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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1979

Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology by
Coherence in Spectroscopy and Modern Physics by
Antike Längenmaße: Untersuchungen Über Ihre Zusammenhänge by Rottländer, Rolf C. a.
Recent Developments in Particle and Field Theory: Topical Seminar, Tübingen 1977 by Dittrich, Walter
Einführung in Die Kernphysik: Für Physiker Und Ingenieure Im Hauptstudium by Kamke, Detlef
Grundlagen Zur Berechnung Der Schwingfestigkeit Bei Mehrachsiger Beanspruchung Ohne Phasenverschiebung by Troost, Alex
Berechnung Von Maschinenschwingungen Mit Einem Programmierbaren Tischrechner by Dittrich, Günter
Albert Einstein: Sein Einfluß Auf Physik, Philosophie Und Politik by Aichelburg, Peter C., Bergmann, Peter Gabriel
Weiterführende Untersuchungen Zur Ermittlung Der Längseigenspannungen in Walzprofilierten Kaltprofilen by Finckenstein
Wechselbeziehung Zwischen Mikrostruktur Und Schwingfestigkeit Der Titanlegierung Tial6v4 Unter Berücksichtigung Von Halbzeugherstellung Durch Gesenksc by Broichhausen, Josef
Ein Beitrag Zum Einsatz Von Feldeffekttransistoren ALS Quadratische Elemente by Gad, Horst
Technische Plastomechanik by Mahrenholtz, Oskar, Ismar, Heinz
Mathematische Methoden in Der Physik: Teil 2: Differentialrechnung II - Integrale - Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen - Lineare Funktionenräume - Pa by Seifert, H. J.
Beispiele Und Aufgaben Zur Technischen Strömungslehre by Böswirth, Leopold
Grundriß Der Festkörperphysik by Lindner, Helmut
Albert Einstein: His Influence on Physics, Philosophy and Politics by
Textures of Materials: Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference on Textures of Materials March 28-31, 1978, Aachen, Germany Volume I by
Untersuchungen Über Ein Prüfverfahren Für Oberflächenrisse an Zylindrischen Metallischen Prüflingen Mit Hilfe Berührungslos Elektrodynamisch Gesendete by Pohlman, Reimar
Physikalische Aufgaben by Lindner, Helmut
Application of Fracture Mechanics to Design by Burke, John J., Weiss, Volker
Colloid Science: Volume 3 by
Die Geistige Situation Der Zeit by Jaspers, Karl
Microscopic Optical Potentials: Proceedings of the Hamburg Topical Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Held at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, S by
Fortschritte Der Physik / Progress of Physics. Band 26, Heft 4 by
Beschreibung Und Zuordnung Von Vektormengen by Zumpe, Günter
1/16/24 by
2/16/24 by
3/16/24 by
Ausgewählte Physikalische Probleme Der Halbleitertechnik by Auth, Joachim
Elementarteilchen 1977 by Lanius, Karl
Von Kirchhoff Bis Planck: Theorie Der Wärmestrahlung in Historisch-Kritischer Darstellung by Schöpf, Hans-Georg
Physikalische Chemie Der Halbleiter by Arnold, Heinrich
Messung Dielektrischer Stoffeigenschaften by Rost, Albrecht
Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanischer Festkörpereigenschaften II by Schulze, Gustav E. R., Paufler, Peter
Quantenmechanik Und Philosophie by Röseberg, Ulrich
Kohlenstoffwerkstoffe Mit Besonderen Physikalischen Eigenschaften by Henkel, Otto
Phasengleichgewichte Und Grenzflächenerscheinungen by Rusanov, A. I.
August 16 by
Subject and Author Index, 1978: Physica Status Solidi (B), Volumes 85 to 90. Physica Status Solidi (A), Volumes 45 to 50 by
Physikalische Chemie Der Halbleiter by Heinrich, Arnold
Messung Dielektrischer Stoffeigenschaften by Rost, Albrecht
Physikalische Grundlagen Mechanischer Festkörpereigenschaften, II by Paufler, Peter, Schulze, Gustav E. R.
April 16 by
Vakuumelektronik: Ausgewählte Beiträge by
1978 by
Elektromagnetische Felder Und Lebewesen by Drischel, Hans
Allgemeingültige Veranschaulichung Des II. Hauptsatzes by Lange, Erich
1978 by
1978 by
1978 by
1978 by
1978 by
Spezielle Relativitätstheorie by Salié, N., Herlt, E.
1978 by
1978 by
Phasengrenzflächen by
Angewandte Strömungslehre by Albring, Werner
December 16 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Band 58, Heft 3 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Band 58, Heft 2 by
January 16 by
September 16, 1978 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Band 58, Heft 1 by
Partielle Differentialgleichungen in Der Mathematischen Physik by Michlin, S. G.
