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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2018

Das Rätsel Dunkle Materie: Auf Der Suche Nach Dem Unsichtbaren by Kapferer, Wolfgang
Duality of Time: Complex-Time Geometry and Perpetual Creation of Space by Haj Yousef, Mohamed
Relativity by Einstein, Albert
Intelligent Systems and Applications: Extended and Selected Results from the Sai Intelligent Systems Conference (Intellisys) 2016 by
My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla by Tesla, Nikola
Sur l'Espace et le Temps selon Einstein by Nordmann, Charles
Acoustics of Speech Production by McGowan, Richard S.
Gravity by Gamow, George
Physics in a Nutshell: A Companion For Competitive Tests by Devan, Ajith Shankar, Sankaranarayanan, Devanarayanan
Gravity by Gamow, George
Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway, Raymond, Jewett, John
Best Practices in Physics-Based Fault Rupture Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Installations by
Introduction to Engineering Fluid Mechanics by Escudier, Marcel
Ralph Ellison, Temporal Technologist by Germana, Michael
Why Time Flies by Burdick, Alan
Droplets and Sprays: Applications for Combustion and Propulsion by
Exciton Transport Phenomena in GAAS Coupled Quantum Wells by Leonard, Jason
The Double Constraint Inversion Methodology: Equations and Applications in Forward and Inverse Modeling of Groundwater Flow by El-Rawy, Mustafa, Zijl, Wouter, de Smedt, Florimond
Blast Mitigation Strategies in Marine Composite and Sandwich Structures by
Was ist ein Quantenobjekt?: Ein fiktiver Dialog zu Aspekten der Atom- und Quantenphysik by Mohrmann, Holger
Elements of Electromagnetics by Sadiku, Matthew
Gpr Basics: A Handbook for Ground Penetrating Radar Users by Bigman, Daniel P.
Pulsed Laser Ablation: Advances and Applications in Nanoparticles and Nanostructuring Thin Films by
Design of Nanostructures for Theranostics Applications by
Calling Taikong: A Strategy Report and Study of China's Future Space Science Missions by Wu, Ji
Aperiodic Order by
Supernova 1987a: 30 Years Later (Iau S331): Cosmic Rays and Nuclei from Supernovae and Their Aftermaths by
A Finite Element Primer for Beginners: The Basics by Zohdi, Tarek I.
Transport, Fluids, and Mixing by Crippa, Gianluca, Mazzucato, Anna
Beyond the Egg Drop: Infusing Engineering Into High School Physics by Eisenkraft, Arthur
Newton - Innovation and Controversy by Rowlands, Peter
Emergence of the Quantum from the Classical: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Processes by De Gosson, Maurice A.
College Physics: Part 2 by Urone, Paul Peter, Hinrichs, Roger
Newton - Innovation and Controversy by Rowlands, Peter
College Physics: Part 1 by Urone, Paul Peter, Hinrichs, Roger
Concepts in Particle Physics: A Concise Introduction to the Standard Model by Nair, V. Parameswaran
The Vatican Observatory, Castel Gandolfo: 80th Anniversary Celebration by
Radioterapia Y Radiología E Imágenes Médicas: Mis Experiencias y Apuntes by Alexander, Jasmina
Some Physics United: With Predictions and Models for Much by Buckholtz, Thomas J.
Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, 20 Years: Two Decades of Research and Experimentation on Claystones for Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste by
Why Does Classical Mechanics Forbid Inertial Propulsion Devices When They Evidently Do Exist?: A Major Revision Of The Author's Point Of View Based Up by Allen Jr, Dennis P.
Thermo-mechanical Buckling of Composite Plates and Shells by Eslami, Mohammad Reza
Essential Fluid Dynamics for Scientists by Braithwaite, Jonathan
Theories of Matter, Space and Time: Classical Theories by Evans, Nick, King, Steve
Adaptive Stochastic Methods: In Computational Mathematics and Mechanics by Arseniev, Dmitry G., Ivanov, Vladimir M., Korenevsky, Maxim L.
