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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Photography History & Criticism in 2022

Manor College by Smalarz Phd, Matthew J.
Manor College by Smalarz, Matthew J.
A Picture Book for Paleontologists: How Faulted Images and Methods Have Subverted the Study of Human Ancestors by Bogle, Jon
Photographs and the Practice of History: A Short Primer by Edwards, Elizabeth
Developing Mission: Photography, Filmmaking, and American Missionaries in Modern China by Ho, Joseph W.
Developing Mission: Photography, Filmmaking, and American Missionaries in Modern China by Ho, Joseph W.
Francisco Sierra: Lunar Invasion by
Pressefotografie in Der Krise?: Das St.Galler Pressebüro Kühne Künzler 1960 Bis 2012 by Ryser Guggenheimer, Thomas
The Historian's Eye: Photography, History, and the American Present by Jacobson, Matthew Frye
A 60's Small Town High School: Vintage Photographs and Commentary by Goodman, Keith
Reminiscing 1960s America: Memory Lane Picture Book For Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer's patients. (Large Print Edition) by Melgren, Jacqueline
Think Before You Shoot: The Art of Taking Creative Photographs by Zafarana, Santino
Sri Lanka by Olson, Douglas
Anna Atkins: Blue Prints by Sachsse, Rolf
Tales of Old Peking by Sandhaus, Derek
The French Royal Wardrobe: The Hôtel de la Marine Restored by Bauret, Gabriel, Hanover, Jérôme
Old Ireland in Colour 2 by Breslin, John, Buckley, Sarah-Anne
Photobooks &: A Critical Companion to the Contemporary Medium by Johnston, Matt
Celebrations: Aperture 246 by
Muybridge and Mobility: Volume 6 by Ott, John, Cresswell, Tim
Muybridge and Mobility: Volume 6 by Ott, John, Cresswell, Tim
Girls on Film: Lessons from a Life of Watching Women in Movies (Filmmaking, Life Lessons, Film Analysis) (Birthday Gift for Her) by Malone, Alicia
Warring Visions: Photography and Vietnam by Phu, Thy
Warring Visions: Photography and Vietnam by Phu, Thy
Isms... Understanding Photography by Lewis, Emma
Photography and the Arts: Essays on 19th Century Practices and Debates by
Exposing Mississippi: Eudora Welty's Photographic Reflections by Trefzer, Annette
Exposing Mississippi: Eudora Welty's Photographic Reflections by Trefzer, Annette
Jong Won Rhee: Solitudes of Human Places by
Photography and Political Repressions in Stalin's Russia: Defacing the Enemy by Skopin, Denis
Metaphor: The Universal Language of Photography A Search for Meaning by Shaffer, Dean, Shaffer, Tammy Stefan
A History of Photography at the University of Notre Dame: Nineteenth Century by Acton, David
Selfie Aesthetics: Seeing Trans Feminist Futures in Self-Representational Art by Morse, Nicole Erin
Selfie Aesthetics: Seeing Trans Feminist Futures in Self-Representational Art by Morse, Nicole Erin
A History of Photography at the University of Notre Dame: 2 Volume Box Set by Acton, David
10%: Concerning the Image Archive of a Nuclear Research Center by
N.Y.C. Under Lockdown: Second Edition by
Fragments of Epic Memory by
Photographs at the Edge: Vittorio Sella and Wilfred Thesiger by Härtl, Roger
Lost Put-In-Bay by Krejci, William G.
Rare Merit: Women in Photography in Canada, 1840-1940 by Skidmore, Colleen
Lost Put-In-Bay by Krejci, William G.
Photography and Environmental Activism: Visualising the Struggle Against Industrial Pollution by Scott, Conohar
A History of Photography in 50 Cameras by Pritchard, Michael
Sleepwalking: Aperture 247 by
Photography and Ontology: Unsettling Images by
Wendy Red Star: Delegation by
Dtla: Downtown Los Angeles (2020) by
David 'Chim' Seymour: Searching for the Light. 1911-1956 by Naggar, Carole
Projecting Spirits: Speculation, Providence, and Early Modern Optical Media by Väliaho, Pasi
Projecting Spirits: Speculation, Providence, and Early Modern Optical Media by Väliaho, Pasi
Peter Goin and the Photography of Environmental Change: Visual Literacy and Altered Landscapes by Goin, Peter, Glotfelty, Cheryll
The People of the Book and the Camera: Photography in the Hebrew Novel by Amihay, Ofra
Reading Marie Al-Khazen's Photographs: Gender, Photography, Mandate Lebanon by Taan, Yasmine Nachabe
The People of the Book and the Camera: Photography in the Hebrew Novel by Amihay, Ofra
The Idea of Italy: Photography and the British Imagination, 1840-1900 by
Nostalgic Buffalo: A Pictorial View of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Western New York, and Beyond at the Turn of the Twentieth Century by
Another Country: British Documentary Photography Since 1945 by Badger, Gerry
Gettysburg Cemetery Gates by Williams, Marisa L.
