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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Physics in 2024

Der Realismus - In Der Theoretischen Physik: Zusammenhänge Und Hintergründe Zu Aktueller Forschung by Hinterberger, Norbert Hermann
Scattering Amplitudes in Quantum Field Theory by Henn, Johannes, Plefka, Jan Christoph, Badger, Simon
Coal Dust To Electricity Dawn by Sheroy, Ehsan
Chaotic Dynamics in Planetary Systems by Ferraz-Mello, Sylvio
A Symphony of Time and Space: Unraveling the Mysteries Beyond the Cosmos by Brynes, Keith A.
Einführung in die theoretische Physik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer modernen Probleme. Band 2 by Haas, Arthur
Das Naturbild der neuen Physik by Haas, Arthur
College Physics by Hughes, John, Serway, Raymond, Vuille, Chris
Progress in Structural Mechanics by
13th International Conference on Compressors and Their Systems: Conference Proceedings by
Nanostructured Surfaces, Nanocomposites and Nanomaterials, and Their Applications: Selected Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Nanote by
Heat Conduction by Danesh-Yazdi, Amir H., Jiji, Latif M.
Harmonic Analysis in Operator Algebras and Its Applications to Index Theory and Topological Solid State Systems by Schulz-Baldes, Hermann, Stoiber, Tom
Fractal Patterns with MATLAB by Gowrisankar, A., Mahipal Reddy, Komandla, Banerjee, Santo
Intelligentes Branchenüberwachungs- und Steuerungssystem mit IOT by N, Subhashini, R, Kavin, A, Selvanayakam
Système intelligent de surveillance et de contrôle de l'industrie utilisant l'IOT by A, Selvanayakam, N, Subhashini, R, Kavin
Интеллектуальная систе&# by &#1053., Субхаши&#, &#1056., Кавин, &#1040., Селвана&#
Sistema inteligente de monitoramento e controle da indústria usando IOT by A, Selvanayakam, N, Subhashini, R, Kavin
Mathematical Quantum Physics for Engineers and Technologists: Governing Equations by Baghai-Wadji, Alireza
Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by Small Apertures: Applications to Transmission, Absorption, and Scattering Resonances by Cho, Young Ki
Demystifying Physics A Layman's Guide to Understanding the Laws of Nature by Lakshmi Nair
Physics: 50 Essential Ideas by Snedden, Robert
Space Group Representations: Theory, Tables and Applications by Reser, Boris I., Melnikov, Nikolai B.
An Introduction to Anomalous Diffusion and Relaxation by Lenzi, Ervin Kaminski, Evangelista, Luiz Roberto
Long Distance Entanglement Between Quantum Memories by Yu, Yong
Ignition Sources: Fire, Explosion and Detonation by Ramamurthi, K.
Human Missions to Mars: Enabling Technologies for Exploring the Red Planet by Rapp, Donald
Complex Networks XIII: Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Complex Networks, Complenet 2022 by
Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Chaos: An Introduction by Wimberger, Sandro
Processes in Geomedia--Volume VI by
Fretting Wear, Fretting Fatigue and Damping of Structures: Design Engineering Hand Book Learned from Failure Cases by Hattori, Toshio
Simulation Tools and Methods for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Radial Inflow Turbine: Development and Application on Open-Source Code by Qi, Jianhui
Flexible Electronics: Theory and Method of Structural Design by Jiang, Shan, Huang, Yongan, Su, Yewang
Heat Transfer: A Systematic Learning Approach by Uddin, Naseem
Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Approach by Tu, Jiyuan, Yeoh, Guan Heng, Liu, Chaoqun
Information Theory and Selected Applications by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Electroweak Gauginos with Highly Boosted Hadronically Decaying Bosons at the Lhc by Okazaki, Yuta
Beyond the Standard Model Cocktail: A Modern and Comprehensive Review of the Major Open Puzzles in Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology with a F by Gouttenoire, Yann
Models for Research and Understanding: Exploring Dynamic Systems, Unconventional Approaches, and Applications by Raczynski, Stanislaw
The Supercontinuum Laser Source: The Ultimate White Light by
Geometric Mechanics and Its Applications by Hu, Weipeng, Xiao, Chuan, Deng, Zichen
Dark Energy: From Efts to Supergravity by Cunillera, Francesc
Nuclear Fission: Theories, Experiments and Applications by
Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics by
Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Inverse Problem Methodologies and Mechanics of Additive & Advanced Manufactured Materials, Volume 6: Proceedings o by
High-Precision W-Boson Studies with Lhcb: Measurements of the W Boson's Mass and Lepton Flavour Universality, and Trigger Development for the Lhcb Upg by Hunter, Ross
Systems Approaches to Nuclear Fusion Reactors by Marcus, Frederick B.
