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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2011

La physique quantique: Découvrez le comportement des ATOMES et VOYAGEZ dans le monde de L'INFINIMENT PETIT by Louis-Gavet, Guy
The Cosmos of the Yucatec Maya: Cycles and Steps from the Madrid Codex by Paxton, Merideth
The Ritual Year in Ancient Egypt: Lunar & Solar Calendars and Liturgy (Large Print Edition) by Morgan, Mogg
Quantum Physics for Poets by Hill, Christopher T., Lederman, Leon M.
The Edge of Physics: A Journey to Earth's Extremes to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe by Ananthaswamy, Anil
Principles of Laser Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics by Berman, Paul R., Malinovsky, Vladimir S.
The Entropy Principle: Thermodynamics for the Unsatisfied by Thess, André
Hamiltonian Chaos Beyond the Kam Theory: Dedicated to George M. Zaslavsky (1935--2008) by
La Scienza Delle Costruzioni in Italia Nell'ottocento: Un'analisi Storica Dei Fondamenti Della Scienza Delle Costruzioni by Capecchi, Danilo, Ruta, Giuseppe
The Moon in Close-Up: A Next Generation Astronomer's Guide by Wilkinson, John
An Aethereal Theory of Gravity by Atkinson, Peter Mason
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Set by Feynman, Richard P., Leighton, Robert B., Sands, Matthew
Scientific Autobiography, A: S Chandrasekhar by
Stellar Physics: 2: Stellar Evolution and Stability by Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Gennady S.
Offene Quantensysteme: Die Primas Lectures by Amann, Anton, Müller-Herold, Ulrich
Diagnosis and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by
Principles of Stellar Interferometry by Glindemann, Andreas
Scientific Autobiography, A: S Chandrasekhar by
21st Century Natural Philosophy of Ultimate Physical Reality by Blaha, Stephen
Noncommutativity and Origins of String Theory: Views Toward Grand Unified Theory by Dhrif, Eric B. Torbrand
Physics for Entertainment by Perelman, Yakov
Lectures on Gravitation by Das, Ashok
Fractal Time: Why a Watched Kettle Never Boils by Vrobel, Susie
Branes of Gravity by Huang, H. C.
The Modelling of Radiation Damage in Metals Using Ehrenfest Dynamics by Race, Christopher
Metallic Micro and Nano Materials: Fabrication with Atomic Diffusion by
Tractable Models of Solid Mechanics: Formulation, Analysis and Interpretation by Gendelman, Oleg V., Manevitch, Leonid I.
Lectures on Gravitation by Das, Ashok
Introduction to String Theory and D-Brane Dynamics, An: With Problems and Solutions (2nd Edition) by Szabo, Richard J.
Branes of Gravity by Huang, H. C.
All Kinds of Sounds by Gregoire, Maryellen
Dark Matter, Dark Energy & the Quantum Wavefunction by Rose, Robert
Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium by Draine, Bruce T.
Advanced Materials for Thermal Management of Electronic Packaging by Tong, Xingcun Colin
Kul'tura Kosmosa: The Russian Popular Culture of Space Exploration by Thomas, Andrew
Navigating Graduate School and Beyond by Christopher, Sundar A.
Solid-State Physics: Introduction to the Theory by Bailey, Bernard, Patterson, James
North Pole, South Pole: The Epic Quest to Solve the Great Mystery of Earth's Magnetism by Turner, Gillian
Self-Organized Criticality in Astrophysics: The Statistics of Nonlinear Processes in the Universe by Aschwanden, Markus
Integrated 60ghz RF Beamforming in CMOS by Yu, Yikun, Baltus, Peter G. M., van Roermund, Arthur H. M.
