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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1992

Simplicius: On Aristotle Physics 4.1-5 and 10-14 by Urmson, J. O.
Simplicius: Corollaries on Place and Time by Urmson, J. O.
Laser Resonators and the Beam Divergence Problem by Anan'ev, Yurii A.
Introductory Special Relativity by Rosser, Rosser G. V., Rosser, W. G. V.
Biosensors: Microelectrochemical Devices by Lambrechts, M., Sansen, W.
High Temperature Superconductivity by
Quantum Field Theory Of Point Particles And Strings by Hatfield, Brian
Geophysik -- Signale Aus Der Erde by Meyer, Helmut
Wissenschaftliche Anwendungen Der Photographie: Erster Teil: Stereophotographie Astrophotographie Das Projektionswesen by Van Albada, Lieuwe Evert Willem
Laser Und Strahlenschutz by Eichler, Jürgen
Übungen Zur Mathematik Für Ingenieure: Anwendungsorientierte Übungsaufgaben Aus Naturwissenschaft Und Technik Mit Ausführlichen Lösungen by Papula, Lothar
Pfadintegrale in Der Quantenphysik by Roepstorff, Gert
Abgelöste Strömungen Physikalische Grundlagen by Leder, Alfred
Technische Thermodynamik: Für Studenten Des Maschinenbaus Und Der Elektrotechnik AB 1. Semester by Knoche, Karl-Friedrich
The Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner by Szanton, Andrew, Wigner, Eugene Paul
Theory and Practice of Geophysical Data Inversion: Proceedings of the 8th International Mathematical Geophysics Seminar on Model Optimization in Explo by
Proceedings of the Ninth Gamm-Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics: Lausanne, September 25-27, 1991 by Vos, Jan B., Rizzi, Prof Dr Arthur, Ryhming, Inge L.
Numerical Techniques for Boundary Element Methods: Proceedings of the Seventh Gamm-Seminar Kiel, January 25-27, 1991 by Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1991, Proceedings of the Eighteenth INT Symposium, 9-12 September 1991, Seattle, USA by Stringfellow
Effective Action in Quantum Gravity by Buchbinder, I. L., Shapiro, L., Odintsov, S.
Approximation with Quasi-Splines by Kirov, G. H.
Electromagnetic Instabilities in an Inhomogeneous Plasma by Mikhailovskii, A. B.
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 13a by
Riemannian Geometry: Theory & Applications by Do Carmo, Manfredo P.
Thermophysical Properties of Polymers by Godovsky, Yuli K.
Statistical Physics I: Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics by Kubo, Ryogo, Toda, Morikazu
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 71, Number 7/8 by
Mathematical Methods for Hydrodynamic Limits by Demasi, Anna, Presutti, Errico
Perturbation Methods for Engineers and Scientists by Bush, Alan W.
Light Scattering in Semiconductor Structures and Superlattices by
Status and Future Developments in the Study of Transport Properties by
Perspectives of Nonlinear Dynamics: Volume 2 by Jackson, E. Atlee
Low-Dimensional Structures in Semiconductors: From Basic Physics to Applications by
Scientific Computing on Supercomputers III by
The Physics of Instabilities in Solid State Electron Devices by Grubin, Harold L., Mitin, V. V., Schöll, E.
The Behavior of Shells Composed of Isotropic and Composite Materials by Vinson, Jack R.
Photoelectrochemistry and Photovoltaics of Layered Semiconductors by
Finite Element Methods in Dynamics by Leung, A. Y. T., Cheung, Y. K.
Mathematical Modeling for Flow and Transport Through Porous Media by
Quantum Chaos -- Quantum Measurement by
Elasticity by Barber, J. R.
Connectionist Natural Language Processing: Readings from Connection Science' by
Optronic Techniques in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine by Pratesi, Riccardo, Workshop on Optronic Techniques in Diagnostic and Therapeuti
Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology: Volume 22 by Lewins, J., Becker, M., Lewins, Jeffery D.