Exploring Electron-Neutrino-Argon Interactions by Mistry, Krishan V. J.
The Strontium Molecular Lattice Clock: Vibrational Spectroscopy with Hertz-Level Accuracy by Leung, Kon H.
A Beauty-Ful Boson: Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Vector Boson and Decaying Into a Pair of B-Quarks Using Larg by Di Gregorio, Giulia
Quantitative Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development Goals by
Scale: Understanding the Environment by Suteanu, Cristian
Quantitative Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development Goals by
Sistema intelligente di monitoraggio e controllo del settore tramite IOT by N, Subhashini, A, Selvanayakam, R, Kavin
Information Theory for Complex Systems: An Information Perspective on Complexity in Dynamical Systems and Statistical Mechanics by Lindgren, Kristian
Quantum Machine Learning: Thinking and Exploration in Neural Network Models for Quantum Science and Quantum Computing by Conti, Claudio
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XXVIII by
Fourier Optics and Computational Imaging by Khare, Kedar, Butola, Mansi, Rajora, Sunaina
Modeling The Universe: A Journey Home by Kirby, Robert A.
Quantum Impurity Problems in the Framework of Natural Orbitals: A Comprehensive Study by Debertolis, Maxime
Characterizing Multiparticle Entanglement Using the Schmidt Decomposition of Operators by Denker, Sophia
Fundamentals of Particle Accelerator Physics by Di Mitri, Simone
A New Vision of the Early Universe - Second Edition: The Origin of SMBHs, Dark Energy, Fields, Forces, Particles, and How Each Evolved Naturally by Conover, Robert J.
Design eines Octamagnetocore-Deckenventilators by S, Karthikeyan, M, Senthilkumar, S, Gobhinath
Conception d'un ventilateur de plafond octamagnétocore by S, Karthikeyan, M, Senthilkumar, S, Gobhinath
Design del ventilatore da soffitto octamagnetocore by S, Gobhinath, S, Karthikeyan, M, Senthilkumar
Design de ventilador de teto octamagnetocore by M, Senthilkumar, S, Gobhinath, S, Karthikeyan
Конструкция потолочног&# by С, ГОБХИНА&#, М, СЕНТХИЛ&#, С, КАРТХИК&#
Quantum Turbulence by Skrbek, Ladislav, Sreenivasan, Katepalli R., Barenghi, Carlo F.
Novel Optical Fiber Sensing Technology and Systems by Zhang, Mingjiang, Zhang, Jianzhong, Qiao, Lijun
Mueller-Matrix Tomography of Biological Tissues and Fluids: Digital Image Processing and Analysis Techniques by Soltys, Iryna V., Ushenko, Yuriy A., Hu, Zhengbing
Recent Advances in Industrial Machines and Mechanisms: Select Proceedings of Ipromm 2022 by
Proceedings of the 10th Hydrogen Technology Convention, Volume 2: Whtc 2023, 22-26 May, Foshan, China by
Optimal Design and Control of Multibody Systems: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium by
Quantum Computers: Theory and Algorithms by Baaquie, Belal Ehsan, Kwek, Leong-Chuan
Multiple Systems: Complexity and Coherence in Ecosystems, Collective Behavior, and Social Systems by
Information Theory for Complex Systems: An Information Perspective on Complexity in Dynamical Systems and Statistical Mechanics by Lindgren, Kristian
The Sentient Cell: The Cellular Foundations of Consciousness by Miller, William, Reber, Arthur S., Baluska, Frantisek
Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium on Optimal Guidance and Control for Autonomous Systems 2023 by
Beyond Becquerel and Biology to Precision Radiomolecular Oncology: Festschrift in Honor of Richard P. Baum by
Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 6: A Supplement to Landolt-Börnstein II/31 Series by Pardasani, P., Pardasani, R. T.