Theories of Matter, Space and Time: Classical Theories by Evans, Nick, King, Steve
Essential Fluid Dynamics for Scientists by Braithwaite, Jonathan
Advances in Structural Integrity: Proceedings of Sice 2016 by
Women's Health and Biomechanics: Where Medicine and Engineering Meet by
Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures--Avms-2017: Proceedings of the 14th Avms Conference, Timisoara, Romania, May 25-26, 2017 by
Blindsight: A Quantum Life in a Human World by Masters, Mikal
Mathematical Gauge Theory: With Applications to the Standard Model of Particle Physics by Hamilton, Mark J. D.
Statistics for Astrophysics: Bayesian Methodology by
Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Wc by
Challenges in Fluid Dynamics: A New Approach by Zeytounian, R. Kh
Gemini Comics Presents Uncle Newton in: Conductor of the Universe: Story & Coloring Book by Charloff, Perry
An Introduction to Physics by Mason Phd, Jonathan P.
Key Technologies of Magnetically-Coupled Resonant Wireless Power Transfer by Zhang, Yiming
Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries: Proceedings of the 31st International Colloquium in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics by
A Philosophical Approach to Quantum Field Theory by Öttinger, Hans Christian
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XIII by
Broad Bandwidth and High Dimensional Quantum Memory Based on Atomic Ensembles by Ding, Dong-Sheng
Total Electron Content Variations Over Magnetic Equatorial And Equatorial Anomaly Regions Of The Eastern African Sector by Bosco, Oryema
A Photographic Atlas of Flood Basalt Volcanism by Sheth, Hetu
Waves: Fundamentals and Dynamics by Yoshida, Sanichiro
Exploring the World with the Laser: Dedicated to Theodor Hänsch on His 75th Birthday by
High-Energy-Density Physics: Foundation of Inertial Fusion and Experimental Astrophysics by Drake, R. Paul
Waves: Fundamentals and Dynamics by Yoshida, Sanichiro
College Physics: A Strategic Approach by Field, Stuart, Knight, Randall, Jones, Brian
Quantum Fields: From the Hubble to the Planck Scale by Kachelriess, Michael
The Iodine Molecule: Insights Into Intra- And Intermolecular Perturbation in Diatomic Molecules by Pravilov, Anatoly, Lukashov, Sergey, Petrov, Alexander
Simplest Universe Theory II by Bovee, Donald
EMP Hoax by Hathaway, David
Gina Says: Adventures in the Blogosphere String War by Kalai, Gil
Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem Zusammenhange: II. Band by Dannemann, Friedrich
Neutron Interferometry: Lessons in Experimental Quantum Mechanics, Wave-Particle Duality, and Entanglement by Rauch, Helmut, Werner, Samuel A.
Clash of Symbols: A Ride Through the Riches of Glyphs by Webb, Stephen
Cyclopaedia of Mechanics - Containing Receipts, Processes and Memoranda for Workshop Use - Based on Personal Experience and Expert Knowledge - With 1, by Hasluck, Paul N.
Scattering by Obstacles and Potentials by Ramm, Alexander G.
The Lost Notebook of Enrico Fermi: The True Story of the Discovery of Neutron-Induced Radioactivity by Guerra, Francesco, Robotti, Nadia
Macroscopic Metaphysics: Middle-Sized Objects and Longish Processes by Needham, Paul
Mathematics for Physics: An Illustrated Handbook by Marsh, Adam
Geometric Methods in Elastic Theory of Membranes in Liquid Crystal Phases (Second Edition) by Tu, Zhanchun, Ou-Yang, Zhong-Can, Liu, Jixing
Hyperspherical Harmonics and Their Physical Applications by Avery, James Emil, Avery, John Scales
Plasma Physics in Active Wave Ionosphere Interaction by Kuo, Spencer P.