March 16 by
11/1/79 by
4/1/78 by
Partielle Differentialgleichungen in Der Mathematischen Physik by Michlin, S. G.
May 16 by
April 16 by
June 16 by
November 16 by
1978 by
July 16 by
October 16 by
February 16 by
Geophysik Und Geologie. Band 1, Heft 4 by
Mechanik by
Juni 1979 by
Forced Linear Vibrations by Müller, P. C., Schiehlen, W. O.
Organic Section by
Hadron Structure and Lepton-Hadron Interactions: Cargèse 1977 by
Key Elements: P, As, Sb, Bi / Schlüsselelemente: P, As, Sb, Bi by Pies, W., Weiss, A.
Aufgaben Zur Statistischen Physik Und Theorie Der Wärme Mit Rechenweg Und Lösungen by
Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 1977. Third International Symposium, December 5-9, 1977, Iria Laboria, Institut de Recherche D` by
University of Chicago Graduate Problems in Physics with Solutions by Cronin, Jeremiah a., Greenberg, David F., Telegdi, Valentine L.
The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change by Kuhn, Thomas S.
Proceedings of First Usa-USSR Symposium on Fracture of Composite Materials: Held at the Hotel J?rmala, Riga, USSR September 4-7, 1978 by
Mechanics of Vibrations by Marguerre, K., Wölfel, H.
Kinetics of Ion-Molecule Reactions by
Picture Processing and Digital Filtering by
Group Theoretical Methods in Physics: Seventh International Colloquium and Integrative Conference on Group Theory and Mathematical Physics, Held in Au by
Freie Elektronen in Festkörpern by Grosse, P.
Mathematik Für Die PRAXIS Des Naturwissenschaftlers Und Ingenieurs by Rein, Dirk
Kosmochemie by Kiesl, W.
Stochastic Behavior in Classical and Quantum Hamiltonian Systems: VOLTA Memorial Conference, Como 1977 by
III: Scattering Theory: Volume 3 by Reed, Michael, Simon, Barry
Instabilities in Dynamical Systems: Applications to Celestial Mechanics by
Selected Papers (1937 - 1976) of Julian Schwinger by
Gauge Theories of Weak Interactions by Taylor, Taylor, John C., Taylor, J. C.
Magnetic Properties of Coordination and Organometallic Transition Metal Compounds / Magnetische Eigenschaften Der Koordinations- Und Metallorganischen by König, G., König, E.
Anwendungen by Döring, Werner
The Logico-Algebraic Approach to Quantum Mechanics: Volume II: Contemporary Consolidation by
The Logico-Algebraic Approach to Quantum Mechanics: Volume II: Contemporary Consolidation by
Twistors and Particles by Hughston, L. P.
Nonlinear Problems in Theoretical Physics: Proceedings of the IX G.I.F.T. International Seminar on Theoretical Physics, Held at Jaca, Huesca (Spain), by
Atlas of the Textural Patterns of Basic and Ultrabasic Rocks and Their Genetic Significance by Augustithis, Stylianos-Savvas
Walzwerktechnik: Ein Leitfaden Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Schwenzfeier, W.
A Course in Elasticity by Fraeijs De Veubeke, B. M.
Electrons and Phonons in Layered Crystal Structures by
Electrons in Disordered Metals and at Metallic Surfaces by
Mathematische Methoden Der Physik I: Analysis by Flügge, Siegfried
Statistical Mechanics and the Foundations of Thermodynamics by Martin-Löf, A.
Dynamical Critical Phenomena and Related Topics: Proceedings of the International Conference, Held at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, April 2-6 by
Voraussage -- Wahrscheinlichkeit -- Objekt: Über Die Begrifflichen Grundlagen Der Quantenmechanik by Drieschner, M.
Nonlinear Dynamics of Elastic Bodies by
Proceedings of the Dynamic Flow Conference 1978 on Dynamic Measurements in Unsteady Flows by
Recent Advances in Group Theory and Their Application to Spectroscopy by
Feynman Path Integrals: Proceedings of the International Colloquium Held in Marseille, May 1978 by
A Symplectic Framework for Field Theories by Kijowski, J., Tulczyjew, W. M.
Wave Instabilities in Space Plasmas: Proceedings of a Symposium Organized Within the Xixth Ursi General Assembly Held in Helsinki, Finland, July 31-Au by
Fiber and Integrated Optics by
Common Problems in Low- And Medium-Energy Nuclear Physics by
Biosaline Concept: An Approach to the Utilization of Underexploited Resources by
Recent Developments in Gravitation: Cargèse 1978 by
A Short History of Chemistry by Tyrrell, Ian
Local Jet Bundle Formulation of Bäckland Transformations: With Applications to Non-Linear Evolution Equations by Robinson, D. C., Shadwick, W. F., Pirani, F. a. E.