Unconventional Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation: Current Trends in Shale Gas Exploitation by
Beyond Becquerel and Biology to Precision Radiomolecular Oncology: Festschrift in Honor of Richard P. Baum by
Justification by Faith Alone & Saved by Grace Alone: Proof of God by Folds, Eric a.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Volume 1: Select Proceedings of Fmfp 2022 by
Introduction to Unified Mechanics Theory with Applications by Basaran, Cemal
Magnetic Properties of Metals: Magnetic and Electric Properties of Magnetic Metallic Multilayers: A Supplement to Landolt-Börnstein III/32 Series by Kawazoe, Yoshiyuki, Note, Ryunosuke
Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 5: A Supplement to Landolt-Börnstein II/31 Series by Pardasani, R. T., Pardasani, P.
Problems in Building Physics by Pinteric, Marko
Fascination Astronomy: A Cutting-Edge Introduction for All Those Interested in the Natural Sciences by Hanslmeier, Arnold
Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy: Basic Aspects and Practical Applications by Svanberg, Sune
Thermal and Solutal Convection in Some Hydromagnetic Flows by Ahmed, Nazibuddin
Advances in Risk-Informed Technologies: Keynote Volume (Icresh 2024) by
Advanced Vibrations: Theory and Application by Jazar, Reza N.
Gas Gaints Energy Exploration by Raj, Solomon
A Odisséia Celestial Crônicas do Sonhador Astral by Kumar, Prof (Dr ). Pawan
L'Odyssée céleste Chroniques du Rêveur Astral by Kumar, Prof (Dr ). Pawan
L'Odissea celeste, Cronache del Sognatore Astrale by Kumar, Prof (Dr ). Pawan
Небесная Одиссея Хроник& by Кумар, &#1055&#1088&#1086&#109
Die himmlischen Odyssee-Chroniken des Astralträumers by Kumar, Prof (Dr ). Pawan
Magnetic Alchemy: The Chemistry Behind Iron's Attraction by Musk, Rayan
Understanding Organizational Dynamics: Individuals and Results by Deepa Khanna
Interdimensional Contact: Communicating with Beings from Parallel Realities by Rijo, Sergio
Novel Precast Concrete Structure Systems by Wang, Chun-Lin, Wu, Gang, Feng, De-Cheng
Lasers in Dentistry--Current Concepts by
The Materialization of Time in the Ancient Maya World: Mythic History and Ritual Order by
The Odd Quantum by Treiman, Sam
Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization by Tyson, Neil Degrasse
50 Quantum Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know by Baker, Joanne
Basic Concepts of Modern Physics: Quanta, Particles, Relativity by Unger, Georg
The Weights of the Planets: A Paradigm Shift on Weight and Acceleration due to Gravity by Phiri, Eliphas
Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials by Sandström, Rolf
Proceedings of the 10th Hydrogen Technology Convention, Volume 3: Whtc 2023, 22-26 May, Foshan, China by
Le Code Cosmique: Un Voyage à l'Origine de l'Univers by Domingues-Montanari, Sophie
Basic Modeling and Theory of Creep of Metallic Materials by Sandström, Rolf
Solved Problems in Well Testing: Quantitative Geology by Ershaghi, Iraj
Psychoacoustic Sociology by Aamond, Dean
Properties of Matter by Kale, Chandrashekhar M., More, Santosh D., Deshmukh, Suchita V.