Spin Orbitronics and Topological Properties of Nanostructures - Lecture Notes of the Twelfth International School on Theoretical Physics by
Cosmology, Gravitational Waves and Particles - Proceedings of the Conference by
SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2018 Black Book (Colored) by Verma, Gaurav, Samar
The Statistical Foundations of Entropy by Ramshaw, John D.
SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2018 Black Book by Verma, Gaurav
Biotechnology in Space by Ruyters, Günter, Betzel, Christian, Grimm, Daniela
Econodynamics: The Theory of Social Production by Pokrovskii, Vladimir N.
Predicting Flow-Induced Acoustics at Near-Stall Conditions in an Automotive Turbocharger Compressor: A Numerical Approach by Navarro García, Roberto
Mass and Energy Balances: Basic Principles for Calculation, Design, and Optimization of Macro/Nano Systems by Ashrafizadeh, Seyed Ali, Tan, Zhongchao
Analysis and Modelling of Advanced Structures and Smart Systems by
The Physics of Einstein: Black holes, time travel, distant starlight, E=mc2 by Lisle, Jason
The Book of Photography - Practical, Theoretic and Applied by Hasluck, Paul N.
Elements of Vorticity Aerodynamics by Wu, James C.
Digestible Quantum Field Theory by Smilga, Andrei
Einstieg in Die Astroteilchenphysik: Grundlagen, Messungen Und Ergebnisse Aktueller Forschung by Grupen, Claus
Phasenverhalten von Mischungen aus aktiven und passiven Mikroschwimmern by Rodenhauser, Anton
Tsunami Propagation in Tidal Rivers by Tolkova, Elena
EHT Transmission Performance Evaluation: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Srinivas, K., Satyanarayana, R. V. S.
Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem ZusammenhangeI: Von den Anfängen bis zum Wiederaufleben der Wissenschaften by Dannemann, Friedrich
Electricity and Matter by Thomson, J. J.
Digital Physics: The Meaning of the Holographic Universe and Its Implications Beyond Theoretical Physics by Lokanga, Ediho Kengete Ta Koi
Digital Physics: The Physics of Information, Computation, Self-Organization and Consciousness Q&A by Lokanga, Ediho Kengete Ta Koi
The Unified field Theory by Davito, Flavio
Laminar Drag Reduction by Watanabe, Keizo
Building Habitats on the Moon: Engineering Approaches to Lunar Settlements by Benaroya, Haym
Hidden In Plain Sight 9: The Physics Of Consciousness by Thomas, Andrew H.
Versuch zur Wärmepumpe: Ausarbeitung im Rahmen eines physikalischen Praktikums by Heß, Simon
Effizient und erfolgreich mit Outlook: Zeit gewinnen leicht gemacht by Welzenbach, Klaus
Imaging the Rupture Processes of Earthquakes Using the Relative Back-Projection Method: Theory and Applications by Zhang, Hao
Volatile State: Iran in the Nuclear Age by Oualaalou, David
Schramm-Loewner Evolution by Kemppainen, Antti
Magnetic Fields in the Solar System: Planets, Moons and Solar Wind Interactions by
Multiphoton Microscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging: Applications in Biology and Medicine by
Statistical Physics and Computational Methods for Evolutionary Game Theory by Javarone, Marco Alberto
The Vector Mode in the Second-Order Cosmological Perturbation Theory by Saga, Shohei
Innovative Heat Exchangers by
[Set Moderne Thermodynamik Bd. 1]2] by Strunk, Christoph
Plasma and Plasmonics by Shah, Kushal
Ordinary Differential Equations: Example-Driven, Including Maple Code by Precup, Radu
Jean Le Rond d'Alembert: A New Theory of the Resistance of Fluids by
Stochastically Forced Compressible Fluid Flows by Breit, Dominic, Feireisl, Eduard, Hofmanová, Martina
The Laser Inventor: Memoirs of Theodore H. Maiman by Maiman, Theodore H.