Mechanics and Physics of Energy Density: Characterization of Material/Structure Behaviour with and Without Damage by
Perspectives of Nonlinear Dynamics: Volume 1 by Jackson, E. Atlee
Bubbles, Voids and Bumps in Time: The New Cosmology by
Solids Far from Equilibrium by
Stellar Structure and Evolution by Bohm-Vitense, Erika
From Earth to Orbit: An Assessment of Transportation Options by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Aeronautical Technologies for the Twenty-First Century by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Superconductivity: Its Historical Roots and Development from Mercury to the Ceramic Oxides by Dahl, P. F.
Potential Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference on Potential Theory, Nagoya (Japan), August 30-September 4, 1990 by
Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of High Energy Physicists by Traweek, Sharon
Perturbation Methods for Engineers and Scientists by Bush, Alan W.
Recent Advances in General Relativity by
Studies in the History of General Relativity by
Matrix Logic and Mind: A Probe Into a Unified Theory of Mind and Matter by Stern, A.
Integrierte Optoelektronik: Wellenleiteroptik. Photonik. Halbleiter by Ebeling, Karl J.
Physics of Climate by Peixoto, Jose P., Oort, Abraham H.
Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws by Leveque, Randall J.
Phase Transformation Kinetics in Thin Films: Volume 230 by
Physics and Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductors, II by
Direct Methods of Solving Crystal Structures by
Quantum Transport in Semiconductors by
Astronomical Masers by Elitzur, M.
Astronomical Masers by Elitzur, M.
Quantum Geometry: A Framework for Quantum General Relativity by Prugovecki, Margaret
Directions in Electromagnetic Wave Modeling by
Energy Dissipators and Hydraulic Jump by Hager, Willi H.
The Global Geometry of Turbulence: Impact of Nonlinear Dynamics by Jimenez, J., NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Global Geometry of Tu
Resonant Tunneling in Semiconductors: Physics and Applications by Chang, LeRoy L., NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Resonant Tunneling in Sem
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering by Cryogenic Engineering Conference 1991
Basement Tectonics 7: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Basement Tectonics, Held in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 1987 by
Random Walks, Critical Phenomena, and Triviality in Quantum Field Theory by Fernandez, Roberto
Calabi-Yau Manifolds: A Bestiary for Physicists by Hubsch, Tristan
Exotic Properties of Superfluid Helium 3 by Volovik, Grigori
Physical Properties of High Temp..III by
Exotic Properties of Superfluid 3He by Volovik, Grigori
Calabi-Yau Manifolds: A Bestiary for Physicists by Hubsch, Tristan
Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors III by
The Structure and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Hughes, R. I. G.
The Stefan Problem by Meirmanov, A. M.
Computational Methods in Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure by Szasz, A., Katsnelson, A. a., Stepanyuk, V. S.
Wave Breaking: A Numerical Study by Lemos, Carlos M.
Boundary Element Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Biharmonic Phenomena by Gipson, G. Steven, Camp, Charles V.
Physik by Niedrig, Heinz
Wärme- Und Stofftransport: Mathematische Methoden by Sames, Dietrich, Voigt, Hans-Dieter, Häfner, Frieder
Teilchenphysik: Eine Einführung by Berger, C.
The Physics of Fluid Turbulence by McComb, W. D.
Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Revised Edition by Bagger, Jonathan A., Wess, Julius
Der Französische Revolutionskalender (1792-1805): Planung, Durchführung Und Scheitern Einer Politischen Zeitrechnung by Meinzer, Michael
Quantum Groups: Proceedings of Workshops Held in the Euler International Mathematical Institute, Leningrad, Fall 1990 by
Nuclear Data: For Science and Technology by
A Different Sort of Time: The Life of Jerrold R. Zacharias, Scientist, Engineer, Educator by Goldstein, Jack S.
Methods of Applied Mathematics by Hildebrand, Francis B.
Colloidal Dispersions by Russel, W. B.
Finite Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Solids by Havner, K. S.
IBM-PC in the Laboratory by Thompson, Bruce Gregory, Thompson, B. G.
Relativity on Curved Manifolds by de Felice, F.