How Photography Changed Philosophy by Rubinstein, Daniel
The Photographic Legacy of Frances Benjamin Johnston by Ausherman, Maria Elizabeth
Photography after Postmodernism: Barthes, Stieglitz and the Art of Memory by Bate, David
Photography After Postmodernism: Barthes, Stieglitz and the Art of Memory by Bate, David
Folk Photography by Sante, Lucy
Flames Against the Dark: Saving America's Sacred Sites: Saving America's Sacred Sites by Butler, Lynn
A Guide to Flashlight Photography - Camera Series Vol. IV. - A Selection of Classic Articles on Exposure, Shutters, Lamps and Other Aspects of Flash by Various
A Photographer's Guide to Focussing - Camera Series Vol. V. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Methods and Equipment of Photography by Various
Modern Photography with Modern Miniature Cameras by Alexander, William
A Guide to Celestial Photography - Camera Series Vol. XXX. - A Couple of Classic Articles on the Methods and Equipment of Celestial Photography by Various
Telephotography - New and Enlarged Edition by Lan-Davis, Cyril F.
No Power Without an Image: Icons Between Photography and Film by Saxton, Libby
Lucid Knowledge: The Currency of the Photographic Image by
Object Lesson: On the Influence of Richard Benson by
1960s Memory Lane U.K.: Reminiscence Picture Book for Seniors with Dementia, Alzheimer's Patients, and Parkinson's Disease (Large Print Edition) by Melgren, Jacqueline
Photographing Central Asia: From the Periphery of the Russian Empire to Global Presence by
Aperture 248 by
Out of the Studio: The Photographic Innovations of Charles and John Smeaton at Home and Abroad Volume 41 by Osborne, John, Smeaton, Peter
The Land of Queens by Begue, Karl
I Left a Note by Pork
Atiqput: Inuit Oral History and Project Naming Volume 103 by
Photographs from Detroit, 1975-2019 by Harkness, Bruce
Photography, Bearing Witness and the Yugoslav Wars, 1988-2021: Testimonies of Light by Lowe, Paul
From Photography to Fmri: Epistemic Functions of Images in Medical Research on Hysteria by Muhr, Paula
On Photography in Lebanon: Essays and Stories by
An Early Album of the World: Photographs 1842-1896 by
Picturing Migrants: The Grapes of Wrath and New Deal Documentary Photography Volume 18 by Swensen, James R.
Home Calling to Greatness: A Call to Develop Africa by Dike, Mazi Victor, Writers, Brave, Ayodipe, Olalekan
Colors of London: A History by Ackroyd, Peter
Photography After Capitalism by Burbridge, Ben
The Crown in Vogue by Muir, Robin, Ross, Josephine
Photography: The Definitive Visual History by Tom Ang Partnership, Ang, Tom
We Were Here: Sexuality, Photography, and Cultural Difference: Selected Writings by Sunil Gupta by Gupta, Sunil
Visual Plague: The Emergence of Epidemic Photography by Lynteris, Christos
A World History of Women Photographers by Lebart, Luce, Robert, Marie
The Classic Point of View; six Lectures on Painting Delivered on the Scammon Foundation at the Art I by Kenyon, Cox
Observations on the River Wye by Gilpin, William
Spanish Arms and Armour, Being a Historical and Descriptive Account of the Royal Armoury of Madrid by Frederick, Calvert Albert
Spanish Arms and Armour, Being a Historical and Descriptive Account of the Royal Armoury of Madrid by Frederick, Calvert Albert
The Technique of Porcupine-Quill Decoration Among the North American Indians by Orchard, William C.
The Art of Landscape Painting in Oil Colours by Williams, W.
Observations on the River Wye by Gilpin, William
The Beginnings Of Buddhist Art by Afoucher, Afoucher
The Classic Point of View; six Lectures on Painting Delivered on the Scammon Foundation at the Art I by Kenyon, Cox
The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, Based on Studies in the Archives of the Buonarroti Family at Florence; Volume 2 by Symonds, John Addington
The Art of Landscape Painting in Oil Colours by Williams, W.
