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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2019

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering (Icoe2018): Volume 2 by
Multiplex and Multilevel Networks by
Notions Élémentaires de Statique: Destinées Aux Jeunes Gens Qui Se Préaprent Pour l'Ecole Polytechnique by Biot, Jean-Baptiste
Physique Mécanique. Traduit de l'Allemand, Avec Des Notes. 2e Édition by Fischer, Ernst Gottfried, Biot, Mme Jean-Baptiste Traducteur, Biot, Jean-Baptiste
Mémoire Sur Les Causes Et Sur Les Effets de la Chaleur, de la Lumière Et de l'Électricité by Seguin, Marc
Les Méthodes Nouvelles de la Mécanique Céleste. Solutions Périodiques: Non-Existence Des Intégrales Uniformes. Solutions Asymptotiques by Poincaré, Henri
Études Sur Le Frottement, Le Graissage Des Machines Et Les Lubrifiants. 2e Édition: Détermination Des Lois Et Des Coefficients de Frottement Par de No by Jarry, N., Thurston, Robert Henry
Recherches Balistiques Sur Les Vitesses Initiales, Le Recul, Et La Résistance de l'Air by Coste, Louis Marieosper
Mémoires. Tome 1 by Wiltner, Friedrich, Potier, Alfred
Sur Les Combinaisons Organomagnésiennes Mixtes Et Leur Application: À Des Synthèses d'Acides, d'Alcools Et d'Hydrocarbures by Grignard, Victor
Traité d'Optique. Tome 1 by Mascart, Éleuthère
Traité d'Optique. Tome 2 by Mascart, Éleuthère
Traité d'Optique. Tome 3 by Mascart, Éleuthère
Traité de Mécanique Rationnelle, Cours de Mécanique de la Faculté Des Sciences. Tome 2 by Appell, Paul, Véronnet, Alexandre
Traité de Mécanique Rationnelle, Cours de Mécanique de la Faculté Des Sciences. Tome 1 by Véronnet, Alexandre, Appell, Paul
Traité de Mécanique Rationnelle, Cours de Mécanique de la Faculté Des Sciences. Tome 3 by Appell, Paul, Véronnet, Alexandre
An Introduction to Classical Electrodynamics by Keohane, Jonathan W., Foy, Joseph P.
Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics: A Practical Approach by Sackett, Cass
PHYSICS Solid State Physics (Paper - XVI) by Dr Kadam, L. D., Patil, M. G., Patil, R. H.
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions: Transformations and group theoretical aspects by Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan, Rao, K. Srinivasa
Recording Audio: Engineering in the Studio by Hill, Barry R.
Introduction to Materials for Advanced Energy Systems by Tong, Colin
The Copenhagen Conspiracy by Ferry, David
The Essence of Turbulence as a Physical Phenomenon: With Emphasis on Issues of Paradigmatic Nature by Tsinober, Arkady
Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in Accelerator Physics by Penn, Gregory, Stupakov, Gennady
An Introduction to Hamiltonian Mechanics by Torres del Castillo, Gerardo F.
Numerical Simulation of the Aerodynamics of High-Lift Configurations by
Spectral Action in Noncommutative Geometry by Eckstein, Michal, Iochum, Bruno
Particle Confinement in Penning Traps: An Introduction by Vogel, Manuel
Epitaxial Growth of III-Nitride Compounds: Computational Approach by
Theory of One-Dimensional Vlasov-Maxwell Equilibria: With Applications to Collisionless Current Sheets and Flux Tubes by Allanson, Oliver
Luminosity Measurement at the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment of the Lhc by Karacheban, Olena
Spinning Strings and Correlation Functions in the Ads/Cft Correspondence by Nieto, Juan Miguel
Advances in Synchronization of Coupled Fractional Order Systems: Fundamentals and Methods by Martínez-Guerra, Rafael, Pérez-Pinacho, Claudia Alejandra
Characterizing Space Plasmas: A Data Driven Approach by Parks, George K.
