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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2002

Applied Chemistry by Gesser, H. D.
Twenty-Third Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Naval Studies Board, National Research Council
Zeitschrift für spekulative Physik by Schelling, F. W. J.
The Origins of Stars and Planets: The Vlt View: Proceedings of the Eso Workshop Held in Garching, Germany, 24-27 April 2001 by McCaughrean, Mark J., Alves, João F.
Solid, Liquid, Gas: What Is Matter? by Smith, Erica
Einstein's Dream: The Search for a Unified Theory of the Universe by Parker, Barry
Integral Transforms and Their Applications by Davies, Brian
An Introduction to Semiclassical and Microlocal Analysis by Bach, André
Mathematics for the Physical Sciences by Seaborn, James B.
Quantum Methods with Mathematica(r) by Feagin, James F.
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics by Gale, J. D., Seddon, John M.
Eureka!: Scientific Breakthroughs That Changed the World by Horvitz, Leslie Alan
Stability Theory of Dynamical Systems by Bhatia, N. P., Szegö, G. P.
Physics of Fluids in Microgravity by
Atomic Clusters and Nanoparticles. Agregats Atomiques Et Nanoparticules: Les Houches Session LXXIII 2-28 July 2000 by
New Trends in Turbulence. Turbulence: Nouveaux Aspects: Les Houches Session LXXIV 31 July - 1 September 2000 by
Éléments Finis: Théorie, Applications, Mise En Oeuvre by Guermond, Jean-Luc, Ern, Alexandre
Post-Synthesis Modification I by
Thermo-And Fluid-Dynamic Processes in Diesel Engines: Selected Papers from the Thiesel 2000 Conference Held in Valencia, Spain, September 13-15, 2000 by
Elements of Gas Dynamics by Liepmann, H. W., Roshko, A.
The Historical Development of Quantum Theory 1-6 by Mehra, Jagdish, Mehra, J., Rechenberg, H.
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 121 by
Infiltration Theory for Hydrologic Applications by Smith, Roger E.
Quantations: A Guide to Quantum Living in the 21st Century by Stirt, Joseph
Quantations: A Guide to Quantum Living in the 21st Century by Stirt, Joseph
Collisional Transport in Magnetized Plasmas by Sigmar, Dieter J., Helander, Per
Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling by Aspect, Alain, Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe, Bardou, François
Konstruktion, Bau und Charakterisierung eines Magnet-Proben-Halters für das Elektronen-Mikroskop by Otto, Stephan
Magnetoviscous Effects in Ferrofluids by Odenbach, Stefan
Optical Properties of Nanostructured Random Media by
The Origin of Turbulence in Near-Wall Flows by Boiko, A. V., Grek, Genrih R., Dovgal, A. V.
Mechanisches Verhalten Von Fichtenholz: Experimentelle Bestimmung Der Biaxialen Festigkeitseigenschaften by Eberhardsteiner, Josef
Modern Astrometry by Kovalevsky, Jean
Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas by Wong, Kin-Lu
Light Years and Time Travel: An Exploration of Mankind's Enduring Fascination with Light by Clegg, Brian
Light Years and Time Travel: An Exploration of Mankind's Enduring Fascination with Light by Clegg, Brian
Plasma Astrophysics by Shibata, Kazunari, Tajima, Toshi
Using the Meade Etx: 100 Objects You Can Really See with the Mighty Etx by Weasner, Mike
Electrodynamics of Solids by Dressel, Martin, Grüner, George
Electrodynamics of Solids: Optical Properties of Electrons in Matter by Dressel, Martin, Gruner, George
Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry by Schatz, George C., Ratner, Mark a.
Capillary Surfaces: Shape -- Stability -- Dynamics, in Particular Under Weightlessness by Langbein, Dieter W.
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers by Connelly, Michael J.
Electrochemical Activation of Catalysis: Promotion, Electrochemical Promotion, and Metal-Support Interactions by Pliangos, Costas, Vayenas, Costas G., Bebelis, Symeon
Normal Modes and Localization in Nonlinear Systems by
Equilibrium Problems: Nonsmooth Optimization and Variational Inequality Models by
Asymptotic Modelling of Fluid Flow Phenomena by Zeytounian, Radyadour Kh
Electron-Photon Interaction in Dense Media by
Feedback Amplifiers: Theory and Design by Palumbo, Gaetano, Pennisi, Salvatore
Dynamics of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies: Proceedings of the Us/European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, Held in Poznań, Poland, 3-7 Jul by
Qso Hosts and Their Environments by
Electron-Photon Interaction in Dense Media by
What Was Mechanical about Mechanics: The Concept of Force Between Metaphysics and Mechanics from Newton to Lagrange by Boudri, J. C.