Shakespeare's a Midsummer-Nights Dream by
Shakespeare's a Midsummer-Nights Dream by
In Pursuit of Spring by Thomas, Edward
In Pursuit of Spring by Thomas, Edward
Der Stil in Den Technischen Und Tektonischen Künsten: Bd. Die Textile Kunst Für Sich Betrachtet Und in Beziehung Zur Baukunst by Semper, Gottfried
Pleasure Of Ruins by Macaulay, Rose
Vision and Design by Fry, Roger
Vision and Design by Fry, Roger
The Four-Fold Gospel by Simpson, A. B.
The Analysis of Beauty by Hogarth, William
Der Stil in Den Technischen Und Tektonischen Künsten: Bd. Die Textile Kunst Für Sich Betrachtet Und in Beziehung Zur Baukunst by Semper, Gottfried
Pleasure Of Ruins by Macaulay, Rose
The Four-Fold Gospel by Simpson, A. B.
The Analysis of Beauty by Hogarth, William
Divina Proportione by Pacioli, Luca
The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, Based on Studies in the Archives of the Buonarroti Family at Florence; Volume 2 by Symonds, John Addington
Divina Proportione by Pacioli, Luca
The Beginnings Of Buddhist Art by Afoucher, Afoucher
The Technique of Porcupine-Quill Decoration Among the North American Indians by Orchard, William C.
The Life of James Mcneill Whistler by Pennell, J.
Geistliches Schauspiel und kirchliche Kunst in ihrem Verhaltnis erläutert an einer Ikonographie der Kirche und Synagogue: Eine kunsthistorische Studie by Weber, Paul
Répertoire De Peintures Du Moyen Âge Et De La Renaissance (1280-1580) ... by Reinach, Salomon
A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: In Which Is Included a Short Biographical Notice of the Art by Smith, John
The Life of James Mcneill Whistler by Pennell, J.
These Twain by Bennett, Arnold
How to Judge a Picture. Familiar Talks in the Gallery With the Uncritical Lovers of Art by Van Dyke, John Charles
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, the Prince of Adventurers. A new and Abridged ed., With Introduction, two Portraits, Notes, and Appendice by Anonymous
Friedrich Der Weise Als Förderer Der Kunst by Bruck, Robert
How to Judge a Picture. Familiar Talks in the Gallery With the Uncritical Lovers of Art by Van Dyke, John Charles
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, the Prince of Adventurers. A new and Abridged ed., With Introduction, two Portraits, Notes, and Appendice by Anonymous
Répertoire De Peintures Du Moyen Âge Et De La Renaissance (1280-1580) ... by Reinach, Salomon
Friedrich Der Weise Als Förderer Der Kunst by Bruck, Robert
Inventaire Des Tableaux Commandés Et Achetés Par La Direction Des Batiments Du Roi (1709-1792) by Engerand, Fernand
Inventaire Des Tableaux Commandés Et Achetés Par La Direction Des Batiments Du Roi (1709-1792) by Engerand, Fernand
These Twain by Bennett, Arnold
Musée De Peinture Et De Sculpture Ou Recueil Des Principaux, Statues Et Bas-reliefs Des Collections Publiques Et Particulières De L'europe... by Anonymous
Musée De Peinture Et De Sculpture Ou Recueil Des Principaux, Statues Et Bas-reliefs Des Collections Publiques Et Particulières De L'europe... by Anonymous
History of Art, Ancient Art; Volume 1 by Anonymous
Buddhist Art in Its Relation to Buddhist Ideals, With Special Reference to Buddhism in Japan by Anesaki, Masaharu
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects: Tr. From the Italian of Giorgio Vasari; Volume 5 by Richter, Jean Paul
The Life of James McNeill Whistler; Volume 2 by Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, Pennell, Joseph
Uhde by Rosenhagen, Hans, Von Uhde, Fritz
An Alphabetical List of Provincial Copper-Coins Or Tokens: Issued Between the Years 1786 and 1796 by Birchall, Samuel
An Alphabetical List of Provincial Copper-Coins Or Tokens: Issued Between the Years 1786 and 1796 by Birchall, Samuel
The Life of James McNeill Whistler; Volume 2 by Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, Pennell, Joseph
Uhde by Rosenhagen, Hans, Von Uhde, Fritz
The Story of American Painting: The Evolution of Painting in America From Colonial Times to the Present by Caffin, Charles Henry
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects: Tr. From the Italian of Giorgio Vasari; Volume 5 by Richter, Jean Paul
