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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1995

Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Hot and Dense Nuclear Matte, Stocker, Horst
Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Soul 1.1-2.4 by Urmson, J. O.
Mathematik Für Physiker: Basiswissen Für Das Grundstudium Leitprogramm Band 3 Zu Lehrbuch Band 2 by
Freche Verse -- Physikalisch: Physiker Und Physik Im Limerick, Illustriert Von Peter Evers by Hägele, Peter
Mathematik Für Physiker: Basiswissen Für Das Grundstudium Leitprogramm Band 2 Zu Lehrbuch Band 1 by
The Cyclical Serpent: Prospects for an Ever-Repeating Universe by Halpern, Paul G.
Impact Jupiter: The Crash of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 by Levy, David H.
The Mathematics Of Generalization by
The Story of Astronomy by Weaver, Jefferson Hane, Motz, Lloyd
Epitaktische Schichten: Neue Strukturen Und Phasenübergänge. Der Austauschfeder-Magnet: Ein Neus Materialprinzip Für Permanmagnete: 233. Sitzung Am 1. by Zabel, Hartmut
Computational Fluid Dynamics on Parallel Systems: Proceedings of a Cnrs-Dfg Symposium in Stuttgart, December 9 and 10, 1993 by
Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Vorträge - N 416 by Richter, Dieter
"Meine Antisowjetische Tätigkeit...": Russische Physiker Unter Stalin by Gorelik, Gennadij E.
Schwingungen in Rotierenden Maschinen III: Referate Der Tagung an Der Universität Kaiserslautern by Irretier, Horst
Nichtlineare Dynamik, Bifurkation Und Chaotische Systeme by Plaschko, Peter, Brod, Klaus
Geometrie Und Symmetrie in Der Physik: Leitmotiv Der Mathematischen Physik by Schottenloher, Martin
Grundzüge Der Physik: Für Naturwissenschaftler Und Ingenieure by Strehlow, Reinhard
Starthilfe Physik: Ein Leitfaden Für Studienanfänger Der Naturwissenschaften, Des Ingenieurwesens Und Der Medizin by Stolz, Werner
Narrow Gap Semiconductors 1995: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 8-12 January 1 by
Fast Solvers for Flow Problems: Proceedings of the Tenth Gamm-Seminar Kiel, January 14-16, 1994 by Wittum, Gabriel, Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Soil Mechanics in the Light of Critical State Theories by Ortiggao, J. A. R., Ortigao J a R, Ortigao, J. Ar
Newton and the Culture of Newtonianism by Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter, Jacob, Margaret C.
Mathematik Für Physiker: Basiswissen Für Das Grundstudium. Leitprogramm Band 1 Zu Lehrbuch Band 1 by
Susceptibility Tensors for Nonlinear Optics by Popov, S. V., Svirko, Y. P., Zheludev, N. I.
Industrial Plasma Engineering: Volume 1: Principles by Reece Roth, J.
Optical Astronomical Spectroscopy by Kitchin, C. R.
Algebraic Theory of Molecules by Iachello, F., Levine, R. D., Iachello, Levine
Equations of State for Solids in Geophysics and Ceramic Science by Anderson, O. L., Anderson, Orson, Lee, Pamela Anderson
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science by Carnap, Rudolf
Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy by Thorne, Kip
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Volume 34 by
Regelungen. Analyse Und Technischer Entwurf: Band 2: Multivariable, Digitale Und Nichtlineare Regelungen; Optimale Und Robuste Systeme by Weinmann, Alexander
Schaum's Outline of Beginning Physics I: Mechanics and Heat by Halpern, Alvin
Natural Sciences & Human Thought by
Refractory Linings: Thermomechanical Design and Applications by
Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications by Blakely, Richard J.
Eddington's Search for a Fundamental Theory by Kilmister, C. W.
Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field by Jacobs, J. A.
