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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1988

Quantum Uncertainties: Recent and Future Experiments and Interpretations by
Condensed Matter Theories: Volume 2 by Vashishta, P., Kalia, Rajiv K., Bishop, R. F.
Incommensurate Crystals, Liquid Crystals, and Quasi-Crystals by Scott, J. F., Clark, N. a.
Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Valence Fluctuations and Heavy Fermions by Gupta, L. C.
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering by
Super Field Theories by Kunstatter, G., Lee, H. C., Elias, V.
Astronomische Probleme Und Ihre Physikalischen Grundlagen: Eine Auswahl Für Unterricht Und Selbststudium by Schäfer, Hans-Gerd
Wärmetheorie by Hitmair, Otto, Adam, Gerhard
Neural Information Processing Systems: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Denver, Colorado, November 1987 by
Photons and Quantum Fluctuations by
Emerging Syntheses In Science by Pines, David
Dynamische Systeme Und Fraktale: Computergrafische Experimente Mit Pascal by Becker, Karl-Heinz, Dörfler, Michael
Zeit Im Wandel Der Zeit by
Der Gebrochene Lichtstrahl by Tarassowa, Albina
Error Estimation in Reactor Shielding Calculations by
The Crumbs of Creation: Trace elements in history, medicine, industry, crime and folklore by Lenihan, J.
Photons Nonlinear Optics by Klyshko, D. N.
Discharge and Velocity Measurements: Proceedings of a short course, Zürich, 26-27 August 1987 by
Atomic Diffusion in III-V Semiconductors by Tuck, Brian
Mathematik Für Physiker: Basiswissen Für Das Grundstudium Der Experimentalphysik by Weltner, Klaus
Panel Methods in Fluid Mechanics with Emphasis on Aerodynamics: Proceedings of the Third Gamm-Seminar Kiel, January 16 to 18, 1987 by Hackbusch, Wolfgang, Ballman, Josel, Eppler, Richard
Betrachtungen Über Die Bewegende Kraft Des Feuers: Und Die Zur Entwickelung Dieser Kraft Geeigneten Maschinen by Carnot, Sadi
Interstellare Materie: Eine Einführung by Scheffler, Helmut
Einführung in Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Zeitreihen- Und Modalanalyse: Identifikation Schwingungsfähiger Elastomechanischer Systeme by Natke, Hans Günther
Technische Mechanik in Der Feinwerktechnik: Aufgaben, Beispiele, Lösungen by Agne, Klaus
Creation: The Story of the Origin and Evolution of the Universe by Parker, Barry R.
The Supernova Story by Marschall, Laurence a.
Computer Simulation Using Particles by Hockney, R. W.
ACTA Hydrophysica. Band 31, Heft 3/4 by
Lasers for Ultrashort Light Pulses by Herrmann, Herrmann, Wilhelmi, Bernd
1/16/24 by
February 16: Pssa-B, by
Subject and Author Index 1987: Physica Status Solidi (B). Basic Research, Volumes 139 to 144. Physica Status Solidi (A). Applied Research, Volumes 99 by
Elementarteilchen Von α Bis Z: Eine Anschauliche Einführung by Okun, Lev Borisovič
Rudolf Seeliger Und Die Plasmaphysik by Wilhelm, Johannes Paul
Physik Komplexer Nichtlinearer Netzwerke Und Neue Wege Der Informationsverarbeitung by Ebeling, Werner
Geophysik Und Geologie. Band 3, Heft 4 by
August by
October by
November by
December by
1/1/86 by
September by
Niels Bohr: Leben Und Werk Eines Atomphysikers, 1885-1962 by Röseberg, Ulrich
July by
June by
Temperaturmessung by Neumann, Hans, Stecker, Kurt
Zählen Und Messen by Rompe, Robert, Treder, Hans-Jürgen
Big Bang Big Bounce: How Particles and Fields Drive Cosmic Evolution by Rozental, Iosif L.