Una Física Diferente by Carrasco, Luis
Structural Chemistry Across the Periodic Table by Wang, Yingxia, Cw Mak, Thomas, Cheung, Yu San
Quantum Physics Voyage: Beginners Guide From String Theory To Quantum Computing by Botwright, Rob
Debunking Quantum Entanglement by Phiri, Eliphas
Neue Fenster in Das Universum: Von Hubble-, James-Webb- Und Anderen Großteleskopen Bis Zu Gravitationswellendetektoren by Hanslmeier, Arnold
Isolated Objects in Quadratic Gravity: From Action Principles to Observations by Silvervalle, Samuele
Einstein Constraints and Ricci Flow: A Geometrical Averaging of Initial Data Sets by Marzuoli, Annalisa, Carfora, Mauro
The Era of Multi-Messenger Solar Physics (Iau S372) by
Oscillatory Processes in Solar and Stellar Coronae by
Beyond the Horizon: Exploring the Earth through Remote Sensing by Bhattacharya, Rina
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by SenGupta, Krishnendu, Pal, Palash B.
Orbital Mechanics and Astrodynamics: Techniques and Tools for Space Missions by Hintz, Gerald R.
A Practical Guide to Seismic Reservoir Characterization by Tylor-Jones, Timothy, Azevedo, Leonardo
Seven Fundamental Concepts in Spacetime Physics by Petkov, Vesselin
Thermal-Stress-Field Interactions in Composite Materials I by Ceniga, Ladislav
Astrologie Couleur by Guichard, Laurent
Proceedings of the 10th Hydrogen Technology Convention, Volume 1: Whtc 2023, 22-26 May, Foshan, China by
Proceedings of the 10th Hydrogen Technology Convention, Volume 1: Whtc 2023, 22-26 May, Foshan, China by
Fluid Dynamics by Schütten, Yves Norton
A New Generation of Cosmic Superstring Simulations by Correira, José Ricardo C. C. C.
Asymmetric Dual Core Waveguides: Dynamics of Self-Similar Waves by Thokala, Soloman Raju
Design and Applications of Emerging Computer Systems by
Fundamentals of Optical Waves and Lasers by Yoshida, Sanichiro
Quantum Spirituality by Daniel, Kaisan
Der Funktelegraphische Wetter- Und Zeitzeichendienst by Thurn, H.
Transferencia de Calor: Un Enfoque Introductorio by Camaraza-Medina, Yanan
Quantum Computing: Computer Science, Physics, And Mathematics by Botwright, Rob
Detonation Phenomena of Condensed Explosives by
Desvendando a Confiança: Análise de Incertezas em Energias Renováveis by Brito Júnior, Edson
ArcGIS und ADMS, für die Steuerung von elektrischen Verteilungssystemen by Lara García, Héctor
ArcGIS and ADMS, for control of Electrical Distribution Systems by Lara García, Héctor
ArcGIS et ADMS, pour le contrôle des systèmes de distribution électrique by Lara García, Héctor
ArcGIS e ADMS, per il controllo dei sistemi di distribuzione elettrica by Lara García, Héctor
ArcGIS e ADMS, para o controlo dos sistemas de distribuição eléctrica by Lara García, Héctor
АркГИС и АДМС, для управл&#107 by Лара Гарс&#1
Magnetokalorischer Effekt in Heusler-Legierungen auf Ni-Mn-Basis by Pal, Debabrata
Effet magnétocalorique dans les alliages Heusler à base de Ni-Mn by Pal, Debabrata
Effetto magnetocalorico nelle leghe Heusler a base di Ni-Mn by Pal, Debabrata
Efeito magnetocalórico em ligas Heusler à base de Ni-Mn by Pal, Debabrata
Магнитокалорический эф&# by Пал, Дебаб&#
Numerical Bridge Deck Aerodynamics Investigation by Marni, C.
