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Physics in 1998

The Physics of Musical Instruments by Rossing, Thomas D., Fletcher, Neville H.
Quantum Networks: Dynamics of Open Nanostructures by Weberruß, Volker A., Mahler, Günter
Plasmaphysik: Eine Einführung by Kegel, Wilhelm H.
Modeling Density-Driven Flow in Porous Media: Principles, Numerics, Software [With Cross-Platform CD-ROM] by Holzbecher, Ekkehard O.
Thermomechanics of Continua by Wilmanski, K., Wilmanski, Krzysztof
The Least-Squares Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetics by Jiang, Bo-Nan
Schaum's Outline of Beginning Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Modern Physics by Erlbach, Erich, Halpern, Alvin
Physics of Materials by Quere, Yves
Author and Subject Cumulative Index, Including Tables of Contents: Subject and Author Cumulative Index, Volumes 1-24 Volume 25 by
Mathematics of Multiscale Materials by
Computational Gasdynamics by Laney, Culbert B.
Chaos, Scattering and Statistical Mechanics by Gaspard, Pierre
An Introduction to Fiber Optics by Ghatak, Ajoy, Ghatak, A. K., Thyagarajan, K.
Akustische Kommunikation: Grundlagen Mit Horbeispielen by Terhardt, Ernst
Defence Nuclear Waste Disposal in Russia: International Perspective by
Floating, Flowing, Flying: Pieter J. Zandbergen's Life as Innovator, Inspirator and Instigator in Numerical Fluid Dynamics by
Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Control by
Physics of Dry Granular Media by
Luminescence of Solids by
Symmetries in Science X by
Nonlinear Optics: Basic Concepts by Mills, D. L.
Algebraic Integrability of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems on Manifolds: Classical and Quantum Aspects by Mykytiuk, I. V., Prykarpatsky, A. K.
X-Ray Diffraction: A Practical Approach by Norton, M. Grant, Suryanarayana, C.
Electron Kinetics and Applications of Glow Discharges by
Tribology Issues and Opportunities in Mems: Proceedings of the Nsf/Afosr/Asme Workshop on Tribology Issues and Opportunities in Mems Held in Columbus, by
Dynamical Properties of Unconventional Magnetic Systems by
Advances in Turbulence VII by Frisch
Principles of Organometallic Chemistry by Powell, P.
The Impact of Near-Infrared Sky Surveys on Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy by Euroconference on Near-Infrared Surveys
Phase-Locked Loops for Wireless Communications: Digital and Analog Implementations by Stephens, Donald R.
Theory of Nonuniform Waveguides: The Cross-Section Method by Mercader del Rio, L., Pereyaslavets, M., Katsenelenbaum, B. Z.
Computational Physics: Fortran Version by Koonin, Steven E.
Simple Views on Condensed Matter (Expanded Edition) by
Simple Views on Condensed Matter (Expanded Edition) by
Geometrical Vectors by Weinreich, Gabriel
Beam Dynamics by Forest, Etienne
Quantenphysik im Überblick by Weberruß, Volker A.
Fluid Sealing Technology: Principles and Applications by Muller, Heinz
Molecular Approach to Solids: Volume 23 by Lazarev, A. N.
Modelling and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Dynamic Loading by
Spin in Gravity - Is It Possible to Give an Experimental Basis to Torsion? by
Imaging Phonons by Wolfe, James P.
Image Processing and Data Analysis by Murtagh, F., Bijaoui, A., Starck, J. L.
What Makes Nature Tick? by Newton, Roger G.
Chaos, Kinetics and Nonlinear Dynamics in Fluids and Plasmas: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Carry-Le Rouet, France, 16-21 June 1997 by
Crystallographic Instrumentation by Fetisov, G. V., Howard, J. A. K., Aslanov, L. A.
Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite Dimensional Systems by Sontag, Eduardo D.
Factorizable Sheaves and Quantum Groups by Schechtman, Vadim, Bezrukavnikov, Roman, Finkelberg, Michael
Acoustics of Layered Media I: Plane and Quasi-Plane Waves by Godin, Oleg A., Brekhovskikh, Leonid M.
