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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 1996

Electron Density and Bonding in Crystals: Principles, Theory and X-ray Diffraction Experiments in Solid State Physics and Chemistry by Tsirelson, V. G., Ozerov, R. P.
Relativitätstheorie Aktuell: Ein Beitrag Zur Einheit Der Physik by Schmutzer, Ernst
An Introduction to Radiation Protection by Harbison, Samuel A., Martin, Alan D.
Asteroid: Earth Destroyer or New Frontier? by Barnes-Svarney, Patricia L.
Spectral Theory of Guided Waves by Silbergleit, A. S., Kopilevich, Y.
General Relativity: Proceedings of the Forty Sixth Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, Aberdeen, July 1995 by
Superconductivity of Metals and Cuprates (Hbk) by Waldram, J. R.
Nonlinear Dynamics: A Two-Way Trip from Physics to Math by Mindlin, G. B., Solari, H. G., Natiello, M. a.
Finite Elasticity and Viscoelasticity: A Course in the Nonlinear Mechanics of Solids by Drozdov, Aleksey
Force-Free Magnetic Fields: Solutions, Topology and Applications by Marsh, Gerald E.
Handbook of Chemical and Biological Sensors by
Einführung in Die Materialwissenschaften: Physikalisch-Chemische Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Ziegler, Christiane
Atome -- Moleküle -- Kerne: Band II Molekül- Und Kernphysik by Honecker, Raimund
Chaos in the Cosmos: The Stunning Complexity of the Universe by Parker, Barry R.
Super-radiance: Multiatomic Coherent Emission by
X-Ray Lasers 1996: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on X-Ray Lasers held in Lund, Sweden, 10-14 June, 1996 by
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources and Ecr Plasmas by Geller, R.
Ptolemy's Theory of Visual Perception: An English Translation of the Optics. with Introduction and Commentary, Transactions, American Philosophical So by Smith, A. Mark
Superconductivity of Metals and Cuprates by Waldram, J. R.
Application of Stress Wave Theory to Piles: Test Results: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory to by
The Three Big Bangs by Dauber, Philip M.
Wavelets: Theory and Applications by
Computational Heat Transfer, Volume 2: The Finite Difference Methodology by Samarskii, A. A., Vabishchevich, P. N.
Refractive Indices of Inorganic, Organometallic, and Organononmetallic Liquids, and Binary Liquid Mixtures by Wohlfarth, Barbara, Wohlfarth, Christian
Symmetries in Physics: Group Theory Applied to Physical Problems by Ludwig, Wolfgang, Falter, Claus
Poetry of the Universe: A Mathematical Exploration of the Cosmos by Osserman, Robert
Singular Electromagnetic Fields and Sources by Van Bladel, Jean G.
Methods for Electromagnetic Field Analysis by Lindell, Ismo V.
Advances in Geophysics: Volume 38 by
Thermodynamics of Materials: A Classical and Statistical Synthesis by Hudson, John B.
Linear Functional Equations. Operator Approach by Antonevich, Anatolij
Mechanics Problems in Geodynamics Part I by
Crystal Properties Via Group Theory by Nowick, Arthur S.
Statistical Analysis of Circular Data by Fisher, N. I.
The Sheer Joy of Celestial Mechanics by Grossman, Nathaniel
Turbulence: The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov by Frisch, Uriel, Frisch, U., Uriel, Frisch
Photo-induced Defects in Semiconductors by Redfield, David, Bube, Richard H.
Chaotic Dynamics: An Introduction by Baker, Gregory L.
Turbulence by Frisch, Uriel, Frisch, Frisch, U.
Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics by Edmonds, A. R.
General Theory of Relativity by Dirac, P. A. M.
