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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2016

An Introduction to the Formalism of Quantum Information with Continuous Variables by Navarrete-Benlloch, Carlos
The Search and Discovery of the Higgs Boson: As a brief introduction to particle physics by Castillo, Luis Roberto Flores
Networks on Networks: The Physics of Geobiology and Geochemistry by Manzoni, Stefano, Hunt, Allen G.
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency by Tesla, Nikola
My Inventions by Tesla, Nikola
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy by Tesla, Nikola
Nuklearna Moc by Paterson, Volter C.
Networks on Networks: The Physics of Geobiology and Geochemistry by Manzoni, Stefano, Hunt, Allen G.
The Search and Discovery of the Higgs Boson: As a brief introduction to particle physics by Castillo, Luis Roberto Flores
An Introduction to the Formalism of Quantum Information with Continuous Variables by Navarrete-Benlloch, Carlos
An Overview of String Theory: " A Unification of The Fundamental Forces " by Kisak, Paul F.
Cours Physique Et Chimie À l'Usage Des Candidats À l'Emploi de Commis Des Postes Et Des Télégraphes by Naud-L
In Memoriam Einstein by Lisker, Roy
XXI Dae-Brns High Energy Physics Symposium: Proceedings, Guwahati, India, December 8 - 12, 2014 by
On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena by Tesla, Nikola
Moons: A Very Short Introduction by Rothery, David
A Magnetic-Like Component of the Solar Gravitational Field: Dark Energy by Hill, Thomas W.
Theory of screws: a study in the dynamics of a rigid body (1876) by Robert Stawe by Ball, Robert Stawell
II Latin American Conference on Bioimpedance: 2nd Clabio, Montevideo, September 30 - October 02, 2015 by
The Fermion by Kisak, Paul F.
Gesammelte Abhandlungen III: Analysis - Grundlagen Der Mathematik Physik - Verschiedenes - Lebensgeschichte by Hilbert, David
Evaluation of Novel Metalorganic Precursors for Atomic Layer Deposition of Nickel-based Thin Films by Sharma, Varun
Physics In A Nutshell - Companion For Success In Competitive Tests: Physics In A Nutshell - Companion For Success In Competitive Tests by Devanarayanan, S.
New Types of Dark Matter, Big Bang Equipartition, and A New U(4) Symmetry in the Theory of Everything: Equipartition Principle for Fermions, Matter is by Blaha, Stephen
Introduction to Integrated Passive Device Technology by Li Yang, Kim Nam Young, Wang Cong
Excited Nuclear States: Supplement to I/25 A-F by Sukhoruchkin, Sergey I., Soroko, Zoya N.
Recent Advances in Computational Intelligence in Defense and Security by
The Quark: " A Fundamental Constituent of Matter " by Kisak, Paul F.
Atome, Moleküle Und Optische Physik 2: Moleküle Und Photonen - Spektroskopie Und Streuphysik by Hertel, Ingolf V., Schulz, C. -P
Mechanothermodynamics by Sosnovskiy, Leonid, Sherbakov, Sergei
Extreme States of Matter: High Energy Density Physics by Fortov, Vladimir E.
A First Example of a Lyotropic Smectic C* Analog Phase: Design, Properties and Chirality Effects by Bruckner, Johanna R.
A Study of the Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonance: The Role of Symmetry Energy in Nuclear Incompressibility in the Open-Shell Nuclei by Patel, Darshana Chandrakant
Imaging Convection and Magnetism in the Sun by Hanasoge, Shravan
Touschek Lifetime Studies and Optimization of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility: Present and Upgrade Lattice by Carmignani, Nicola
Elements of Plasma Technology by Wong, Chiow San, Mongkolnavin, Rattachat
The Quantum Handshake: Entanglement, Nonlocality and Transactions by Cramer, John G.
Hard X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Haxpes) by
Weird Astronomical Theories of the Solar System and Beyond by Seargent, David
Einstein's Intuition: Visualizing Nature in Eleven Dimensions by Roberts, Thad
Road to Success: for High Tech Careers by Heines Phd, Jerry
Der Blick Auf Newton: Niederlandische Experimentalwissenschaft Im 18. Jahrhundert by
Fundamentals and Applications of Nanophotonics by
Noncommutative Mathematics for Quantum Systems by Franz, Uwe, Skalski, Adam
Lunar and Interplanetary Trajectories by Biesbroek, Robin
Tidal Streams in the Local Group and Beyond: Observations and Implications by
Disobliging Reality: Heckling the Sly Illusionist of the Here and Now by Juszczyk, Frank
Implementation of a Magnetic Particle Imaging System for a Dynamic Field Free Line by Bente, Klaas
Design and Implementation of Electromagnetic Pulse Propulsion System by Adly Amr a., Elrefai Ahmed, Mahgoub Osama a.
Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics by Duncan, Michael A., Compton, Robert N.
Statistical Thermodynamics of Semiconductor Alloys by Elyukhin, Vyacheslav A.
Laser Experiments for Chemistry and Physics by Compton, Robert N., Duncan, Michael A.
Practical Quantum Mechanics by Manousakis
Evolution of the Universe: The Black Hole Theory by Halasa, Ghassan Hanna
The Standard Model of Quantum Physics in Clifford Algebra by Daviau, Claude, Bertrand, Jacques
Effective Field Theories by Blechman, Andrew E., Petrov, Alexey A.
Path Integrals for Pedestrians by Gozzi, Ennio, Cattaruzza, Enrico, Pagani, Carlo
Newtonian Mechanics for Undergraduates by Tymms, Vijay
Why Quark Rhymes with Pork: And Other Scientific Diversions by Mermin, N. David
A Parametric Framework for Modelling of Bioelectrical Signals by Mughal, Yar M.
Path Integrals for Pedestrians by Gozzi, Ennio, Cattaruzza, Enrico, Pagani, Carlo
Newtonian Mechanics for Undergraduates by Tymms, Vijay
The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth by
Holographic Duality in Condensed Matter Physics by Sun, Ya-Wen, Zaanen, Jan, Liu, Yan
Soft Computing in Electromagnetics: Methods and Applications by Jha, Rakesh Mohan, Choudhury, Balamati
UFOs and Aliens: The Complete Guidebook by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Understanding Quantum: Volume 3 The Theory of Everything by Tyler, Irwin
Radiative Heat Transfer in Turbulent Combustion Systems: Theory and Applications by Modest, Michael F., Haworth, Daniel C.
Temperature Measurement During Millisecond Annealing: Ripple Pyrometry for Flash Lamp Annealers by Reichel, Denise
Optics by Hecht, Eugene
Worship Space Acoustics: 3 Decades of Design by
Differential Equations with Involutions by F. Tojo, F. Adrián, Cabada, Alberto
Apollos Arrow by Orrell, David
La Dynamique de l'électron by Poincaré, Henri
Advanced Topics in Levitation by Lewton, Floyd
The Cat in the Box Explained by Branson, Jerry
What's so special about Special Relativity?: How Galileo invented relativity and how Einstein improved it by McComb, David
Concepts of Mathematical Physics in Chemistry: A Tribute to Frank E. Harris - Part B: Volume 72 by
Excited Nuclear States: Supplement to I/25 A-G by Soroko, Zoya N., Sukhoruchkin, Sergey I.
Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics by
Semiconductor Nanowires II: Properties and Applications: Volume 94 by
Substance and Method: Studies in Philosophy of Science by
Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics by Bricmont, Jean
Kontaktmechanik Und Reibung: Von Der Nanotribologie Bis Zur Erdbebendynamik by Popov, Valentin L.
States of Matter: " The 19 Recognized States of Matter " by Kisak, Paul F.
Jakten på tyngdlösheten och upptäckten av: Skapelsens nakna scen by Sjöström, Rolf
Neustart Des Lhc: Das Higgs-Teilchen Und Das Standardmodell: Die Teilchenphysik Hinter Der Weltmaschine Anschaulich Erklärt by Knochel, Alexander
Kinematics: Theory and Applications by Wittenburg, Jens
Give Space My Love: An Intellectual Odyssey with Dr. Stephen Hawking by Bristol, Terry
Space-Time Information Processing by Winder, Alan, Loda, Charles J.
A Century of Science 1851-1951 by
Waves and Compressible Flow by Ockendon, John R., Ockendon, Hilary
Feynman Diagrams: " Diagramming The Behavior of Subatomic Particles " by Kisak, Paul F.
Thermomechanics of Composite Structures Under High Temperatures by Dimitrienko, Yu I.
Experimental Studies of Neutrino Oscillations by Takaaki Kajita
The Positron: " The Anti-particle of The Electron " by Kisak, Paul F.
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Matter by Paolucci, Samuel
Water (R718) Turbo Compressor and Ejector Refrigeration / Heat Pump Technology by Sarevski, Vasko N., Sarevski, Milan N.
Electron Correlation in Molecules - AB Initio Beyond Gaussian Quantum Chemistry: Volume 73 by
The Cosmic Web: Mysterious Architecture of the Universe by Gott, J. Richard
Disruptive: Rewriting the rules of physics by Bryant, Steven B.
