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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2021

Le Principe de Relativité, Conférence. Société Française Des Électriciens by Langevin, Paul
Symmetry in Optics and Vision Studies: A Data-Analytic Approach by Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan, Viana, Marlos A. G.
Introduction to the Fast Multipole Method: Topics in Computational Biophysics, Theory, and Implementation by Anisimov, Victor, Stewart, James J. P.
Frequmechanic Five. by Saleh M. Inst, Isam Taher
Theoretical Thermotics: Transformation Thermotics and Extended Theories for Thermal Metamaterials by Huang, Ji-Ping
Size Effect in Concrete Materials and Structures by Du, Xiuli, Jin, Liu
Understanding Downhole Microseismic Data Analysis: With Applications in Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring by Akram, Jubran
Mechanics of Composite and Multi-Functional Materials, Volume 5: Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics by
Chaos, Synchronization and Structures in Dynamics of Systems with Cylindrical Phase Space by Erofeev, Vladimir, Verichev, Nikolai, Verichev, Stanislav
Transport Phenomena in Complex Fluids by
Gamma-Ray and Neutrino Signatures of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Accelerators by Celli, Silvia
Phase Space Dynamics in Plasma Based Wakefield Acceleration by Xu, Xinlu
Advanced Materials for Defense: Development, Analysis and Applications by
Geometric Control of Fracture and Topological Metamaterials by Mitchell, Noah
The Physics of the Manhattan Project by Reed, Bruce Cameron
Elements of Einstein's Relativity The Special Theory by Barman, Swapan Kumar
Rarefied Gas Flows and Dynamic Plasma Phenomena in Electric Propulsion Systems by Gomez Herrera, Juan Esteban
Ocular Fluid Dynamics: Anatomy, Physiology, Imaging Techniques, and Mathematical Modeling by
Computational Statics and Dynamics: An Introduction Based on the Finite Element Method by Öchsner, Andreas
AB Initio Theory of Magnetic Ordering: Electronic Origin of Pair- And Multi-Spin Interactions by Mendive Tapia, Eduardo
Ocean Acoustics by Chaplina, Tatiana, Kistovich, Anatoly, Pokazeev, Konstantin
The Study of Continental Lithosphere Electrical Conductivity, Temperature and Rheology by
Mit Der Stringtheorie Zum Urknall: Eine Reise an Den Ursprung Des Universums by Louis, Jan
Quantum Universe, The: Essays on Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Cosmology, and Physics in General by Hartle, James B.
Electronic Instrumentation for AC Susceptibility Measurement by Tilekar, Shivprasad, Patil, Suhas, Pawar, Aparna
Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Confere by
Quantum Photonics by Pearsall, Thomas P.
Ground Motion Seismology by Koketsu, Kazuki
Thermal Characteristics and Convection in Nanofluids by Kumar, Aditya, Subudhi, Sudhakar
Reassessing Riemann's Paper: On the Number of Primes Less Than a Given Magnitude by Dittrich, Walter
Efficient High-Order Discretizations for Computational Fluid Dynamics by
Fundamentals of Modern Unsteady Aerodynamics by Gülçat, Ülgen
Mathematical Analysis and Simulation of Field Models in Accelerator Circuits by Cortes Garcia, Idoia
Quantencomputer: Von Der Quantenwelt Zur Künstlichen Intelligenz by Mainzer, Klaus
Essentials of Radiation Heat Transfer by Balaji, C.
Aufstieg Zu Den Einsteingleichungen: Raumzeit, Gravitationswellen, Schwarze Löcher Und Mehr by Ruhrländer, Michael
Quantum Cryptography: From Key Distribution to Conference Key Agreement by Grasselli, Federico
Let's Review Regents: Physics--The Physical Setting Revised Edition by Lazar, Miriam A., Tarendash, Albert, Barron's Educational Series
Regents Exams and Answers Physics Physical Setting Revised Edition by Barron's Educational Series, Lazar, Miriam
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence Modeling: Practical Tools, Tips and Techniques by Rodriguez, Sal
Inverse Problems: Basics, Theory and Applications in Geophysics by Richter, Mathias
Thermal Effects of High Power Laser Energy on Materials by Zohuri, Bahman
An Introduction to Quantum Optics: Photon and Biphoton Physics by Shih, Yanhua
Dynamic Magma Evolution by
Statistical Thermodynamics for Pure and Applied Sciences: Statistical Thermodynamics by McCourt, Frederick Richard Wayne
Bondifaktoren: Ein Natürlicher Zugang Zur Speziellen Relativitätstheorie by Hunziker, Herbert
An Introduction to Metamaterials and Nanophotonics by Simovski, Constantin, Tretyakov, Sergei
Exploiting Seismic Waveforms: Correlation, Heterogeneity and Inversion by Kennett, Brian L. N., Fichtner, Andreas
A First Course in Random Matrix Theory by Potters, Marc, Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe
Medical Isotopes by
The Physics of Neutrino Interactions by Singh, S. K., Athar, M. Sajjad
Exploiting Seismic Waveforms: Correlation, Heterogeneity and Inversion by Kennett, Brian L. N., Fichtner, Andreas
Thermophysical Properties and Measuring Technique of Ge-Sb-Te Alloys for Phase Change Memory by Lan, Rui
Quantum Many-Body Physics in Open Systems: Measurement and Strong Correlations by Ashida, Yuto
Genetic Codes of the Artificially-Intelligent Multiverse by Ginzburg, Vladimir
L'univers est un hologramme: Nous vivons dans une simulation by Van Herwi, E.
