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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2017

Graphene Optics: Electromagnetic solution of canonical problems by Depine, Ricardo A.
Optical Nanomanipulation by Bradshaw, David S., Andrews, David L.
The Melencolia Manifesto by Finkelstein, David
Sound-Power Flow: A Practitioner's Handbook for Sound Intensity by Hickling, Robert
Understanding the Magic of the Bicycle: Basic scientific explanations to the two-wheeler's mysterious and fascinating behavior by Connolly, Joseph W.
Sound-Power Flow: A Practitioner's Handbook for Sound Intensity by Hickling, Robert
Optical Nanomanipulation by Bradshaw, David S., Andrews, David L.
Cours de Physique Confrome Au Programme Officiel Du 4 Août 1880 by Seguin, Jean Marie
Essais de Physique, Ou Recueil de Plusieurs Traités Touchant Les Choses Naturelles by Perrault, Claude
Cours de Physique Et de Chimie, Nouveaux Programmes 31 Mai 1902 Physique: Philosophie A, B by Drincourt-C
Physique Et Chimie by Bareau, Ad
Théorie Du Monde Et Des Êtres Organisés Suivant Les Principes de M by Mesmer, Franz Anton
Essais de Physique, Ou Recueil de Plusieurs Traités Touchant Les Choses Naturelles by Perrault, Claude
Eléments de Physique Médicale 2e Éd by Gariel, Charles-Marie
Essais de Physique, Ou Recueil de Plusieurs Traités Touchant Les Choses Naturelles by Perrault, Claude
Leçons Élémentaires de Chimie: À l'Usage Des Écoles Primaires Supérieures 11E Édition by Haraucourt, Célestin
Essais de Physique, Ou Recueil de Plusieurs Traités Touchant Les Choses Naturelles by Perrault, Claude
Cours de Physique Pour Les Classes de Mathématiques Spéciales by Fernet, Emile, Faivre-Dupaigre, Jules
Précis de Physique 22e Édition by Chervet, A., Fernet, Emile
Principes Phisiques de la Raison Et Des Passions Des Hommes by Maubec-A
Cours de Physique Et de Chimie, Nouveaux Programmes 31 Mai 1902 Physique: Première A. B by Drincourt-C
Leçons Sur l'Électricité Faites À La Sorbonne En 1888-1889 by Pellat, Henri
Éléments de Physique, Quatrième Édition by Pinault, Abbé
Mémoires de Physique Et de Chimie, de la Société d'Arcueil. Tome 3 by Bernard, J. J.
Mémoires de Physique Et de Chimie, de la Société d'Arcueil. Tome 1 by Bernard, J. J.
Mémoires de Physique Et de Chimie, de la Société d'Arcueil. Tome 2 by Bernard, J. J.
Great Astronomers: Galileo Galilei Robert Louis Stevenson by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Graphene Optics: Electromagnetic solution of canonical problems by Depine, Ricardo A.