Albert Einstein: The Ultimate Simplified Version of a Scientific Breakthrough (A Comprehensive Biography of Albert Einstein) by Webb, Pedro
The Allure of the Multiverse: Extra Dimensions, Other Worlds, and Parallel Universes by Halpern, Paul
Electromagnetic Sources and Electromagnetic Fields by Xiao, Gaobiao
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Volume 3: Select Proceedings of Fmfp 2022 by
Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists and Engineers by Shapira, Yair
OSAU-3 Presents What, When, Where, Why, How and Who Is Us? an AWTbook(TM). by Gaertner, Frank H.
Wechselwirkung von Favipiravir- und Ribavirin-Verbindungen mit DNA-Basen by Alobaidi, Mustafa Fawzi Dawood, Yüksektepe Ataol, Çiğdem
Interaction des composés du favipiravir et de la ribavirine avec les bases de l'ADN by Alobaidi, Mustafa Fawzi Dawood, Yüksektepe Ataol, Çiğdem
Interazione dei composti di favipiravir e ribavirina con basi di DNA by Alobaidi, Mustafa Fawzi Dawood, Yüksektepe Ataol, Çiğdem
Interação dos compostos favipiravir e ribavirina com bases do DNA by Yüksektepe Ataol, Çiğdem, Alobaidi, Mustafa Fawzi Dawood
Взаимодействие соедине&# by Алобаиди, &#, ЫЮКСЕКТЕ&#10
Causalidade by Warnery, Antoine
Kausalität by Warnery, Antoine
Causality by Warnery, Antoine
Causalità by Warnery, Antoine
Причинность by Варнеры, А&#
Motion Planning for Dynamic Agents by
Spin/Pin-Structures and Real Enumerative Geometry by Chen, Xujia, Zinger, Aleksey
Multiple Choice Questions in Physics by S. Mohan
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems: Icftes 2022 by
Computational Mechanics of Arbitrarily Shaped Granular Materials by Wang, Siqiang, Ji, Shunying
Magnetoelastic Acoustic Emission: Theory and Applications in Ferromagnetic Materials by Skalskyi, Valentyn, Nazarchuk, Zinoviy
ABB company relays and how they are used and function in circuits by Naseri, Fatemeh, Adinehpour, Sara, Khodadadi, Amin
Studien und Charakterisierung von ZnS-Dünnschichten by Alagesan, Arunkumar
Rise of Aliens on the planet of the Earth by Dixit, Sudhaker, Dixit, Abhyudaya, Dixit, Arpita
Études et caractérisation des couches minces de ZnS by Alagesan, Arunkumar
Estudos e Caracterização de Filmes Finos de ZnS by Alagesan, Arunkumar
Исследование и характер& by Алагезан, &#
Studi e caratterizzazione di film sottili di ZnS by Alagesan, Arunkumar
Elementary Crystallography by D. Velmurugan
Dimension Six: The Structure of Conscious Experience by Avery, Samuel
Physical and Linguistic Aspects of Speech by McGowan, Richard S.
Sopa de Letras. Física: Sopa de letras de Física con Diccionario. Diviértete y aprende con nuestras sopas de Letras con Diccionario by Papers, Blessed
Planck-Phire: Colapso de carga fractal perfeccionado: causa de la gravedad, la conciencia, la fuerza vital y la neguentropía by Winter, Dan
An Interactive Guide to Quantum Optics by Sibalic, Nikola, Stuart Adams, C.
Partielle Differentialgleichungen: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung by Schweizer, Ben
Encryption and Decryption Algorithms for Plain Text and Images Using Fractional Calculus by Flores-Flores, Juan Pablo, Martínez-Guerra, Rafael, Montesinos-García, Juan Javier
Spectroscopic and Quantum Calculation of Some Pharmaceutical Material by Moorthi, P. P., Rajesh, Punniyamurthy, Priyadharshini, Muthukumar
Mars Colonization: Manned Space Travel and Colonization of Mars (The History, Exploration and Colonization of Mars) by Jones, Randy
Advanced Materials-Based Fluids for Thermal Systems by
The Matrix Perturbation Method in Quantum Mechanics by Soto-Eguibar, Francisco, Villegas-Martínez, Braulio Misael, Moya-Cessa, Héctor Manuel
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