Introduction to Solar Radio Astronomy and Radio Physics by Krüger, A.
Introduction to Solar Radio Astronomy and Radio Physics by Krüger, A.
Models of Disorder: The Theoretical Physics of Homogeneously Disordered Systems by Ziman, J. M.
An Introduction to Radiation Dosimetry by Lovell, Lovell, S.
Application of Short-Term Bioassays in the Fractionation and Analysis of Complex Environmental Mixtures: Symposium on Application of Short-Term Bioass by
Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials: Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference Proceedings 23 by Burke, John J., Weiss, Volker
Key Element: C / Schlüsselelement: C by Pies, W.
Axiomatic Characterization of Physical Geometry by Schmidt, H. J.
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel Mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U.A.: Band 1: 1919-1929 by Pauli, Wolfgang
Lineare Schaltungen Mit Operationsverstärkern: Eine Einführung in Die Verstärker- Und Filtertechnik by Fliege, N.
Knowledge and Wonder, second edition: The Natural World as Man Knows It by Weisskopf, Victor F.
Surprises in Theoretical Physics by Peierls, Rudolf
Principles of the Theory of Solids by Ziman, J. M.
Quantum Theory of Chemical Reactions: 1: Collision Theory, Reaction Path, Static Indices by
Intercalated Layered Materials by
Atomic and Nuclear Physics: An Introduction by Littlefield, Thomas Albert
Landolt-Bvrnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series Gruppe/Group 4 Physical Chemistry H by Beggerow, G.
Organic Anion Radicals / Organische Anion-Radikale by Berndt, A., Jones, M. T., Lehnig, M.
High-Pressure Properties of Matter / Eigenschaften Der Materie Bei Hohen Drucken by Beggerow, G.
Key Element: O / Schlüsselelement: O by Weiss, A., Pies, W.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 9 by
Einstein Symposion Berlin: Aus Anlaß Der 100. Wiederkehr Seines Geburtstages 25. Bis 30. März 1979 by
A Question of Physics: Conversations in Physics and Biology by Peat, F. David, Buckley, Paul
Buoyancy Effects in Fluids by Turner, J. S.
Introduction to Advanced Astrophysics by Kourganoff, V.
Dynamics of the Magnetosphere: Proceedings of the A.G.U. Chapman Conference 'Magnetospheric Substorms and Related Plasma Processes' Held at Los Alamo by
The Logical Structure of Mathematical Physics by Sneed, J. D.
Introduction to Advanced Astrophysics by Kourganoff, V.
An Introduction to Nuclear Astrophysics: The Formation and the Evolution of Matter in the Universe by Vauclair, S., Audouze, J.
An Introduction to Nuclear Astrophysics: The Formation and the Evolution of Matter in the Universe by Vauclair, S., Audouze, J.
Proceedings of an International Conference on Fracture Mechanics in Engineering Application: Held at the National Aeronautical Laboratory Bangalore, I by
Physiker Über Physiker II: Antrittsreden Erwiderungen Bei Der Aufnahme Von Physikern in Die Berliner Akademie Gedächtnisreden 1870 Bis 1929 by
Molekülkristalle: Autorisierte Übersetzung by Kitaigorodski, A. I.
Einführung in die statistische Thermodynamik by Kammer, Hans-Werner, Schwabe, Kurt
Turbulente Scherströmungen Freie Turbulenz by Szablewski, Witold
Einstein: Leben, Tod, Unsterblichkeit by Kuznecov, B. G.
Die Methode Der Greenschen Funktionen in Der Festkörperphysik by Elk, K., Gasser, W.
On General Relativity: An Analysis of the Fundamentals of the Theory of General Relativity and Gravitation by Yourgrau, W., Mercier, A., Treder, H. -J
Einstein-Centenarium 1979: Ansprachen Und Vorträge Auf Der Festveranstaltung Des Einstein-Komitees Der DDR Bei Der Akademie Der Wissenschaften De by
Algebraische Probleme Der Mathematischen Und Theoretischen Physik by Saizew, G. A.
Mechanics by Chester, W.
Forschungsarbeiten Zur Strömungsturbulenz: Zwei- Und Dreidimensionale Austauschvorgänge by
Elektronen Im Kristall by Herrmann, Rudolf, Preppernau, Uwe
Albert Messiah: Quantenmechanik. Band 2 by Messiah, Albert
Gravitationstheorie Und Theorie Der Elementarteilchen: Wiederabdruck Ausgewählter Beiträge Des Einstein-Symposiums 1965 in Berlin by