Real-Time Quantum Dynamics of Electron-Phonon Systems by Rizzi, Valerio
Supervised Learning with Quantum Computers by Schuld, Maria, Petruccione, Francesco
Charge Quantization and Kondo Quantum Criticality in Few-Channel Mesoscopic Circuits by Iftikhar, Zubair
Geopolitics of the Outer Space: A European Perspective by Dobos, Bohumil
Frustrated Materials and Ferroic Glasses by
Neutrino Physics in Present and Future Kamioka Water‐Čerenkov Detectors with Neutron Tagging by Fernández Menéndez, Pablo
Powerful Pulsed Plasma Generators: Research and Application by Bogomaz, Alexander, Budin, Alexander, Kolikov, Victor
The Science of Musical Sound: Volume 1: Stringed Instruments, Pipe Organs, and the Human Voice by Bennett Jr, William Ralph
Laser Technology and its Applications by
Liquid Crystals: Self-Organized Soft Functional Materials for Advanced Applications by
Essential Modern Physics Study Guide Workbook by McMullen, Chris
Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering by Razeghi, Manijeh
A First Introduction to Quantum Computing and Information by Zygelman, Bernard
Hyperelasticity Primer by Hackett, Robert M.
Gemini 4: An Astronaut Steps Into the Void by Shayler, David J.
Progress in Hybrid Rans-Les Modelling: Papers Contributed to the 6th Symposium on Hybrid Rans-Les Methods, 26-28 September 2016, Strasbourg, France by
Mathematical Foundations of Computational Electromagnetism by Ciarlet, Patrick, Labrunie, Simon, Assous, Franck
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering: Volume 2: Numerical Modelling in Mechanical and Materials Engin by
Bionic Functional Structures by Femtosecond Laser Micro/Nanofabrication Technologies by Li, Guoqiang
Superschool on Derived Categories and D-Branes: Edmonton, Canada, July 17-23, 2016 by
Galileo Galilei: At the Threshold of the Scientific Age by Osterhage, Wolfgang W.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Theoretical, Applied and Experimental Mechanics by
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy: From Single Charge Detection to Device Characterization by
The Scaling of Relaxation Processes by
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 1: Mathematical Theory and Computational Methods by
Ellipsometry of Functional Organic Surfaces and Films by
Proceedings of Fatigue, Durability and Fracture Mechanics by
Research on the Radiation Effects and Compact Model of Sige Hbt by Sun, Yabin
Space Science and Communication for Sustainability by
Magnetoelastic Waves by Baghdasaryan, Gevorg, Danoyan, Zaven
Unified Strength Theory and Its Applications by Yu, Mao-Hong
Polymer-Modified Liquid Crystals by
Shock Focusing Phenomena: High Energy Density Phenomena and Dynamics of Converging Shocks by Apazidis, Nicholas, Eliasson, Veronica
The Philosophy of Quantum Physics by Kuhlmann, Meinard, Friebe, Cord
Geomechanics, Fluid Dynamics and Well Testing, Applied to Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs: Extreme Naturally Fractured Reservoirs by Barros Galvis, Nelson Enrique
About Time: The Situation of Gravity - Final Edition by Mundy, Reg
Classical Mechanics with Mathematica(r) by Marasco, Addolorata, Romano, Antonio
Flinovia--Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects-II: A Focus on Measurement, Modeling, Simulation and Reproduction of the Flow Excitation by
Asymptotics of Elliptic and Parabolic Pdes: And Their Applications in Statistical Physics, Computational Neuroscience, and Biophysics by Holcman, David, Schuss, Zeev
Popigai Impact Structure and Its Diamond-Bearing Rocks by
Prevention of Pressure Sores: Engineering and Clinical Aspects by Webster, J. G.
Active Vibration Control and Stability Analysis of Flexible Beam Systems by Liu, Jinkun, He, Wei
The Physics of Interstellar Dust by Krugel, Endrik
Quantum Information and Consciousness: A Gentle Introduction by Georgiev, Danko D.