Mechatronics for Cultural Heritage and Civil Engineering by
Search for New Phenomena in Dijet Angular Distributions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV by Bryngemark, Lene Kristian
Introductory Quantum Mechanics: A Traditional Approach Emphasizing Connections with Classical Physics by Berman, Paul R.
Electrodynamics of Quantum-Critical Conductors and Superconductors by Pracht, Uwe Santiago
The Crisis in Physics by Caudwell, Christopher
On the Direct Detection of 229m Th by Von Der Wense, Lars
Timekeepers: How the World Became Obsessed with Time by Garfield, Simon
Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity by Rovelli, Carlo
Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life by Czerski, Helen
A Fresh View on the Outer Space Treaty by
Droplet and Spray Transport: Paradigms and Applications by
Colorimetry and Image Processing by
Fractional Diffusion Equations and Anomalous Diffusion by Evangelista, Luiz Roberto, Lenzi, Ervin Kaminski
Axial Turbine Aerodynamics for Aero-Engines: Flow Analysis and Aerodynamics Design by Liu, Huoxing, Zou, Zhengping, Wang, Songtao
Introduction to Random Matrices: Theory and Practice by Vivo, Pierpaolo, Livan, Giacomo, Novaes, Marcel
Thermische Energiesysteme: Berechnung Klassischer Und Regenerativer Komponenten Und Anlagen by Von Böckh, Peter, Stripf, Matthias
The Nanotechnology Revolution: A Global Bibliographic Perspective by Stirling, Dale a.
Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach by Liu, Chaoqun, Tu, Jiyuan, Yeoh, Guan Heng
Investigations on RF Breakdown Phenomenon in High Gradient Accelerating Structures by Shao, Jiahang
The Unified SuperStandard Model and the Megaverse SECOND EDITION: A Deeper Theory based on a New Particle Functional Space that Explicates Quantum Ent by Blaha, Stephen
Earthquakes and Multi-Hazards Around the Pacific Rim, Vol. I by
Non-commutative Differentiation and the Commutator: The Search for the Fermion Content of the Universe by Morris, Dennis
Dimetallzentren in Proteinen: Quanten- Und Molekularmechanische Rechnungen Und Nukleare Inelastische Streuung an Carboxylatverbrückten Fefe- Und Mnf by Marx, Jennifer
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers and Scientists by Jayanti, Sreenivas
Solid State Properties: From Bulk to Nano by Cronin, Stephen B., Dresselhaus, Mildred, Dresselhaus, Gene
Equivalent Stress Concept for Limit State Analysis by Kolupaev, Vladimir A.
Blast Effects: Physical Properties of Shock Waves by
Plant Tissue Culture, Development, and Biotechnology by
De l'Equivalence de la chaleur et du travail mécanique by Saigey, Émile
Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers: Structural and Soft Matter Aspects by
Lady Mathematician in This Strange Universe, A: Memoirs by Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne
Advanced Nonlinear Optics by He, Guang S., Liu, Song-Hao
Multi-Layer Pavement System Under Blast Load by Tan, Hong Wei Andy, Wu, Hao, Wu, Jun
Origin of Mass and Strong Coupling Gauge Theories (Scgt 15) - Proceedings of the Sakata Memorial Kmi Workshop by
Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Cyclohexane and Its Mono-Alkylated Derivatives Combustion by Wang, Zhandong
Quantum Theory from a Nonlinear Perspective: Riccati Equations in Fundamental Physics by Schuch, Dieter
Flushell - A Tool for Thermal Modelling and Simulation of Windings for Large Shell-Type Power Transformers by Campelo, Hugo
Millimeter and Submillimeter Studies on the Active Trinity of Gas, Stars, and Black Holes in Seyfert Galaxies by Izumi, Takuma
Free Surface Flows and Transport Processes: 36th International School of Hydraulics by
Paradoxes of Time Travel by Wasserman, Ryan
Fractional Kinetics in Space: Anomalous Transport Models by Sibatov, Renat T., Uchaikin, Vladimir V.