Advances in Computation, Modeling and Control of Transitional and Turbulent Flows by
Plasma Sources of Solar System Magnetospheres by
Born-Jordan Quantization: Theory and Applications by de Gosson, Maurice A.
Externally Heated Valve Engine: A New Approach to Piston Engines by Wojewoda, Jerzy, Kazimierski, Zbyszko
Modeling of Tropospheric Delays Using Anfis by Suparta, Wayan, Alhasa, Kemal Maulana
Atomic Diffusion in Glasses Studied with Coherent X-Rays by Ross, Manuel
Ionization and Plasma Dynamics of Single Large Xenon Clusters in Superintense Xuv Pulses by Rupp, Daniela
Introduction to Polyphasic Dispersed Systems Theory: Application to Open Systems of Microorganisms' Culture by Thierie, Jacques
Analysis of Reaction and Transport Processes in Zinc Air Batteries by Schröder, Daniel
The Strongest Magnetic Fields in the Universe by
Living In A Fractured Multiverse: The Reality Shift Effect by Cipriani, Roshan
Survey Control Points: Compatibility and Verification by Weiss, Gabriel, Weiss, Erik, Weiss, Roland
Ideengeschichte Der Physik: Eine Analyse Der Entwicklung Der Physik Im Historischen Kontext by Kuhn, Wilfried
Strong and Weak Topology Probed by Surface Science: Topological Insulator Properties of Phase Change Alloys and Heavy Metal Graphene by Pauly, Christian
Particles and the Universe: From the Ionian School to the Higgs Boson and Beyond by Narison, Stephan
Particles and the Universe: From the Ionian School to the Higgs Boson and Beyond by Narison, Stephan
Pwa90: A Lifetime of Emergence by
Pwa90: A Lifetime of Emergence by
Recherches Sur Les Forces Électromotrices d'Aimantation by Paillot, René
La Physique Moderne: Son Évolution by Poincaré, Lucien
Cours de Physique Générale: Leçons Professées À La Sorbonne En 1895-96 by Pellat, Henri
Notions de Mécanique: Exigées Pour l'Admission À l'Ecole Polytechnique by Sonnet, Hippolyte
Manuel de Physique, Ou Élémens Abrégés de Cette Science 7e Éd by Bailly de Merlieux, Charles-François
Notions de Physique: Conformes Au Programme Offciel Arrêté Le 24 Mars 1865 7e Éd by Boutet de Monvel, Benjamin
Comment Économiser Le Chauffage Domestique Et Culinaire: Notice Sur Les Vues by Musée Pédagogique de Paris
Cours Élémentaire de Physique: Quatrième Et Cinquième Année Optique, Acoustique, Électricité by Pariselle Millet, N.
Leçons Sur Le Frottement by Painlevé, Paul
Leçons de Physique: Ouvrage Rédigé Conformément Au Programme Officiel Du 3 Août 1881 by Poiré, Paul
La Première Année d'Enseignement Scientifique: Sciences Naturelles Et Physiques by Bert, Paul
Nouvelle Manière Pour Lever l'Eau Par La Force Du Feu by Papin, Denis
Les Piles Électriques by Huard, Charles-Lucien
Les Piles Modernes by Huard, Charles-Lucien
Ampère by Dumoulin, Gustave
Dictionnaire de Physique T01 by Paulian, Aimé-Henri
Dictionnaire de Physique T04 by Paulian, Aimé-Henri
Dictionnaire de Physique T03 by Paulian, Aimé-Henri
Physique Applicables Aux Usages de la Vie, Rédigées d'Après Les Programmes Officiels 44e Éd by Regodt
Précis Élémentaire de Physique Et de Chimie 15e Édition by Zeller, A.
