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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2010

De La Locomotion Mécanique Dans L'air Et Dans L'eau by Lambert, Gustave
Bibliographie Der Radioaktiven Stoffe by Lucas, Richard
Théorie Cinétique Des Gaz by Bloch, Eugene
Le Travail Intérieur Du Vent by Langley, Samuel Pierpont
The 8 Calendars of the Maya: The Pleiadian Cycle and the Key to Destiny by Men, Hunbatz
Advanced Classical Field Theory by Giachetta, Giovanni, Sardanashvily, Gennadi A., Mangiarotti, Luigi
Operator Metaphysics: A New Metaphysics Based on a New Operator Logic and a New Quantum Operator Logic That Lead to a Mathematical Basis for by Blaha, Stephen
Wave Propagation in Materials for Modern Applications by
Motion Control by
Supersymmetry Demystified by Labelle, Patrick
Quantum Physics Workbook For Dummies by Holzner, Steven
Feynman Motives by Marcolli, Matilde
Light Propagation in Nanostructured Metamaterials and Micro-Resonators by Govyadinov, Alexander
In Search of Time: The History, Physics, and Philosophy of Time by Falk, Dan
Handbook of Thermoluminescence (2nd Edition) by Furetta, Claudio
Energy and Entropy: Equilibrium to Stationary States by Starzak, Michael E.
EXA/LEAP 2008 by
From Creation to Eternity: Searching for God Through Science and Religion. (Second Edition) by Jerome, Raymond J.
Optical Activity and Light Scattering in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals by Hunte, Carlos
Deep Earthquakes by Cliff, Frohlich, Frohlich, Cliff
Bulk Metallic Glass-Forming Alloys by Wang, Yingmin
Traité de Mécanique Générale: Comprenant Les Leçons Professées À l'Ècole Polytechnique, Volume 1 by Resal, Henri
Correspondance Mathématique Et Physique, Volume 5 by De Belgique, Observatoire Royal, Quetelet, Adolphe, Garnier, Jean Guillaume
Notice Sur Les Instruments Stadimétriques by Thiery, Edmond
Die Optischen Fehler Des Auges Mit Ihren Folgen Asthenopie Und Strabisimus by Laurence, John Zachariah
Introduction to Quantum Statistical Mechanics (2nd Edition) by Bogolubov, N. N., Bogolubov Jr, Nickolai N.
Cours de Physique de l'École Polytechnique, Par M.J. Jamin, Volume 3 by Bouty, Edmond Marie Leopold
Asteroseismology by Kurtz, D. W., Aerts, C., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.
Traité Élémentaire de Mécanique Céleste by Resal, Henri
Systementwurf Mechatronischer Systeme: Methoden - Modelle - Konzepte by Janschek, Klaus
Relativity Gravit Cosmol 2e Omsp P by Cheng, Ta-Pei
Falsification of Special Relativity and the Unikef Alternative by McCoin, Dan Keith
Falsification of Special Relativity and the Unikef Alternative by McCoin, Dan Keith
The Structure of Musical Sound by Willard Charles Sperry, Charles Sperry
The Structure of Musical Sound by Willard Charles Sperry, Charles Sperry
Die Weltformel: Eine Weltformel oder eine Theorie von Allem by Hellmehl, Dipl Math Dipl Inf Theodor
We Seven: By the Astronauts Themselves by Glenn, John H., Carpenter, Scott M., Cooper, Gordon L.
The Forces of Matter by Faraday, Michael
The Triplet State by Zahlan, A. B.
Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections by
Type Ia Supernovae: Theory and Cosmology by
Crossing the Boundaries: Gauge Dynamics at Strong Coupling - Proceedings of the Workshop in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Misha Shifman by
Micro and Macro Mixing: Analysis, Simulation and Numerical Calculation by
Radiation and Health by Melman, Neli
Radiation and Health by Melman, Neli
Introduction to Numerical Geodynamic Modelling by Gerya, Taras V.
The Metaphysics Within Physics (Paperback) by Maudlin, Tim
Astrophysics of Planet Formation by Armitage, Philip J.
