• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Photography Instruction in 2013

Der Blockbuster: Wie man einen Kassenschlager produziert: Eine Studie mit den Schwerpunkten Dramaturgie, Finanzierungssysteme und Marke by Seiser, Robin
Just Available Light: Techniques for Digital Photographers by Deutschmann, Rod, Deutschmann, Robin
Bildbewegt - Malerei im Film am Beispiel von Julie Taymors "Frida" (2002) by Jansen, Anna
500 Poses for Photographing Group Portraits: A Visual Sourcebook for Digital Portrait Photographers by Perkins, Michelle
Photographer's Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX7 by White, Alexander S.
Rahmenbedingungen und Instrumente der Filmfinanzierung in Deutschland und den USA: Eine kritisch-vergleichende Analyse by Vogelgesang, Marlon
Mastering the Fujifilm X-Pro 1 by Pfirstinger, Rico
Painting with Light by Alton, John
The Craft and Commerce of Video and Motion: New Opportunities in The Converging World of Still Photography & Motion by Mooney, Gail
El eterno grito de la existencia - Sentencias Viscerales IV - Una obra poética y fotográfica - Poemario en cinco idiomas: Castellano - Deutsch - Engli by Abaldi, Sergio
Chronicle of a Camera: The Arriflex 35 in North America, 1945-1972 by Pope, Norris
Step-By-Step Lighting for Studio Portrait Photography by Smith, Jeff
Photographer's Guide to the Leica D-Lux 6 by White, Alexander S.
Compendium der praktischen Photographie für Amateure und Fachphotographen by Schmidt, F.
Direction & Quality of Light: Your Key to Better Portrait Photography Anywhere by Van Niekerk, Neil
Zwischen Wirklichkeit und Inszenierung: Herausarbeitung dekonstruktiver Aspekte im ethnographischen Dokumentarfilm by Manthei, Ingrid
American Cinematographer Manual Vol. I by
Walerian Borowczyk: The Beast: An Erotic Fairy Tale: Pocket Movie Guide by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Die grüne Hölle: Urwald-Inszenierungen in Filmen Werner Herzogs by Klein, Jens
Photographs of the Fundus Oculi, V1: A Photographic Study of Normal and Pathological Changes Seen with the Ophthalmoscope by Bedell, Arthur Joseph
Beautiful American Women: Photo Studies of 7 Stunningly Beautiful Women by Boyd, Andrew J.
Mastering the Nikon D600 by Young, Darrell
Strategien des aktuellen norwegischen Dokumentarfilms: Diskretes Nation Branding by Glock, Eva-Christina
Speedlights: Construction and Use by Palme, Arthur
A Discussion about the Role of Photography in the African American Post-War Civil Rights Movement by Doerfel, Sarah
The Illustrated Guide to Film Scanning: A best-practice guide to scanning negatives and transparencies by Kingma, Gerard
ESCAPE From The Darkroom!: Old-School Principles Applied to Modern Digital Photography by Wilkes, Brian
Color Rush: American Color Photography from Stieglitz to Sherman by Bussard, Katherine A., Hostetler, Lisa
Figure Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers by Pegram, Billy
Photographer's Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P520 by White, Alexander S.
Photographic Visions: Inspiring Images and How They Were Made by Com 1x
Point and Shoot: Digital Photography Basics for Beginners and Amateurs: Master your DSLR in 21 Days by Hansen, Michael
Sonnet: a visual poetry by Adi, Widarto
Point and Shoot: How to Make Your Images Look Gorgeous: Become a Pro at Image Editing in 9 Days by Hansen, Michael
Capturing The Smoky Mountains by Phelps, Lynn
Modern Bridal Photography Techniques: Portraits from Brett Florens Teach You How by Florens, Brett
Creating Stylish & Sexy Photography: A Guide to Glamour Portraiture by Nelson, Chris
Photographer's Guide to the Canon Powershot S110 by White, Alexander S.
Alternate Light Source Imaging: Forensic Photography Techniques by Marin, Norman, Buszka, Jeffrey
Photographing the Child: Natural Light Techniques for Beautiful, Profitable Portraits by George, Jennifer
Create Erotic Photography: Find Models, Choose Locations, Design Great Lighting and Sell Your Images by Young, Richard
Photography From Your Car: Or Very Near by Bruce, J. P.
Clicking for Cash from Home by Smith, Laura L.
The Retina Way: The Retina Photographer's Companion by Croy, Otto R.