Lectures on Solar and Planetary Dynamos by
Lectures on Solar and Planetary Dynamos by
Viscous Flow by Ockendon, Hilary, Ockendon, H.
An Introduction to Cosmochemistry by Cowley, Charles R., Charles R., Cowley
Geometry of Constrained Dynamical Systems by Charap, John M.
Optics in the Age of Euler: Conceptions of the Nature of Light, 1700 1795 by Hakfoort, Casper
The Development of Colliders by
The Freja Mission by
Stochasticity and Quantum Chaos: Proceedings of the 3rd Max Born Symposium, Sobótka Castle, September 15-17, 1993 by
Wolf-Rayet Stars: Binaries, Colliding Winds, Evolution by
Fractals in Petroleum Geology and Earth Processes by
Application of Particle and Laser Beams in Materials Technology by
Fractography of Glass by
Quantum Field Theory and String Theory by
Instability and Variability of Hot-Star Winds by
Frontier Topics in Nuclear Physics by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Frontier Topics in Nuclear, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Wolf-Rayet Stars: Binaries, Colliding Winds, Evolution by International Astronomical Union
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Continuous Systems by Petrina, D. Y.
Diffusion and Transport of Pollutants in Atmospheric Mesoscale Flow Fields by
Currents in High-Energy Astrophysics by
Conformal Field Theory by Ketov, Sergei V.
Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimens Ion by Kaku, Michio
Fluid Mechanics by Granger, Robert A.
Dynamics of the Liquid State by Zoppi, Marco, Balucani, Umberto
Features and Fluents: The Representation of Knowledge about Dynamical Systems Volume 1 by Sandewall, Erik
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 5 (English): The Swiss Years: Correspondence, 1902-1914. (English Translation Supplement) by Einstein, Albert
Lectures on Celestial Mechanics by Moser, Jürgen K., Siegel, Carl L.
Instant Physics: From Aristotle to Einstein, and Beyond by Rothman, Tony
Light Detectors, Photoreceptors, and Imaging Systems in Nature by Wolken, Jerome J.
Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics: PC Version by Garrod, Claude
The Refrigerator and the Universe: Understanding the Laws of Energy by Goldstein, Inge F., Goldstein, Martin
The Force of Symmetry by Icke, Vincent
Thermodynamics of Chaotic Systems: An Introduction by Beck, C., Beck, Christian, Schlogl, Friedrich
Plasma Physics: An Introductory Course by
Molecular Crystals by Wright, John D., Wright, J. D.
The Quantum Theory of Motion: An Account of the de Broglie-Bohm Causal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Holland, Peter R., Holland, P.
An Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites by Withers, P. J., Clyne, T.
Molecular Crystals by Wright, John D., Wright, J. D.
Vortex Dynamics by Staffman, P. G.
The Ray and Wave Theory of Lenses by A, Walther, Walther, A.
Elliptical Fiber Waveguides by Dyott, R. B.
The Nature of Solar Prominences by Tandberg-Hanssen, Einar
Optical Communications by Gagliardi, Robert M., Karp, Sherman
Inelastic Behaviour of Structures Under Variable Loads by
Turbulence: A Tentative Dictionary by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Turbulence Weak and Strong, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Fractals in the Earth Sciences by
Quantum Mechanical Electronic Structure Calculations with Chemical Accuracy by
Dusty and Dirty Plasmas, Noise, and Chaos in Space and in the Laboratory by Ursi Workshop on Dusty Plasmas and Meteorological-Electric E
Bioinorganic Chemistry: An Inorganic Perspective of Life by
Gaseous Dielectrics VII by
Complex General Relativity by Esposito, Giampiero
Convection in Rotating Fluids by Golitsyn, Georgi S., Boubnov, B. M.
Optical Parametric Generation and Amplification by Zhang, Jing-Yuan, Huang, Jung Y., Shen, Y. R.
