• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1981

Radiationless Processes by Goldberg, Velda, Di Bartolo, Baldassare
Quarks and Leptons: Cargèse 1979 by
Strömungs- Und Kolbenmaschinen: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch by Wagner, Hermann Th
Ölkrisenprogramm Für Hausbesitzer: Warm & Preiswert Heizen Mit Alten & Neuen Techniken; Öl, Erdgas, Kohle, Wärmepumpe, Solarheizung, Nachtspeicherstro by Hake, Bruno
Technische Thermodynamik: Für Studenten Des Maschinenbaus Und Der Elektrotechnik AB 1. Semester by Knoche, Karl Friedrich
Methods in Field Theory: Les Houches Session XXVIII by Balian, R., Zinn-Justin, Jean
Grundlagen by Döring, Werner
Grundkurs Mechanik: Problemlösung, Theorie, Anleitung Band 1: Statik -- Elastostatik by Rösner, H., Krapf, K. -C
Grundkurs Mechanik: Problemlösung, Theorie, Anleitung, Band 2: Kinetik by Krapf, K. -G, Rösner, H.
Organische Leiter, Halbleiter Und Photoleiter by Hamann, Claus
Physik in Formeln Und Beispielen by Mende, Dietmar
Elektrodynamik by Stumpf, Harald
Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Vorträge - N 299 by Backé, Wolfgang
Krümmungseigenschaften Sphärischer Bahnkurven Im Hinblick Auf Ihre Anwendungen by Dittrich, Günter
Gestaltungsrichtlinien Zur Reduzierung Von Schaufelschwingungsanregungen Infolge Instationärer Schaufeldruckverteilungen by Gallus, Heinz Eckhard
Zur Analogen Großsignalaussteuerung Von Feldeffekttransistoren Unter Berücksichtigung Des Subthreshold-Gebietes by Gad, Horst
Numerisch Gesteuertes Abrichten Von Profilschleifscheiben by Weck, Manfred
Regelungen Mit Schaltenden Reglern Bei Stochastischen Störungen by Schäfer, Otto
Untersuchung Und Verbesserung Des Schwingungsverhaltens Von Krankentragen by Helling, Jürgen
Gesteuerte Gleichrichter Mit Weitem Stellbereich Und Geringer Welligkeit Der Ausgangsspannung by Holtz, Joachim
Solitons: Mathematical Methods for Physicists by Eilenberger, G.
Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse Mit Radionuklidquellen Zur Bestimmung Von Spurenelementen in Luft Und Wasser by Trapp, Axel, Roth, Manfred, Horn, Hans-Hermann
Physik Der Elementarteilchen by Lanius, Karl
Untersuchungen zum Wärmetransport in flüssigkeitsdurchströmten Schüttungen by Schröder, Klaus-Jürgen
Fracture Mechanics of Ductile and Tough Materials and Its Applications to Energy Related Structures: Proceedings of the Usa-Japan Joint Seminar Held a by Liu, H. W.
Getriebetechnik Kinematik Für Aos- Und Upn-Rechner by Hain, Kurt
Numerical Methods for the Computation of Inviscid Transonic Flows with Shock Waves by Viviand, Henri, Rizzi, Arthur
Statistische Physik, Teil 2: Theorie Des Kondensierten Zustandes by Landau, L. D., Lifschitz, E. M.
11/1/80 by
9/1/80 by
Mai 1980 by
4/1/80 by
März 1980 by
Februar 1980 by
Januar 1980 by
Relativistische Thermodynamik by Neugebauer, Gernot
Untersuchungen Zur Versetzungskinetik Und -Dynamik Bei Der Plastischen Verformung by Messerschmidt, Ulrich
October 16 by
Max Steenbeck Zum 75. Geburtstag by
Organische Leiter, Halbleiter Und Photoleiter by Hamann, C., Heim, J., Burghardt, H.
Grundfragen Der Physik: Geschichte, Gegenwart Und Zukunft Der Physikalischen Grundlagenforschung by Rompe, Robert, Treder, Hans-Jürgen
Amorphe Ferro- Und Ferrimagnetika by Handrich, K., Kobe, S.
Organische Leiter, Halbleiter Und Photoleiter by Hamann, C., Heim, J., Burghardt, H.
Thermodynamik Und Biologische Entwicklung by Rätzsch, Margit T.