Intro to Modern Quantum Optics by Peng, Jin-Sheng, Li, Gao-Xiang
Speckle Photography for Fluid Mechanics Measurements by Fomin, Nikita A.
Microcluster Physics by Koizumi, Hiroyasu, Sugano, Satoru
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 8 (English): The Berlin Years: Correspondence, 1914-1918. (English Supplement Translation.) by Einstein, Albert
The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life by Becker, Robert, Selden, Gary
High Pressure in Semiconductor Physics II: Volume 55 by
Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes by Saito, Riichiro, Dresselhaus, G., Dresselhaus, Mildred S.
Plasma Etching: Fundamentals and Applications by Sugawara, M.
Adaptive Optics for Astronomical Telescopes by Hardy, John W.
The Many Faces of Neutron Stars by
Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells: Physics and Devices by
The Hot Universe: Proceedings of the 188th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in Kyoto, Japan, August 26-30, 1997 by
The Hot Universe: Proceedings of the 188th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in Kyoto, Japan, August 26-30, 1997 by
The Evolving Universe: Selected Topics on Large-Scale Structure and on the Properties of Galaxies by
New Trends in Optical Soliton Transmission Systems by Hasegawa, Akira
Exploring the Unknown - Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program Volume III: Using Space by Launius, Roger D., Onkst, David H., Garber, Stephen J.
The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes--And Its Implications by Deutsch, David
Densities of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by
Handbook of Magnetic Materials: Volume 11 by
Recent Advances in Boundary Layer Theory by
Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics by
Topology and Geometry in Polymer Science by
Nonlinear Optical Materials by
Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering by Ihlenburg, Frank
Many-Body Atomic Physics by Boyle, J. J., Pindzola, M. S.
Computational Inelasticity by Hughes, T. J. R., Simo, J. C.
Classical Dynamics: A Contemporary Approach by Jose, Jorge V., Jos, Jorge V., Saletan, Eugene J.
Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson, John David
The Story of Spin by Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro
Basic Crystallography by Rousseau, J. -J
High Pressure Semiconductor Physics I: Volume 54 by
Computational Methods for Astrophysical Fluid Flow: Lecture Notes 1997 Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy by Leveque, Randall J., Mihalas, Dimitri
Brownian Motion, Obstacles and Random Media by Sznitman, Alain-Sol
Cartesian Currents in the Calculus of Variations I: Cartesian Currents by Giaquinta, Mariano, Modica, Giuseppe, Soucek, Jiri
Cartesian Currents in the Calculus of Variations II: Variational Integrals by Giaquinta, Mariano, Soucek, Jiri, Modica, Guiseppe
Diffusion Mechanisms in Crystalline Materials: Volume 527 by
Magnetic Domains: The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures by Hubert, Alex, Schäfer, Rudolf
Cyclical Variability in Stellar Winds: Proceedings of the Eso Workshop Held at Garching, Germany, 14 - 17 October 1997 by
Atomic Physics in Hot Plasmas by Salzmann, David
Tunneling Systems in Amorphous and Crystalline Solids by
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Subject and Author Cumulative Index Volumes 1-38 Volume 39 by
Klassische Physik: Band 2: Elektromagnetismus Und Wärme by Leisi, Hans Jörg
Advances in Positioning and Reference Frames: Iag Scientific Assembly Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 3-9, 1997 by
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Volume 40 by
Mechanik, Relativität, Wärme by Dorfmüller, Thomas, Stierstadt, Klaus, Hering, Wilhelm T.
A to Z of Thermodynamics by Perrot, Pierre
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Volume 41 by
Mathematical Methods in Science by Pólya, George
The Einstein Paradox and Other Science Mysteries Solved by Sherlock Holmes by Bruce, Colin
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of the Magnetic Moment by Tejada, Javier, Chudnovsky, Eugene M.
Dynamical Systems Approach to Turbulence by Bohr, Tomas, Bohr, Thomas, Jensen, Mogens H.