Objects Southern Sky Slides, by
Historical Seismograms and Earthquakes of the World by
Numerical Radiative Transfer by
The Internal Constitution of the Stars by Eddington, Arthur Stanley
The Expanding Universe: Astronomy's 'Great Debate', 1900 1931 by Eddington, Arthur Stanley
Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics IV by
Fundamental Physics and Chemistry: Space Science in the Twenty-First Century -- Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015 by Space Science Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Life Sciences: Space Science in the Twenty-First Century -- Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015 by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Science Board
Planetary and Lunar Exploration: Space Science in the Twenty-First Century -- Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015 by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Science Board
Mission to Planet Earth: Space Science in the Twenty-First Century -- Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015 by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Science Board
Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths: High Energy Spectroscopy Volume 10 by
Organic and Inorganic Low-Dimensional Crystalline Materials by Delhaes, Pierre, Drillon, Marc
Stochastic Quantization by
Dark Matter in the Universe - Proceedings of the 4th Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics by
Stochastic Quantization by
Dark Matter in the Universe - Proceedings of the 4th Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics by
Dictionary of Mathematical Games, Puzzles, and Amusements by Eiss, Harry
Vavoudis Unification Theory Of Energy, Matter, Motion, and Time: Gravity by Vavoudis, Arthur P.
Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis -- 2: Proceedings of the Second Meeting on Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Prescudin, June 17-2 by
Quantum Probability and Applications III: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, Frg, January 25-31, 1987 by
Aspects of Symmetry by Coleman, Sidney
Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap Van Such by
Microphysical Reality and Quantum Formalism: Proceedings of the Conference 'microphysical Reality and Quantum Formalism' Urbino, Italy, September 25th by
The Earth's Rotation and Reference Frames for Geodesy and Geodynamics by
The Earth's Rotation and Reference Frames for Geodesy and Geodynamics by
Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap Van Such by
Morphology of Crystals: Part A: Fundamentals Part B: Fine Particles, Minerals and Snow Part C: The Geometry of Crystal Growth by Jaap Van Such by
The Response of Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions by Bertsch, G. F., Broglia, R. a.
Spectroscopy of Solid-State Laser-Type Materials by Armagan, Guzin, Di Bartolo, Baldassare
Riemannian Geometry, Fibre Bundles, Kaluza-Klein Theories and All That by Coquereaux, Robert, Jadczyk, Arkadiusz
Riemannian Geometry, Fibre Bundles, Kaluza-Klein Theories and All That by Jadczyk, Arkadiusz, Coquereaux, Robert
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications: IV: Applications to Mathematical Physics by Zeidler, E.
Aktive Galaxien: Vorgetragen in Der Sitzung Vom 18. 7. 1987 by Elsässer, Hans
Radicals Centered on Heteroatoms with Z > 7 and Selected Anion Radicals I / Heteroatomzentrierte (Z > 7) Radikale Und Ausgewählte Anionradikale I by Deuschle, G., Klotz, D., Howard, J. a.
The Time Domain in Surface and Structural Dynamics by
Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshift: Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop of the Advanced School of Astronomy of the Ettore Majorana Centre by
Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions Volume 5 by
Atomic Physics with Positrons by
Superstrings by Freud, Peter G. O.
High-Temperature Superconducting Materials: Preparations, Properties, and Processing by Hatfield, William E., Miller, John H.
Bombay Lectures on Highest Weight Representations of Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebra by Raina, Ashok K., Kac, Victor G.
Lectures on the Theory of Integration by Henstock, Ralph
Dynamics Reported by Kirchgraber, Urs, Walther, Hans-Otto
Chemical Physics of Intercalation by Legrand, A. P., Flandrois, A.
Bombay Lectures on Highest Weight Representations of Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebra by Kac, Victor G., Raina, Ashok K.
Lectures on the Theory of Integration by Henstock, Ralph
Angular Momentum Theory Applied to Interactions in Solids by Morrison, Clyde A.
