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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Photography Instruction in 2012

35 MM Leica Film by Von Graffenried, Michael
Out of Focus: Pinhole Cameras and Their Pictures by Olpe, Peter
Pathéscope - Home Cinematography at its Best by Anon
A Helpful Book of Hints and Tips on Photography by Various
Beginner's Pocket Guide to Digital Nature Photography by Loughlin, Kevin C.
Lars von Triers Antichrist: Eine Analyse by Hayer, Björn
Hollywood Portraits: Hot-Light Techniques for Professional Photographers by Szoke, Lou
Der Gummidruck: Praktische Anleitung Für Freunde Künstlerischer Photographie; Mit Einer Zweifarbendruckbeilage by Behrens, Friedrich
Chemical Toning - A Classic Article on the Chemistry of Photographic Development by Friedman, Joseph S.
Elementary Photographic Chemistry - A Classic Article on the Varieties and Uses of Chemicals in Photography by Thompson, Mervyn
A Guide to the Retouching Processes of Photography - Camera Series Vol. XI. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Methods and Equipment of Photog by Various
A Guide to the Use of Salts in Photographic Printing - Camera Series Vol. XX. - A Selection of Classic Articles on Varieties of Salts and Their Uses by Various
A Guide to the Collodion Processes of Photography - Camera Series Vol. XXIV. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Methods and Equipment of Photogr by Various
A Guide to Photographic Copying - Camera Series Vol. XIV. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Methods and Equipment Used in Making Copies by Various
A Photographer's Guide to Film - Camera Series Vol. III. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Varieties, Development and Use of Film by Various
A Guide to Lighting in Photography - Camera Series Vol. VI. - A Selection of Classic Articles on Artificial Light, Reflectors, Filters and Other Aspec by Various
A Guide to the Fixing Process of Photographic Development - Camera Series Vol. XII. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Chemistry of Photograph by Various
A Photographer's Guide to Platinotype Printing - Camera Series Vol. XXI. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Methods and Equipment Used in Photo by Various
A Guide to Portrait Photography - Camera Series Vol. XXVII. - A Selection of Classic Articles on Lighting, Posing, the Background and Other Aspects by Various
A Guide to the Dry Plate Process of Photography - Camera Series Vol. XVII.;A Selection of Classic Articles on Collodion, Drying, the Bath and Other As by Various
A Guide to the Carbon Printing Process - Camera Series Vol. XVI. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Methods and Equipment of Photographic Print by Various
A Guide to the Chemistry of Photography - Camera Series Vol. XV. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Varieties and Uses of Photographic Chemicals by Various
A Guide to the Fixing Process of Photographic Development - Camera Series Vol. XII. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Chemistry of Photograph by Various
A Photographer's Guide to the Darkroom - Camera Series Vol. VIII. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Equipment and Arrangement of the Darkroom by Various
The Lenticular Process of Photography - A Classic Article on Lenses, Filters, Film and Other Aspects of the Lenticular Process by Friedman, Joseph S.
A Guide to the Processes of Photographic Development - Camera Series Vol. IX. - A Selection of Classic Articles on the Varieties and Methods of Develo by Various
Nikon Speedlight Handbook: Flash Techniques for Digital Photographers by Zettl, Stephanie
LED Lighting: Professional Techniques for Digital Photographers by Tuck, Kirk
The Panasonic Lumix DMC-Gh2: The Unofficial Quintessential Guide by Matsumoto Ph. D., Brian, Roullard, Carol F.
The Art of Black and White Photography: Techniques for Creating Superb Images in a Digital Workflow by Hoffmann, Torsten Andreas
500 Poses for Photographing High School Seniors: A Visual Sourcebook for Digital Portrait Photographers by Perkins, Michelle
Photo-Litho and Offset Printing by Corkett, F. T.