The Cosmic Microwave Background by
Instabilities of Flows: With and Without Heat Transfer and Chemical Reaction by
Pattern Formation at Interfaces by
Geophysical Hazards: Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Awareness by
Earthquake and Volcano Deformation by Segall, Paul
A Zeptospace Odyssey: A Journey Into the Physics of the LHC by Giudice, Gian Francesco
The Foundations of Natural Law: Unified Field Theory by Rogers, Steven R.
Six Steps to the Moon by Downey, Craig A.
Steam Engine Valves And Valve Gears: Describing The Function, Construction And Operation Of Valves And Valve Gears (1921) by Ahrons, Ernest Leopold
The Origin And Development Of The Quantum Theory (1922) by Planck, Max
Studies of Interstellar Dust by Puthiyaveettil Shalima
The Past And The Present Of Steam Navigation On Long Island Sound (1893) by Whittemore, Henry
The Conductivity And Ionization Of Electrolytes In Aqueous Solutions As Conditioned By Temperature, Dilution And Hydrolysis (1908) by Jacobson, Carl Alfred
The Geology Of Belgium And The French Ardennes (1885) by Rutot, Aime Louis, Bonney, Thomas George, Gosselet, Jules Auguste Alexandre
The Geology Of Plashetts And Kielder (1889) by Clough, Charles Thomas
The Navigation Of The Irish Sea, Its Tides, Currents, And Soundings: With A Guide To The Navigation Of The Port Of Liverpool (1859) by Hills, Graham H.
Steam Boiler: Construction, Care, And Management (1899) by Keppy, Frederick
The Significance Of Changing Atomic Volume, Parts 3-4 (1904) by Richards, Theodore William
The Principles Of Refraction In The Human Eye: Based On The Laws Of Conjugate Foci (1904) by Burnett, Swan Moses
The Orientation Of Molecules In The Surfaces Of Liquids: The Energy Relations At Surfaces, Solubility, Adsorption, Emulsification (1917) by Davies, Earl Claudius Hamilton
The Mechanics Of Electricity (1915) by Cordeiro, Frederick Joaquim Barbosa
The Sun A Magnet And Undulation Of The Sun's Magnetic Nucleus (1880) by Jones, John
The Mechanics' Mirror V1: January-November, 1846 (1846) by Mechanic's Mirror
The Key Of The Universe (1866) by Chapman and Hall Publisher
The Geological Structure Of Monzoni And Fassa (1903) by Gordon, Maria M. Ogilvie
Three Boys On An Electrical Boat (1894) by Trowbridge, John
The Epic Of Sounds: An Elementary Interpretation Of Wagner's Nibelungen Ring (1898) by Winworth, Freda
Transactions Of The Faraday Society V4: 1908 (1908) by Faraday Society
The Management Of Public Electric Supply Undertakings (1913) by Seabrook, A. Hugh
The Mosaic Record: In Harmony With The Geological (1854) by Sime, James
The Root Of The Matter: Or The Village Class (1860) by Joseph Masters and Company
A Treatise On The Richards Steam-Engine Indicator: With Directions For Its Use (1880) by Porter, Charles Talbot
The Measurement Of The Hysteresis Loss Directly (1910) by Ruby, Taylor Early
The Flaw In The Crystal (1912) by Sinclair, May
The Fluids Of The Body (1909) by Starling, Ernest Henry
The Soundings Of Hell (1903) by Kendall, Sidney C.