Précis Élémentaire Des Sciences Physiques Et Naturelles Usage Des Écoles Normales Primaires 5e Éd by Gripon
Cours de Physique Générale: Leçons Professées À La Sorbonne En 1895 by Pellat, Henri
Les Rayons Röntgen by Henry, Charles
Cours de Physique: Classe de Seconde, Pesanteur, Hydrostatique, Chaleur Acoustique by Gabriel-Marie
Cours de Sciences Physiques Générale, Électricité Et Magnétisme, Chimie by Naud, Louis
Éléments Usuels Des Sciences Physiques Et Naturelles: Cours Moyen, Livre de l'Élève 4e Édition by Saffray, Charles
Mécanique by Dufailly, Jules
L'Air Et Le Monde Aérien 2e Éd by Mangin, Arthur
La Physique À La Portée de Tout Le Monde Tome 2 by Paulian, Aimé-Henri
La Physique À La Portée de Tout Le Monde Tome 1 by Paulian, Aimé-Henri
Rudiment Encyclopédique Agricole Précis Analytique Éducation Hygiène Des Divers Animaux Domestiques by Felizet-C-L
Traité Théorique Et Pratique Des Moteurs Hydrauliques by Armengaud, Eugène
Leçons de Physique: Usage Des Écoles Normales d'Institutrices Et Primaires de Jeunes Filles 7e Éd by Gauthier-Échard
Études Géologiques Sur La Mer Égée. La Géologie Des Îles de Mételin, Lemnos Et Thasos by Launay, Louis
Diagrammes Et Surfaces Thermodynamiques by Gibbs, Josiah Willard
Newtonianisme Pour Dames, Ou Entretiens Sur La Lumière, Sur Les Couleurs Et Sur l'Attraction. T02 by Algarotti, Francesco
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de la Société Française de Physique by Sans Auteur
La Méthode Des Fluxions, Et Les Suites Infinies by Newton, Isaac
Mesure de la Vitesse de la Lumière Étude Optique Des Surfaces by Foucault, Léon
La Balle-Tube by Noyez, Paul
Causerie Et Réflexions Sur l'Électricité En 1895 by Vial, Paulin Alexandre
Newtonianisme Pour Dames, Ou Entretiens Sur La Lumière, Sur Les Couleurs Et Sur l'Attraction. T01 by Algarotti, Francesco
Oeuvres d'E. Verdet. 1, Notes Et Mémoires by Verdet
Recherche Sur l'Identité Des Forces Chimiques Et Électriques by ØRsted, Hans-Christian
La Matière Et La Vie by Guilleminot, Hyacinthe
La Physique Moderne: Études Historiques Et Philosophiques by Naville, Ernest
Le Radium: Luminescence, Rayons Cathodiques Et Rayons X by Niewenglowski, Gaston-Henri
Mémoire Sur La Détermination de la Surface Courbe Des Ondes Lumineuses: Dans Un Milieu Dont l'Élasticité Est Différente Suivant Les Trois Directions P by Ampère, André-Marie
Les Rayons Cathodiques by Villard, Paul
Description d'Un Appareil Électro-Dynamique by Ampère, André-Marie
James Watt 2e Édition by Lévy, Albert
Dictionnaire de Physique T05 by Paulian, Aimé-Henri
Theory of Reflection: Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic, Particle and Acoustic Waves by Lekner, John
Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems by
Non-Circular Journal Bearings by Chauhan, Amit
Observation of ν_μ→ν_e Oscillation in the T2k Experiment by Ieki, Kei
Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Analysis, Design, and Application by
Black Holes: A Very Short Introduction by Blundell, Katherine
A Student's Manual for A First Course in General Relativity by Scott, Robert B.
A Survival Guide to the Misinformation Age: Scientific Habits of Mind by Helfand, David
The Periodic Table of the 192 Quarks and Leptons in The Theory of Everything: The U(4) Layer Group, Physics is Logic VI by Blaha, Stephen
Multi-Scale Structure Formation and Dynamics in Cosmic Plasmas by
Current Challenges in Statistical Seismology by
From Dualism to Unity in Quantum Physics by Landé, Alfred
A Survey of the Principles and Practice of Wave Guides by Huxley, L. G. H.
An Introduction to Nuclear Physics by Feather, N.
Static and Dynamic Electron Optics by Sturrock, P. a.
Principles of Composite Material Mechanics by Gibson, Ronald F.
Optical Tweezers: Principles and Applications by Jones, Philip H., Maragò, Onofrio M., Volpe, Giovanni
The Principia: The Authoritative Translation and Guide: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Newton, Isaac
The Principia: The Authoritative Translation: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Newton, Isaac
The Principia: The Authoritative Translation: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Newton, Isaac
The Principia: The Authoritative Translation and Guide: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Newton, Isaac
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ´15: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (Hlrs) 2015 by
Into The Doorways by Winn, P. S.
Handbook of Machining with Grinding Wheels by Hitchiner, Mike P., Uhlmann, Eckart, Marinescu, Ioan D.
Galilean Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua by Valleé, Claude, de Saxcé, Géry
Parabolic Trough Collector Prototypes for Low-Temperature Process Heat by Coccia, Gianluca, Di Nicola, Giovanni, Hidalgo, Alejandro
Geospatial Algebraic Computations: Theory and Applications by Paláncz, Béla, Awange, Joseph
The Two-Photon Decay of the 11-/2 Isomer of 137ba and Mixed-Symmetry States of 92,94zr and 94mo by Walz, Christopher
Novel (Trans)Dermal Drug Delivery Strategies: Micro- And Nano-Scale Assessments by Hazel, Garvie-Cook
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