Studying Distant Galaxies: A Handbook of Methods and Analyses by Flores, Hector, Hammer, Francois, Peuch, Mathieu
College Physics by Vuille, Chris, Serway, Raymond
A Tour of the Subatomic Zoo: A Guide to Particle Physics by Schwarz, Cindy
Hydraulic Systems Volume 2: Electro-Hydraulic Components and Systems by Khalil, Medhat
The Melencolia Manifesto by Finkelstein, David
The Theory of Elementary Waves: A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics by Little, Lewis
College Physics, Volume 1 by Serway, Raymond, Vuille, Chris
Inquiry Into Physics by Bord, Donald, Ostdiek, Vern
I Am the Smartest Man I Know: A Nobel Laureate's Difficult Journey by Giaever, Ivar
I Am the Smartest Man I Know: A Nobel Laureate's Difficult Journey by Giaever, Ivar
Applied Physics of External Radiation Exposure: Dosimetry and Radiation Protection by Antoni, Rodolphe, Bourgois, Laurent
Quantum Chemical Approach for Organic Ferromagnetic Material Design by Orimoto, Yuuichi, Imamura, Akira, Aoki, Yuriko
Polymer Crystallization II: From Chain Microstructure to Processing by
Theoretical Physics 5: Thermodynamics by Nolting, Wolfgang
Kontaktlose photoakustische Tomographie by Horstmann, Jens
Flugphysik Der Tragschrauber: Verstehen Und Berechnen by Duda, Holger, Seewald, Jörg
Lectures on Random Interfaces by Funaki, Tadahisa
Deformation Compatibility Control for Engineering Structures: Methods and Applications by Zhu, Hanhua, Chen, Mengchong, Zhou, Zhihui
Computational Transport Phenomena of Fluid-Particle Systems by Abbasi, Emad, Arastoopour, Hamid, Gidaspow, Dimitri
Equivalent by Strong
Studies in Musical Acoustics and Psychoacoustics by
Stephen Hawking: An Unfettered Mind by Ferguson, Kitty
Probing the Limits: Collected Works on the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Special Relativity by D'Abramo, Germano
Quantum Structural Studies: Classical Emergence from the Quantum Level by
Higher Spin Gauge Theories by
Status of Theoretical Understanding and of Experimental Power for Lhc Physics and Beyond - 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Quark - Proceedings of by
Principles of Newtonian and Quantum Mechanics, The: The Need for Planck's Constant, H (Second Edition) by De Gosson, Maurice A.
From Er to E.T.: How Electromagnetic Technologies Are Changing Our Lives by Bansal, Rajeev
Resonant X-Ray Scattering in Correlated Systems by
III-Nitride Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Volume 96 by
Universal Expansion and Black Holes by Eastman, Darren L.
Polymer Crystallization I: From Chain Microstructure to Processing by
Magnetic Properties of Non-Metallic Inorganic Compounds Based on Transition Elements: Tectosilicates, Part δ by Burzo, E.
Tales of the Quantum: Understanding Physics' Most Fundamental Theory by Hobson, Art
Gas Allocation Optimization Methods in Artificial Gas Lift by Khamehchi, Ehsan, Mahdiani, Mohammad Reza
Spaceports Around the World, a Global Growth Industry by Seedhouse, Erik
Next Stop Mars: The Why, How, and When of Human Missions by Genta, Giancarlo
Molecular Constants Mostly from Microwave, Molecular Beam, and Sub-Doppler Laser Spectroscopy: Paramagnetic Diatomic Molecules (Radicals), Part 1 by Christen, Dines
Towards a Theory of Spacetime Theories by
Über Hobbes naturwissenschaftliche Ansichten: und ihren Zusammenhang mit der Naturphilosophie seiner Zeit by Gühne, Bernhard
Reflecting Telescope Optics II: Manufacture, Testing, Alignment, Modern Techniques by Wilson, Raymond N.
The Electron Mass and Calcium Isotope Shifts: High-Precision Measurements of Bound-Electron G-Factors of Highly Charged Ions by Köhler-Langes, Florian
Optimization of Stochastic Heat Engines in the Underdamped Limit by Zöller, Nikolas
Aether-Light: "The Fact of Everything" by Holmes, Randy
Handbook of Supportive and Palliative Radiation Oncology by Yu, Hsiang-Hsuan Michael, Krishnan, Monica S., Racsa, Margarita
Low-Power CMOS Digital Pixel Imagers for High-Speed Uncooled Pbse IR Applications by Margarit, Josep Maria
Basic Physics by Ford, Kenneth W.