The Energy Of Living Protoplasm (1896) by Loew, Oscar
The Sounds Of The French Language: Their Formation, Combination And Representation (1907) by Passy, Paul
Steam Communication With The Cape Of Good Hope, Australia, And New Zealand: Suggested As The Means Of Promoting Emigration To Those Colonies (1848) by Jerningham, Frederick
Steamship Martha Washington: Hearing Before The Committee On Foreign Relations, United States Senate (1920) by Committee on Foreign Relations
The Spectra Of Stars Of Secchi's Fourth Type (1908) by Hale, George Ellery, Ellerman, Ferdinand, Parkhurst, John Adelbert
A Few Suggestions Relating To The Selection Of Electrical Measuring Instruments: Monograph B-1 (1914) by Weston Electrical Instrument Company
The Sounds Of Munster Irish (1898) by Henebry, Richard
Phantasms Of The Living V1 (1886) by Myers, Frederic William Henry, Podmore, Frank, Gurney, Edmund
The World Of Comets (1877) by Guillemin, Amedee
The Wonder Book Of Magnetism (1908) by Houston, Edwin James
The Mechanics Of Hoisting Machinery: Including Accumulators, Excavators, And Pile Drivers (1893) by Herrmann, Gustav, Weisbach, Julius
The Minerals And Geology Of Central Canada: Comprising The Provinces Of Ontario And Quebec (1888) by Chapman, Edward John
The Geology Of Cowal: Including The Part Of Argyllshire Between The Clyde And Loch Fine (1897) by Hill, James Bastian, Gunn, William, Clough, Charles Thomas
The Later Extinct Floras Of North America (1898) by Newberry, John Strong
The Yeasts (1920) by Guilliermond, Alexandre
The Siwash, Their Life Legends And Tales: Puget Sound And Pacific Northwest (1895) by Costello, Joseph Allen
The Journal Of The Royal Astronomical Society Of Canada V2, 1908: Devoted To The Advancement Of Astronomy And Allied Sciences (1908) by Chant, C. A.
The Perception Of Space And Matter (1879) by Walter, Johnston Estep
Quantum Chromodynamics: Perturbative and Nonperturbative Aspects by Lipatov, L. N., Ioffe, B. L., Fadin, V. S.
Planetary Tectonics by
4D Electron Microscopy: Imaging in Space and Time by Zewail, Ahmed H., Thomas, John Meurig
Nanowires: Science and Technology by
Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (4th Edition) by
Nanowires by
Electrodeposited Nanowires and their Applications by
Nanofibers by
Engineering Thermodynamics of Thermal Radiation: For Solar Power Utilization by Petela, Richard
Ray and Wave Chaos in Ocean Acoustics: Chaos in Waveguides by Virovlyansky, Anatoly L., Makarov, Denis, Prants, Sergey V.
The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Newton, Isaac
Crenel Physics: Part 1: introducing the lean approach by Kessel, Hans Van
Thermodynamics by Fermi, Enrico
Everywhere and Everywhen: Adventures in Physics and Philosophy by Huggett, Nick
Everywhere and Everywhen: Adventures in Physics and Philosophy by Huggett, Nick
Arrays and Array Methods in Global Seismology by
Substances Containing C10h16...Zn: Supplement to III/39 by Nakamura, Nabuo
Multiobjective Shape Design in Electricity and Magnetism by Di Barba, Paolo
Partial Inner Product Spaces: Theory and Applications by Antoine, J-P, Trapani, Camillo
Introduction to Analytical Dynamics by Woodhouse, Nicholas
Speech Processing in Modern Communication: Challenges and Perspectives by
Robotics by Mihelj, Matjaz, Lenarčič, Jadran, Bajd, Tadej
Pvt-Data and Miscellaneous Properties of Polymer Solutions by Wohlfarth, Christian
Thermal Nanosystems and Nanomaterials by
Lacame 2008: Proceedings of the 11th Latin American Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, (Lacame 2008) Held in L by
The Jet Paradigm: From Microquasars to Quasars by
Substances Containing Ag...C10h15: Supplement to III/20, III/31, III/39 by Nakamura, Nabuo
Self-Force and Inertia: Old Light on New Ideas by Lyle, Stephen
Refractory Metal Systems by Effenberg, Günter
Mechanics of Microstructured Solids 2: Cellular Materials, Fibre Reinforced Solids and Soft Tissues by
Erich Hückel (1896-1980): From Physics to Quantum Chemistry by Karachalios, Andreas
Aqua Soil by Rebigsol, Cameron
Aqua Soil by Rebigsol, Cameron
Planetary Landers and Entry Probes by Lorenz, Ralph, Ball, Andrew, Garry, James
Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes by Feldman, Richard M., Valdez-Flores, Ciriaco
Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters by Holthuijsen, Leo H., Leo H., Holthuijsen
The Science and Applications of Acoustics by Raichel, Daniel R.
Compounds with 13 to 19 Carbon Atoms: Supplement to Subvolumes C, F and I by Peters, G.
The Impact of Hst on European Astronomy by
Non-Shock Initiation of Explosives by
The Mesoscopic Theory of Polymer Dynamics by Pokrovskii, Vladimir N.
Fracture Mechanics by Wei, Robert P.
Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis by Ryan, Sean G., Norton, Andrew J.
Modeling of Thermoelectric Phenomena in Spark Plasma Sintering by Zhang, Jing
Fundamentals of Cosmology by Rich, James
Basic Semiconductor Physics by Hamaguchi, Chihiro
The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy (Second Edition) by McCutcheon, Mark
Electroanalytical Methods: Guide to Experiments and Applications by
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker: Concept, Production and Commissioning by Pooth, Oliver
Aspects of Quantum Theory by
Dissipative Solitons by
Iceland Geodynamics: Crustal Deformation and Divergent Plate Tectonics by Sigmundsson, Freysteinn
Remote Sensing of Sea Ice in the Northern Sea Route: Studies and Applications by Frolov, Ivan Ye, Johannessen, Ola M., Alexandrov, Vitali
Generalized Plasticity by Yu, Mao-Hong
Mechanics of Biological Tissue by
Dark Matter in Astro- And Particle Physics: Proceedings of the International Conference Dark 2004, College Station, Usa, 3-9 October, 2004 by
Dynamics of Extended Celestial Bodies and Rings by
Explosion-Resistant Buildings: Design, Analysis, and Case Studies by Bangash, T.
The Logistic Map and the Route to Chaos: From the Beginnings to Modern Applications by
Extreme Events in Nature and Society by
Lasers and Nuclei: Applications of Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers in Nuclear Science by
Europa - The Ocean Moon: Search for an Alien Biosphere by Greenberg, Richard
Advances in Solid State Physics 45 by
Local-Moment Ferromagnets: Unique Properties for Modern Applications by
Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization I by
Intrinsic Molecular Mobility and Toughness of Polymers II by
Block Copolymers I by
Surface and Interface Analysis: An Electrochemists Toolbox by Holze, Rudolf
Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library, Vol. 2: Solids I by
Hartree-Fock-Slater Method for Materials Science: The DV-X Alpha Method for Design and Characterization of Materials by
Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry I: On Random Matrices, Zeta Functions, and Dynamical Systems by
The Physics of Polymers: Concepts for Understanding Their Structures and Behavior by Strobl, Gert R.
Theoretical Atomic Physics by Friedrich, Harald Siegfried
Physical Approach to Short-Term Wind Power Prediction by Lange, Matthias, Focken, Ulrich
Combustion: Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Modeling and Simulation, Experiments, Pollutant Formation by Dibble, Robert W., Warnatz, J., Maas, Ulrich
Quantum Information: An Introduction by Hayashi, Masahito
Electrostatic Accelerators: Fundamentals and Applications by
Turbopumps and Pumping Systems by Hirsch, Charles, Nourbakhsh, Ahmad, Jaumotte, André
The Coupled Theory of Mixtures in Geomechanics with Applications by Voyiadjis, George Z., Song, C. R.
Modern Trends in Geomechanics by
Non-Linear Electromechanics by Skubov, Dmitry, Khodzhaev, Kamil Shamsutdinovich
Acoustics of Wood by Bucur, Voichita
Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics by Strehl, Peter
Neutron Scattering in Biology: Techniques and Applications by
Highly Sensitive Optical Receivers by Schneider, Kerstin
Atomic and Nuclear Analytical Methods: Xrf, Mössbauer, Xps, Naa and Ion-Beam Spectroscopic Techniques by Verma, Hem Raj
Cryogenic Particle Detection by
Cfn Lectures on Functional Nanostructures: Volume 1 by
Topology and Geometry in Physics by
The Thermodynamic Machinery of Life by Kurzynski, Michal
Unconventional Superconductors: Experimental Investigation of the Order-Parameter Symmetry by Goll, Gernot
Introduction to Wave Scattering, Localization and Mesoscopic Phenomena by Sheng, Ping
Electromagnetic Radiation: Variational Methods, Waveguides and Accelerators: Including Seminal Papers of Julian Schwinger by Schwinger, Julian, Milton, Kimball A.
Coherent Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems by Akulin, Vladimir M.
Advanced Computer Simulation Approaches for Soft Matter Sciences I by
Neutron Spin Echo in Polymer Systems by Arbe, Arantxa, Richter, Dieter, Monkenbusch, M.
Polymer Particles by
Organic Solid State Reactions by
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