Les Aérostats et les aéronautes by Figuier, Louis
Les Aérostats by Figuier, Louis
La Machine Électrique by Figuier, Louis
L'Électro- magnétisme by Figuier, Louis
Le Télégraphe Aérien by Figuier, Louis
Single Crystals: Complexity, Structures, Properties by
The Art and Science of Surround and Stereo Recording: Including 3D Audio Techniques by Pfanzagl-Cardone, Edwin
Emerging Non-Volatile Memory Technologies: Physics, Engineering, and Applications by
Cosmological Probes of Light Relics by Wallisch, Benjamin
Les Horloges Électriques by Figuier, Louis
Le Moteur Électrique by Figuier, Louis
La planète Neptune by Figuier, Louis
Le Paratonnerre by Figuier, Louis
Le Télégraphe Électrique by Figuier, Louis
Light - The Absolute Reference in the Universe: New physical theory by Slowak, Jan
The Life Cycles of Stars: The History of the Lives and Deaths of Stars by Charles River
The Life Cycles of Stars: The History of the Lives and Deaths of Stars by Charles River
Engineering Acoustics: Noise and Vibration Control by Crocker, Malcolm J., Arenas, Jorge P.
Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of Icrame 2020 by
Nico Bloembergen: Master of Light by Herber, Rob
Manual for Theoretical Chemistry by Matyushov, Dmitry
Manual for Theoretical Chemistry by Matyushov, Dmitry
The Atlas for the Aspiring Network Scientist by Coscia, Michele
General and Statistical Thermodynamics by Tahir-Kheli, Raza
Electronic Properties of Dirac and Weyl Semimetals by Miransky, Vladimir A., Shovkovy, Igor A., Gorbar, Eduard V.
Newton und die Relativität: Ein alternativer Zugang zur relativistischen Mechanik mittels der Lex Secunda by Cester, Francesco
Nuclear Systems Volume I: Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals, Third Edition by Todreas, Neil E., Kazimi, Mujid S.
Coastal Ecosystems in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of the Northern Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay by
Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering: Select Proceedings of Icetce 2018 by
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture, Fatigue and Wear: Ffw 2020, August 26-27 2020 by
Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century: Integrated Satellite Navigation, Sensor Systems, and Civil Applications, Volume 1 by
Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century: Integrated Satellite Navigation, Sensor Systems, and Civil Applications, Volume 2 by
God and Quantum Physics by Boyles, C. Allan
Concepts of Thermodynamics and Applications by Mengesha, Wubshet Getachew
Acoustic Justice: Listening, Performativity, and the Work of Reorientation by LaBelle, Brandon
Fundamentals of Quantum Materials: A Practical Guide to Synthesis and Exploration by
Acoustic Justice: Listening, Performativity, and the Work of Reorientation by LaBelle, Brandon
Newton e la Relatività: Un approccio alla meccanica relativistica tramite Lex Secunda by Cester, Francesco
Empiricism and Philosophy of Physics by Johansson, Lars-Göran
Über Die Photochemische Valenz Und Die Lichtempfindlichkeit Der Körper by Plotnikow, J.
Analysis Der Ebenen Bewegung by Krause, Martin
Über Kathodenstrahlen: Nobel-Vortrag, Gehalten in Öffentlicher Sitzung Der Königl. Schwedischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Zu Stockholm by Lenard, P.
Subatomic Physics: An Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, and Astrophysics by Vergados, Ioannis John Demetrius, Moustakidis, Charalampos
How Scientific Instruments Speak: Postphenomenology and Technological Mediations in Neuroscientific Practice by de Boer, Bas
The Discovery of Cosmic Voids by Thompson, Laird A.
