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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1975

Quantenphysik: Band 4 by Wichmann, Eyvind H.
Elementarphysik Griffbereit: Definitionen - Gesetze - Tabellen by Koskin, Nikolaj I., Sirkevič, Michail G.
Experimentelle Untersuchungen Axialer Überschallgitter Und Ihrer Wechselwirkungen by Simon, R.
Theoretische Und Experimentelle Untersuchung Von Instationären Temperaturverteilungen Und Wärmespannungen Mit Wärmeübergang in Prismatischen Körpern N by Ebner, Hans
Theoretische Untersuchung Über Schubdüsen Mit Strahlbeimischung Und Wärmeaustausch by Dwertmann, Dieter
Einführung in Die Wärme- Und Stoffübertragung: Skriptum Für Maschinenbauer, Verfahrenstechniker, Chemie-Ingenieure, Chemiker, Physiker AB 4. Semester by Schlünder, Ernst-Ulrich
Untersuchung Moderner Schneidstoffe Beanspruchungsgerechte Anwendung Sowie Verschleißursachen by König, Wilfried
Untersuchungen Zur Wärmebeeinflussung Des Werkstoffs Durch Technologische, Geometrische Und Werkstoffspezifische Größen Beim Lichtbogenschweißen by Eichhorn, Friedrich
Untersuchungen Über Die Zahnfußtragfähigkeit Von Kegelradgetrieben by Opitz, Herwart
Physikalische Aufgaben: 1185 Aufgaben Mit Lösungen Aus Allen Gebieten Der Physik by Lindner, Helmut
Übungsaufgaben Aus Der Technischen Mechanik: Statik - Festigkeitslehre - Dynamik Für Studierende an Technischen Hochschulen Und an Ingenieurschulen by Göldner, Hans
The General Theory of Alternating Current Machines: Application to Practical Problems by Adkins, Bernard, Harley, Ronald G.
Der Rasmussen-Bericht (Wash-1400): Übersetzung Der Kurzfassung by Rasmussen, Norman C., Institut Für Reaktorsicherheit Der Technischen Übe
Mathematik für Physiker by Weltner, Klaus
Einfluß Von Chargengewicht, Chargierzeit Und Temperaturgradient Zwischen Ofenraum Und Charge in Technischen Sinteröfen Auf Die Eigenschaften Von Sinte by Zapf, Gerhard
Electrochemistry: Volume 5 by
Radiochemistry: Volume 2 by
Surface and Defect Properties of Solids: Volume 4 by
Statistical Mechanics: Volume 2 by
Dielectric and Related Molecular Processes: Volume 2 by
Colloid Science: Volume 2 by
Molecular Spectroscopy: Volume 3 by
Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods: Volume 3 by
High-power gas lasers, 1975: Lectures given at a summer school organized by the International College of Applied Physics, on the physics and technolog by
Die Zusammensetzung Thermischer Edelgasplasmen Im Temperaturbereich Von 1000-20000°k Bei Drucken Von 1-50 ATM: Composition of the Thermic Plasmas of t by Irmer, Joachim, Worm, Manfred
Einführung in Die Vielelektronentheorie Der Kristalle by Stolz, Hubertus
März 1974 by
Mai 1974 by
Juni 1974 by
Die Beiträge Von Faraday Und Maxwell Zur Elektrodynamik by Tricker, R. A. R.
Zur Rolle Des Einfachheitsprinzips Im Physikalischen Weltbild by Schulze, Gustav E. R.
Metallphysik by Smirnow, A. A.
September 1 by
October 1 by
March 1 by
April 1 by
January 1 by
February 1 by
Durchgang Von Elektronen- Und Betastrahlung Durch Materieschichten: Steuerabsorptionsmodelle by Thümmel, Hans-Wolf
August 1 by
May 1 by
June 1 by
Constance, F.R.G., 23 May - 5 June 1973: Proceedings of the Open Meeting of the Working Group on Space Biology of the Sixteenth Plenary Meeting of Cos by
Durchgang Von Elektronen- Und Betastrahlung Durch Materieschichten: Streuabsorptionsmodelle by Thümmel, Hans-Wolf
Einführung ın Die Ferroelektrizität by Sonin, A. S., Strukow, B. A.
July 1 by
Frühe Elektrodynamik: Das Erste Stromgesetz by Tricker, R. A. R.
Februar 1974 by
Januar 1974 by
Geophysik Und Geologie. Band 1, Heft 1 by
Einheiten Maßsysteme Si by Bender, D., Pippig, E.
Elastizitätstheorie by
Structure Reports for 1975: Metals and Inorganic Sections by
Structure Reports for 1975: Organic Section by
Interaction Between Ions and Molecules by
The Linear Theory of Thermoelasticity: Course Held at the Department of Mechanics of Solids July 1972 by Sneddon, I. N.
Particles, Quantum Fields and Statistical Mechanics: Proceedings of the 1973 Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics Held at the Centro de Investigaci by
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics: June 24-28, 1974, University of Colorado by
Exploitation of Seismograph Networks by
One-Dimensional Conductors: GPS Summer School Proceedings by
Classical and Quantum Mechanical Aspects of Heavy Ion Collisions: Symposium Held at the Max-Planck-Institut Für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany, Octob by
The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time by Hawking, Stephen, Hawking, S. W.
