Physics in 1899
The Book of Nature: An Elementary Introduction to the Sciences of Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, Zoology, and
Schoedler, Friedrich Karl Ludwig 1813-1
Mathematical and Physical Papers, by George Gabriel Stokes. Reprinted from the Original Journals and Transactions, with Additional Notes by the Author
Stokes, George Gabriel
Hermann Grassmanns Gesammelte
Grassmann, Hermann
Mathematical and Physical Papers, by George Gabriel Stokes. Reprinted from the Original Journals and Transactions, with Additional Notes by the Author
Stokes, George Gabriel
Mathematical and Physical Papers, by George Gabriel Stokes. Reprinted from the Original Journals and Transactions, with Additional Notes by the Author
Stokes, George Gabriel
Astrophysik: Die Beschaffenheit Der Himmelskörper
Wislicenus, Walter Friedrich
Ursachen Und Folgen Der Jähen Überschwemmungen Und Die Mittel Zu Deren Beseitigung Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Stauweiher Und Thalsperren AL
Seiler, Christoph
Mathematical and Physical Papers, by George Gabriel Stokes. Reprinted from the Original Journals and Transactions, with Additional Notes by the Author
Stokes, George Gabriel