Calculating the Position of Electrons Around the Nucleus by Alkhaldi, Refah Saad
Springer Handbook of Surface Science by
Advances in Computer Methods and Geomechanics: Iacmag Symposium 2019 Volume 1 by
Vapor Crystal Growth and Characterization: Znse and Related II-VI Compound Semiconductors by Su, Ching-Hua
From Physics to Faith by Neufeld, MacKenzie
From Physics to Faith by Neufeld, MacKenzie
Collisional Effects on Molecular Spectra: Laboratory Experiments and Models, Consequences for Applications by Hartmann, Jean-Michel, Boulet, Christian, Robert, Daniel
New Trends in Nanoparticle Magnetism by
Mathematische Geodäsie/Mathematical Geodesy: Handbuch Der Geodäsie, Herausgegeben Von Willi Freeden Und Reiner Rummel by
Plutonium: How Nuclear Power's Dream Fuel Became a Nightmare by Von Hippel, Frank, Takubo, Masafumi, Kang, Jungmin
Near-Field-Mediated Photon-Electron Interactions by Talebi, Nahid
Kinetic Phenomena and Collective Modes in Highly Anisotropic Organic Conductors by Sirenko, V. a., Stepanenko, D. I., Peschansky, V. G.
Interdisciplinary Research of Magnetic Fields and Life Sciences by
Electroactive Polymers: Synthesis and Applications by Subramanian, Muralisrinivasan Natamai
Mechanics of Paper Products by
Research on the Theory of Quanta by
Quantenteilchen der Schwerkraft by MacKay, Noah M.
Theory of Generation and Conversion of Phonon Angular Momentum by Hamada, Masato
Magnetic Material for Motor Drive Systems: Fusion Technology of Electromagnetic Fields by
Energy Harvesting for Wearable Sensor Systems: Inductive Architectures for the Swing Excitation of the Leg by Manoli, Yiannos, Ylli, Klevis
Newton and Relativity: An alternative approach to relativistic mechanics by means of the Lex Secunda by Clemente Korff, Cester
Physics and Finance by Ziemann, Volker
The Science of Brass Instruments by Myers, Arnold, Campbell, Murray, Gilbert, Joël
Proceedings of Netsci-X 2020: Sixth International Winter School and Conference on Network Science by
Delay Controlled Partial Synchronization in Complex Networks by Sawicki, Jakub
Machine Learning Kompakt: Ein Einstieg Für Studierende Der Naturwissenschaften by Choo, Kenny, Greplova, Eliska, Fischer, Mark H.
Numerical Methods for Seakeeping Problems by Söding, Heinrich, El Moctar, Bettar Ould, Schellin, Thomas E.
Direct Torque Control Strategies of Electrical Machines by
Hidden In Plain Sight 12: Consciousness and the Steam Engine by Thomas, Andrew
Computational Physics Lab: Electromagnetism & Modern Physics by Vaucher, Alexander R.
Special Relativity: An Introduction with 200 Problems and Solutions by Tsamparlis, Michael
Modeling and Application of Electromagnetic and Thermal Field in Electrical Engineering by
Reality and Its Order by Heisenberg, Werner
Nano and Quantum Optics: An Introduction to Basic Principles and Theory by Hohenester, Ulrich
21st Century Challenges in Chemical Crystallography I: History and Technical Developments by
21st Century Challenges in Chemical Crystallography II: Structural Correlations and Data Interpretation by
Computer-Generated Phase-Only Holograms for 3D Displays by Tsang, Peter Wai Ming
Modern Classical Mechanics by Helliwell, T. M., Sahakian, V. V.
Introduction to Effective Field Theory by Burgess, Cliff P.
Alternate Memories: The Mandela Effect [FINAL EDITION] The Epic Conclusion to the Worldwide Phenomenon by Wheeler, Jay
Standard Algorithms in Quantum Computing and Their Applications by Nagata, Koji, Nakamura, Tadao, Farouk, Ahmed
Venus III: The View After Venus Express by
Best Practices in Physics-Based Fault Rupture Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Nuclear Installations: Issues and Challenges Towards Full Seismi by
Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Region from Azores Islands to Iberian Peninsula by
Quantum Wealth Journal by Peters, Adrea L., Lilyestrom, Amber
Quantum Wealth by Peters, Adrea, Lilystrom, Amber
Hypersonic Curved Compression Inlet and Its Inverse Design by Zhang, Kunyuan
Numerical Problems in Crystallography by Wahab, M. a.
Pathways Between Social Science and Computational Social Science: Theories, Methods, and Interpretations by
Introduction to Simple Shock Waves in Air: With Numerical Solutions Using Artificial Viscosity by Prunty, Seán
General Relativity and Cosmology: A First Encounter by Adler, Ronald J.
