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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1993

Philoponus: On Aristotle Physics 2 by Lacey, A. R.
The Quark Confinement Model of Hadrons by Ivanov, M. a., Efimov, G. V.
Euroval -- An European Initiative on Validation of Cfd Codes: Results of the Ec/Brite-Euram Project Euroval, 1990-1992 by Haase, Werner, Brandsma, Frans, Elsholz, Eberhard
Frontiers in Nonlinear Optics, The Sergei Akhmanov Memorial Volume by Koroteev, N., Scully, M. O., Walther, H.
Quantitative Microbeam Analysis by
Experimental Pulse NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach by Fukushima, Eiichi, Roeder, Stephen B. W.
Continuous Quantum Measurements and Path Integrals by Mensky, M. B.
Der Das Unendliche Kannte: Das Leben Des Genialen Mathematikers Srinivasa Ramanujan by Kanigel, Robert
Rockets Into Space by Winter, Frank H.
The Vindication of the Big Bang: Breakthroughs and Barriers by Parker, Barry R.
Physics of Intense Beams in Plasmas by Nezlin, M. V.
Physics of Separated Flows -- Numerical, Experimental, and Theoretical Aspects: Dfg Priority Research Programme 1984-1990 by
Electronic Properties of Materials by Hummel, Rolf E.
Universality in Statistical Physics and Synergetics by Weberruß, Volker A.
Structure of the Nucleus by Bhaduri, R. K., Preston, M. A.
Introduction to Gauge Field Theory Revised Edition by Bailin, D.
Progress in Computational Analysis of Inelastic Structures by
Bifurcation and Stability of Dissipative Systems by
The Sonar of Dolphins by Au, Whitlow W. L.
Chemical Change in Deforming Materials by Bayly, Brian, Bayly, M. Brian
Quantum Entropy and Its Use by Ohya, Masanori, Petz, Denes
Handbook of the Moire Fringe Technique by Patorski, K., Kujawinska, M.
Relativity Visualized: The Gold Nugget of Relativity Books by Epstein, Lewis Carroll
Nuclei D ... Cu by Nakamura, Nabuo, Chihara, Hideaki
Research in Atomic Structure by Muszynska, J., Fraga, S., Klobukowski, M.
Liquid Crystals by Chandrasekhar, S.
Binaries as Tracers Stellar Ev by
Liquid Crystals by Chandrasekhar, S.
Introduction to Multidimensional Integrable Equations: The Inverse Spectral Transform in 2+1 Dimensions by Konopelchenko, B. G.
Gleason's Theorem and Its Applications by Dvurecenskij, Anatolij
The Physics of Micro/Nano-Fabrication by Brodie, Ivor, Muray, Julius J.
Methods in Computational Chemistry by
Nonlinear Optics in Signal Processing by
Natural Physical Sources of Underwater Sound: Sea Surface Sound (2) by
Developments in Dynamic Soil-E Interaction by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Developments in Dynamic Soi
Partial Differential Equations IV: Microlocal Analysis and Hyperbolic Equations by
Natural Operations in Differential Geometry by Slovak, Jan, Kolar, Ivan, Michor, Peter W.
Mathematical Problems of Classical Nonlinear Electromagnetic Theory by Bloom, Frederick
Recent Geodetic and Gravimetric Research in Latin America: Symposium No. 111, Vienna, Austria, August 13, 1991 by
Fundamentals of Electronic Imaging Systems: Some Aspects of Image Processing by Schreiber, William F.
On Aristotle's "physics 2" by Philoponus
B Nard Cells and Taylor Vortices by Koschmieder, E. L.
Optimization of Large Structural Systems by
Flow and Creep in the Solar System: Observations, Modeling and Theory by
Fractals in Chemistry, Geochemistry, and Biophysics: An Introduction by Birdi, K. S.
Equilibrium Structure and Properties of Surfaces and Interfaces by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Surfaces and Interfaces, Gonis, Antonios
Symmetry Analysis and Exact Solutions of Equations of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics by Fushchich, W. I., Shtelen, W. M., Serov, N. I.
Applied Optimal Control Theory of Distributed Systems by Lurie, K. a.
X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis 1992, Proceedings of the 13th INT Conference, 31 August-4 September 1992, Manchester, UK by Kenway, P. B., Duke, P. J.
The Magnetohydrodynamics of Plasma Relaxation by Schnack, Dalton D., Ortolani, Sergio
Field Theory, Disorder & Simulations(v49) by
Conceptual Foundations of Modern... by Marshak, Robert Eugene
Processing and Properties of High-Tc Superconductors - Volume 1: Bulk Materials by
Selected Topics in Magnetism by
Uniqueness & Nonuniqueness Criter...(V6) by Agarwal, Ravi P., Lakshmikantham, Vangipuram
Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880-1930 by Hughes, Thomas Parker
Conceptual Foundations of Modern Particle Physics by Marshak, Robert Eugene
Field Theory, Disorder and Simulations by
Prob & Soln on Electromagnetism by
Mechanics Of Composite Structures by Vasiliev, V. V.