Dictionnaire Iconographique Des Monuments De L'antiquité Chrétienne Et Du Moyen Âge by Guénebault, Louis Jean
Anecdote Lives of William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, Henry Fuseli, Sir Thoma by Timbs, John
Anecdote Lives of William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, Henry Fuseli, Sir Thoma by Timbs, John
Charcoals of New and Old New York by Hopkinson, Smith Francis
Charcoals of New and Old New York by Hopkinson, Smith Francis
A Historical Description of Westminster Abbey: Its Monuments and Curiosities by Abbey, Westminster
A Historical Description of Westminster Abbey: Its Monuments and Curiosities by Abbey, Westminster
A View Of The Origin, Nature, And Use Of Jettons Or Counters: Especially Those Commonly Known By The Name Of Black Money And Abbey Pieces by Snelling, Thomas
The Philosophy Of Art by Taine, Hippolyte
A View Of The Origin, Nature, And Use Of Jettons Or Counters: Especially Those Commonly Known By The Name Of Black Money And Abbey Pieces by Snelling, Thomas
Geschichte der Malerei by Muther, Richard
The Story of American Painting: The Evolution of Painting in America From Colonial Times to the Present by Caffin, Charles Henry
Die Quellen der Kunstgeschichte der Plinius by Kalkmann, August
Die Quellen der Kunstgeschichte der Plinius by Kalkmann, August
Dictionnaire Iconographique Des Monuments De L'antiquité Chrétienne Et Du Moyen Âge by Guénebault, Louis Jean
French Art: Classic and Contemporary Painting and Sculpture by Brownell, William Crary
Die Altniederländische Malerei von Jan van Eyck bis Memling by Voll, Karl
Romancero gitano (1924-1927) by García Lorca, Federico
Annancy Stories by Smith, Pamela Colman
Orient Oder Rom: Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Spätantiken Und Frühchristlichen Kunst by Strzygowski, Josef
Orient Oder Rom: Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Spätantiken Und Frühchristlichen Kunst by Strzygowski, Josef
Impressionist Painting: Its Genesis and Development by Dewhurst, Wynford 1864-
El Tratado de la Pintura by Alberti, Leon Battista, Vinci, Leonardo De
A Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art by
History of Art, Ancient Art; Volume 1 by Anonymous
How to Look at Pictures by Witt, Robert Clermont
Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe: Das Problem der Stilentwicklung in der neueren Kunst by Wölfflin, Heinrich
Brief History of English and American Literature by Beers, Henry a.
Romancero gitano (1924-1927) by García Lorca, Federico
Brief History of English and American Literature by Beers, Henry a.
David to Delacroix by Friedlaender, Walter
The Book of Art for Young People by Conway, Agnes Ethel, Conway, William Martin
Studies in East Christian and Roman Art by Morey, Charles Rufus 1877-1955
Studies in East Christian and Roman Art by Morey, Charles Rufus 1877-1955
British Colonial Policy, 1754-1765 by Beer, George Louis
Vite De' Piu' Eccellenti Pittori Scultori E Architetti by Anonymous
The Agricola of Tacitus by Walters, William Charles Flamstead, Tacitus, Cornelius
Gustave Courbet: Notes Et Documents Sur Sa Vie & Son Oeuvre by
The Committee: Or, The Faithful Irishman. A Comedy. Written By The Honourable Sir Robert Howard by Howard, Robert
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, the Prince of Adventurers. A New and Abridged Ed., With Introduction, Two Portraits, Notes, and Appendice by Casanova, Giacomo 1725-1798
Chinese Pottery and Porcelain: An Account of the Potter's art in China From Primitive Times to the Present day; Volume 2 by Hobson, R. L. 1872-1941
The Committee: Or, The Faithful Irishman. A Comedy. Written By The Honourable Sir Robert Howard by Howard, Robert
Dänische Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts by Hannover, Emil
Le Nu Au Salon De 1891 by Silvestre, Armand
Giotto and His Works in Padua by John Ruskin, LLD
The Development of British Landscape Painting in Water-colours by Taylor, E. A., Holme, Charles, Finberg, Alexander Joseph
Chinese Pottery and Porcelain: An Account of the Potter's art in China From Primitive Times to the Present day; Volume 2 by Hobson, R. L. 1872-1941
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