Location Lighting Handbook for Portrait Photographers: Create Outstanding Images Anywhere by Zettl, Peter, Zettl, Stephanie
Creative Photography Lab: 52 Fun Exercises for Developing Self-Expression with Your Camera by Sonheim, Steve, Sonheim, Carla
Ineditada. Un blog de fotografía.: 1 año de vida by Sanchis, Joan
Canon EOS Rebel Sl1/100d for Dummies by Sahlin, Doug
The Complete Guide to Photographic Composition by Worobiec, Tony
Commercial Photographer's Master Lighting Guide: Food, Architectural Interiors, Clothing, Jewelry, and More by Morrissey, Robert
Film-Initiation: Das erste bedeutende Filmerlebnis als Initiation für einen cinéphilen oder cineastischen Lebensweg by Braubach, Sabine
Cianotipija: Tehnike stare in alternativne fotografije by Mrhar, Peter
Virtuelle Bildwelten bei Andreas Gursky: Eine Annäherung an das Phämonen der Virtualität und konstruierten Bildwelten in seinen Werken by Lippitsch, Daniel
Smart Mini-Cameras by
Mastering the Nikon D7100 by Young, Darrell
Cyanotype: Historical and alternative photography by Mrhar, Peter
Professional Hdr Photography: Achieve Brilliant Detail and Color by Mastering High Dynamic Range (Hdr) and Postproduction Techniques by Chen, Mark
Photographing Families: Use Natural Light, Flash, Posing, and More to Create Professional Images by Jacobs Jr, Lou, Warnock, Tammy
By Middle Seas: Photographic Studies Reflecting the Architectural Motives of Various Cities on the Mediterranean by Stanton, Jesse Earl
Medien als Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Kunst: Grundlagen und Perspektiven der interaktiven Kunstwahrnehmung by Szczebak, Blanka
Photographer's Guide to the Sony Dsc-Rx100 II by White, Alexander S.
Vorlesungen zur philosophischen Psychologie von Kunst. Band 4: Film-Bilder zur Psyche im Film by Emrich, Hinderk M., Meierding, Gabriele
Visual Special Effects: Film, TV, & Video by Ewen, David K.
Mastering the Fujifilm X-E1 and X-Pro1 by Pfirstinger, Rico
Jean-Luc Godard und die Krise des Subjekts: (Post)strukturalistische Aspekte in Godards "Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution by Schumacher, Anne
Gregory Heisler: 50 Portraits: Stories and Techniques from a Photographer's Photographer by Heisler, Gregory
Secret Language of Color: Science, Nature, History, Culture, Beauty of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, & Violet by Eckstut, Arielle, Eckstut, Joann
The World in Color: England, Scotland and Wales by
The Western: From Silents to Cinerama by Fenin, George N., Everson, William K.
Triumph of Spectro-Chrome: Attuned Color Waves Vindicated in New York Supreme Court by Ghadiali, Dinshah P.
The Purple Sea or More Splashes of Chinese Color by Owen, Frank
John Baptist Jackson: Eighteenth Century Master of the Color Woodcut by Kainen, Jacob
John Baptist Jackson: Eighteenth Century Master of the Color Woodcut by Kainen, Jacob
Fische im Aquarium fotografieren. Tipps und Tricks für Fotografen und Aquarien-Fans by Bitterl, Arthur
Vorlesungen zur philosophischen Psychologie von Kunst. Band 5: Zur Physiognomik des Psychischen: Mimesis und Interpersonalität by Emrich, Hinderk M.
Photography Backdrops: Creative and Inexpensive Ideas For Beginners and/or Amateur Photographers by Pazetti, C.
Fotografía analógica: la técnica de los profesionales by Agusti, Adolfo Perez
Tony Northrup's Photography Buying Guide: How to Choose a Camera, Lens, Tripod, Flash, & More by Northrup, Tony
Photographer's Guide to the Fujifilm X100S: Getting the Most from Fujifilm's Advanced Digital Camera by White, Alexander S.
Capture the Magic: Train Your Eye, Improve Your Photographic Composition by Dykinga, Jack
Vorlesungen zur philosophischen Psychologie von Kunst. Band 6: Dissoziation - Selbstentfremdung - Wirklichkeitszerfall by Emrich, Hinderk M.
Die Evolution des Horrorgenres in Serien: Die moderne Horrorserie am Beispiel von The Walking Dead by Wieseler, Max
Digital Photography DSLR: Accelerate your Photography Skills, Master your DSLR & Shoot Like a Pro by Chapman, Roger
Raum im Dazwischen: Spielraum meiner künstlerischen Arbeit by Ernst, Karin
Images that Sell by Bigwood, David
Canon EOS 70D for Dummies by King, Julie Adair
Mi fotografía estenopeica by Menendez Diaz, J. Angel
Lippmann-Fotografie. Unkopierbare und einzigartige Bilder: Bedeutung und Funktion von nicht reproduzierbaren Fotografietechniken by Dommermühl, Stella