Nonlinearity and Disorder: Theory and Applications by
Nonlinearity and Disorder: Theory and Applications by
Mission Geometry; Orbit and Constellation Design and Management: Spacecraft Orbit and Attitude Systems by Wertz, J. R.
Classical Theory by McEvoy, Paul
Radioactive Substances by Curie, Marie
Shadowlands: Quest for Mirror Matter in the Universe by Foot, Robert
The Relativistic Boltzmann Equation: Theory and Applications by Kremer, Gilberto M., Cercignani, Carlo
Levy Statistics & Laser Cooling by Bardou, Francois
Creating the International Space Station by Catchpole, John E., Harland, David M.
Pure Organic Liquids by Wohlfarth, C., Wohlfarth, B.
Densities of Phenols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, Amines, Nitriles, and Nitrohydrocarbons by
Synergetic Phenomena in Active Lattices: Patterns, Waves, Solitons, Chaos by Nekorkin, Vladimir I., Velarde, M. G.
Iron in Aluminium Alloys: Impurity and Alloying Element by Aksenov, A. a., Eskin, Dmitry G., Belov, N. a.
Four-Dimensionalism: An Ontology of Persistence and Time by Sider, Theodore
Geometric Analysis and Applications to Quantum Field Theory by
Analytical Ultracentrifugation VI by
Accretion Power in Astrophysics by King, A. R., King, Andrew, Frank, Juhan
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Thompson, J. M. T., Stewart, H. B.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Thompson, J. M. T., Stewart, H. B.
Electricity, Magnetism, and Light by Saslow, Wayne M.
Crystal Structure Analysis: Principles and Practice by William, Clegg, Main, Peter, Blake, Alexander J.
Giant Magneto-Resistance Devices by Sakakima, H., Inomata, K., Hirota, E.
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy And Uv Lasers by
Quantum Groups and Lie Theory by
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics III: Contributions to the 12th Stab/Dglr Symposium Stuttgart, Germany 2000 by
High-Energy Particle Diffraction by Barone, Vincenzo, Predazzi, Enrico
The Quantum Hall Effect by Yoshioka, Daijiro
Mechanics of Turbulence of Multicomponent Gases by Kolesnichenko, Aleksander V., Marov, Mikhail Ya
Electromagnetic Waves in Chiral and Bi-Isotropic Media by Lindell, Ismo V.
Astronomy-Inspired Atomic and Molecular Physics by Rau, A. R.
The Physicists' View of Nature Part 2: The Quantum Revolution by Goswami, Amit
Predictive Statistical Mechanics: A Nonequilibrium Ensemble Formalism by Vasconcellos, Áurea R., Luzzi, Roberto, Galvão Ramos, J.
The Nuclear Many-Body Problem 2001 by
The Nuclear Many-Body Problem 2001 by Nazarewiczz, Witold, Vretenar, Dario
Fundamentals of Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics by Roy, Bimalendu N.
Instability Rules: The Ten Most Amazing Ideas of Modern Science by Flowers, Charles
The Mechanism of Induced Seismicity by
Ill-Posed Internal Boundary Value Problems for the Biharmonic Equation by Atakhodzhaev, Mukarram A.
Single Molecule Spectroscopy: Nobel Conference Lectures by Rigler, R., Orrit, M., Basche, T.
Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Seismic Event Discrimination and Identification by
Strom aus Sonne (SaS) by Hose, Christian
Oberflächenanalyse von Si/SiGe-Schichten by Sander, Harald
Parallele Numerische Verfahren by Alefeld, Götz, Lenhardt, Ingrid, Obermaier, Holger
Nonequilibrium Nondissipative Thermodynamics: With Application to Low-Pressure Diamond Synthesis by Wang, Ji-Tao
Physik Kondensierter Materie: Kristalle, Flüssigkeiten, Flüssigkristalle Und Polymere by Strobl, Gert
Physik Kompakt 3: Quantenphysik Und Statistische Physik by Scobel, Wolfgang, Lindström, Gunnar, Langkau, Rudolf
Physik Kompakt 2: Elektrodynamik Und Elektromagnetische Wellen by Lindström, Gunnar, Langkau, Rudolf, Scobel, Wolfgang
Physik Kompakt 1: Mechanik, Fluiddynamik Und Wärmelehre by Langkau, Rudolf, Scobel, Wolfgang, Lindström, Gunnar
Fiber Optic Data Communication: Technology Advances and Futures by
Chemical Shifts for Oxygen-17 by Duddeck, H., Toth, G., Simon, A.
Animation Mit Mathematica(r) by Franke, Herbert
Semiconductor Optics and Transport Phenomena by Schäfer, Wilfried, Wegener, Martin
Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Materials by Haupt, Peter
Imaging of Complex Media with Acoustic and Seismic Waves by
Statistical Physics of Macromolecules by Khokhlov, Alexei R., Grosberg, Alexander Yu, Pande, Vijay S.
Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena by Raizer, Yu P., Zel'dovich, Ya B.
Quantum Philosophy: Understanding and Interpreting Contemporary Science by Omnès, Roland
Defects and Geometry in Condensed Matter Physics by Nelson, David R.
Fundamentals of Equations of State by Ghatak, Ajoy, Hora, Heinrich, Eliezer, Shalom
New Perspectives in Astrophysical Cosmology by Rees, Martin J.
A Quantum Approach to Condensed Matter Physics by Taylor, Philip L., Heinonen, Olle, Philip L., Taylor
A Quantum Approach to Condensed Matter Physics by Taylor, Philip L., Heinonen, Olle
Handbook of Image Quality: Characterization and Prediction by Keelan, Brian
Thinking about Physics by Newton, Roger G.
Quantum Generations: A History of Physics in the Twentieth Century by Kragh, Helge
The Physics of Atmospheres by Houghton, John
Defects and Geometry in Condensed Matter Physics by Nelson, David R.
Compounds with 1 to 7 Carbon Atom (Supplement to Subvolume A) by Weigner, P., Bauhofer, C., VILL, V.
Laser Techniques for Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers from the 10th International Symposium Lisbon, Portugal July 10-13, 2000 by
Analytical Mechanics by Lurie, A. I.
Deformation Quantization: Proceedings of the Meeting of Theoretical Physicists and Mathematicians, Strasbourg, May 31 - June 2, 2001 / Rencontre by
Handbook of Basic Electricity by U. S. Bureau of Naval Personnel, The Editors of Rea
Spectral Methods for Incompressible Viscous Flow by Peyret, Roger
The Feynman Integral and Feynman's Operational Calculus by Johnson, Gerald W., Lapidus, Michel L.
Sterne Und Weltraum by
Antimatter: The Ultimate Mirror by Fraser, Gordon
Quantum-Mechanical Prediction of Thermochemical Data by
Cosmic Chemical Evolution: Proceedings of the 187th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at Kyoto, Japan, 26-30 August 1997 by
Biologic Effects of Light 2001: Proceedings of a Symposium Boston, Massachusetts June 16-18, 2001 by
Cosmic Chemical Evolution: Proceedings of the 187th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at Kyoto, Japan, 26-30 August 1997 by
Trapped Particles and Fundamental Physics by
Structure and Dynamics of Polymer and Colloidal Systems by
Hydrogen and Helium Recycling at Plasma Facing Materials by
Hydrogen and Helium Recycling at Plasma Facing Materials by
Trapped Particles and Fundamental Physics by
Advances in Conservation Laws and Energy Release Rates: Theoretical Treatments and Applications by Yi-Heng Chen
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications III: Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, September 1999 by
Geodäsie by Reinhertz, Carl Johann Conrad
Group IV Elements: Supplement to Vol.III/22b (Print Version). Revised and Updated Edition of Vol.III/22b (CD-Rom) by Bracht, H., Ammerlaan, C. A. J., Haller, E. E.
Collisions of Electrons with Atomic Ions by
Vacuum Technique by Rozanov, L. N.
Einstein Studies in Russia by Vizgin, V., Balashov, Y.