Supernovae Und Kosmische Gammablitze: Ursachen Und Folgen Von Sternexplosionen by Janka, Hans-Thomas
Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement by Einstein, Albert
Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft by Kant, Immanuel
Principles and Methods: Subvolume B: Detectors for Particles and Radiation - Volume 21: Elementary Particles - Group I: Elementary Particles, by
Polymer Thermodynamics: Liquid Polymer-Containing Mixtures by
Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism: Materials, Experiments, Theory by
Molecular Constants: Subvolume D: Asymmetric Top Molecules Part 2 by Demaison, Jean, Vogt, Jürgen
Introduction to the Physics of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors by
Detonation: Theory and Experiment by Davis, William C., Fickett, Wildon
Theory of Semiconductor Quantum Devices: Microscopic Modeling and Simulation Strategies by Rossi, Fausto
Entropies of Condensed Phases and Complex Systems: A First Principles Approach by Spickermann, Christian
Investigations of Field Dynamics in Laser Plasmas with Proton Imaging by Sokollik, Thomas
The Strange Story of the Quantum by Hoffmann, Banesh
Thermodynamics by
Transport in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Structures: Mobile Ions Effects on the Oxide Properties by Bentarzi, Hamid
Nuclear Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security by Stoudt, Melissa L., Spellman, Frank R.
Managing Spent Nuclear Fuel by Latourrette, Tom
Highlights of Astronomy by
Principles of Plasma Physics for Engineers and Scientists by Golkowski, Marek, Inan, Umran S.
Die Dampfmaschine. Die Erfindung und ihre gesellschaftspolitischen Auswirkungen by Bruch, Martin D. C.
Slaying the Sky Dragon - Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory by O'Sullivan, John, Schreuder, Hans, Johnson, Claes
Computational Science and High Performance Computing IV by
Mass and Motion in General Relativity by
The Sun, the Solar Wind, and the Heliosphere by
Terrestrial Magnetism by
Interactive Quantum Mechanics: Quantum Experiments on the Computer by Dahmen, Hans Dieter, Stroh, T., Brandt, Siegmund
Astro-navigation from Square One to Ocean-master by Murray, Alan
Cosmochemistry: The Melting Pot of the Elements by Esteban, Csar
The Life of William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs - Volume 1 by Thompson, Silvanus Phillips
The Life of William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs - Volume 2 by Thompson, Silvanus Phillips
Time & Everything by Siegle, Gerald
Time & Everything by Siegle, Gerald
High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics 2008 by
Normal Modes and Localization in Nonlinear Systems by
Stellar Astrophysics: A Tribute to Helmut A. Abt by
Introduction to Soliton Theory: Applications to Mechanics by Munteanu, Ligia, Donescu, Stefania
Principles and Applications of Nanomems Physics by Santos, Hector
Green's Functions and Linear Differential Equations: Theory, Applications, and Computation by Kythe, Prem K.
Elementary Particles: Subvolume B: Detectors for Particles and Radiation by
Electron-Phonon Interaction in Conventional and Unconventional Superconductors by Aynajian, Pegor
Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulent Flows: Modelling and Statistical Theory by Yoshizawa, A.
Dynamics of Bubbles, Drops and Rigid Particles by Zapryanov, Z., Tabakova, S.
Physics of Space Storms: From the Solar Surface to the Earth by Koskinen, Hannu
Modelling Fluid Flow: The State of the Art by
Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Einstein, Albert
An Introduction to the Confinement Problem by Greensite, Jeff
The Universe in Gamma Rays by
The Magnetospheric Cusps: Structure and Dynamics by
Development and Characterization of Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers by Mukhopadhyay, Pranab
Physical Soil Mechanics by Gudehus, Gerd
Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids: Volume 3 - Normal, Broken-Symmetry, and Correlated Systems by Sólyom, Jenö
Mathematik 2: Geschrieben Für Physiker by Jänich, Klaus
Studies of Nanoconstrictions, Nanowires and Fe3O4 Thin Films: Electrical Conduction and Magnetic Properties. Fabrication by Focused Electron/Ion Beam by Fernandez-Pacheco, Amalio
Practical Statistics for Geographers and Earth Scientists by Walford, Nigel
Pumps, Transporters, and Ion Channels by
Maximum Dissipation Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Its Geometric Structure by Haslach Jr, Henry W.