The Description of Nature by Honner, John
The Reality of Time and the Existence of God: The Project of Proving God's Existence by Braine, David
Long and Short Term Variability of Climate by
Analyse Und Synthese Akustischer Spektren by Möser, Michael
A Real Variable Method for the Cauchy Transform, and Analytic Capacity by Murai, Takafumi
Statistical Physics by Guenault, Tony
Colloidal Systems and Interfaces by Morrison, Ian D., Ross, Sydney
Physics at Surfaces by Zangwill, Andrew
Particle Physics: A Los Alamos Primer by
Spinors and Space-Time - Volume 2 by Rindler, Wolfgang, Penrose, Roger
Quasar Astronomy by Weedman, Daniel
Introduction to Supersymmetry by Freund, Peter G. O.
Structure Reports for 1986, Volume 53a: Metals and Inorganic Compounds by
The Impact of Very High S/N Spectroscopy on Stellar Physics: Proceedings of the 132nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in Paris, by
The Impact of Very High S/N Spectroscopy on Stellar Physics: Proceedings of the 132nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in Paris, by
Mass Outflows from Stars and Galactic Nuclei: Proceedings of the Second Torino Workshop, Held in Torino, Italy, May 4-8, 1987 by
The Encyclopedia of Field and General Geology by
Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories by Kallio, A. J., Pajanne, E., Bishop, R. F.
Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics by
Vertex Detectors (Ettore Majorana International Science Series: Physical Sciences, Vol 34) by Villa, Francesco
Archimedes' Revenge: The Challenge of Teh Unknown by Hoffman, Paul
Field Theory Handbook: Including Coordinate Systems, Differential Equations and Their Solutions by Moon, P., Spencer, D. E.
Parallel Computing in Science and Engineering: 4th International Dfvlr Seminar on Foundations of Engineering Sciences, Bonn, Frg, June 25/26, 1987 by
Global Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions with Symmetry by Fiedler, Bernold
FORTRAN 77 -- Strukturiert by Junginger, Werner
The Atlas System of Morocco: Studies on Its Geodynamic Evolution by
Numerische Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Physiker: Band 1: Numerische Methoden Der Algebra by Törnig, Willi, Spellucci, Peter
Crystals in Gels and Liesegang Rings by Heinz K., Henisch, Henisch, Heinz K.
Group Structure of Gauge Theories by O'Raifeartaigh, Lochlainn
Microcomputers and Laboratory Instrumentation by Malcolme-Lawes, David J.
The Nature of Quantum Paradoxes: Italian Studies in the Foundations and Philosophy of Modern Physics by
Activity in Cool Star Envelopes: Proceedings of the Midnight Sun Conference, Held in Tromsø, Norway, July 1-8,1987 by
Magnetic Fields of Galaxies by Shukurov, A. M., Ruzmaikin, A. a., Sokoloff, D. D.
Fractals by Feder, Jens
Crystal Growth: Principles and Progress by Vere, A. W.
Plasma and the Universe: Dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, 30 May 1988 by
Atomic and Molecular Processes with Short Intense Laser Pulses by Bandruk, Andre D.
Particle Physics: Cargèse 1987 by Levy, Maurice
Physics and Applications of Quantum Wells and Superlattices by Mendez, E. E., Klitzing, K. Von
Applied Quantum Mechanics (V13) by Barrie, Marie
Kac-Moody and Virasoro Algebras: A Reprint Volume for Physicists by
Die Erde: Dynamische Entwicklung, Menschliche Eingriffe, Globale Risiken by
Applied Quantum Mechanics (V13) by Barrie, Marie
Kac-Moody and Virasoro Algebras: A Reprint Volume for Physicists by
Analysis and Estimation of Stochastic Mechanical Systems by
Chaotic Motions in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Moon, Francis C., Szemplinska-Stupnicka, Wanda, Iooss, Gerard
Rock and Soil Rheology: Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 196 September 10-13, 1985, Bucharest, Romania by
Stochastic Analysis: Proceedings of the Japanese-French Seminar Held in Paris, France, June 16-19, 1987 by
Skriptum Atomphysik: Eine Einführung in Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Meyer, Hasso, Kacher, H.
Lower Dimensional Gravity (B/H) by J D Brown
Spectrophysics by Thorne, Anne P.