Optische Resonatoren: Grundlagen - Eigenschaften Optimierung by Hodgson, Norman, Weber, Horst
Nonlinear Waves in Inhomogeneous and Hereditary Media by Lokshin, Alexandr A., Sagomonyan, Elena A.
A Projection Transformation Method for Nearly Singular Surface Boundary Element Integrals by Hayami, Ken
Nuclear Physics at the Borderlines: Proceedings of the Fourth International Summer School, Sponsored by the Universidad Hispano-Americana, Santa María by
New Technologies for Supercolliders by
Pipeline Systems by
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics by
The Physics of Submicron Lithography by Valiev, Kamil A.
Statistical Physics, Automata Networks and Dynamical Systems by
Geophysical Interpretation Using Integral Equations by Eskola, L., Eskola, Lauri
Residual Stress in Rails: Effects on Rail Integrity and Railroad Economics Volume II: Theoretical and Numerical Analyses by
Computational Methods in Hypersonic Aerodynamics by Murthy, T. K. S.
Basement Tectonics 9 - Australia and Other Regions by
Origin and Evolution of Interplanetary Dust by International Astronomical Union
Spin and Isospin in Nuclear Interactions by Walker, George E., Wissink, Scott W., Goodman, Charles D.
Gravitation and Modern Cosmology: The Cosmological Constants Problem by
Black Hole Physics by
Numerical Methods for the Simulation of Multi-Phase and Complex Flow: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Koninklijke/Shell- Laboratorium, Amsterdam, th by
Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory: Mathematical Aspects and Applications by
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by
Nukleare Festkörperphysik: Kernphysikalische Meßmethoden Und Ihre Anwendungen by Schatz, Günter, Weidinger, Alois
Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory: Mathematical Aspects and Applications by
Theoretical Foundations of Cosmology: Introduction to the Global Structure of Space-Time by Heller, Michael
Quantum Mechanics by Peebles, P. J. E.
State Selected and State-To-State Ion-Molecule Reaction Dynamics, Volume 82, Part 2: Theory by
Thermal Radiative Transfer and Properties by Brewster, M. Quinn
Rotordynamics '92: Proceedings of the International Conference on Rotating Machine Dynamics Hotel Des Bains, Venice, 28-30 April 1992 by
Accurate Molecular Structures: Their Determination and Importance by
Optical Solitons: Theory and Experiment by
Relativität, Gruppen, Teilchen: Spezielle Relativitätstheorie ALS Grundlage Der Feld- Und Teilchenphysik by Urbantke, Helmuth K., Sexl, Roman U.
Hydraulik Der Gerinne Und Gerinnebauwerke by Naudascher, Eduard
Rotational, Centrifugal Distortion and Related Constants of Diamagnetic Asymmetric Top Molecules / Rotations-, Zentrifugalaufweitungs- Und Verwandte K by Vogt, J., Demaison, J., Hüttner, W.
Fluid Sealing by
Problems in Applied, Industrial and Engineering Mathematics by
Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions by
Frontiers of High-Pressure Research by
Guided Wave Nonlinear Optics by
Seismic Modelling and Pattern Recognition in Oil Exploration by Sinvhal, A.
Quantum Measurements in Optics by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Tombesi, P., Walls, D. F.
Survey of Semiconductor Physics Volume II: Barriers, Junctions, Surfaces, and Devices by Bver, Karl W., Boer, Karl W., Boer, K. W.
Climate Change and Energy Policy: Proceedings of the Conference October 21-24 1991, Los Alamos, NM by
Descartes' Metaphysical Physics by Garber, Daniel
Space, Time, and Gravity: The Theory of the Big Bang and Black Holes by Wald, Robert M.
Lecture Notes in Quantum Chemistry: European Summer School in Quantum Chemistry by
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics: A Solutions Manual by Srinivas, Karkenahalli, Fletcher, Clive A. J.
Polymer Synthesis Oxidation Processes by
Geohazards: Natural and Man-Made by Laming, D., Scott, S., McCall, G.
