Brief an Markella, Sentenzen Und Auswahl Thematisch Verwandter Fragmente: Griechisch - Deutsch by Porphyrios
Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine by
Handbuch Kritische Theorie: Werke - Begriffe - Wirkung by
Handbuch Anarchismus 2: Begriffe Und Konzepte by
Playing God: Science, Religion and the Future of Humanity by Spencer, Nick, Waite, Hannah
Assemblage Theory and Affect by Buchanan, Ian
Assemblage Theory and Affect by Buchanan, Ian
An Introduction to Collective Intentionality: In Action, Thought, and Society by Ludwig, Kirk
An Introduction to Collective Intentionality: In Action, Thought, and Society by Ludwig, Kirk
Mistakes: A Philosophical Inquiry by Frost, Kim
The Routledge Guidebook to Fanon's the Wretched of the Earth by Khalfa, Jean
The Routledge Guidebook to Fanon's the Wretched of the Earth by Khalfa, Jean
Train by Devers, A. N.
Fog by Sparks, Stephen
Philosophinnen in Geschichte Und Gegenwart. by
Norm Und Diversität: Ästhetisches Aushandeln in Der Vormoderne by
Pleasure Machines: Towards a Philosophy of Scanning by Faust, Chantal
Metaphysical Hermeneutics by Grondin, Jean
Phenomenology of Tea: A Dialogue on Japanese Aesthetics by Loughnane, Adam
Phenomenology of Tea: A Dialogue on Japanese Aesthetics by Loughnane, Adam
A Resilient Legacy: Giacomo Leopardi's Zibaldone: Form, History and Discourse by Veronese, Cosetta M.
Philosophy of Mind Around the World: A New Conception of Consciousness by Kopf, Gereon
Noticing: What You Notice and Who You Are by Marar, Ziyad
Reading and Writing in the Anthropocene: An Eco-Deconstructive Approach by Jonckheere, Sarah
A Defence of Theological Virtue Ethics by Willows, Adam M.
Erfahrung - Ethik - Diskurs: Ethik-Kommissionen ALS Orte Ethischen Lernens Und Ethischer Theorie-Bildung by
100 Days to a Buddhist Mind: A Roadmap of Ancient Wisdom to Find Peace in Mindfulness by Sena, Bryan
Meditations: The Book of Stoic Wisdom by Aurelius, Marcus
Critical Theory and Contemporary Technology: . by Roberts, Ben
A History of Philosophy by Magee, Bryan
The Senses: A Philosophical Introduction by Richardson, Louise
The Senses: A Philosophical Introduction by Richardson, Louise
Reception and Development of John Duns Scotus' Metaphysics, 14th - 18th Centuries by
Heidegger'sche Korrekturen: Aus Dem Italienischen Ubersetzt Von Manuela Massa by Mazzarella, Eugenio
The Ethics of Cyber Conflicts: An Introduction by Taddeo, Mariarosaria
The Ethics of Rhetoric and Life Without Prejudice: Essays on Language, Culture, and Society by Weaver, Richard M.
Journey for Our Time by Marquis De Custine, Astolphe
Engender Ecosocialism! by Salleh, Ariel
Engender Ecosocialism! by Salleh, Ariel
Aesthetics and Morality: The Power of Art by Schellekens, Elisabeth
Aesthetics and Morality: The Power of Art by Schellekens, Elisabeth
Agenskausalität: Eine Ontologische Studie by Gasser, Georg
Handbuch Kommunale Sozialpolitik by
Michael of Ephesus: On Aristotle's on the Generation of Animals 1-2 by
A Critical Introduction to Wisdom, Understanding and Virtue by Ryan, Sharon
A Critical Introduction to Wisdom, Understanding and Virtue by Ryan, Sharon
Li Zehou and Twentieth-Century Chinese Philosophy: An Introduction to World Philosophies by Lambert, Andrew
Li Zehou and Twentieth-Century Chinese Philosophy: An Introduction to World Philosophies by Lambert, Andrew
Islamic Philosophy: A General Introduction by Inati, Shams C.
A Critical Introduction to Justification by Matheson, Jonathan, McCain, Kevin, Dougherty, Trent
A Critical Introduction to Justification by McCain, Kevin, Dougherty, Trent, Matheson, Jonathan
Insomnia: The Politics of Sleep in Contemporary Capitalism by Penzin, Alexei
Insomnia: The Politics of Sleep in Contemporary Capitalism by Penzin, Alexei
Ethical Materialities in Art and Moving Images by
Empathy and the Aesthetic Mind: Perspectives on Fiction and Beyond by
Environmental Ethics: The Basics by Ananth, Mahesh, Dixon, Ben
Environmental Ethics: The Basics by Dixon, Ben, Ananth, Mahesh
Romanticism and the Re-Invention of Modern Religion - German Edition by Hampton, Alexander
Handbook of Literary Ethics by
The Singular Politics of Jean Luc Nancy by Hodge, Joanna
Are They Dead Yet? by Roberts, Sam
In Calumniatorem Platonis V: Editio Princeps of Greek and Latin Versions by Bessarion
Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Menschliches, Allzumenschliches" II by Grätz, Katharina
Aesthetics and Glamour: A Philosophy of Allure and Human Beauty by Gould, Carol S.
Aesthetics and Glamour: A Philosophy of Allure and Human Beauty by Gould, Carol S.
The Rational Ontological Argument: Modality, Ontology and God by Sijuwade, Joshua R.
The Pursuit of Existentialism: From Sartre and de Beauvoir to Zizek and Badiou by Irwin, Jones
Levinas by Morgan, Michael
Levinas by Morgan, Michael
Galen by Tieleman, Teun
Galen by Tieleman, Teun
Cosmic Queries: Startalk's Guide to Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We're Going by Tyson, Neil Degrasse
Private Property Is Ego: Reflections on Property, Neoliberalism and Law by Babie, Paul
Opus Postumum, Hälfte 1 (Convolut I Bis VI): (3. Abt. Handschriftlicher Nachlass. 8. Bd) by Kant, Immanuel
A Companion to Rorty by
Contemporary African American Philosophy: Where Do We Go from Here? by
Contemporary African American Philosophy: Where Do We Go from Here? by
Empowering Aesthetics: Contemporary Art from Post-Socialist Central Europe by Tomková, Denisa
Phenomenology of Mysticism by Walther, Gerda
Phenomenology of Mysticism by Walther, Gerda
David Hilbert's Notebooks and General Foundational Lectures by
Opus Postumum. 2. Hälfte. (Convolut VII-XIII): (3. Abt. Handschriftlicher Nachlass. 9. Bd.) by Kant, Immanuel
Just Moral Reasoning by Jaggar
Just Moral Reasoning by Jaggar
Schuld Und Sünde: Eine Notwendige Klärung Mit C.S. Lewis Und Josef Pieper by
Schuld Und Vergebung: Theologie Der Beichte by Schallenberg, Peter, Graulich, Markus
An Introduction to Modern Political Thought: Machiavelli to Foucault by
An Introduction to Modern Political Thought: Machiavelli to Foucault by
Indices AD Philonis Alexandria Opera, Pars 1 by
Encyclopedia of Global Justice by