Loop Groups by Segal, Graeme, Pressley, Andrew
The Spinorial Chessboard by Trautman, Andrzej, Budinich, Paolo
Transforming Domain Into Boundary Integrals in Bem: A Generalized Approach by Tang, Weifeng
Finite Element Analysis for Engineering Design by
Optimal Structural Design Under Stability Constraints by Gajewski, Antoni, Zyczkowski, Michal
Nuclear Physics Applications on Materials Science by
Boundary Element Analysis in Computational Fracture Mechanics by Cruse, T. a.
Collective Effects in Quantum Statistics of Radiation and Matter by Popov, V. N., Yarunin, V. S.
Coherence in Atomic Collision Physics: For Hans Kleinpoppen on His Sixtieth Birthday by
Gravitational Measurements, Fundamental Metrology and Constants by
Condensed Matter Theories by Arponen, Jouko, Manninen, Matti, Bishop, R. F.
Solution of Variational Inequalities in Mechanics by Necas, Jindrich, Hlavacek, Ivan, Haslinger, Jaroslav
Physics of the Galaxy and Interstellar Matter by Elsässer, Hans, Scheffler, Helmut
Stochastic Mechanics and Stochastic Processes: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Swansea, Uk, August 4-8, 1986 by
Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms in Algebraic Topology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Sept. 15-17, by
Fourier Analysis by Walker, James S., Walker, T. Stuart
The Theory of Pseudo-Rigid Bodies by Cohen, Harley, Muncaster, Robert G.
Multilayers: Volume 103: Synthesis, Properties and Nonelectronic Applications by
Raum - Zeit - Materie: Vorlesungen Über Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie by Weyl, Hermann
Global Analysis. Studies and Applications III by
Semi-Classical Analysis for the Schrödinger Operator and Applications by Helffer, Bernard
The Positive Muon as a Probe in Free Radical Chemistry: Potential and Limitations of the μsr Techniques by Roduner, Emil
Engineering Heat Transfer by Simonson, J. R.
Fundamentals of Waves and Oscillations by Ingard, K. U.
Wave Interactions and Fluid Flows by Craik, Alex D. D.
Frontiers of Laser Spectroscopy of Gases by
Fractals, Quasicrystals, Chaos, Knots and Algebraic Quantum Mechanics by
Progress in Atmospheric Physics: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Held in Granada, Spain, 6-11 Septem by
Sea Surface Sound: Natural Mechanisms of Surface Generated Noise in the Ocean by
Molecules in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology: General Introduction to Molecular Sciences by
Seismic Hazard in Mediterranean Regions by
Photocatalysis and Environment: Trends and Applications by
Quantum Mechanics of Fundamental Systems 1 by
Causation, Chance and Credence: Proceedings of the Irvine Conference on Probability and Causation Volume 1 by
Coherent Optical Fiber Communications by Okoshi, T., Kikuchi, K.
An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology by Stull, Roland B.
Categories, Bundles and Spacetime Topology by Dodson, C. T.
An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology by Stull, Roland B.
Order and Chaos in Nonlinear Physical Systems by
Rate Coefficients in Astrochemistry: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Umis, Manchester, U.K. September 21-24, 1987 by
Vibrations and Audible Noise in Alternating Current Machines by
Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the Last 10,000 Years by
Thermal Conductivity by Yarbrough, D. W.
Nonlinear Evolution and Chaotic Phenomena by Gallavotti, Giovanni, Zweifel, Paul F.
Guided-Wave Optoelectronics by Burns, W. K., Donelly, J. F., Alferness, R. C.
Issac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica by
Laser Technology in Chemistry: One Day Symposium in Stockholm on November 10, 1987 by
Numerical Geology: A Source Guide, Glossary and Selective Bibliography to Geological Uses of Computers and Statistics by Rock, Nicholas M. S.
Partial Differential Operators: Proceedings of Elam VIII, Held in Rio de Janeiro, July 14-25, 1986 by
Thin Films / Dünne Filme by Gradmann, U., Hansen, P., Endoh, Y.
Smith: Introduction Antennas, by Smith, M.
State-Space Models of Lumped and Distributed Systems by Kecman, Vojislav
Atomic Nuclei and Their Particles by Burge, E. J.
See More