Basement Tectonics 12: Central North America and Other Regions by
Itinerant Electron Magnetism: Fluctuation Effects by
Itinerant Electron Magnetism: Fluctuation Effects by
Astrophysics and Space Science: Volume 255, 1997/1998 an International Journal of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science by
Perspectives in Spread Spectrum by Hassan, Amer A., Saulnier, Gary J., Hershey, John E.
The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies by
The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies by
Primordial Nuclei and Their Galactic Evolution by Prantzos, Nikos, Tosi, Monica, Von Steiger, R.
Buoyant Convection in Geophysical Flows by Fedorovich, E. E., Viegas, D. X., Plate, Erich J.
Iutam Symposium on Transformation Problems in Composite and Active Materials: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Cairo, Egypt, 9-12 March 1997 by
Environmental Soil Physics: Fundamentals, Applications, and Environmental Considerations by Hillel, Daniel
Near-Field Nano/Atom Optics and Technology by
Quantum Logic by Svozil, Karl
Scaling Limits and Models in Physical Processes by Cercignani, Carlo, Sattinger, David
A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays by Hawking, Stephen
A Brief History of Time by Hawking, Stephen
Photokinetics: Theoretical Fundamentals and Applications Volume 36 by
The Science Matrix: The Journey, Travails, Triumphs by Seitz, Frederick
Optik, Thermodynamik, Quanten by Daniel, Herbert
Galactic Astronomy by Merrifield, Michael, Binney, James
Transport Phenomena in Porous Media by Pop, I., Ingham, Derek B.
Elektroakustik by Zwicker, Eberhard, Zollner, Manfred
Elementary Particles and Their Interactions: Concepts and Phenomena by Pham, Xuan-Yem, Ho-Kim, Quang
An Introduction to Optical Dating: The Dating of Quaternary Sediments by the Use of Photon-Stimulated Luminescence by Aitken, M. J.
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 104 by
Structure of Free Polyatomic Molecules: Basic Data by
Mathematics of Heat Transfer by
Dynamics and Control of Structures: A Modal Approach by Gawronski, Wodek K.
Classical Electrodynamics by Schwinger, Julian, Milton, Kimball, Deraad Jr, Lester L.
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Cohomology and Some Applications in Physics by Izquierdo, Jose M., Azcarraga, Josi A. de, de Azcarraga, Jose A.
Dirac Operators and Spectral Geometry by Esposito, Giampiero
Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century by Kaku, Michio
Computing for Scientists: Principles of Programming with FORTRAN 90 and C++ by Barlow, R. J., Barnett, A. R.
Geochemie: Band 6: Geochemie by Wippermann, Thomas, Voigt, Hans-Jürgen
The Engineering of Large Systems: Volume 46 by
Ultraclean Surface Processing of Silicon Wafers: Secrets of VLSI Manufacturing by
Scanning Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation and Microanalysis by Reimer, Ludwig
Planungsmethoden Für Die Mobilkommunikation: Funknetzplanung Unter Realen Physikalischen Ausbreitungsbedingungen by Wiesbeck, Werner, Geng, Norbert
Supraleitende Levitation über schmelztexturiertem YBa2Cu3O7-x by Höcherl, Peter
A Treatise on the Theory of Screws by Ball, Robert Stawell
Introduction a la Simulation Des Grandes Échelles Pour Les Écoulements de Fluide Incompressible by Sagaut, Pierre
A Companion to Angular Momentum by Kleiman, Valeria D., Park, Hongkun, Gordon, Robert J.
Predictive Modular Neural Networks: Applications to Time Series by Kehagias, Athanasios, Petridis, Vassilios
Prob & Soln on Quantum Mechanics by
Radon and Thoron in the Human Environment - Proceedings of the 7th Tohwa Univ International Symposium by
B[e] Stars by
Hilbert Spaces, Wavelets, Generalised Functions and Modern Quantum Mechanics by Steeb, W. -H
Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulent Flows: Modelling and Statistical Theory by Yoshizawa, A.
Synthetic Organic Sonochemistry by Luche, Jean-Louis
Prob & Soln on Quantum Mechanics by
Quantum Cohomology at the Mittag-Leffler Institute by Aluffi, Paolo
On Spin Glass Theory Beyond Mean Field by Carlucci, Domenico M.
