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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1994

Simplicius: On Aristotle Physics 7 by Hagen, C.
Advanced Silicon & Semiconducting Silicon-Alloy Based Materials & Devices by
Objective Measurement: Theory Into Practice, Volume 2 by Wilson, Mark
Principles of Petroleum Reservoir Engineering: Volume 1+2 by Chierici, Gian L.
Oberflächenphysik Des Festkörpers by Henzler, Martin, Göpel, Wolfgang
Physik Für Mediziner by Walcher, Wilhelm, Kamke, Detlef
Repetitorium Der Physik by Kneubühl, Fritz Kurt
The Quest for Comets: An Explosive Trail of Beauty and Danger by Levy, David H.
Supersymmetric Gauge Field Theory and String Theory by Love, Alexander, Bailin, D.
Demonstrating Science with Soap Films by Lovett
Knots and Physics (Second Edition) by Kauffman, Louis H.
Composite Particle Dynamics in Quantum Field Theory by Stumpf, Harald, Borne, Thomas
Quantenmechanik Und Weimarer Republik by Meyenn
Stairway to the Stars: The Story of the World's Largest Observatory by Parker, Barry R.
The Mystery of the Quantum World by Squires, Euan J.
Wonder and Delight: Essays in Science Education in honour of the life and work of Eric Rogers 1902-1990 by
Numerical Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Heidelberg, October 25-28, 1993 by Hebeker, Friedrich-Karl
Mining Latin America by IMM, Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, Institution of Mining & Metallurgy
Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh(r) by Dahmen, Hans Dieter, Brandt, Siegmund
Ionisation Bei Atmosphärendruck: Entwicklung, Charakterisierung Und Anwendung Einer Elektrospray-Ionenquelle Für Ein Doppelfokussierendes Sektorfeld-M by Hau, Jörg
On the Shoulders of Giants by Lines
Quasi-Exactly Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics by Ushveridze, A. G.
Physiognomonica Anonymi, Pseudopolemonis, Rasis, Secreti Secretorum Latine, Anonymi Graece, Fragmenta, Indices Continens by
Reduce for Physicists by MacDonald, N.
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations, Broken Symmetry, and Correlation Functions by Forster, Dieter
Knots and Physics (2nd Edition) (V1) by Louis Kauffman
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 3: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1909-1911 by Einstein, Albert
Dynamic Motion: Chaotic and Stochastic Behaviour by
Ocean Optics by Spinrad, Richard W.
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows: Their Structure and Measurement by Finnigan, J. J., Kaimal, J. C.
Design and Fabrication of Acousto-Optic Devices by
Introduction to Crystallography by Sands, Donald E.
On Aristotle's "physics 7" by Simplicius
Handbook of Expert Systems Applications in Manufacturing: Structures and Rules (Intelligent Manufacturing, No 4) by Mital, A., Anand, S.
Multiphase Flow and Fluidization: Continuum and Kinetic Theory Descriptions by Gidaspow, Dimitri
Électromagnétisme, En Vue de la Modélisation by Bossavit, Alain
Halides I by Hagiwara, M., Katsumata, K., Matsuura, M.
Applications of Numerical Methods in Molecular Spectroscopy by Liska, Marek, Pelikan, Peter, Ceppan, Michal
Fluid- And Gasdynamics: Festschrift for Jürgen Zierep on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday by
Interactions of Protons with Nuclei (Supplement to I/13a, B, C) by
Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Three-Ring Systems with One Bridging Group by VILL, V.
Unified Field Theories: In the First Third of the 20th Century by Vizgin, Vladimir Pavlovich
Crystallographic Computing 6: A Window on Modern Crystallography by
Labor Erde: Bausteine Für Einen Lebensfreundlichen Planeten by Broecker, Wallace S.
Atoms, Metaphors and Paradoxes by Sandro, Petruccioli, Petruccioli, Sandro
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 37 by
Advances in Heat Transfer: Volume 24 by
Learning in Natural and Connectionist Systems: Experiments and a Model by Phaf, R. H.