The Underwater Photographer's Guide: Practical tips on how to shoot like the pros by Carey, Richard
Legacy and Illusions: Abstract and Artistic Photography by Bohn, Klaus
Legacy and Illusions: Abstract and Artistic Photography by Bohn, Klaus
Bette Davis - Die Frau, die 100 Filme hinterließ by Probst, Ernst
Hanna Schygulla. Der deutsche Weltstar by Probst, Ernst
Grace Kelly - Der Star, der den Traumprinzen heiratete by Probst, Ernst
Rita Hayworth - Die "Venus des Atomzeitalters" by Probst, Ernst
The Photographic Garden: Mastering the Art of Digital Garden Photography by Benson, Matthew
Food Styling and Photography for Dummies by Parks-Whitfield, Alison
Inge Meysel. Deutschlands "Fernsehmutter der Nation" by Probst, Ernst
Grethe Weiser - Die volkstümliche Schauspielerin by Probst, Ernst
Ava Gardner - Die "Königin von Hollywood" by Probst, Ernst
Vivien Leigh - Der Weltstar aus "Vom Winde verweht" by Probst, Ernst
Step-By-Step Posing for Portrait Photography: Simple Lessons for Quick Learning and Reference by Smith, Jeff
Lighting Essentials: Lighting for Texture, Contrast, and Dimension in Digital Photography by Giannatti, Don
Walerian Borowczyk: Cinema of Erotic Dreams by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Traité de l'Impression Photographique Sans Sels d'Argent (Éd.1862) by Poitevin, Alphonse
Posing for Portrait Photography: A Head-To-Toe Guide for Digital Photographers by Smith, Jeff
Angst und Film by Schulz, Christian
Hide and Seek: Camouflage, Photography, and the Media of Reconnaissance by Shell, Hanna Rose
Through the Lens of Four Different Cameras - Four Authors Talk of Using the Camera for Still, Newsreel and Documentary Films by Various
Photographer's Guide to the Fujifilm X10 by White, Alexander S.
Photography with Roll Films - The Primus Handbook by McIntosh, John
Darkroom DataGuide by Jones, Peter Martin
Romy Schneider. Sie wollte nicht ewig "Sissi" sein by Probst, Ernst
50 Lighting Setups for Portrait Photographers: Easy-To-Follow Lighting Designs and Diagrams, Vol. 2 by Begleiter, Steven H.
Adele Sandrock - Die komische Alte des deutschen Kinos by Probst, Ernst
Ruth Leuwerik. Die "Königin des Melodramas" by Probst, Ernst
Hildegard Knef - Der deutsche Weltstar mit drei Karrieren by Probst, Ernst
Marilyn Monroe - Amerikas größter Filmstar by Probst, Ernst
Leni Riefenstahl - Die meisterhafte Regisseurin und Fotografin by Probst, Ernst
Manuel d'Héliogravure Et de Photogravure En Relief (Éd.1890) by Bonnet, G.
Manuel Opératoire de Photographie Sur Collodion Instantané (Éd.1853) by Disdéri
3-D Revolution: The History of Modern Stereoscopic Cinema by Zone, Ray
Historique Et Description Des Procédés Du Daguerréotype Et Du Diorama (2e Ed) (Éd.1839) by Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé
Liz Taylor - Die "Königin von Hollywood" by Probst, Ernst
Pola Negri - Der Stummfilmstar aus Polen by Probst, Ernst
Judy Garland - Der unglückliche Hollywood-Star by Probst, Ernst
Doug Box's Available Light Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers by Box, Doug
Jane Russel - Das frühe Busen-Sexsymbol by Probst, Ernst
Meryl Streep. Der Star auf der Bühne, der Leinwand und dem Bildschirm by Probst, Ernst
Mae West - Die Komödiantin der Spitzenklasse by Probst, Ernst
Photographer's Guide to the Fujifilm X10 (Black and White Edition) by White, Alexander S.