Early Exploration of the Moon: Ranger to Apollo, Luna to Lunniy Korabl by Lund, Tom
Magnonics: Interface Transmission Tutorial Book Series by Dobrzyński, Léonard, Al-Wahsh, Housni, Akjouj, Abdellatif
Reconstruction of Macroscopic Maxwell Equations: A Single Susceptibility Theory by Cho, Kikuo
Selected Papers in Physics by Arulsamy, Andrew Das
Thermal Elastic Mechanics Problems of Concrete Rectangular Thin Plate by Cheng, Xuansheng
Phase-Contrast and Dark-Field Imaging by
Theories of Molecular Reaction Dynamics: The Microscopic Foundation of Chemical Kinetics by Henriksen, Niels E., Hansen, Flemming Y.
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Pink, Daniel H.
Principles of Quantum Computation and Information: A Comprehensive Textbook by Casati, Giulio, Benenti, Giuliano, Rossini, Davide
Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - Theory, Interpretation and Results: Volume 78 by
Superconducting Fault Current Limiter: Innovation for the Electric Grids by
Physics on Ultracold Quantum Gases by Han, Yongjian, Wei, Yi, Zhang, Wei
Nonlinear Waves: A Geometrical Approach by Popivanov, Petar Radoev, Slavova, Angela
E = Mc^2 Talks with the Law of Mass Doing Work: This Great Equation Wants to Know Why Mass Has Energy; Do You? by Zhao Ph. D., Bingcheng
Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics of Two-Level Systems by Lavine, James P.
Principles of Quantum Computation and Information: A Comprehensive Textbook by Rossini, Davide, Casati, Giulio, Benenti, Giuliano
Feynman and His Physics: The Life and Science of an Extraordinary Man by Resag, Jörg
10 Class Course on Nuclear Science for Kids: A fun and interactive way to learn all about Nuclear Science by Kinyanjui, Samuel
International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016: Proceedings Organized by Iag Commission 2 and the International Gravity Field Servi by
Applied Linear Algebra by Shakiban, Chehrzad, Olver, Peter J.
A Microscopic Theory of Fission Dynamics Based on the Generator Coordinate Method by Younes, Walid, Gogny, Daniel Marc, Berger, Jean-François
Iutam Symposium on Intelligent Multibody Systems - Dynamics, Control, Simulation by
Das Blockheizkraftwerk. Ein Überblick für Bauherren und Interessenten: Über die Funktionsweise einer ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Alternative zu by Kunz, David
Guidance and Control Technology of Spacecraft on Elliptical Orbit by Liu, Fucheng, Lu, Shan, Sun, Yue
Rail Crack Monitoring Using Acoustic Emission Technique by Li, Dan
Long-Life Design and Test Technology of Typical Aircraft Structures by Liu, Jun, Yue, Zhufeng, Geng, Xiaoliang
Phase Equilibria Diagrams of High Temperature Non-Oxide Ceramics by Wu, Laner, Huang, Zhenkun
Application of FPGA to Real‐time Machine Learning: Hardware Reservoir Computers and Software Image Processing by Antonik, Piotr
Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering: Maxent 37, Jarinu, Brazil, July 09-14, 2017 by
Optics, Photonics and Laser Technology by
Ionospheric Space Weather by Cander, Ljiljana R.
Nanophotonics by McGurn, Arthur
Archaeogeophysics: State of the Art and Case Studies by
Planetary Spacecraft Navigation by Miller, James
Practical Alchemy: A Memoir by Harrison, Walter A.
Practical Alchemy: A Memoir by Harrison, Walter A.
Principles of Space-Time-Matter: Cosmology, Particles and Waves in Five Dimensions by Overduin, James M., Wesson, Paul S.