Prob & Soln on Electromagnetism by
Energy and Problems of a Technical Society by Ristinen, Robert A., Kraushaar, Jack J.
Temperature Measurement by Liptak, Bela G.
Early Physics and Astronomy by Pedersen, Olaf
Topics in Fluid Mechanics by Chevray, Rene
Biological Physics by
Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications by
White Noise: An Infinite Dimensional Calculus by Hida, Takeyuki, Hui-Hsiung Kuo, Potthoff, Jürgen
Reviews of Plasma Physics by
Developments in Partial Differential Equations and Applications to Mathematical Physics by
Satellite Systems by Pattan, Bruno
Advanced Multibody System Dynamics: Simulation and Software Tools by
Power Semiconductor Devices and Circuits by Jaecklin, Andre A., International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and C
Optical Properties of Excited States in Solids by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Optical Properties of Excit, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, International School of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
The Dirac Equation by Thaller, Bernd
Fractal Space-Time and Microphysics: Towards a Theory of Scale Relativity by Nottale, Laurent
Fundamentals of Statistical Processing: Estimation Theory, Volume 1 by Kay, Steven
Introduction to Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics by Yeh, Pochi
Continuum Mechanics in Environmental Sciences and Geophysics by
The Laboratory of the Mind: Thought Experiments in the Natural Sciences by Brown, James Robert
Changing Landscapes of Nuclear Physics: A Scientometric Study on the Social and Cognitive Position of German-Speaking Emigrants Within the Nuclear Phy by Fischer, Klaus
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy by
Structure Reports: Organic Indexes by
Spectroscopy of Defects in Organic Crystals by Ostapenko, N. I., Sugakov, V. I.
Phonons in Semiconductor Nanostructures by
Developments in Astrometry and Their Impact on Astrophysics and Geodynamics: Proceedings of the 156th Symposium of the International Astronomical Unio by
Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures by
Introduction to Thermodynamics by Sherwin, K.
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 36 by
Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena by
Correspondence, Invariance and Heuristics: Essays in Honour of Heinz Post by
Nanosources and Manipulation of Atoms Under High Fields and Temperatures: Applications by Vu, Thien Binh
Computer Simulation in Chemical Physics by
Developments in Astrometry and Their Impact on Astrophysics and Geodynamics by International Astronomical Union
The Origin of Structure in the Universe by
Galaxies: Structure and Evolution by Tayler, Roger John, Tayler, R. J.
The Forces of Matter by Faraday, Michael
Euclidean Quantum Gravity by
Euclidean Quantum Gravity by
Field Computation by Moment Methods by Harrington, Roger F.
Quantum Groups, Quantum Categories and Quantum Field Theory by Fröhlich, Jürg, Kerler, Thomas
White Noise on Bialgebras by Schürmann, Michael
Patch Dynamics by
Radiation and Radioactivity on Earth and Beyond by Adloff, Jean-Pierre, Draganic, Ivan G.
Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy by Chen, C. Julian
A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Chorin, Alexandre J., Marsden, Jerrold E.
Superconductivity: The Next Revolution? by Vidali, Gianfranco
Gravitational Experiments in L by Cook, Alan, Chen, Y. T.
Magnetic Anisotropy of Rocks by
Topology of Gauge Fields and Condensed Matter by Monastyrsky, M.
Vortex Flows and Related Numerical Methods by
Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems by
High Pressure Chemistry, Biochemistry and Materials Science by
Basic Electromagnetism by Dobbs, E. R.
Particle Production in Highly Excited Matter by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Gutbrod, H. H., NATO Advanced Study Institute on Particle Production in High
Nonlinear Space Plasma Physics by
Computer-Aided Design of Catalysts by
The Measurement of Grain Boundary Geometry by Randle, Valerie
David Halliday; Robert Resnick: Physik. Teil 1 by Halliday, David
Was Einstein Right?: Putting General Relativity to the Test by Will, Clifford N.
An Introduction to the Kinetic Theory of Gases and Magnetoplasmas by Woods, L. C.
Statistical Thermodynamics and Differential Geometry of Microstructured Materials by
Elements of Solid State Physics by Wilson, John, Rudden, Michael N.
Light and Color in the Outdoors by Minnaert, Marcel
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel Mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U.A. / Scientific Correspondence with Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, A.O.: Band III/Volume by Pauli, Wolfgang
Thermodynamics in Geochemistry: The Equilibrium Model by Anderson, Greg M.
Mechanisms of Conventional and High Tc Superconductivity by Kresin, Vladimir Z.
Satellite Altimetry in Geodesy and Oceanography by
Thermomechanics of Evolving Phase Boundaries in the Plane by Gurtin, Morton E.
Structural Analysis of Printed Circuit Board Systems by Engel, Peter A.