Reviews of Plasma Chemistry: Volume 2 by
Progress in New Cosmologies: Beyond the Big Bang by
Probability and Phase Transition by
Defects and Disorder in Crystalline and Amorphous Solids by
Recent Research Advances in the Fluid Mechanics of Turbulent Jets and Plumes by
Acoustical Imaging 20 by
Conceptual Trends in Quantum Chemistry by
The Early Universe by Turner, Michael, Kolb, Edward
Dynamical Symmetry Breaking Inquan.Field by Miransky, Vladimir A.
Dreams of a Final Theory: The Scientist's Search for the Ultimate Laws of Nature by Weinberg, Steven
Intro Stoch Proc & Nonequ Statis Phy by Wio, Horacio Sergio
Flow and Rheology in Polymer Composites Manufacturing: Volume 10 by
Methods in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation by Jones, D. S. J.
Handbook of Vapor Pressure: Volume 3: Organic Compounds C8 to C28 by Yaws, Carl L.
From Rhythm to Chaos / Des rythmes au chaos by Bergé, Pierre, Pommeau, Yves
Interactions of Pions and Antiprotons with Nuclei by
Lehrbuch Der Mathematischen Physik: Band 3: Quantenmechanik Von Atomen Und Molekülen by Thirring, Walter
Robotics in Alpe-Adria Region: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop (Raa '93), June 1993, Krems, Austria by
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 3 (English): The Swiss Years: Writings, 1909-1911. (English Translation Supplement) by Einstein, Albert
Chemistry of Non-Stoichiometric Compounds by Kosuge, Koji
Atmospheric Convection by Emanuel, Kerry A.
Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity by Hughes, Thomas J. R., Marsden, Jerrold E.
Probleme Aus Der Physik: Aufgaben Und Lösungen Zur 17. Auflage Von Gerthsen - Vogel Physik by Vogel, H.
Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How-To Approach by Leo, William R.
Aufgabensammlung Zur Festkörperphysik by Lux-Steiner, M. C., Hohl, H. H.
Ultrafast Dynamics of Chemical Systems by
Feldspars and Their Reactions by
Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions: Volume 8 by
Metallic Alloys: Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives by
Neural Network Simulation Environments by
Microanalysis of Solids by
Advances in Nuclear Physics: Volume 21 by
Cosmical Magnetism by
From Chemical Philosophy to Theoretical Chemistry: Dynamics of Matter and Dynamics of Disciplines, 1800-1950 by Nye, Mary Jo
Visual Science and Engineering: Models and Applications by Kelly
Encyclopedia of Time by
Salamfestschrift - A Collection of Talks from the Conference on Highlights of Particle and Condensed Matter Physics by
Lectures on the Geometry of Poisson Manifolds by Vaisman, Izu
Grundkurs Der Physik 2 by Hammer, Hildegard, Hammer, Karl
The Couette-Taylor Problem by Chossat, Pascal, Iooss, Gerard
Explorer of the Universe: A Biography of George Ellery Hale by Wright, Helen
Quantum Mechanics and Experience by Albert, David Z.
Perovskite-Type Layered Cuprates (High-Tc Superconductors and Related Compounds) by Krynetskii, I. B., Kazei, Z. a.
Fundamentals of Crystals: Symmetry, and Methods of Structural Crystallography by Vainshtein, Boris K.
Effects of Explosions on Materials: Modification and Synthesis Under High-Pressure Shock Compression by Batsanov, Stepan S.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 23 by
Physikalische Aufgaben: Mit Fragen Zur Prüfungsvorbereitung by Dörr, Friedrich
Angular Momentum by Brink, David M., Satchler, George R., Brink, D. M.