Magnetic Current by Leedskalnin, Edward
Geomagnetism: Solid Earth and Upper Atmosphere Perspectives by Basavaiah, Nathani
Grundlagen der Quantenphysik: Das Schülerbuch by Hübel, Horst
Closed Loop Space Propulsion New Faster Approach: The next Step in Space Travel by Roach Bse, John F.
Semiconductor Power Devices: Physics, Characteristics, Reliability by Scheuermann, Uwe, Lutz, Josef, Schlangenotto, Heinrich
The Fundamentals of Electron Density, Density Matrix and Density Functional Theory in Atoms, Molecules and the Solid State by
Hydrocyclones: Analysis and Applications by
Multicomponent Interfacial Transport: Described by the Square Gradient Model During Evaporation and Condensation by Glavatskiy, Kirill
Mathematics and Mechanics of Granular Materials by
Adaptive Radiation Therapy by
Landolt-Börnstein Set 2011 by
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Information and Computation and Its Applications to Nano- And Bio-Systems by Ohya, Masanori, Volovich, I.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaotic Phenomena: An Introduction by Shivamoggi, B. K.
Thermal Spray 2010: Global Solutions for Future Applications: Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference by
Solid-State NMR and its implications in molecular dynamics study by Mallikarjunaiah, K. J., Damle, Ramakrishna
Soft Computing for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling by
Single-Sided NMR by
Elementary Scattering Theory: For X-Ray and Neutron Users by Sivia, D. S.
What Are Gamma-Ray Bursts? by Bloom, Joshua S.
Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction and the Nuclear Many-Body Problem, The: Selected Papers of Gerald E Brown and T T S Kuo by
The Force: Living Safely in a World of Electromagnetic Pollution by McLean, Lyn
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Nielsen, Michael A., Chuang, Isaac L.
Analysis of Microwave Resonance Structures by Using the FDTD Method by Semouchkina, Elena
Controlling Light in Optically Induced Photonic Lattices by Terhalle, Bernd
Quantum Bio-Informatics IV: From Quantum Information to Bio-Informatics by
Field Emission in Vacuum Microelectronics by Fursey, George N.
The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell 2 Volume Paperback Set by Maxwell, James Clerk
The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell - Volume 1 by James Clerk, Maxwell, Maxwell, James Clerk
The Scientific Papers of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, F. R. S by Cavendish, Henry
The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell - Volume 2 by Maxwell, James Clerk, James Clerk, Maxwell
The Scientific Papers of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, F. R. S - Volume 2 by Cavendish, Henry
Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theories by Gouesbet, Gerard, Gréhan, Gérard
Materials Fundamentals of Gate Dielectrics by
Surface Effects in Magnetic Nanoparticles by
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference, the Silvertree Hotel and Snowmass Conference Center, Snowmass, Color by
Compounds with 20 to 136 Carbon Atoms: Supplement to Subvolumes C, F and I by Bauhofer, C., Peters, G.
Galaxy Collisions: Forging New Worlds from Cosmic Crashes by Struck, Curtis
New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics by Space Studies Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and Their Systems: Proceedings of the First Session of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics by
Discovery of Single Top Quark Production by Gillberg, Dag
Thin Impedance Vibrators: Theory and Applications by Katrich, Victor A., Penkin, Yuriy M., Nesterenko, Mikhail V.
Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium Alloys by Attallah, Moataz
Glassy Materials and Disordered Solids: An Introduction to Their Statistical Mechanics (Revised Edition) by Binder, Kurt, Kob, Walter
Die Großen Fragen - Physik by Brooks, Michael
Tsunamis: Detection, Monitoring, and Early-Warning Technologies by Joseph, Antony
Why we must go to Mars: The King's Valley by Orme, Greg
Robust SIGMA Delta Converters: And Their Application in Low-Power Highly-Digitized Flexible Receivers by Van Veldhoven, Robert H. M., van Roermund, Arthur H. M.
Mechanical Vibration: Where Do We Stand? by
Muonium-Antimuonium Oscillations in an Extended Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model by Liu, Boyang
Is There a Temperature?: Conceptual Challenges at High Energy, Acceleration and Complexity by Biró, Tamás Sándor
Topology and Geometry for Physics by Eschrig, Helmut
Astronomical Spectroscopy for Amateurs by Harrison, Ken M.
Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity by
Asymmetric Top Molecules, Part 3 by Vogt, Jürgen, Demaison, Jean
The Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Composition from Space by
Wind Tunnels by
Photorefractive Materials and Their Applications 2: Materials by
Wave Turbulence by Nazarenko, Sergey
Generalised Thermostatistics by Naudts, Jan
Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems: A Practical Approach by Khan, Shoab Ahmed
Introduction to the Theory of the Early Universe: Cosmological Perturbations and Inflationary Theory by Rubakov, Valery A., Gorbunov, Dmitry S.
The Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies by MacKie, Glen
Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy by Nahar, Sultana N., Pradhan, Anil K.
Mathematical Methods for Optical Physics and Engineering by Gbur, Gregory J.
Complex Webs: Anticipating the Improbable by West, Bruce J., Grigolini, Paolo
Thermal Physics: Entropy and Free Energies (2nd Edition) by Lee, Joon Chang
Advances in Induction and Microwave Heating of Mineral and Organic Materials by
Progress in Optics: Volume 55 by
Before the Big Bang: The Prehistory of the Universe by Clegg, Brian
Les Milieux Granulaires Entre Fluide Et Solide by Andreotti, Bruno, Forterre, Yo L., Pouliquen, Olivier
Exploring the History of Hyperbaric Chambers, Atmospheric Diving Suits and Manned Submersibles: the Scientists and Machinery by Stewart, Joseph
Yes, we can unify Quantum Mechanics and Relativity: Theory of Reigning Element by Vemulapalli, Prasad
Exploring the History of Hyperbaric Chambers, Atmospheric Diving Suits and Manned Submersibles: The Scientists and Machinery by Stewart, Joseph, Jr.
Introduction to the Theory of the Early Universe: Hot Big Bang Theory by Gorbunov, Dmitry S., Rubakov, Valery A.
Electromagnetism by Frank, Nathaniel H., Slater, John C.
Complete Dynamic Analysis of Stewart Platform Based on Workspace by Guneri, Burcu, G. Neri, Burcu, Saide Sarig L., Ayse
Lectures on Gas Theory by Boltzmann, Ludwig
Fundamentals of Electrodynamics by Kunz, Kaiser S.
Structure Formation in Astrophysics by
History of Rotating Machinery Dynamics by Rao, J. S.
Electron Optics by Klemperer, O., Barnett, M. E.
The Classical Thermodynamics of Deformable Materials by McLellan, A. G.
An Introduction to Thermodynamics: With Some New Derivations Based on Real Irreversible Processes by Silver, R. S.
Understanding Physics Today by Watson, W. H.
Concepts of Force by Jammer, Max
Theoretical Aerodynamics by Milne-Thomson, L. M.
Frontiers in Fusion Research: Physics and Fusion by Kikuchi, Mitsuru
Multifunctional Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials: Processing and Properties by
Dark Matter and Dark Energy: A Challenge for Modern Cosmology by
Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics by Sobolev, S. L.
Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by Reichenbach, Hans
Density Functional Theory: An Advanced Course by Engel, Eberhard, Dreizler, Reiner M.
Solid State Theory by Harrison, Walter A.
Crystallization of Polymers: Volume 1, Equilibrium Concepts by Mandelkern, Leo
Expanding Universe by Schrodinger, E., E, Schrodinger, Schrdinger, E.
Implicit Large Eddy Simulation: Computing Turbulent Fluid Dynamics by
Planet Formation: Theory, Observations, and Experiments by
Topology and Geometry for Physicists by Sen, Siddhartha, Nash, Charles
Relativity, Thermodynamics and Cosmology by Tolman, Richard C.
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics by Groot, S. R. De, Mazur, P.
Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction by Ichimiya, Ayahiko, Cohen, Philip I.
Relativistic Quantum Fields by Nash, Charles
Theoretical Hydrodynamics by Milne-Thomson, L. M.
Fundamentals of Attosecond Optics by Chang, Zenghu
See More