High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids by
Physical Properties of Materials for Engineers by Pollock, Daniel D.
Handbook of Magnetic Materials: Volume 7 by
Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications by Percival, Donald B., Walden, Andrew T.
And Yet It Moves by Silverman, Mark P.
Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications by Percival, Donald B., Donald B., Percival, Andrew T., Walden
Spin Glasses by Fischer, K. H.
Structure Formation in the Universe by Padmanabhan, T. R.
Phase Transitions in Ferroelastic and Co-Elastic Crystals: An Introduction for Mineralogists, Material Scientists and Psysicists by Salje, Ekhard K. H.
Turbomachinery: Basic Theory and Applications, Second Edition by Logan Jr, Earl
Interactions of Protons with Targets from I to Am by
The Correspondence of Michael Faraday: 1832-1840 by
Advances in Turbulence IV: Proceedings of the Fourth European Turbulence Conference 30th June - 3rd July 1992 by
A Course on Nonlinear Waves by Shen, S. S.
Elasticity by Barber, J. R.
Vibration Analysis of Rotors by Chong-Won Lee
Singularities in Fluids, Plasmas and Optics by
Propagation, Scattering and Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by Ilyinski, A. S., Slepyan, G. Ya, Slepyan, A. Ya
Computations for the Nano-Scale by
Optical Waveguide Theory by the Finite Element Method by Koshiba, Masanori
Long-Range Casimir Forces: Theory and Recent Experiments on Atomic Systems by
Condensed Matter Theories: Volume 8 by
Chemical Physics of Intercalation II by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Chemical Physics of Interca
Advanced Topics in Materials Science and Engineering by Sanchez, J. M., Mexico-U S A Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering
White Dwarfs: Advances in Observation and Theory by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Barstow, Martin A.
Qualitative and Quantitative Behaviour of Planetary Systems by
Coherent Quantum Optics and Technology by Ohtsu, Motoichi
Thermal Shock and Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Advanced Ceramics by
Handbook of Electron Spin Resonance: Vol. 1 by
Elements and Binary Substances by
Ternary Substances by
Polynary Substances by
Negative Differential Resistance and Instabilities in 2-D Semiconductors by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Negative Differential Res
Differential Inclusions in Nonsmooth Mechanical Problems: Shocks and Dry Friction by Monteiro Marques
Microscopic and Spectroscopic Imaging of the Chemical State by Morris, Michael D., Morris, Morris
Wie löst man Randwertprobleme in Physik und Technik by Cap, Ferdinand
Gabcom & Gabmet: Acronyms of Compounds and Methods in Chemistry and Physics by
Gabcom & Gabmet: Abkürzungen Von Verbindungen Und Methoden Aus Chemie Und Physik by
Relativity In Our Time by Sachs, Mendel
Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Three-Ring Systems Without Bridging Groups by VILL, V.
Computer Simulation and Computer Algebra: Lectures for Beginners by Stauffer, Dietrich, Ito, Nobuyasu, Hehl, Friedrich W.
Methods of Approximation Theory in Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Leningrad, May 13-24, 1991 by
Vibrations and Waves in Physics by Main, Iain G.
The Ghost in the Atom: A Discussion of the Mysteries of Quantum Physics by
Tsunamis in the World: Fifteenth International Tsunami Symposium, 1991 by
Sensorimotor Impairment in the Elderly by
Compound and Josephson High-Speed Devices by
Clifford Numbers and Spinors by Riesz, Marcel
Parametrized Relativistic Quantum Theory by Fanchi, John R.
Computation and Neural Systems by
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods by
Recent Evolution and Seismicity of the Mediterranean Region by
Recent Experimental and Computational Advances in Molecular Spectroscopy by
Numerical Grid Methods and Their Application to Schrödinger's Equation by
Mathematical Theory of Oil and Gas Recovery: With Applications to Ex-USSR Oil and Gas Fields by Bedrikovetsky, P.
Spinors, Twistors, Clifford Algebras and Quantum Deformations: Proceedings of the Second Max Born Symposium Held Near Wroclaw, Poland, September 1992 by
Crystallization of Polymers by
Electron Beam Testing Technology by
Germanate Glasses: Structure Spectrosco by Margaryan, Alfred
Semiconductor Interfaces at the Sub-Nanometer Scale by
Near Field Optics by
Integrable Systems, Quantum Groups, and Quantum Field Theories by
Further Developments in Turbulence Management by
Shock Waves in Materials Science by
Cosmology: Historical, Literary, Philosophical, Religous and Scientific Perspectives by
Bivectors and Waves in Mechanics and Optics by Boulanger, P., Hayes, M. a.
Geometrie und Physik by Seiler, Ruedi, Enss, Volker, Müller, Werner
The Link Invariants of the Chern-Simons Field Theory by Guadagnini, E.
Modeling of Defects and Fracture Mechanics by
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics with Application to Solids: Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Theodor Lehmann by
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