The Oracle@wifi by
Sergej Michailowitsch Eisensteins Montagetechnik und -theorie: Im Stummfilm Panzerkreuzer Potemkin by Jentsch, Markus
Die Stereoskopie im Film: Phasen der historischen Entwicklung des Films in 3D by Delbrück, Malte
The Illustrated Guide to Award-Winning Animal Photography by Larry Singer by Singer, Larry
Julia Roberts: Das Sexsymbol der 1990-er Jahre by Probst, Ernst
Gina Lollobrigida - Die "Lollo", der Stern der 1950-er Jahre by Probst, Ernst
Jodie Foster - "Hollywoods klügste Schönheit" by Probst, Ernst
Sophia Loren - Der italienische Filmstar der 1960-er Jahre by Probst, Ernst
Katharine Hepburn - Die "Königinmutter von Hollywood" by Probst, Ernst
Flash Techniques for Location Portraiture: Single and Multiple-Flash Lighting Techniques by Stafford, Alyn
A Study In Light by Grimes, Vivian
Jean Harlow - Das platinblonde Sexsymbol der 1930-er Jahre by Probst, Ernst
Liv Ullmann - Die große norwegische Schauspielerin by Probst, Ernst
Gloria Swanson - Die Mondäne auf der Kinoleinwand by Probst, Ernst
Giulietta Masina - Die italienische Charakterdarstellerin by Probst, Ernst
Stills And Movies by Pomeroy, Ralph
Theda Bara - Der erste Vamp des Kinos by Probst, Ernst
Ingrid Bergman - Der Weltstar aus Schweden by Probst, Ernst
Janet Gaynor - Die erste "Oscar"-Preisträgerin by Probst, Ernst
Betty Grable - Der Kassenmagnet der 1940-er Jahre by Probst, Ernst
Shirley Temple - Der Kinderstar der 1930-er Jahre by Probst, Ernst
Doris Day - Die Heldin jungfräulicher Sexkomödien by Probst, Ernst
Photoshop Cs6: The Missing Manual by Snider, Lesa
Zum Leben erweckt: Vom Comic zum Trickfilm by Lipp, Bianca
Photographer's Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P510 by White, Alexander S.
Jeanne Moreau - Die "Inkarnation französischer Weiblichkeit" by Probst, Ernst
Photojournalism: Pictures For Magazines And Newspaper by Rothstein, Arthur
Claudette Colbert - Die Komödien-Königin by Probst, Ernst
The Best of Senior Portrait Photography: Techniques and Images for Digital Photographers by Hurter, Bill
Mary Pickford - "Amerikas Sweetheart" by Probst, Ernst
Ginger Rogers - Der steppende Hollywood-Star by Probst, Ernst
Learn Nude and Glamour Photography by Walden, Simon Q.
H.W. Vogels Photographie für Fachmänner und Liebhaber by Vogel, E.
Drew Barrymore - Das Mädchen, das "E.T." das Sprechen lehrte by Probst, Ernst
The Sony SLT-A77: The Unofficial Quintessential Guide by Roullard, Carol F., Matsumoto Ph. D., Brian
Bücher digitalisieren - eine Kurzanleitung by Manzke, Jesse
Die Stereoskopie im Film: Phasen der historischen Entwicklung des Films in 3D by Delbrück, Malte
Painting with Light: Lighting & Photoshop Techniques for Photographers by Curry, Eric
Posing, Composition, and Cropping: Master Techniques for Digital Portrait Photographers by Grey, Christopher
Zum Leben erweckt: Vom Comic zum Trickfilm by Lipp, Bianca
The Photographer's Guide to Yosemite by Frye, Michael
Nikon D3200 for Dummies by King, Julie Adair
"Wir sind alle Menschenfresser": Georg Stefan Troller und die Liebe zum Dokumentarischen by
Extraordinary Everyday Photography: Awaken Your Vision to Create Stunning Images Wherever You Are by Tharp, Brenda, Manwaring, Jed
Don Giannatti's Guide to Professional Photography: Achieve Creative and Financial Success by Giannatti, Don
Available Light Glamour Photography: Professional Techniques for Digital Photographers by Farace, Joe
Erkennungsmuster und Erzählstrukturen bei Quentin Tarantino by Ehlers, Christin
How to Pose the Model by Dunham, George, Mortensen, William
Behind the Shutter by Cincotta, Sal
Boutique Baby Photography by Cooney, Mimika
Speaking Photoshop Cs6 by Bate, David S.
Shadow Catchers: Camera-Less Photography by Barnes, Martin
Lightroom 4(R) Made Easy by Kelly, David E.