Classical Mechanics: Including an Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity by Hentschke, Reinhard
The Structure and Dynamics of Cities: Urban Data Analysis and Theoretical Modeling by Barthelemy, Marc
Observatories and Telescopes of Modern Times: Ground-Based Optical and Radio Astronomy Facilities Since 1945 by Leverington, David
Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction by Igel, Heiner
Carbon Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications by Singh, Bhanu Pratap, Pande, Shailaja, Mathur, Rakesh Behari
Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Theoretical Concepts and Foundations by Heng, Kevin
Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Theoretical Concepts and Foundations by Heng, Kevin
Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction by Igel, Heiner
Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference: Volume 1 by
A gentle wizard by Andersson, Nils
Die Untersuchung der Pflanzen- und der Tiergewebe in polarisirtem Lichte by Valentin, Gabriel
Study of Grain Boundary Character by
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ´16: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (Hlrs) 2016 by
Classical and Quantum Cosmology by Calcagni, Gianluca
The Case for Pandora by McCarter, Steve, Essig, James M.
Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds: Magnetic Susceptibility Data - Part 3 by Pardasani, R. T., Pardasani, Pushpa
Quantum Isometry Groups by Goswami, Debashish, Bhowmick, Jyotishman
Essential Science for Cambridge Secondary 1 Stage 8 Student Book by Fosbery, Richard, Forbes, Darren
Essential Physics for Cambridge Lower Secondary Stage 9 Student Book by Forbes, Darren
Astronomy in Focus XXIXA by
Splitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering by
Studying Distant Galaxies: A Handbook of Methods and Analyses by Flores, Hector, Hammer, Francois, Peuch, Mathieu
Optical Properties of Graphene by
Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers: Accelerator Physics, Instrumentation and Science Applications by
Principles of Nuclear Chemistry by McPherson, Peter A. C.
Unification of the Eleven Boson Interactions Based on 'rotations of Interactions': New Su(3)Xu(64) Symmetry and 'interactions of Interactions, ' Elect by Blaha, Stephen
Numerical Simulation in Applied Geophysics by Santos, Juan Enrique, Gauzellino, Patricia Mercedes
Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Applications by Singal, T. L.
Durch Symmetrie Die Moderne Physik Verstehen: Ein Neuer Zugang Zu Den Fundamentalen Theorien by Schwichtenberg, Jakob
Theory of Dislocations by Anderson, Peter, Hirth, John, Lothe, Jens
Proceedings of the IV Advanced Ceramics and Applications Conference by
Teoria del equlibrio y la tendencia universal by Morales Gómez, Javier
Making Sense of Weather and Climate: The Science Behind the Forecasts by Denny, Mark
Particle Physics by Martin, Brian R., Shaw, Graham
Quantum Robotics: A Primer on Current Science and Future Perspectives by Shih, Ben, Tandon, Prateek, Lam, Stanley
The Story of Light by Bova, Ben
Random Matrix Theory with an External Source by Brézin, Edouard, Hikami, Shinobu
The Pauli Exclusion Principle: Origin, Verifications, and Applications by Kaplan, Ilya G.
Particle Physics by Martin, Brian R., Shaw, Graham
Longitudinally Polarised Terahertz Radiation for Relativistic Particle Acceleration by Cliffe, Matthew J.
From Classical to Quantum Plasmonics in Three and Two Dimensions by Christensen, Thomas
Measurement of Quarkonium Polarization to Probe QCD at the Lhc by Knünz, Valentin
Astronomy in Focus XXIXB by
Transport of Energetic Electrons in Solids: Computer Simulation with Applications to Materials Analysis and Characterization by Dapor, Maurizio
Electro-Osmosis of Polymer Solutions: Linear and Nonlinear Behavior by Uematsu, Yuki
Mathematik Für Physiker Band 3: Variationsrechnung - Differentialgeometrie - Mathematische Grundlagen Der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie by Fischer, Helmut, Kaul, Helmut
Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics by Washiyama, Kouhei, Takigawa, Noboru
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations by Borthwick, David
What Goes Up... Gravity and Scientific Method by Kosso, Peter
Special Relativity: For the Enthusiastic Beginner by Morin, David J.