Hyperspace by Kaku, Michio
Order in Thin Organic Films by Tredgold, R. H., R. H., Tredgold
Explaining Technical Change in a Small Country: The Finnish National Innovation System by
Ginzburg-Landau Vortices by Bethuel, Fabrice, Brezis, Haim, Helein, Frederic
Nonlinear Water Waves by Debnath, Lokenath
Geometric Invariant Theory by Fogarty, John, Kirwan, Frances, Mumford, David
Applied Photonics by Yeh, Chai
Semiconductor Growth, Surfaces and Interfaces by
Relativistic and Electron Correlation Effects in Molecules and Solids by
Mutations of Alternative Algebras by Hyo Chyl Myung, Elduque, Alberto
Nanophase Materials: Synthesis - Properties - Applications by
Homework and Test Questions for Introductory Physics Teaching by Arons, Arnold B.
Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics by Ramo, Simon, Whinnery, John R., Van Duzer, Theodore
From Statistical Physics to Statistical Inference and Back by
Reports on Astronomy: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union Volume Xxiia by
Evolution of Massive Stars:: Confrontation Between Theory and Observation by
Symmetries in Science VII: Spectrum-Generating Algebras and Dynamic Symmetries in Physics by Symposium on Symmetries in Science
Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Statics and Dynamics of All, Gonis, Antonios
Neural Nets: Applications in Geography by Hewitson, Bruce C.
Solar Magnetic Fields: Polarized Radiation Diagnostics by Stenflo, Jan Olof
Nonlinear Phenomena in Stellar Variability by
Cosmology and Particle Physics by
Cold Plasma Materials Fabrication: From Fundamentals to Applications by Grill, Alfred
Matter, Space and Radiation, Invitation to the Natural Physics of by Simhony, Menahem
Experimental Techniques in Mineral and Rock Physics: The Schreiber Volume by
Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics: International Conference in Blossin (Germany), May 17 - 21, 1993 by
The Curve of Binding Energy: A Journey Into the Awesome and Alarming World of Theodore B. Taylor by McPhee, John
P-Adic Analysis & Mathematical Phy (V1) by V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich Et Al
Combustion and Pollution Control in Heating Systems by Hanby, Victor I.
Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for Condensed Matter Studies: Applications to Solid State Physics and Chemistry by
Nonlinear Waves in Solids by
Free Atoms, Clusters, and Nanoscale Particles by Klabunde, Kenneth J.
Newton on Matter and Activity by McMullin, Ernan
Qed and the Men Who Made It: Dyson, Feynman, Schwinger, and Tomonaga by Schweber, S. S.
Algebraic Geometry IV: Linear Algebraic Groups Invariant Theory by
Theory of Magnetic Recording by Bertram, H. Neal
Solar and Planetary Dynamos by
Modern Techniques of Surface Science by Woodruff, Delchasss, Woodruff, D. P., Delchar, T. A.
The Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Crystals by
Thermal Plasmas: Fundamentals and Applications by Fauchais, P., Pfender, Emil, Boulos, M. I.
Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of Agn: Proceedings of the 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Geneva, Switzerland, A by
Magnetohydrodynamics: Waves and Shock Waves in Curved Space-Time by Lichnerowicz, A.
Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of Agn: Proceedings of the 159th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Geneva, Switzerland, A by
Infrared Astronomy with Arrays: The Next Generation by
Synchrotron Techniques in Interfacial Electrochemistry by
Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics VII by Nato Advanced Study Institute on Techniques and Concepts on
Materials and Crystallographic Aspects of Htc-Superconductivity by
Physical Signatures of Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Processes by
Singular Limits of Dispersive Waves by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Ercolani, Nicolas Michael
Topics in Atomic and Nuclear Collisions by Remaud, Bernard, Zoran, Valeriu, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Topics in Atomic and Nuclea
Contemporary Topics in Medium Energy Physics by
Thermal Management of Electronic Systems by
Conservation Laws in Variational Thermo-Hydrodynamics by Sieniutycz, S.