How to Take Glamour Photos: Approach and Technique; Fashion Facts; Magazine Covers; Calendar Pictures; Markets for Your Photos by Gowland, Peter
Figure Photography: A Fawcett How To Book, No. 250 by Gowland, Peter
Sozialpolitischer Dokumentarfilm und die Konstitution von Öffentlichkeit: Neue Potenziale durch den Medien- und Strukturwandel? by Zimmermann, Laura-Johanne
Anna Magnani - Die "Urmutter des italienischen Films" by Probst, Ernst
75 Portraits by Hernan Rodriguez: Lighting and Posing Techniques for Portrait Photographers by Rodriguez, Hernan
The Photography Bible: A Complete Guide for the 21st Century Photographer by Lezano, Daniel
Postmodernes Kino: Stanley Kubricks Filmästhetik jenseits der Konventionen by Neuser, Michael
Flash Photography: Studio and Location Techniques for Digital Photographers by Staver, Barry
Backdrops and Backgrounds: A Portrait Photographer's Guide by Klos, Ryan
Photographing Dogs: Techniques for Professional Digital Photographers by Blair, Lara
Mathematical Models in Photographic Science by Ross, David, Friedman, Avner
Werbe- und Wirtschaftsfilm in Stereo-3D: Eine Betrachtung aus der Sicht des Filmproduzenten by Maier, Martin
Königinnen des Films 2: Biografien berühmter Schauspielerinnen von Anna Magnani bis zu Mae West by Probst, Ernst
Stabilizers for Photographic Silver Halide Emulsions: Progress in Chemistry and Application by Fischer, Gunther
Königinnen des Films 1: Biografien berühmter Schauspielerinnen von Lucille Ball bis zu Sophia Loren by Probst, Ernst
The Lens: A Practical Guide for the Creative Photographer by Guy, Nk
Photographer's Guide to the Sony DSC-RX100 by White, Alexander S.
The Flash Stick: Creative Lighting Solutions for the Solo Photographer by Deutschmann, Rod, Deutschmann, Robin
Photoshop Elements 11: The Missing Manual by Brundage, Barbara
Anne Frank im Spielfilm: Die dramaturgische Rezeption ihrer Tagebuchaufzeichnungen by Kresse, Eric
Zur Glaubwürdigkeit der Fotografie: Die Suche nach dem Wahrheitsgehalt im fotografischen Bild by Engler, Leon
Field Manual for Focusing on Photography & Grasping Depth of Field by Stedman, Bryan Serpa
Vergleiche zwischen Anders Petersen und Andreas Gursky in Bezug auf die Arbeiten "Café Lehmitz" und dem Bild "Cocoon 2" by Herrmann, Simon
László Moholy-Nagy "TYPOFOTO" - am Beispiel des Filmmanuskripts "Dynamik der Großstadt" by Anonymous
Rahmenbedingungen und Instrumente der Filmfinanzierung in Deutschland und den USA: Ene kritisch-vergleichende Analyse by Vogelgesang, Marlon
Time-lapse Photography: A Complete Introduction to Shooting, Processing and Rendering Time-lapse Movies with a DSLR Camera by Chylinski, Ryan A.
Anne Frank im Spielfilm: Die dramaturgische Rezeption ihrer Tagebuchaufzeichnungen: Am Beispiel von The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) und Anne Fra by Kresse, Eric
Der Blockbuster: Wie man einen Kassenschlager produziert.: Eine Studie mit den Schwerpunkten Dramaturgie, Finanzierungssysteme und Mark by Seiser, Robin
Strategien des aktuellen norwegischen Dokumentarfilms - Diskretes Nation Branding by Glock, Eva-Christina
Archäologie zwischen Wissenschaft, Medien und Öffentlichkeit: Archäologievermittlung in populären TV-Dokumentationen by Winkelmann, Barbara
The Filmmaker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age: Fifth Edition by Ascher, Steven
Werbe- und Wirtschaftsfilm in Stereo-3D: Eine Betrachtung aus der Sicht des Filmproduzenten by Maier, Martin
Compendium Der Practischen Photographie Fur Amateure Und Fachphotographen by Schmidt, F.
Posing for Portrait and Glamour Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers by Farace, Joe
Lighting for Product Photography: The Digital Photographer's Step-By-Step Guide to Sculpting with Light by Earnest, Allison
Speaking Photoshop Cs6 Workbook by Bate, David S.
Hand Camera Photography - With a Catalogue of Cameras and Photographic Apparatus by Mortimer, F. J.