Über den physikalisch-optischen Bau der Augen vom Schaf und Hund by Meyer, Walther
Ionization Energy Theory II: Interdisciplinary Science by Arulsamy, Andrew Das
Light Cone 2015 by
Time Travel: Fun Facts & Theories on How to Travel Through Time & Space by Kiv Books
Walzen Von Flachprodukten by
Hidden In Plain Sight 7: The Fine-Tuned Universe by Thomas, Andrew H.
Superphenix: Technical and Scientific Achievements by Guidez, Joël, Prêle, Gérard
Waves, Particles, and Storms in Geospace by
Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity by Rovelli, Carlo
Geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific Margin by
Variational Continuum Multiphase Poroelasticity: Theory and Applications by Serpieri, Roberto, Travascio, Francesco
Molecular Physical Chemistry: A Computer-Based Approach Using Mathematica(r) and Gaussian by Teixeira-Dias, José J. C.
Myothermische Untersuchungen aus den physiologischen Laboratorien zu Zürich: und Würzburg von Prof. Billroth by Fick, Adolf
Materie: Erde, Wasser, Luft Und Feuer by Welsch, Norbert, Liebmann, Claus, Schwab, Jürgen
Einsteins Von Den Nazis Konfisziertes Eigentum: Der Lange Weg Bis Zur Rückgabe Und Entschädigung by Grundmann, Siegfried
Die fünf Sinne des Menschen by Bernstein, Julius
Die fünf Sinne des Menschen by Bernstein, Julius
Elementary Particles, Objects, and the Cosmos: Toward One Model by Buckholtz, Thomas J.
Agogic Maps: From Musical Phrasing to Enhancement of Urban Spaces by Pe, Raffaele
Advanced Time Telling - Introducing Minutes - Practice Worksheets Workbook With Answers: Daily Practice Guide for Elementary Students and Homeschooler by Shobha
Essential Science for Cambridge Secondary 1 Stage 7 Student Book by Forbes, Darren, Fosberry, Richard
Theoretische Physik 3: Klassische Feldtheorie: Von Elektrodynamik, Nicht-Abelschen Eichtheorien Und Gravitation by Scheck, Florian
The linearized theory of gravitational radiation, and the detection of gravitational waves.: An almost self contained introduction by Souvatzis, Petros
Quantum Theory from First Principles by Perinotti, Paolo, D'Ariano, Giacomo Mauro, Chiribella, Giulio
New Frontiers in Fields and Strings (Tasi 2015) - Proceedings of the 2015 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics by
Differential Rotation in Sun-Like Stars from Surface Variability and Asteroseismology by Nielsen, Martin Bo
Dirac Matter by
An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision by Berkeley, George
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Und Gravitationswellen: Eine Einführung Für Lehramtsstudierende by Pohl, Jonas
Spoiler Alert: Everyone Dies(TM) The Lighter Side of Global Annihilation by Wetmore, Eddie, Consiglio Jr, David
Wilhelm Ostwald: The Autobiography by
Directed Polymers in Random Environments: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XLVI - 2016 by Comets, Francis
Foundations of Nuclear and Particle Physics by Formaggio, Joseph A., Holstein, Barry R., Donnelly, T. William
Crystal Chemistry: From Basics to Tools for Materials Creation by Ferey, Gerard
Inertial Confinement Fusion Driven Thermonuclear Energy by Zohuri, Bahman
Memoirs of a Rocket Scientist: From Apollo to Space Shuttle to Minuteman to UAV/BPI by Salita, Mark
Die Lehre vom Arterienpuls: Nach eigenen Versuchen und Beobachtungen by Landois, Leonard
Movement Equations 2: Mathematical and Methodological Supplements by Borel, Michel, Vénizélos, Georges
Die Lehre von der Reibungselektrizität by Riess, Peter Theophil
Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference: Volume 2 by
La Métaphysique Des Bons Esprits, Ou l'Idée d'Une Métaphysique Familière Et Solide by D' Abillon, André
Finite Element Methods: A Practical Guide by Whiteley, Jonathan
Problèmes de Physique Et de Chimie: Choisis Parmi Les Sujets de Compositions by Jays
Die Lebendige Kraft und ihr Mass: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Physik by Zwerger, Max
Quantum Effects, Heavy Doping, and the Effective Mass by Ghatak, Kamakhya Prasad
Die Meteorologie ihrem neuesten Standpunkte gemäss und mit besonderer Berücksichtigung geographischer Fragen dargestellt by Günther, Siegmund
An Introduction to Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes by Melendrez Armada, Daniel, Vijayaraghavan, Aravind, Proctor, John E.