Strategies and Applications in Quantum Chemistry: From Molecular Astrophysics to Molecular Engineering by
Access in Nanoporous Materials by
Understanding Electromagnetic Scatterin by Bancroft, Randy
Shocks in Astrophysics: Proceedings of an International Conference Held at Umist, Manchester, England from January 9-12, 1995 by
Astrophysics in the Extreme Ultraviolet: Proceedings of Colloquium No. 152 of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Berkeley, California, Marc by
Global Energy Demand in Transition: The New Role of Electricity by
Reviews of Plasma Physics by
Quantization, Coherent States, and Complex Structures by
Examining the Big Bang and Diffuse Background Radiations by
Compact Stars in Binaries: Proceedings of the 165th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in the Hague, the Netherlands, August by
Unsteady Combustion by
Frontiers in Particle Physics: Cergèse 1994 by
Mechanics of Components with Treated or Coated Surfaces by Mencík, Jaroslav
Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the Kaciveli Summer School, Crimea, Ukraine, 1993 by
Compact Stars in Binaries: Proceedings of the 165th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in the Hague, the Netherlands, August by
Advances in Quantum Phenomena by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Quantum Phenome
Mechanics of Poroelastic Media by
The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Twentieth-Century Physics by Mann, Charles C., Crease, Robert P.
The Radon Transform and Local Tomography by Ramm, Alexander G., Katsevich, Alex I.
Islands in the Sky: Bold New Ideas for Colonizing Space by
Solutions Manual for Particle Physics at the New Millennium by Roe, Byron P.
Stress & Deformation by Oertel, Gerhard
Convection and Substorms: Paradigms of Magnetospheric Phenomenology by Kennel, Charles F.
Aufgaben Zur Strömungslehre by Spurk, Joseph H.
An Introduction to Electromagnetic Wave Propagation & Antennas by Cloude, Shane
Anisotropic Elasticity: Theory and Applications by Ting, T. C. T.
Wave Interactions as a Seismo-Acoustic Source by Wu, Cheng Y., Kibblewhite, Alick C.
Inverse Problems and Optimal Design in Electricity and Magnetism by Rudnicki, M., Savini, A., Neittaanmäki, P.
Geometry of Electromagnetic Systems by Hammond, P., Baldomir, D.
The Quantum Theory of Radiation by Pike, E. R., Sarkar, Sarben
Nuclear Models by Greiner, Walter, Maruhn, Joachim A.
A History of Modern Planetary Physics: Transmuted Past by Brush, Stephen G.
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics by Battaner, Eduardo, Battaner, E.
Analytical Dynamics: A New Approach by Udwadia, Firdaus E.
Foundations of Geomagnetism by Robert, Parker, Backus, George, George, Backus
Langmuir-Blodgett Films: An Introduction by Petty, Michelle, Petty, Michael C.
Korrelation Von Struktur, Magnetismus Und Morphologie Ultradünner Ni-Filme Auf Cu3au(100): Diplomarbeit in Physik by Braun, Artur
Large Clusters of Atoms and Molecules by
New Methods in Quantum Theory by
Growth of Crystals by
Solution of Crack Problems: The Distributed Dislocation Technique by Kelly, P. a., Dai, D. N., Hills, D. a.
Pseudomorphic Hemt Technology and Applications by
Nonlinear Oscillations and Waves in Dynamical Systems by Landa, P. S.
Mineral Scale Formation and Inhibition by
Pulses and Other Wave Processes in Fluids: An Asymptotical Approach to Initial Problems by Kelbert, M., Sazonov, I. a.
Physics of Sliding Friction by
C0-Groups, Commutator Methods and Spectral Theory of N-Body Hamiltonians by Amrein, Werner, Georgescu, Vladimir, Boutet de Monvel, Anne
Advances in Nuclear Physics: Volume 22 by
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry: Volume 28 by
Radiation in Astrophysical Plasmas by Zheleznyakov, V. V.
Quantum Theory of Real Materials by
Group Theory and Its Applications in Physics by Inui, Teturo, Tanabe, Yukito, Onodera, Yositaka
Theory of Orbits: Volume 1: Integrable Systems and Non-Perturbative Methods by Boccaletti, Dino, Pucacco, Prof Giuseppe
Molecular Electronics: Properties: Dynamics, and Applications by Mahler
Global Lorentzian Geometry, Second Edition by Ehrlich, Paul, Easley, Kevin, Beem, John K.