November 16 by
December 16 by
September 16 by
September by
May 16 by
June 16 by
1980 by
1980 by
1980 by
Newton Und Voltaire by Borzeszkowski, Orst-Heino V., Wahsner, Renate
1980 by
1980 by
1980 by
July 16 by
1980 by
Fusionsreaktoren Und Umwelt by Schuricht, Volkmar
1980 by
August 16 by
1980 by
1980 by
Fortschritte Der Physik / Progress of Physics. Band 28, Heft 6 by
Fortschritte Der Physik / Progress of Physics. Band 28, Heft 5 by
Die Physik Und Ihre Tendenzen by Lanius, Karl
Februar 1980 by
März 1980 by
4/1/80 by
Mai 1980 by
Juni 1980 by
Juli 1980 by
8/1/80 by
9/1/80 by
Oktober 1980 by
11/1/80 by
Dezember 1980 by
Entwicklung Und Perspektiven Der Kosmosforschungen by Nikolajewitsch Petrow, Boris
Theorie Und Meßmethoden Der Konduktometrie by Schuppan, Joachim
Geophysik Und Geologie. Band 2, Heft 2 by
Kerndeformationen by
Einteilchenbewegung by
Unification of the Fundamental Particle Interactions by Nieuw, P. Van, Ferrara, S., Ellis, Jonathan
The Role of Coherent Structures in Modelling Turbulence and Mixing: Proceedings of the International Conference Madrid, Spain, June 25-27, 1980 by
Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability by Chandrasekhar, S.
From Physical Concept to Mathematical Structure: An Introduction to Theoretical Physics by Trainor, Lynn E. H., Wise, Mark B.
Thin Shell Theory: New Trends and Applications by
Optical Methods in Mechanics of Solids: Held at the University of Poitiers, France September 10-14, 1979 by
Low and Intermediate Energy Kaon-Nucleon Physics: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the Institute of Physics of the University of Rome, March 24-28, by
Optical Fiber Transmission Systems by Personick, Stewart D.
Cosmic Plasma by Alfvèn, H.
Proceedings. Fifth International Conference Berlin (West), July 7-11, 1980 by
Theoretical Aspects and New Developments in Magneto-Optics by Devreese, J. T.
The Many-Body Problem. Jastrow Correlations Versus Brueckner Theory: Proceedings of the Third Topical School Held in Granada (Spain), September 22-27, by
Nonlinear Evolution Equations - Global Behavior of Solutions by Haraux, Alain
Kryo-Vakuumtechnik: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Haefer, R. a.
From Collective States to Quarks in Nuclei: Proceedings of the Workshop on Nuclear Physics with Real and Virtual Photons Held in Bologna (Italy), Nove by
Biomedical and Dental Applications of Polymers by Gebelein, Charles, Koblitz, F.
Mathematics and the Physical World by Kline, Morris
General Relativity from A to B by Geroch, Robert
Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth and Moon by
Discovering Relativity Yrse by Lilley, Sam, Lilley
Albert Messiah: Quantenmechanik. Band 1 by Messiah, Albert
Geometry of the Time-Dependent Variational Principle in Quantum Mechanics by Saraceno, M., Kramer, P.
Seventh International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics: Proceedings of the Conference, Stanford University, Stanford, California and by
Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the Technical University of Clausthal, Ger by
Thermodynamic Network Analysis of Biological Systems by Schnakenberg, J.
13. Spektrometertagung by
Aufbau Der Materie by
Aufbau der Materie by
Einfuhrung in Die Farbmetrik by Richter, Manfred
Nukleonenphysik by Bucka, Hans
Multi-User Communication Systems by
Disturbing the Universe by Dyson, Freeman
Plane Waves and Spherical Means: Applied to Partial Differential Equations by John, F.
Analysis and Design of Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization by
Fundamental Problems in the Theory of Stellar Evolution by
Solar Phenomena in Stars and Stellar Systems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Bonas, France, August 25-September 5, 1980 by
Fundamental Problems in the Theory of Stellar Evolution by
Mixed Mode Crack Propagation by
Proceedings of an International Conference on Analytical and Experimental Fracture Mechanics: Held at the Hotel Midas Palace Rome, Italy June 23-27, 1 by
Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories: Proceedings of the Second International Conference Held at Oaxtepec, Mexico, January 12-17, 1981 by
Much ADO about Nothing: Theories of Space and Vacuum from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution by Grant, Edward
The Investigation of the Physical World by Di Francia, Giuliano Toraldo, Toraldo Di Francia, G.
Origin of Cosmic Rays by
Relation Between Laboratory and Space Plasmas: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Gakushi-Kaikan (University Alumni Association) Tokyo, by
Origin of Cosmic Rays by
Applied Operations Research in Fishing by Haley, K. Brian
Emerging Cosmology by Lovell, Bernard
Nonequilibrium Superconductivity, Phonons, and Kapitza Boundaries by
Abelian Group Theory: Proceedings of the Oberwolfach Conference, January 12-17, 1981 by
Topics in Nuclear Physics II: A Comprehensive Review of Recent Developments by
Present Status and Aims of Quantum Electrodynamics: Proceedings of the Symposion Held at Mainz University May 9-10, 1980 by
Topics in Nuclear Physics I: A Comprehensive Review of Recent Developments by
Theory of Relativity by Pauli, W.
Ulf Pulsations in the Magnetosphere: Reviews from the Special Sessions on Geomagnetic Pulsations at XVII General Assembly of the International Union f by
Non-Relativistic Quantum Dynamics by Amrein, W. O.
