• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Picture Gardens in 2023

Kibble: The Palace by Cowie, Robert
The Garden: Elements and Styles by Musgrave, Toby
Herbs Around the Mediterranean by St Louis Herb Sociey
The Color of Roses: A Curated Spectrum of 300 Blooms by Hahn, Danielle Dall'armi
Houseplants: Grow Decorative Tropical Plants, Succulents, and Cacti Indoors by Publications International Ltd
Flowers: Beautiful Blooms for Home Gardens by Maisonave, Rosie
Flowers: Beautiful Blooms for Home Gardens by Maisonave, Rosie
Lavender: Coffee Table Picture Book by Arelt, A., World, Our
Flower Meanings A to Z: 38 Botanical Prints Including Birth Flower Meanings By Month by Seferi, S. J., Seferi, F. A.
Eden - Garden Designs by Wolterinck, Marcel
Nature's Masterpiece: The World's 20 Most Spectacular Gardens by Noor, Annie
Country Life: 125 Years of Countryside Living in Great Britain from the Archives of Country Li Fe by Green, Kate, Goodall, John
Modern Japanese Garden by Sawada, Shinobu, Aoza, Tadafumi
Orchid: Marie Selby Botanical Gardens by Berry, David A.
What Makes a Garden: A Considered Approach to Garden Design by Blom, Jinny
Dreaming Flowers Bloom Adult Coloring Book: Relaxing Flowers Coloring Book for Adults Stress Relief Calm and Easy Color Coloring Book Adult Coloring B by Publishing House, Medeea
Kew: Rare Plants: The World's Unusual and Endangered Plants by Ikin, Ed, Kew, Royal Botanical Gardens
A Garden a Day by Chivers, Ruth