Reliability Physics and Engineering: Time-To-Failure Modeling by McPherson, J. W.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics by
Logan's Turbomachinery: Flowpath Design and Performance Fundamentals, Third Edition by Sultanian, Bijay
Nonlinear Adiabatic Evolution of Quantum Systems: Geometric Phase and Virtual Magnetic Monopole by Fu, Li-Bin, Liu, Jie, Li, Sheng-Chang
Analysis Procedure for Earthquake Resistant Structures by Hejazi, Farzad, Karimzadeh, Keyhan
A Conceptual History of Space and Symmetry: From Plato to the Superworld by Fré, Pietro Giuseppe
A Compendium of Solid State Theory by Bányai, Ladislaus Alexander
Nothing to Come: A Defence of the Growing Block Theory of Time by Correia, Fabrice, Rosenkranz, Sven
Michelson-Morley Experiments: An Enigma for Physics and the History of Science by Consoli, Maurizio, Pluchino, Alessandro
Initial Airworthiness: Determining the Acceptability of New Airborne Systems by Gratton, Guy
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XIV by
Optical Metamaterials: Qualitative Models: Introduction to Nano-Optics and Optical Metamaterials by Chipouline, Arkadi, Küppers, Franko
The Systemic Turn in Human and Natural Sciences: A Rock in the Pond by
Machine Learning at the Belle II Experiment: The Full Event Interpretation and Its Validation on Belle Data by Keck, Thomas
Time-Reversal Symmetry: Seven Time-Reversal Operators for Spin Containing Systems by Geru, Ion I.
Axial Turbine Aerodynamics for Aero-Engines: Flow Analysis and Aerodynamics Design by Liu, Huoxing, Zou, Zhengping, Wang, Songtao
Millimeter and Submillimeter Studies on the Active Trinity of Gas, Stars, and Black Holes in Seyfert Galaxies by Izumi, Takuma
Colored Discrete Spaces: Higher Dimensional Combinatorial Maps and Quantum Gravity by Lionni, Luca
Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing, Volume 9: Proceedings of the 36th Imac, a Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2018 by
Lepton Flavor Violation from Low Scale Seesaw Neutrinos with Masses Reachable at the Lhc by Marcano, Xabier
Spectroscopy of Complex Oxide Interfaces: Photoemission and Related Spectroscopies by
Terahertz Wave Detection and Imaging with a Hot Rydberg Vapour by Wade, Christopher G.
Ejectors for Efficient Refrigeration: Design, Applications and Computational Fluid Dynamics by Milazzo, Adriano, Mazzelli, Federico, Grazzini, Giuseppe
Cosserat Continuum Mechanics: With Applications to Granular Media by Vardoulakis (Deceased), Ioannis
Many-Body Approaches at Different Scales: A Tribute to Norman H. March on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday by
Application of Soft Computing and Intelligent Methods in Geophysics by Hajian, Alireza, Styles, Peter
Principles of Solar Gas Turbines for Electricity Generation by Madhlopa, Amos
Die ISO 9001:2015 - Das Wichtigste in Kürze: Die Norm Für Den Betrieblichen Alltag Kurz, Knapp Und Verständlich Erklärt by Hinsch, Martin
Nonstationary Resonant Dynamics of Oscillatory Chains and Nanostructures by Smirnov, Valeri, Kovaleva, Agnessa, Manevitch, Leonid I.
Theory of Elastic Oscillations: Equations and Methods by Fridman, Vladimir
Controlled Synthesis and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Graphene and Graphene-Based Heterostructures by Liu, Mengxi
Recovery of Materials and Energy from Urban Wastes: A Volume in the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Second Edition by
War in Space: The Science and Technology Behind Our Next Theater of Conflict by Dawson, Linda
Image Fusion in Preclinical Applications by
Chancen Und Grenzen Der Energieverwertung: Physikalische Grundlagen Und Technologien by Osterhage, Wolfgang
Electroweak Baryogenesis and Its Phenomenology by Fuyuto, Kaori
Precursors of Isogeometric Analysis: Finite Elements, Boundary Elements, and Collocation Methods by Provatidis, Christopher G.
The Earth's Dissipative Structures: Fundamental Wave Properties of Substance by Petrov, Oleg V.
Nanoscale Electrochemistry of Molecular Contacts by Bueno, Paulo Roberto
Liquid Separations with Membranes: An Introduction to Barrier Interference by Böddeker, Karl W.
Virtuelle Prototypen Für Lamellenventile in Pkw-Kältemittelverdichtern by Hennig, Jakob
3D Local Structure and Functionality Design of Materials by
Materials Design and Applications II by
An Introduction to Mathematical Billiards by Rozikov, Utkir A.