The Time-Force Imperative: 2nd Edition by Caffrey, Pat
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Vibration Problems: Icovp 2019 by
Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 1 by
Tensor Spaces and Numerical Tensor Calculus by Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Pcm-Based Building Envelope Systems: Innovative Energy Solutions for Passive Design by Durakovic, Benjamin
Gears: Volume 1: Geometric and Kinematic Design by Vullo, Vincenzo
The Vertical Ascent: From Particles to the Tripartite Cosmos and Beyond by Smith, Wolfgang
Handbook of Nucleating Agents by Wypych, George
The Vertical Ascent: From Particles to the Tripartite Cosmos and Beyond by Smith, Wolfgang
Heat-Induced Quasicrystal Formation in Vicinal Water. Quantum Coherence in Microtubules and the Phi Connectome by Goldberg, Marshall
Poisson Theory of Elastic Plates by Vijayakumar, Kaza, Ramaiah, Girish Kumar
Linear Elasticity of Elastic Circular Inclusions Part 2/Lineare Elastizitätstheorie Bei Kreisrunden Elastischen Einschlüssen Teil 2 by Ranz, Thomas
Electrically Driven Quantum Dot Based Single-Photon Sources: Modeling and Simulation by Kantner, Markus
Un Universo Dialéctico: Un universo Vibrante para Físicos y no Físicos by Fernández Gardea, Gabrino
A Course on Surgery Theory by Chang, Stanley, Weinberger, Shmuel
A Course on Surgery Theory by Weinberger, Shmuel, Chang, Stanley
Teoria da Relatividade: I - Fundamentos Epistemológicos II - Fundamentos Matemáticos by Capiberibe Nunes, Ricardo
Quantum F-Divergences in Von Neumann Algebras: Reversibility of Quantum Operations by Hiai, Fumio
Perovskite and Piezoelectric Materials by
Nonlinear Optics: From Solitons to Similaritons by
Avoiding Inelastic Strains in Solder Joint Interconnections of IC Devices by Suhir, Ephraim
Nonlinear Dynamics and Control: Proceedings of the First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (Nodycon 2019), Volume II by
New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics: Proceedings of the First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (Nodycon 2019), Volume III by
Space-Time-Matter by Weyl, Hermann
Symmetry Breaking by Strocchi, Franco
Establishing Quantum Physics in Berlin: Einstein and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics, 1917-1922 by Goenner, Hubert, Castagnetti, Giuseppe
Theory of the Spread of Epidemics and Movement Ecology of Animals by Kenkre, V. M. (Nitant), Giuggioli, Luca
Experimental Hydrodynamics for Flow Around Bodies by Babenko, Viktor V.
Blueprint for a Time Machine by Stark, Robert
Teoria da Relatividade: Fundamentos Físicos by Capiberibe Nunes, Ricardo
Blueprint for a Time Machine by Stark, Robert
Matlab(r) Und Simulink(r) in Der Ingenieurpraxis: Modellbildung, Berechnung Und Simulation by Pietruszka, Wolf Dieter, Glöckler, Michael
Molecular Thermodynamics of Electrolyte Solutions (Second Edition) by Lee, Lloyd L.
Molecular Thermodynamics of Electrolyte Solutions (Second Edition) by Lee, Lloyd L.
Ludwig Faddeev Memorial: From Hadrons to Atoms: Exploring the World of Few-Body Systems by
Quantum Buddhism: Dancing in Emptiness: Reality Revealed in the Interface of Quantum Theory and Buddhist Metaphysics by Smetham, Graham
On The Various Forces Of Nature And Their Relations To Each Other: A Course Of Lectures Delivered Before A Juvenile Audience At The Royal Institution by Faraday, Michael
Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, Systems and Devices: Proceedings of the First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (Nodycon 2019), Volume I by
God and Quantum Physics: The Philosophy by Opatola, Abdulmujeeb
Limit Analysis Theory of the Soil Mass and Its Application by Huang, Chuanzhi
Fabrication and Physical Properties of Novel Two-Dimensional Crystal Materials Beyond Graphene: Germanene, Hafnene and Ptse2 by Li, Linfei
Space in Support of Human Rights by Tăiatu, Claudiu Mihai, Froehlich, Annette
Experimental Aerodynamics: An Introductory Guide by Délery, Jean, Gilliéron, Patrick, Chanetz, Bruno
Thermal System Design and Optimization by Balaji, C.
The Earth's Free Oscillations: Formulation and Solution of the Fundamental Wave Equation of Nature by Petrov, Oleg V.
Radiation Detection for Nuclear Physics: Methods and Industrial Applications by Jenkins, David
Linear Dynamical Systems by Grigoriu, Mircea D.
Des Microscopes Et de Leur Usage, Description d'Appareils Et de Procédés Nouveaux: Suivie d'Expériences Microscopiques, Un Mémoire Sur Les Diatomées. by Chevalier, Charles
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