Current Research in Earthquake Prediction Vol.I by
Fifty Years of Electron Diffraction by
Global Reconstruction and the Geomagnetic Field During the Palaeozic by
Phonon States of Elements. Electron States and Fermi Surfaces of Alloys / Phononenzustände Von Elementen. Elektronenzustände Und Fermiflächen Von Legi by Schober, H., Sellmyer, David J., Dederichs, P. H.
Mineralogie: Ein Lehrbuch Auf Systematischer Grundlage by Schröcke, Helmut, Weiner, Karl-Ludwig
Examens-Fragen Physik Für Mediziner: Zum Gegenstandskatalog by Nägerl, H., Höhl, M.
On the Simpler Aspect of Nonlinear Fluctuating Deep Water Gravity Waves: Weak Interaction Theory by West, B. J.
Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Power Plants: by Johansson, Thomas B., Steen, Peter
Semi-Classical Approximation in Quantum Mechanics by Maslov, Victor P., Fedoriuk, M. V.
Identification of Seismic Sources -- Earthquake or Underground Explosion: Proceedings of the NATO Advance Study Institute Held at Voksenåsen, Oslo, No by
Handbook of Materials Testing Reactors and Associated Hot Laboratories in the European Community: Nuclear Science and Technology by
Manned Systems Design: Methods, Equipment, and Applications by Moraal, Krais
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application I by
Lattice Dynamics of Molecular Crystals by Califano, S., Schettino, V., Neto, N.
Tribologie Reibung - Verschleiß - Schmierung by
Temperature Dependent Thomas-Fermi Theory by Messer, J.
The Theory of Atomic Structure and Spectra: Volume 3 by Cowan, Robert D.
Investigating the Universe: Papers Presented to Zden?k Kopal on the Occasion of His Retirement, September 1981 by
Rigorous Atomic and Molecular Physics by Velo, G., Wightman, A. S.
Crystal Cohesion and Conformational Energies by
Geschichte Der Radioaktivität by Minder, W.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 10 by
The Post-Darwinian Controversies: A Study of the Protestant Struggle to Come to Terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America, 1870-1900 by Moore, James R., James R., Moore
Fracture Micromechanics of Polymer Materials by Tamusz, Vitauts P., Kuksenko, V. S.
Methods, Constants, Solar System / Methoden, Konstanten, Sonnensystem by
Physics of Group IV Elements and III-V Compounds / Physik Der Elemente Der IV. Gruppe Und Der III-V Verbindungen by Bimberg, D., Blachnik, R.
Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems: Proceedings of an International Workshop, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, September 1-5, 1980 by
Solitons and Condensed Matter Physics. by
Non-Oxides / Nicht-Oxide by Gesi, K., Mitsui, T., Nakamura, E.
Advances in Fluid Mechanics: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Aachen, March 26-28, 1980 by
Disordered Systems and Localization: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Rome, May 1981 by
Semidynamical Systems in Infinite Dimensional Spaces by Saperstone, Stephen H.
An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics: Volume 158 by Gurtin, Morton E.
Experimental Evaluation of Stress Concentration and Intensity Factors: Useful Methods and Solutions to Experimentalists in Fracture Mechanics by
Cracks in Composite Materials: A Compilation of Stress Solutions for Composite Systems with Cracks by Sih, George C., Chen, E. P.
Neutron Radiography Handbook: Nuclear Science and Technology by
The Theory of Indistinguishables: A Search for Explanatory Principles Below the Level of Physics by Parker-Rhodes, A. F.
Scattering Techniques Applied to Supramolecular and Nonequilibrium Systems by
Advances in Nephrourology by Smith, P. H., Pavone-Macaluso, Michele
Short-Term Bioassays in the Analysis of Complex Environmental Mixtures II by
Stars and Star Clusters / Sterne Und Sternhaufen by Aller, L. H., Appenzeller, I., Baschek, B.
Light Scattering by Small Particles by Hulst, H. C. Van De
Tables of Data / Tabellen Der Daten by Höhler, G.
Physical Properties of Rocks by Huckenholz, H. G., Rybach, L., Czermak, V.
Dynamical Systems and Turbulence, Warwick 1980: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Warwick 1979/80 by
Life In The Universe by
X-Ray Astronomy: Proceedings of the XV Eslab Symposium Held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 22-26 June 1981 by Andresen, R. D.
Combined Loadings in the Theory of Plasticity by Zyczkowski, Michal
Ungeordnete Festkörper - Ausgangspunkt Neuer Werkstoffklassen Mit Komplexer Verbindung Physikalischer, Mechanischer Und Chemischer Eigenschaften by Henkel, Otto
Stand Und Entwicklung Der Aufarbeitung Radioaktiven Materials by Münze, Rudolf, Hladik, Oswald
Rechnergestützte Bildverarbeitung - Erkenntnisse Und Erfahrungen Aus Der Hochenergiephysik by Pose, Rudolf Arthur
Große kosmische Systeme by Treder, Hans-Jürgen, Mücket, Jan Peter