Rotational, L-Type, Centrifugal Distortion and Related Constants of Diamagnetic Diatomic, Linear, and Symmetric Top Molecules / Rotations-, L-Aufspalt by Tiemann, E., Demaison, J., Hüttner, W.
The Meaning of Quantum Theory: A Guide for Students of Chemistry and Physics by Baggott, Jim
Quantum and Statistical Field Theory by Le Bellac, Michel
Theoretical Elasticity by Green, Zerna W., Engineering, Green, A. E.
Lectures on Mechanics by Marsden, Jerrold E.
The Science of Crystallization: Macroscopic Phenomena and Defect Generation by Tiller, William A.
Applied Hyperfunction Theory by Imai, Isao
Fluid Mechanics of Mixing: Modelling, Operations and Experimental Techniques by
Reinforcement Learning by
Structure and Evolution of Single and Binary Stars by Doom, C., de Loore, C.
Structure and Evolution of Single and Binary Stars by de Loore, C., Doom, C.
Structure and Dynamics of Strongly Interacting Colloids and Supramolecular Aggregates in Solution by
Coherence Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules in Laser Fields by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coherence Phenomena in At
The Galileo Mission by
Compendium of Thermophysical Property Measurement Methods by
Synchrotron Radiation Research by
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 34 by
High-Temperature Superconductivity: Physical Properties, Microscopic Theory, and Mechanisms by Ashkenazi, Josef, University of Miami Workshop on Electronic Structure and Mec
Random Surfaces and Quantum Gravity by NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Random Surfaces and Quant, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
High-Energy Radiation from Magnetized Neutron Stars by Mészáros, Peter
Landolt-Bvrnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series Gruppe/Group 2 Molecules and Radica by H]ttner, W., Tiemann, E., Demaison, J.
Acoustical Imaging by
Fractal Growth Phenomena (2nd Edition) by Vicsek, Tamas
Qualitative Methods of Physical Kinetics and Hydrodynamics by Krainov, V. P.
Cyclopolymerization and Cyclocopolymerization by Butler, George
Fractal Growth Phenomena (2nd Edition) by Vicsek, Tamas
A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem: Second Edition by Mattuck, Richard D.
From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics. Volume II by Balian, Roger
Teilchen by
Vielteilchen-Systeme by
Atomic Spectra and Radiative Transitions by Sobelman, Igor I.
Gesammelte Werke Collected Works: Volume 1 by Schwarzschild, Karl
Helium Atom Scattering from Surfaces by
Tensors and the Clifford Algebra: Application to the Physics of Bosons and Fermions by Berard, Alain, Charlier, Marie-France, Charlier, Alphonse
Topics in Fracture and Fatigue by
Regular & Chaotic Dynamics by Lichtenberg, A. J., Lieberman, M. a.
Charge Exchange and the Theory of Ion-Atom Collisions by McDowell, M. R. C., Bransden, B. H.
Diffraction Optics of Complex-Structured Periodic Media by Vladimir I., Vladimir
Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions by Yeomans, J. M.
Elementary Dislocation Theory by Weertman, Julia R.
Ideas and Methods in Quantum and Statistical Physics: Volume 2: In Memory of Raphael Høegh-Krohn by
Ideas and Methods in Mathematical Analysis, Stochastics, and Applications: Volume 1: In Memory of Raphael Høegh-Krohn by
Physics of Massive Neutrinos: Second Edition by Felix, Boehm, Boehm, Felix, Vogel, Petr
Supermanifolds by DeWitt, Bryce S.
Physics of Massive Neutrinos by Boehm, F., Vogel, Paul
The Thermomechanics of Plasticity and Fracture by Maugin, Gerard A.
Hydrogen in Crystalline Semiconductors by Pearton, Stephen J., Corbett, James W.
Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems '91: Proceedings of the 4th Ifip Wg 7.5 Conference Munich, Germany, September 11-13, 1991 by
Painlevé Transcendents: Their Asymptotics and Physical Applications by
Applied Many-Body Methods in Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure by
Methods in Computational Chemistry by
Proceedings of the Seventh Astm-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry: Strasbourg, France 27-31 August 1990 by
Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics and Future Prospects by
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