Mathematische Grundlagen Der Quantenmechanik by Neumann, John Von
Relativity and Scientific Computing: Computer Algebra, Numerics, Visualization by
Plasma Surface Modification and Plasma Polymerization by Inagaki, Norihiro
Alsos by Goudsmit, Samuel A.
Fluctuations and Order: The New Synthesis by
Quantum Mechanical Simulation Methods for Studying Biological Systems: Les Houches Workshop, May 2-7, 1995 by
Concepts in Surface Physics by Desjonqueres, M. -C, Spanjaard, D.
Metal Surface Electron Physics by Wojciechowski, K. F., Kiejna, A.
Self-Trapped Excitons by Song, K. S., Williams, Richard T.
Nursing Negligence: Analyzing Malpractice in the Hospital Setting by Beckmann, Janet Pitts
Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis: An Investigation of the History of Matter, from the Big Bang to the Present by Arnett, David
Modern Astrodynamics: Fundamentals and Perturbation Methods by Bond, Victor R., Allman, Mark C.
Stars and Star Clusters by
Dance for Two: Essays by Lightman, Alan
Secrets of the Night Sky: Most Amazing Things in the Universe You Can See with the Naked Eye by Berman, Bob
Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources by
Chladni Und Die Entwicklung Der Akustik Von 1750-1860 by Ullmann, Dieter
Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: The Danish-Swedish Analysis Seminar, 1995 by
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics by Battaner, E.
Neural Networks and Qualitative Physics by Aubin, Jean-Pierre
An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics: Vol 1 by Leader, Elliot
Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry by
An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics: Vol 2 by Leader, Elliot
Ion-Solid Interactions: Fundamentals and Applications by James, Mayer, Nastasi, Michael, Michael, Nastasi
Laser Processing: Surface Treatment and Film Deposition by
Solar Polarization: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 8-12 May, 1995 by
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry: Volume 29 by
Worlds in Interaction: Small Bodies and Planets of the Solar System: Proceedings of the Meeting "Small Bodies in the Solar System and Their Interactio by
Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing: Proceedings of the 173rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Melbourne, Au by
New Light on Galaxy Evolution: Proceedings of the 171st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Heidelberg, Germany, June 26-30, 1 by
String Gravity and Physics at the Planck Energy Scale by
Gas Lasers - Recent Developments and Future Prospects by
Pulsed Metal Vapour Lasers by
Quantum Optics of Confined Systems by
Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing: Proceedings of the 173rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Melbourne, Au by
New Light on Galaxy Evolution: Proceedings of the 171st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Heidelberg, Germany, June 26-30, 1 by
Advances in Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing by
Recent Advances in Reinforcement Learning by
Evolutionary Processes in Binary Stars by
Advances in Nuclear Physics: Volume 23 by
Photonic Band Gap Materials by
Photoactive Organic Materials: Science and Applications by
Optical Processes in Microcavities (V3) by
The Od Force: Letters on a Newly Discovered Power in Nature by Von Reichenbach, Baron
Handbook of Semiconductor Electrodeposition by Pandey
Nikola Tesla: Incredible Scientist and Prodigal Genius the Life of Nikola Tesla by O'Neill, John J., Colladay, Morrison
An Einstein Dictionary by Kantha, Sachisri, Sri Kantha, Sachi
About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution by Davies, Paul
Galileo: Decisive Innovator by Sharratt, Michael
Advanced Mechanics of Structures by Fertis, Demeter G.
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Atoms and Molecules: Volume 29b by
GPS Trends in Precise Terrestrial, Airborne, and Spaceborne Applications: Symposium No. 115 Boulder, Co, Usa, July 3-4, 1995 by
Low-Dimensional Semiconductors: Materials, Physics, Technology, Devices by Kelly, M. J.
High Pressure Experimental Methods by Eremets, M. I.
New Methods in Computational Quantum Mechanics, Volume 93 by
Hidden Attraction: The Mystery and History of Magnetism by Verschuur, Gerrit
Paradox Lost: Images of the Quantum by Wallace, Philip R.
Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point: New Directions for the Physics of Time by Price, Huw
A History of Modern Planetary Physics: Fruitful Encounters by Brush, Stephen G.
An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics 2 Volume Paperback Set by Predazzi, Enrico, Leader, Elliot
Nebulous Earth: The Origin of the Solar System and the Core of the Earth from Laplace to Jeffreys by Brush, Stephen G.
Quantum Groups in Two-Dimensional Physics by Gomez, Cesar, Gomez, Cisar, Ruiz-Altaba, Martm
Physical Metallurgy by Haasen, Paul, Haasen, P., Haasen, Peter
The Surface Science of Metal Oxides by Henrich, Henrich, Victor E.
Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics by Cardy, John
Physical Metallurgy by Haasen, Peter, Haasen, Paul, Mordike, B. L.
The Particle Hunters by Yoram, Kirsh, Ne'eman, Yuval, Yuval, Ne'eman
The Centenary of a Paper on Slow Viscous Flow by the Physicist H.A. Lorentz by
Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology by
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 39 by
Moving Loads on Ice Plates by Squire, V. a., Hosking, Roger J., Kerr, Arnold D.
Explanation-Based Neural Network Learning: A Lifelong Learning Approach by Thrun, Sebastian
Interpretation of Geophysical Fields in Complicated Environments by Alexeyev, V. G., Eppelbaum, Lev, Khesin, B. E.
Fatigue Under Thermal and Mechanical Loading: Mechanisms, Mechanics and Modelling by
Earthquake Hazard and Risk by
Introduction to the Theory of X-Ray and Electronic Spectra of Free Atoms by Karazija, Romas
Thinking Physics for Teaching by Tarsitani, Carlo, Vincentini, Matilde
Classical Complex Analysis by Hahn, Liang-Shin, Epstein, Bernard
Quantum Theory, Black Holes and Inflation by Moss, Ian G.
Stars as Laboratories for Fundamental Physics: The Astrophysics of Neutrinos, Axions, and Other Weakly Interacting Particles by Raffelt, Georg G.
Grenzgeschwindigkeiten Und Ihre Paradoxa: Gitter - Äther - Relativität by
Mechanics Problems in Geodynamics Part II: Part II by
Schrodinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality: Solving the Quantum Mysteries Tag: Author of in Search of Schrod. Cat by Gribbin, John R.
Polymeric Systems, Volume 94 by
Ga-GD ... Hf-Zr by Predel, B.
On the Way to Understanding The... (V39) by A P Levich
Physical Ceramics: Principles for Ceramic Science and Engineering by Chiang, Yet-Ming, Birnie, Dunbar P., Kingery, W. David
Multiple Scale and Singular Perturbation Methods by Kevorkian, J. K., Cole, J. D.
Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals by
Statistische Theorie Der Wärme: Gleichgewichtsphänomene by Brenig, Wilhelm
An Introduction to Dynamics of Colloids: Volume 2 by Dhont, J. K. G.
Potential Theory - Icpt 94: Proceedings of the International Conference on Potential Theory Held in Kouty, Czech Republic, August 13-20, 1994 by
Global Gravity Field and Its Temporal Variations: Symposium No. 116 Boulder, Co, Usa, July 12, 1995 by
Electrooptic Effects in Liquid Crystal Materials by Chigrinov, V. G., Blinov, L. M.
Semiconductor Sensors in Physico-Chemical Studies: Translated from Russian by V.Yu. Vetrov Volume 4 by
The Physics and Chemistry of Mineral Surfaces by
Understanding Relativity: A Simplified Approach to Einstein's Theories by Sartori, Leo
Erste Schritte Mit Mathematica: Version 2.2.3 by Burkhardt, Werner
Yakov Ilich Frenkel: His Work, Life and Letters by Frenkel, Victor YA, Frenkel', Viktor Iakovlevich
Solar and Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamic Flows by
Super-Intense Laser-Atom Physics IV by
Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures V by
Nonlinear Effects in Fluids and Solids by
Waves and Nonlinear Processes in Hydrodynamics by
See More