Origin of Cosmic Rays: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held in Durham, England, August 26-September 6, 1974 by
Scattering Theory for the d'Alembert Equation in Exterior Domains by Wilcox, Calvin H.
Mechanik, Akustik, Wärme by Gobrecht, Heinrich
Elektrisches und magnetisches Feld. Einfache Schaltungen mit Transistoren und Operationsverstärkern by Michel, Manfred
Theories of Elastic Plates by Panc, V.
Trends in Elementary Particle Theory: International Summer Institute on Theoretical Physics in Bonn 1974 by
Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory by Ziman, J. M.
Thermal Imaging Systems by Lloyd, J. M.
Computational Techniques in Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Physics: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Ramsau, Germany, 4-21 Se by
Dynamical Systems, Theory and Applications: Battelle Seattle 1974 Rencontres by
Atmospheres of Earth and the Planets: Proceedings of the Summer Advanced Study Institute, Held at the University of Liège, Belgium, July 29--August 9, by
Catalog of Solar Particle Events 1955-1969: Prepared Under the Auspices of Working Group 2 of the Inter-Union Commission on Solar-Terrestrial Physics by
The Magnetospheres of the Earth and Jupiter: Proceedings of the Neil Brice Memorial Symposium, Held in Frascati, May 28-June 1, 1974 by
Solar Gamma-, X-, and Euv Radiation by
Solar Gamma-, X-, and Euv Radiation by
International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics: January 23-29, 1975, Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan by
Conduction and Breakdown in Dielectric Liquids: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Organized by the Department of Applied Physics of the by Goldschvartz, J. M., Niessen, A. K., Boone, W.
Effective Interactions and Operators in Nuclei: Proceedings of the Tucson International Topical Conference on Nuclear Physics Held at the University o by
II: Fourier Analysis, Self-Adjointness: Volume 2 by Simon, Barry, Reed, Michael
The Logico-Algebraic Approach to Quantum Mechanics: Volume I: Historical Evolution by
The Logico-Algebraic Approach to Quantum Mechanics: Volume I: Historical Evolution by
Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Crystalline Solids: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Internal Friction and Ultraso by
Spectral Properties of Schroedinger Operators and Scattering Theory by Agmon, Shmuel
H II Regions and Related Topics: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Mittelberg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, January 13-17, 1975 by
Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics by Dzyaloshinski, I. E., Abrikosov, A. a., Gorkov, L. P.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 4 by
Siebentes Kolloquium Über Metallkundliche Analyse Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Elektronenstrahl-Mikroanalyse: Wien, 23. Bis 25. Oktober 1974 by
Thermodynamic Equilibria of Boiling Mixtures / Thermodynamisches Gleichgewicht Siedender Gemische by Weishaupt, J.
Gravitational Perturbation Theory and Synchrotron Radiation by Breuer, R. A.
Progress in Numerical Fluid Dynamics: Lecture Series Held at the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics 1640 Rhode-St.-Genèse, Belgium February 11-15 by
Farbenlehre Und Farbenmessung: Eine Kurze Einführung by Schultze, Werner
Elastostatics and Kinetics of Anisotropic and Heterogeneous Shell-Type Structures by Librescu, Liviu
Structure and Evolutionary History of the Solar System by Arrhenius, Gustaf, Alfvèn, H.
Key Elements: D9-, D10-, D1...D3-, F-Elements / Schlüsselelemente: D9-, D10-, D1...D3-, F-Elemente by Weiss, A., Pies, W.
Dynamical Concepts on Scaling Violation and the New Resonances in E+e- Annihilation by
Hermitian and Kählerian Geometry in Relativity by Flaherty, Edward J.
Sensitive Crystallization Processes: A Demonstration of Formative Forces in the Blood by Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried E.
Rudiments of Plane Affine Geometry: Mathematical Expositions No. 20 by Scherk, P., Lingenberg, R.
Quantum Mechanics, Determinism, Causality, and Particles: An International Collection of Contributions in Honor of Louis de Broglie on the Occasion of by
Solid State Astrophysics: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University College, Cardiff, Wales, 9-12 July 1974 by
Renormalization Theory: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at the International School of Mathematical Physics at the 'Etto by
Ernst Mach: Physicist and Philosopher by
Philosophical Problems of Modern Physics by Mittelstaedt, Peter
Dynamic Problems of Thermoelasticity by Nowacki, W.
The Scientific Satellite Programme During the International Magnetospheric Study: Proceedings of the 10th Eslab Symposium, Held at Vienna, Austria, 10 by
Logik Und Sprache Der Physik by Sinowjew, A. A.
Physik Des Planeten Erde: Physik Des Erdkörpers, Der Hydrosphäre Und Der Atmosphäre by
Einführung in Die Plasmaphysik I: Theoretische Grundlagen by Čap, Ferdinand
Elektrische Kristalle by Sheludew, I. S.
Röntgenbeugung an Kristallen by Jost, Karl-Heinz
Logic and Probability in Quantum Mechanics by
Stand Und Trends Der Experimentalmethodik in Der Festkörperphysik by Müller, Gerd Otto
Physiker Über Physiker [I.]: Wahlvorschläge Zur Aufnahme Von Physikern in Die Berliner Akademie 1870 Bis 1929 Von Hermann V. Helmholtz Bis Erwin Schrö by