Bundle: College Physics, Volume 1, 11th + Webassign Printed Access Card for Serway/Vuille's College Physics, 11th Edition, Single-Term by Vuille, Chris, Serway, Raymond
Models, Simulation, and Experimental Issues in Structural Mechanics by
Baby Steps in Physics: Free-Fall and Projectile Motion by Sapozhnikov, Boris
Salt Tectonics by Hudec, Michael R., Jackson, Martin P. a.
Crystal Chemistry: From Basics to Tools for Materials Creation by Ferey, Gerard
Unique Perceptions on Physics: Commentaries with solutions papers on Physics by Banjara, Bishal
High Performance Soft Magnetic Materials by
Vorlesungen über die elektromagnetische Theorie des Lichts: 5. Band by König, Arthur Peter, Runge, Carl, Helmholtz, Hermann Von
Abhandlungen zur Physiologie der Gesichtsempfindungen: aus dem Physiologischen institut zu Freiburg i.B - 1. Band by Kries, Johannes Von
Beiträge zur Analyse der Empfindungen by Mach, Ernst
Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging by Liu, C. Richard
Die Grundempfindungen in normalen- und anomalen Farbensystemen: Und ihre Intensitätsverteilung im Spektrum by Dieterich, Conrad, König, Arthur
Programming Phase-Field Modeling by Biner, S. Bulent
Geometrodynamics of Gauge Fields: On the Geometry of Yang-Mills and Gravitational Gauge Theories by Mielke, Eckehard W.
Finite Elemente: Eine Einführung Für Ingenieure by Knothe, Klaus, Wessels, Heribert
Higgs Potential and Naturalness After the Higgs Discovery by Hamada, Yuta
Combustion for Power Generation and Transportation: Technology, Challenges and Prospects by
Study of Double Parton Scattering in Photon + 3 Jets Final State: In Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 7tev with the CMS Experiment at the Lhc by Chang, You-Hao
The History of Quantum Physics by Gordesli, Melih M.
Fundamentals of Estuarine Physical Oceanography by Andutta, Fernando Pinheiro, Kjerfve, Björn, Bruner De Miranda, Luiz
Mixed Convection in Fluid Superposed Porous Layers by Kulacki, Francis A., Dixon, John M.
From Newton to Mandelbrot: A Primer in Theoretical Physics by Lesne, Annick, Stauffer, Dietrich, Stanley, H. Eugene
Bundle: College Physics, Loose-Leaf Version, 11th + Webassign Printed Access Card for Serway/Vuille's College Physics, 11th Edition, Multi-Term by Serway, Raymond, Vuille, Chris
Arbeiten des botanischen Instituts in Würzburg by Sachs, Julius
Geothermics: Heat Flow in the Lithosphere by Pasquale, Vincenzo, Verdoya, Massimo, Chiozzi, Paolo
Grundlinien der Lehre von den Bewegungsempfindungen by Mach, Ernst
Mechanical Sound: Technology, Culture, and Public Problems of Noise in the Twentieth Century by Bijsterveld, Karin
Engineering Mathematics II: Algebraic, Stochastic and Analysis Structures for Networks, Data Classification and Optimization by
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