Universe Dynamics: The Least Action Principle and Lagrange's Equations by Vanier, Jacques, Tomescu (Mandache), Cipriana
Atome, Kerne, Quarks - Alles Begann Mit Rutherford: Wie Teilchen-Streuexperimente Uns Die Subatomare Welt Erklären by Paetz Gen Schieck, Hans
The Physics and Art of Photography, Volume 3: Detectors and the Meaning of Digital by Beaver, John
The Physics and Art of Photography, Volume 3: Detectors and the Meaning of Digital by Beaver, John
Atomic Scale Dynamics at Surfaces: Theory and Experimental Studies with Helium Atom Scattering by Toennies, Jan Peter, Benedek, Giorgio
Mathematical Analysis and Applications by
Stark Broadening of Spectral Lines in Plasmas by
The Future of Fusion Energy by Ball, Justin, Parisi, Jason
The Fast Track to Understanding Ham Radio Propagation by Burnette, Michael
An Introduction to Mathematical Billiards by Rozikov, Utkir A.
A Complete Course on Theoretical Physics: From Classical Mechanics to Advanced Quantum Statistics by Lindner, Albrecht, Strauch, Dieter
The Future of Fusion Energy by Parisi, Jason, Ball, Justin
Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 1: Select Proceedings of SEC 2016 by
Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability: Risk of Capsizing by
Look at the Mechanism Behind the Postulate of the Equivalence Principle: The Mechanism Behind This Extremely Important Postulate Has Been Revealed by Zhao Ph. D., Bingcheng
Science in the Arena: Explanations and Analyses of Performances and Phenomena in Sport by Baker, Blane
Science in the Arena: Explanations and Analyses of Performances and Phenomena in Sport by Baker, Blane
Isaac Oder Die Entdeckung Der Raumzeit by Bäker, Martin
The Delivery of Water to Protoplanets, Planets and Satellites by
Accelerator Physics (Fourth Edition) by Lee, Shyh-Yuan
Newton's Gravity Second Edition: A Hidden Heuristic Used by Newton Has Compromised Modern Physics by Nayhm, Luther L.
Operators of Fractional Calculus and Their Applications by
Tribology: A Simple Guide To The Study of Friction by Watterson, James M.
The Atom: How it really works by Dixon-Roche, Keith
The Second Quantum Revolution: From Entanglement to Quantum Computing and Other Super-Technologies by Jaeger, Lars
Accelerator Physics (Fourth Edition) by Lee, Shyh-Yuan
Correlations in Low-Dimensional Quantum Gases by Lang, Guillaume
Target Station Optimization for the High-Brilliance Neutron Source Hbs: Simulation Studies Based on the Monte Carlo Method by Dabruck, Jan Philipp
Comprehensive Investigation on Active-Passive Hybrid Isolation and Tunable Dynamic Vibration Absorption by Weng, Zhenping, He, Lin, Wang, Fei
Theory and Computation of Hydrodynamic Stability by Jackson, T. L., Joslin, R. D., Criminale, W. O.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering (Icoe2018): Volume 1 by
The Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars by
Plastic Mechanics of Geomaterial by Zheng, Yingren, Liu, Yuanxue
Streutheorie in Der Nichtrelativistischen Quantenmechanik: Eine Einführung by Kirchner, Tom, Lüdde, Cora S., Dreizler, Reiner M.
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Und Schwarze Löcher: Eine Einführung Für Lehramtsstudierende by Stillert, Alexandra
Jets and Winds in Pulsar Wind Nebulae, Gamma-Ray Bursts and Blazars by
Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow: Select Proceedings of Nhtff 2018 by
3rd International Conference on Radiation Safety & Security in Healthcare Services: Proceedings of the Thirs, Icrsshs, Dewan Budaya Usm, Penang, Malay by
Multi-Photon Quantum Secure Communication by Chan, Kam Wai Clifford, Verma, Pramode K., El Rifai, Mayssaa
The Vector Mode in the Second-Order Cosmological Perturbation Theory by Saga, Shohei
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