Aristotle's Physics: A Guided Study by Sachs, Joe
The Rietveld Method by
The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory by Hiley, Basil J., Bohm, David
The Physicists: The History of a Scientific Community in Modern America, with a New Preface by the Author by Kevles, Daniel J.
Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Three-Ring-Systems with Two Bridging Groups by VILL, V.
Stabilité Des Structures Élastiques by Nguyen, Quoc Son
Physics Experiments Using PCs: A Guide for Instructors and Students by
Quantum Optics by Walls, D. F., Milburn, G. J.
Feynman-Graphen Und Eichtheorien Für Experimentalphysiker by Schmüser, Peter
Porous Silicon Science and Technology: Winter School Les Houches, 8 to 12 February 1994 by
The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World by Goswami, Amit
Advanced Field Theory: Micro, Macro, and Thermal Physics by Umezawa, Hiroomi
Am Anfang War ...: Neues Vom Urknall Und Der Evolution Des Kosmos by Gribbin, John
Chemical Bonding in Solids by Burdett, Jeremy K.
Light and Color in the Outdoors by Minnaert, Marcel
Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach: Higher-Dimensional Systems by West, Beverly H., Hubbard, John H.
Intelligent Systems Third Golden West International Conference: Edited and Selected Papers by
Fluid Vortices: Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications by
Density Functional Theory by
Electroweak Physics and the Early Universe by
Mobile Particulate Systems by
Atomic Force Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Microscopy by
Computational Methods for Electron--Molecule Collisions by
Basement Tectonics 10 by
Producing Speech: Contemporary Issues: For Katherine Safford Harris by
Time, Space and Things by Ridley, B. K.
New Trends in Kramers' Reaction Rate Theory by
Forces in Scanning Probe Methods by
Observation, Prediction and Simulation of Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids by
Iutam Symposium on Waves in Liquid/Gas and Liquid/Vapour Two-Phase Systems: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Kyoto, Japan, 9-13 May 1994 by
Unified Symmetry 1 by Kursunoglu, Behram
Structure and Dynamics of Atoms and Molecules: Conceptual Trends by Kryachko, Eugene S., Calais, J. L.
The Gamma Ray Sky with Compton Gro and SIGMA by
Guide to the Sun by Phillips, Kenneth J. H.
Introduction to the Physics of Electrons in Solids by Tanner, Brian K., Tanner, B. K., Brian K., Tanner
Stability and Wave Propagation in Fluids and Solids by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 24 by
The Deep Universe: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 23. Lecture Notes 1993. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy by Sandage, A. R., Kron, R. G.
Advances in Heat Transfer: Volume 26 by
Computer-Numerik 2 by Überhuber, Christoph
Computer-Numerik 1 by Überhuber, Christoph
From Brownian Motion to Schrödinger's Equation by Zhao, Zhongxin, Chung, Kai L.
Die Erforschung Des Chaos: Studienbuch Für Naturwissenschaftler Und Ingenieure by Faust, Gunter, Haase, Maria, Argyris, John H.
Fiber Optic Smart Structures by
Introductory Applications of Partial Differential Equations: With Emphasis on Wave Propagation and Diffusion by Lamb, G. L.
The Properties of Optical Glass by
Mechanik - Wärmelehre by Hammer, Karl, Hammer, Hildegard
Catching the Light: The Entwined History of Light and Mind by Zajonc, Arthur
Magnetism: Principles and Applications by Craik, Derek J.
Carbon-Centered Radicals II by Bonifacic, M., Asmus, K. -D
Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields by Adler, Stephen L.
Problems in Quantum Mechanics: With Solutions by Squires, Gordon Leslie
Problems in Quantum Mechanics: With Solutions by Squires, Gordon Leslie
Introduction to the Physics of Electrons in Solids by Brian K., Tanner, Tanner, B. K., Tanner, Brian K.
Applied Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations by Doering, Doering, Charles R.