Exactly Solvable Models Of... (V18) by
Interact of Electromagnetic Waves ... by Tripathi, V. K., Liu, Chuan Sheng
Atomphysik: Eine Einführung by Mayer-Kuckuk, Theo
Theory of Quantum Liquids: Superfluid Bose Liquids by Pines, David, Nozieres, Philippe
Latex Zum Loslegen: Ein Soforthelfer Für Den Alltag by Dietsche, Luzia, Lammarsch, Joachim
Low Energy Ion-Surface Interactions by
Utility Of Quaternions In Physics by McAulay, Alexander
Utility Of Quaternions In Physics by McAulay, Alexander
Modélisation Asymptotique En Mécanique Des Fluides Newtoniens by Zeytounian, Radyadour Kh
Practical Color Measurement: A Primer for the Beginner, a Reminder for the Expert by Berger-Schunn, Anni
Random Geometrically Graph Directed Self-Similar Multifractals by Olsen, Lars
Mathematical Foundations for Electromagnetic Theory by Dudley, Donald G.
Nature's Capacities and Their Measurement by Cartwright, Nancy
Algebraic Approach to Simple Quantum Systems: With Applications to Perturbation Theory by Adams, Barry G.
Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance: Volume 18 by
Thermodynamics of Flowing Systems by Beris, Antony N.
Introduction to Surface Physics by Prutton, Martin, Prutton, M.
The Philosophy Behind Physics by Brody, Thomas A.
White Noise Calculus and Fock Space by Obata, Nobuaki
Modern Cosmology and the Dark Matter Problem by Sciama, D. W.
Oscillations in Finite Quantum Systems by Bertsch, G. F., Broglia, R. a., Bertsch, George F.
Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection by
Elements Of Nuclei: Many-body Physics With The Strong Interaction by Siemens, Philip J., Jensen, Asksel S.
Autosolitons: A New Approach to Problems of Self-Organization and Turbulence by Kerner, B. S., Osipov, V. V.
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry by
Principles of Infrared Technology: A Practical Guide to the State of the Art by Miller, John Lester
Quantum Well Intersubband Transition Physics and Devices by
Mechanics of Fretting Fatigue by Nowell, D., Hills, D. a.
Hydrogen Bond Networks by
Computational Methods in Solid Mechanics by Curnier, A.
Solar Surface Magnetism by
On Three Levels: Micro-, Meso-, and Macro-Approaches in Physics by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Fannes, M., NATO Advanced Research Workshop on on Three Levels Micro- Me
The Impact of Long-Term Monitoring on Variable Star Research: Astrophysics, Instrumentation, Data Handling, Archiving by
Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held at Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1 - 3 Ma by
Beltrami Fields in Chiral Media (V2) by Lakhtakia, Akhlesh
Shallow Subduction Zones: Seismicity, Mechanics and Seismic Potential: Part II by
Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros by Rassias, Themistocles M., Milovanovic, Gradimir V., Mitrinovic, D. S.
High Speed Heterostructure Devices: Volume 41 by
Structure and Properties of Ceramics: Volume 80 by
Geophysical Inverse Theory by Parker, Robert L.
Dynamical Systems V: Bifurcation Theory and Catastrophe Theory by Arnold, V. I.
X-Ray Diffraction: In Crystals, Imperfect Crystals, and Amorphous Bodies by Guinier, A.
Normally Hyperbolic Invariant Manifolds in Dynamical Systems by Wiggins, Stephen
VDI-Warmeatlas by Schla1/4nder, Schlunder, Schl]nder
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Cross-Section Data Volume 33 by
Small Rings by Hampel, Frank
Nb-H...Nb-Zr, Nd...NP by
On Vision and Colors by Arthur Schopenhauer by Cartwright, David E.
Vorticity and Turbulence by Chorin, Alexandre J.
Experiments in Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics by
Observational Foundations of Physics by Cook, Alan H., Cook
See More