The Fields of Electronics: Understanding Electronics Using Basic Physics by Morrison, Ralph
Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-Energy Extraction by Falnes, Johannes
Basics of Holography by Hariharan, P.
Evaluating the Measurement Uncertainty: Fundamentals and Practical Guidance by Lira, I.
Lectures on Quark Matter by
Transport Processes in Multicomponent Plasma by Zhdanov, V. M.
Spatial Hysteresis and Optical Patterns by Rosanov, Nikolay N.
Mechanics of Periodically Heterogeneous Structures by Andrianov, I. V., Oshmyan, V. G., Manevitch, L. I.
Nano-Physics and Bio-Electronics: A New Odyssey by Sivan, U., Chakraborty, T., Peeters, F.
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2001, Practice and Theory by
Noise Reduction in Speech Applications by
Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 29. Lecture Notes 1999. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy by Palla, F.
Nano-Optics by
Transaero: A European Initiative on Transient Aerodynamics for Railway System Optimisation by
Drag Reduction by Shock and Boundary Layer Control: Results of the Project Euroshock II. Supported by the European Union 1996-1999 by
Soft Plate and Impact Tectonics by Ribeiro, Antonio
Space Radio Science by Yakovlev, O. I.
Brownian Motion: Flucuations, Dynamics, and Applications by Mazo, Robert M.
Experimental Techniques in Low-Temperature Physics by White, Guy K., Meeson, Philip J.
Numerical Assessments of Cracks in Elastic-Plastic Materials by Yuan, Huang
An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration by Brooks, Michael, Hill, Ian, Kearey, Philip
Recent Developments in the Navier-Stokes Problem by Lemarie-Rieusset, Pierre Gilles
In and Out of Equilibrium: Probability with a Physics Flavor by
Classical Covariant Fields by Burgess, Mark
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 31 by
An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation by Liou, K. N.
Basics of Holography by Hariharan, Parameswaran, Hariharan, P.
Leadership and Creativity: A History of the Cavendish Laboratory, 1871-1919 by Dong-Won Kim
Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamics of Compliant Offshore Structures by Benaroya, Haym, Seon Mi Han
Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications by
Advances in Les of Complex Flows: Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 412, Held in Munich, Germany 4∓6 October 2000 by
Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications by
Organic Solid-State Reactions by
Boundary Integral Equations in Elasticity Theory by Linkov, A. M.
Progress in Soi Structures and Devices Operating at Extreme Conditions by
Advances in the Interplay Between Quantum and Gravity Physics by
Advances in the Interplay Between Quantum and Gravity Physics by
The Analytic S-Matrix by Olive, D. I., Eden, R. J., Landshoff, P. V.
Shallow Water Acoustics by Katsnelson, Boris G., Petnikov, Valery G.
The Riddle of the Compass: The Invention That Changed the World by Aczel, Amir D.
Quantum Evolution: How Physics' Weirdest Theory Explains Life's Biggest Mystery by McFadden, Johnjoe
Nonlinear Photonics: Nonlinearities in Optics, Optoelectronics and Fiber Communications by Li, H. E., Guo, Y., Kao, C. K.
The Light Course: First Course in Natural Science: Light, Color, Sound--Mass, Electricity, Magnetism by Steiner, Rudolf
Energiehandbuch: Gewinnung, Wandlung Und Nutzung Von Energie by Rebhan, Eckhard
Statistical Mechanics: A Concise Introduction for Chemists by Widom, Benjamin, Widom, B., B, Widom
Statistical Mechanics: A Concise Introduction for Chemists by Widom, B.
Atom: A Single Oxygen Atom's Odyssey from the Big Bang to Life on Earth... and Beyond by Krauss, Lawrence M.
Collision-Based Computing by
Quantum Mechanics: From Basic Principles to Numerical Methods and Applications by Marchildon, Louis
Patterns of Speculation: A Study in Observational Econophysics by Roehner, Bertrand M., Bertrand M., Roehner
Kernphysik: Eine Einführung by Mayer-Kuckuk, Theo
The Quarantine and Certification of Martian Samples by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Studies Board, National Research Council
Progress in Optics: Volume 43 by
Lectures on Fluid Dynamics: A Particle Theorist's View of Supersymmetric, Non-Abelian, Noncommutative Fluid Mechanics and D-Branes by Jackiw, Roman
A Quantum Groups Primer by Majid, Shahn
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