Fractal Concepts in Surface Growth by Stanley, Harry Eugene, Barabasi, A. -. L., Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo
From Newton to Chaos: Modern Techniques for Understanding and Coping with Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems by
Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Solids: Advances and Applications by
Theory of Electron--Atom Collisions: Part 1: Potential Scattering by Joachain, Charles J., Burke, Philip G.
Computational Approaches to Novel Condensed Matter Systems: Applications to Classical and Quantum Systems by
Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices for Applications in Information Technology by
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 38 by Shafer, Sade H.
Quantum Dynamics of Submicron Structures by
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry by
Mhd Structures, Waves and Turbulence in the Solar Wind: Observations and Theories by Marsch, Eckart, Tu, C. -Y
Trends in Optical Fibre Metrology and Standards by
Partial Differential Operators and Mathematical Physics: International Conference in Holzhau, Germany, July 3-9, 1994 by
Collision Theory: A Short Course by Kopaleishvili, Teimuraz
The Great Speckled Bird: Multicultural Politics and Education Policymaking by Cornbleth, Catherine, Waugh, Dexter
Qed Coherence in Matter by Preparata, Giuliano
Discrete Event Systems, Manufacturing Systems, and Communication Networks by
Geofernerkundung: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Kühn, Friedrich
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics by Neise, Ludwig, Greiner, Walter
Surface Acoustic Waves in Inhomogeneous Media by Biriukov, S. V., Biryukov, Sergey V., Gulyaev, Yuri V.
Variational Theories for Liquid Crystals by Virga, E. G.
Linux Vom PC Zur Workstation: Grundlagen, Installation Und Praktischer Einsatz by Strobel, Stefan, Uhl, Thomas
Theory of Seismic Imaging by Scales, John A.
Random Walks and Random Environments: Volume 1: Random Walks by Hughes, Barry D.
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids by Ziegler, Franz
Science in the Making: Scientific Development as Chronicled Historic Papers in the Philosophical Magazine, with Commentaries and Illustration by
Quantum Chaos by
Affine Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups by Fuchs, Jurgen
Quantum Measurement by Braginsky, Vladimir B.
Photodissociation Dynamics: Spectroscopy and Fragmentation of Small Polyatomic Molecules by Schinke, R., Schinke, Reinhard
Fourier Series and Optical Transform Techniques in Contemporary Optics: An Introduction by Wilson, Raymond G.
Nonlinear Excitations in Biomolecules: Les Houches School, May 30 to June 4, 1994 by
Beyond Quasicrystals: Les Houches, March 7-18, 1994 by
Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation: Volume 14a / 14b by
Spectral Methods in Infinite-Dimensional Analysis by Kondratiev, Y. G., Berezansky, Yu M.
Cryocoolers 8 by
Polymer Physics by Gedde, U. W.
Rheology of the Earth by Ranalli, Giorgio
Full Field Inversion Methods in Ocean and Seismo-Acoustics by
Ultimate Limits of Fabrication and Measurement by
Stability of Superconductors by Dresner, Lawrence
World Directory of Crystallographers: And of Other Scientists Employing Crystallographic Methods by
Polymer Physics by Gedde, U. W.
Feed-Forward Neural Networks: Vector Decomposition Analysis, Modelling and Analog Implementation by Annema, Jouke
Kdv '95 by
Advances in Structural Optimization by
Circumstellar Matter 1994 by
Scale Invariance, Interfaces, and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics by
Relativity by Einstein, Albert
Structural Analysis, Design and Control by the Virtual Distortion Method by Holnicki-Szulc, Jan, Gierlinski, Jacek T.
Diverse Topics in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Lectures by Roman Jackiw by Jackiw, Roman
Diverse Topics in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Lectures by Roman Jackiw by Jackiw, Roman
The Principia by Newton, Isaac
Warmth Course: The Theory of Heat: Second Scientific Lecture Course (Cw 321) by Steiner, Rudolf
Relativity: The Special and the General Theory by Einstein, Albert
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