The Search for Non-Newtonian Gravity by Fischbach, Ephraim, Talmadge, Carrick L.
Evolution from BCS Super-Conductivity to Bose-Einstein Condensation and Infrared Behavior of the Bosonic Limit by Pistolesi, Fabio
On the Work of Givental Relative to Mirror Symmetry by De Concini, Conrado, Polito, Marzia, Bini, Gilberto
Volcanoes: Crucibles of Change by Hulen, Jeffrey, Fisher, Richard V., Heiken, Grant
Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Part II: Volume 32 by
Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Part I: Volume 31 by
Trends in Nuclear Physics, 100 Years Later: Volume 66 by
An Introduction to Banach Space Theory by Megginson, Robert E.
The Nature of Mathematics and the Mathematics of Nature by Jacob, M., Andersson, S.
Theoretical Global Seismology by Tromp, Jeroen, Dahlen, F. A.
Non-Tetrahedrally Bonded Elements and Binary Compounds I: Supplement to Vols. III/17e, F (Print Version) Revised and Updated Edition of Vols. III/17e, by
Atomic Multielectron Processes by Tawara, Hiro, Shevelko, Viatcheslav
The Hubble Deep Field by
String Theory by Polchinski, Joseph
String Theory by Polchinski, Joseph
Cumulative Subject and Author Index, Including Tables of Contents Volumes 1-23: Volume 25 by
Fundamentals of Polarized Light: A Statistical Optics Approach by Brosseau, Christian
Organic Superconductors by Yamaji, Kunihiko, Saito, Gunzi, Ishiguro, Takehiko
Advances in Density Functional Theory: Volume 33 by
Lanthanide Monochalcogenides by
Wettervorhersage: Mensch Und Computer -- Daten Und Modelle by Wehry, Werner, Balzer, Konrad, Enke, Wolfgang
Mesoscopic Dynamics of Fracture: Computational Materials Design by
Socio-Political Reflections and Civil Defense by Wigner, E. P.
From Atoms and Molecules to the Cosmos: A Quasi-Ergodic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Julg, Andre
A Mechanical String Model of Adiabatic Chemical Reactions by Kliesch, Wolfgang
An Introduction to Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics by Epstein, Irving, Pojman, John A.
Machinery Vibration: Balancing, Special Reprint Edition by Wowk, Victor
Cumulative Author Index and Tables of Contents Volumes1-32: Author Cumulative Index Volume 33 by
Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 1-32: Volume 34 by
Classical Electrodynamics by Greiner, Walter
Electrohydrodynamics by
Modern Methods of Analytical Mechanics and Their Applications by
Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanocrystals by Gaponenko, S. V.
Se ... Ti by
Rotational, L-Type, Centrifugal Distortion and Related Constants of Diamagnetic Diatomic, Linear, and Symmetric Top Molecules by
Modeling of Material Damage and Failure of Structures: Theory and Applications by Ganczarski, Artur, Skrzypek, Jacek J.
The Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High-Tc Superconductors by
Contact Mechanics in Tribology by Goryacheva, I. G.
Iutam Symposium on Micro- And Macrostructural Aspects of Thermoplasticity: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Bochum, Germany, 25-29 August 19 by
Thermomechanics of Composites Under High Temperatures by Dimitrienko, Yuriy I.
Supramolecular Engineering of Synthetic Metallic Materials: Conductors and Magnets by
The Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen Paradox in Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Physics by Afriat, Alexander, Selleri, F.
Evolutionary Systems: Biological and Epistemological Perspectives on Selection and Self-Organization by
When Continents Collide: Geodynamics and Geochemistry of Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks by
Iutam Symposium on New Applications of Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics in Mechanics: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Ithaca, Ny, U.S.A., 27 by
Fundamentals in Chemical Physics by Battaglia, F., George, T. F.
Molecular Recognition and Inclusion: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Molecular Recognition and Inclusion, Held at Lyon, 7-12 Septe by
The Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by
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