Managing Science: Developing Your Research, Leadership and Management Skills by Peach, Ken
Real Quanta: Simplifying Quantum Physics for Einstein and Bohr by Van Calmthout, Martijn
Mathematical Physical Chemistry: Practical and Intuitive Methodology by Hotta, Shu
Epitaxial Graphene on Silicon Carbide: Modeling, Characterization, and Applications by
Big Data in Medical Image Processing by Suganya, R., Rajaram, S., Abdullah, A. Sheik
Radiation Processes in Crystal Solid Solutions by Gladyshev, Gennadi
Aerostruct: Enable and Learn How to Integrate Flexibility in Design: Contributions to the Closing Symposium of the German Research Initiative Aerostru by
Topology and Condensed Matter Physics by
Mechanics: From Newton's Laws to Deterministic Chaos by Scheck, Florian
An Introduction to Quantum Transport in Semiconductors by Ferry, David K.
Light Harvesting in Photosynthesis by
Natural Philosophy: The Logic of Physics: Volume One: Describing the World with Mathematics by Miller, James, Dixon, Marshall, Hibshman, Adam
Les Eaux Thermales de Bourbonne-Les-Bains, Haute-Marne by Magnin, E.
Limite d'Élasticité Et Résistance À La Rupture, Déformation Des Corps Solides. Statique Générale by Duguet-C
Complément Du Cours d'Électricité by Leblond-H
La Psychologie de la Force by Brasseur-A
La mécanique, exposé historique et critique de son développement by Mach, Ernst
Sur Quelques Expériences de Physique Nécessitées Par l'Étude de la Harpe Chromatique Sans Pédales: Système G. Lyon Breveté by Canat de Chizy-R
Cours Élémentaire de Physique, Rédigé Conformément Aux Programmes Officiels Du 31 Mai 1902: Quatrième Et Troisième B, Seconde, Première Et Philosophie by Branly-E
Mesures Pratiques En Radioactivité by Makower-W
L'Éther, Principe Universel Des Forces by Marx-A
Traité de Physique Appliquée Aux Arts Et Métiers by Guilloud, J. -J -V
Le Radium Et Les Nouvelles Radiations. CE Qu'il Faut En Penser Et En Attendre by Berget, Alphonse
Cours Élémentaire de Mécanique Statique Pour l'Enseignement Secondaire Spécial, 3e Année. Partie 2: Ouvrage Répondant Aux Programmes Officiels de 1866 by Collignon, Edouard-Charles-Romain
Thêmes Sur La Physique Ou Cours de Physique Amusant Et Instructif. 2e Édition: Renfermant l'Explication Des Phénomènes Les Plus Curieux de la Nature by Olivier, G. -F
Études Sur l'Acier, Examen Du Procédé Heaton by Gruner, Louis
Thèse. Théorie Physique de l'Audition. Concours Pour l'Agrégation, Section Des Sciences Physiques: Faculté de Médecine, Paris, 16 Février 1876 by Garran de Balzan, L. -A
Creep and Hygrothermal Effects in Concrete Structures by Bazant, Zdeněk P., Jirásek, Milan
Hospitable Universe: Addressing Ethical and Spiritual Concerns in Light of Recent Scientific Discoveries by Gambini, Rodolfo
Advances in Mechanics of Materials and Structural Analysis: In Honor of Reinhold Kienzler by
Analytical Solutions for Two Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles Immersed in a Magnetic Field: Mathematical Model in Bispherical Coordinates by Anthonys, Gehan
Elastic Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation: Analytic Solutions in Diverse Backgrounds by Sharma, Subodh Kumar
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